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[生活] 【09.12.21环球邮报】Chinese pick up slack in global bling business

发表于 2009-12-21 22:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


For Prada, Gucci, Cartier and the world's other makers of luxury goods, China has become the great hope of salvation - the one place in the world where sales are increasing, rather than declining.

The newly emerging middle class, hungry to indulge in Western bling, are flocking to designer labels as never before.

"Luxury brand names are getting into the market very fast and this market is booming," said nattily-dressed marketing executive Anthony Chem after browsing Prada's Beijing flagship store in the upscale Shin Kong Place shopping centre.

He proudly shows off his Prada satchel, with matching Prada wallet and keychain, and his Cartier watch; his friends, he says, prefer Patek Philippe. "There are many newly rich and they need more things, and better things," the 48-year-old said.

China was home to 15 per cent of the world's 300 luxury-store openings this year, and a recent study by consulting firm Bain & Co. predicts sales of luxury items in the country will rise 12 per cent for 2009 - a marked contrast to the anticipated global drop of 8 per cent.

In the United States and Japan, the traditional big spenders, sales are expected to drop 16 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively.

In China, the rich are still getting richer, most of them remarkably shielded from the economic downturn that ravaged the ranks of "rich lists" in other parts of the world. This year's edition of the Hurun Rich List, compiled in Shanghai, found 130 U.S.-dollar billionaires in China, up from 101 last year and putting the country in second place, behind the United States.

Rupert Hoogewerf, chief executive officer of Hurun Reports, estimates the number of Chinese billionaires might actually be nearly twice that tally, since many of the country's wealthiest keep a low profile.

It's estimated another 825,000 people are U.S.-dollar millionaires.

"There's a lot of hidden wealth in China," Mr. Hoogewerf said, noting that international purveyors of private jets, yachts and luxury cars as well as jewellery and clothing are looking to China as the fastest-growing market anywhere.

PricewaterhouseCoopers forecasts that China will become the world's top buyer of luxury goods by 2015, and deluxe labels are rushing to snap up those future customers.

Fiat's luxury Ferrari unit expects China to become one of its top five markets within five years. Mercedes-Benz expects China to replace Britain as its third-biggest market next year. And Nissan has created a new convertible model specifically for Chinese customers.

"It's true - for most luxury brands, business is booming," said Rachel Zhu, a spokeswoman at watch maker Cartier's Shanghai head office. The company now has 30 boutiques in China with plans to expand next year.

"Compared to the worldwide market, China is really the hero at the moment," Ms. Zhu said.

Indeed, it is a point of pride for many up-and-coming Chinese, who have seen their country's economy grow while the United States and Europe struggle.

Analysts say luxury sales have not yet hit their full potential among China's wealthy, largely because of heavy taxes on imported luxury goods. And more cosmopolitan consumers who live in Shanghai and Beijing tend to wait until they're abroad to make their high-end purchases.

"All around the world, people are seeing mainlanders [Chinese] coming in to shop - in Hong Kong, Macau, London, Paris. Chinese shoppers are not stupid: They know these things are half-price outside China," said Paul French, a Shanghai-based analyst with Access Asia.

Even that limitation hasn't hampered expansion of luxury stores, thanks in part to breakneck growth in property development in major cities. Beijing in particular has a glut of office and commercial space, and developers continue to build, helped along by government spending to stimulate the economy.

As a result, many luxury retailers are able to scoop up prime retail space for well below what they would pay in other major cities. Developers, in turn, are eager to land them as "anchor stores" to entice other high-end shops and hotels as well as high-profile office tenants.

Given the modest leasing costs and low wages for sales staff, Mr. French argues that setting up shop in Chinese cities amounts to high-profile and effective advertising for international companies to create brand awareness.

"If you don't have the stores here, and you don't open everywhere and do the advertising, when the Chinese tourist goes abroad he doesn't know what he's looking at," Mr. French explained. "It's very, very cheap advertising."

The result is many beautiful stores with slow turnover, with the ritzy Shin Kong Place a prime example. Amid the slow trickle of customers on a weekday morning, few were carrying shopping bags. Even the Prada-loving Mr. Chem left empty-handed, reserving his purchases for his next trip to Hong Kong.

Another shopper, 31-year-old advertising executive Sun Aili, was visiting Shin Kong between business meetings after travelling to Beijing from the nearby city of Tianjin. Like Mr. Chem, she plans to hold off buying until she can go somewhere where prices are better.

"If I have the chance I will go to Hong Kong to buy - it's much cheaper there," she added. "But if I really like something, I will buy it here."





 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-21 22:51 | 显示全部楼层

12/13/2009 5:06:59 PM
koolthinker​, the best approach is boycott all the company, Coca-Cola, Pepsia, Royal Bank, BMO, CIBC, TD Canada Trust, Bank Of Nova Socita, Loblaw, LOED, .....

