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[08.4.16 英国 BBC] BBC称:中国不许遣返北韩难民

发表于 2008-4-16 20:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

China 'must not return N Koreans'

The US has urged China to stop repatriating North Korean refugees because of concerns over how the returnees are treated.

Those suspected of converting to Christianity or of meeting South Korean Christians face severe persecution, a report by a government commission said.
The treatment was part of Pyongyang's efforts to prevent the spread of religion, the report said.
The study was by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.
Entitled "A Prison Without Bars", it was based on interviews with 32 refugees and six North Korean security agents who had defected.
'Torture and prison'
According to the commission, there is a pressing need for action to address the repression of religious freedom and other human rights in North Korea.
It described the forced repatriation of refugees from China as "an issue of special concern".
Tens of thousands of North Koreans are thought to have crossed into China, propelled by hardship or persecution. China treats them as economic migrants and sends them back.
"If it is discovered that they have either converted to Christianity while in China or had contact with South Koreans - both of which are considered to be political offences - they reportedly suffer harsh interrogation, torture and ill-treatment, prolonged detention without trial and imprisonment."
Religious activity is viewed as a particular threat because it threatens the personality cult the government has built around leader Kim Jong-il and his late father, Kim Il-sung, the report said.
The commission urged the international community to put pressure on Beijing not to send the refugees back. "Such action should begin immediately as China prepares to host the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing," it said.

[img=226 border=0,170 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44572000/jpg/_44572071_aborder_getty226b.jpg[/img] Tens of thousands of North Koreans are thought to have crossed to China

[ 本帖最后由 OrpheusXi 于 2008-4-18 08:16 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-17 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
中国不应该遣返北韩人 因被遣返人员的待遇,美国要求中国停止遣返北韩难民,一个政府组织说:那些被怀疑皈依基督教,或者与南韩基督教人士见面的(北韩)人将面临迫害。 报告指出,这一系列措施时平壤组织宗教传播的努力。美国国际宗教自由协会进行了此项研究。题为“没有律师的囚犯”,取材于32名北韩难民和6名叛逃的北韩安全特工。 “折磨与牢狱” 根据这个委员会,急切需要的行动来改变目前北韩压制宗教自由和其他人权的状况 从中国强制遣返北韩难民是一个特别值得关注的问题。 预料,因迫害与驱策,数以万计的北韩人穿过边境进入中国。中国认为这些都是经济状况不佳的移民,而遣返他们回去。 如果他们被发现皈依基督教或者与南韩的基督教人士见面,任何一种情形都会被认为是政治犯罪。据说,他们将受到很严酷的审问,折磨和虐待 没有审理和判决的长期关押。 报告说,(北韩)政府建立与对金正日与金日成的个人崇拜,因宗教被活动视为对这种个人崇拜产生威胁。 这个协会要求国际社会给中国施加压力从而使北京不再把难民送回去。 “相关行动应该马上实行,因为中国目前在准备着2008北京夏季奥运会”,报告说。
[ 本帖最后由 拓跋熙月 于 2008-4-18 08:55 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 08:54 | 显示全部楼层





“他们如果被发现有改信基督者或与南韩人有接触者 两者均属政冶犯罪 根椐消息回报,他们被严厉的审问、酷刑和虐待,不经审判的长期拘禁和入狱。”


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