They all invest in China and buy product from their. We should start growth our product in the Backyard. Oh, my God, the tools are made-in-china. We should use the hand to dig the hole..... 6 1Report Abuse  
Seedy How    12/13/2009 5:11:32 PM
I guess they won't be needing their 'developing nation' status under world trade rules any longer, right? 2 4Report Abuse  
nimo    12/13/2009 5:44:21 PM
Contrarian Broker wrote: "unless we see China improve Human Rights"

what? More "Human Rights"? You mean to offer criminals more protection?

10 0 Report Abuse  
nimo    12/13/2009 5:48:01 PM
koolthinker wrote: "The Chinese government and media are afraid of facing the reality of people in the west living a better life. Can our media just do the same to face the reality of a rising China?"

Don't be stupid! Far more people are living a better life in China than in Canada. Also, many people in the West just don't want see and hear about good things happening in China.

Ms. Wheeler's article surely will cause unhappiness in a lot of people in Canada. 11 1Report Abuse  
Seedy How    12/13/2009 5:57:16 PM
Out of 34 million Canadians, only a fraction are 'well off' - most don't have accumulated wealth.

If you compare numbers, not per capita, out of a nation of 1.3 billion, many more people are 'well off' in China. 7 1Report Abuse  
Taigr    12/13/2009 10:40:18 PM
The article is also pointing to how 'inexperienced' Chinese wealthy are, in that they may buy high-quality luxury, but beyond the price tag, their level of understanding of why it's high-quality may be less than full. 1 7Report Abuse  
Iconoclast    12/13/2009 10:42:19 PM
Contrarian Broker: ".. a shareholders revolt is in the mix, I'm a shareholder, we will keep you updated."

What's the 2 shares you have in Husky got to do with luxury goods in China??
9 1Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/14/2009 1:00:09 AM
Moderator's Note: Contrarian Broker's comment was not consistent with our guidelines and has been removed. 2 1
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-21 22:51 | 显示全部楼层
Contrarian Broker    12/14/2009 1:02:31 AM
Moderator's Note: Contrarian Broker's comment was not consistent with our guidelines and has been removed. 1 0 Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/14/2009 1:03:59 AM
Moderator's Note: Contrarian Broker's comment was not consistent with our guidelines and has been removed. 3 0 Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/14/2009 1:54:35 AM
Iconoclast" Lets say I only have 2 shares in Husky, you can be sure it is two more than YOU GOT!Chinatown Fool! 0 6Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/14/2009 3:20:41 AM
This is China: You can fool some of the people some of the time, but cannot fool all of the people all of the time! I believe Confucius has similar saying but the Chinese on this site do not understand it. 1 5Report Abuse  
SootyHarry    12/14/2009 10:32:46 AM



Does that sound stupid or not?

People who advocate strangling China's exports never thought about that the table could be turned.
6 0 Report Abuse  
koolthinker​    12/14/2009 1:35:14 PM
Contrarian Broker, can you please stop exhibitting your foolishness? Don't ever claim to anyone you are Canadian. I have to assess you are qualified for a human being. 6 1Report Abuse  
RD Lone    12/15/2009 8:52:41 AM
This article cracks me up.

Say you buy a $300 shirt, the cost structure looks like this:
- Labour and Materials $10
- Brand profit $150
- Supply chain costs/profits $75
- Transportation $5
- Marketing $50
- Cash to Tiger Woods, David Beckham or whatever endorsement $10

So the Chinese are paying massive profits to a foreign company that costs a fraction of that to make in a factory in their country. Too bad in China its the corrupt that get rich, not necessarily the intelligent. 3 0 Report Abuse  
SootyHarry    12/15/2009 10:07:45 AM
RD Lone, that is why the average Chinese pay only the knock-off price: namely: -Labour and Materials $10

The rest:
- Brand profit $150
- Supply chain costs/profits $75
- Transportation $5
- Marketing $50
- Cash to Tiger Woods, David Beckham or whatever endorsement $10

are for gullible rich white people. 4 0 Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/15/2009 9:47:18 PM
We have asked the globe and mail to add new section below the Globe and Mail Banner and not include in the " World Section" but add China stories to the "Chinese Propaganda Section" 2 4Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/15/2009 9:48:31 PM
Do u think I care if my remarks were removed, I know you got the message Fools. 2 3Report Abuse
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-21 22:52 | 显示全部楼层
Contrarian Broker    12/15/2009 9:52:31 PM
Does not matter to me SootyHarry I would prefer our exports do not go to China period so lets continue the 'BOYCOTT "MADE IN CHINA" I will not buy, Im looking closer at the Labels now, I rather buy the ones "Made in India" superior quality and it is a democratic country, not like the country of "Dogs" 1 9Report Abuse  
ph cheng    12/15/2009 10:54:35 PM
" I rather buy the ones "Made in India" superior quality and it is a democratic country, not like the country of "Dogs""

You mean pure "Made in India" or "product of India". It will be difference when you check the raw material that they are using and the equipnment that they are using. Don't just check the label. Check the company web site first. BTW, India is one of hte country that use child labour. Make sure that the factory does not hire them. I think that I just change my mind. I am not buying anything starting today and growing my tomato in the basement. LOL
3 2Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/16/2009 12:04:42 AM
Moderator's Note: Contrarian Broker's comment was not consistent with our guidelines and has been removed. 1 2Report Abuse  
SootyHarry    12/16/2009 1:47:20 AM
Contrarian Broker 12/15/2009 9:52:31 PM
Does not matter to me SootyHarry I would prefer our exports do not go to China period so lets continue the 'BOYCOTT "MADE IN CHINA" I will not buy, Im looking closer at the Labels now, I rather buy the ones "Made in India" superior quality and it is a democratic country, not like the country of "Dogs" ))))


It doesn't matter whether you buy from India or China, the result is the same. That Canada will have a trade deficit with India instead of China.

China does not need to export to Canada. Canada has a population of just over 35 million. China is focusing exports to Africa, South America and Asia the sum of which is many folds of 35 million.

That is why the hate zombies' cry of BOYCOTT "MADE IN CHINA" sounds so stupid.

7 1Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/16/2009 1:37:02 PM
Good keep them exporting to Africa that where they belong, Canada does need China imports either, they just want our gas and oil. If they do get it they must pay a extremely high price or we do not want there business. Chinese imports are just cheap quality products. 2 8Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/17/2009 1:08:51 AM
Criminals from China already receive protection there in the government in Beijing along with buddies in Canada. 1 1Report Abuse  
White Jade    12/17/2009 10:58:20 PM
"Contrarian Broker" wrote the following in a couple of posts:
"It is a Threat, I have lived in China..."
"I just got off the phone with a RCMP friend of mine who is a retired supervisor in RCMP..."

Coincidence? Both kwlawson and Reformer claimed to know a retired RCMP, and lived in China. They're bad spellers, can't differentiate between "their" and "they're" and have had their abusive posts repeatedly removed by the editors.

You've been exposed again kwlawson! 3 1Report Abuse  
White Jade    12/17/2009 10:59:05 PM
hey Reformer - don't forget section 319 - criminal code! 3 1Report Abuse  
White Jade    12/17/2009 11:02:28 PM
Contrarian Broker aka The Reformer aka kwlawson - why do you still have your Made in China computer when you're telling everyone to boycott Chinese goods?? Are you gutless?? 3 1Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/18/2009 10:15:37 PM
More Problems To Come For Police Cheif of Vancouver

Concerned Citizens of Metro Vancouver are still waiting for report from the VDP of how many arrests they have made of restaurant owners who sold and comsumers who purchased and were eating Illegal Abalone (Eniviromental and Wildlife isse) in these restaurants, the distributors are not the only ones that should be charged and sentenced ( which has happened already) This is no different than drugs.

We still have copies from BCLC website in PDF format that list of names of retailers that stole winning from their customers. We will not allow any one or any group in the Canadian society to get away from prosecutions again.

It is know fact that when Stephen Harper went to China, he put pressure on his Chinese community members MP's to speak up about Human Rights Violations n China.

We expect the same to be applied to Chinese community members who are MLA's under the Gordon Campbell government Liberals to do the same as Harper and the same for Mayor Robertson's Chinese community members Councillors when visitors arrive from China for the 2010 games to bring this discussion up at all times regardless of the venue or gala event. (No Excuses)

Message to Jerry Kang we do not have to accept your threats in return e-mails for bringing concerns up in the Chinese community and any members of this group, if you have mental problems see a doctor.

As of now we considering forming a mainstream activist group to counter the Chinese Canadian group in Toronto if we do not see China Human Rights Violations being brought up by this group.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-21 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
Contrarian Broker    12/18/2009 10:16:38 PM
Nobody cares about "Section 319" what you need to worry about is the above! 1 2Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/19/2009 1:11:11 AM
Harper rethinking PetroChina deals in oil sands the projects are not going to be approved, China made a big mistake critising Harper in Beijing he will not forget. Remember China has no Canadian Bonds and we would not allow them to have in the first place, so much for these smart (they think) but stupid Chinese! 1 2Report Abuse  
Contrarian Broker    12/20/2009 8:05:57 PM
I see these poachers are selling to the same restaurants but it is Sturgeons now. Forget about Section 319, this crime is more serious, do not get boys from China. You fools! 1 1Report Abuse  
White Jade    12/21/2009 12:31:06 AM
stfu kwlawson, you're irritating.
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