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【2010.03.06 每日快报】研究显示:闲聊过多无益身心 深入思考有益健康

发表于 2010-3-7 02:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Saturday March 6,2010 By Geoff Maynard
Researchers claim that a person's well-being is directly related to less small talk

BAD news today for ladies who lunch. It seems that a life of idle chit-chat can make you unhappy.

Researchers claim that a person’s well-being is directly related to indulging less in small talk and  more in deep and meaningful conversations.

In what will almost certainly prompt an outpouring from the chattering classes on radio and  tele vision programmes, scientists say that trivial chatter can actually dampen someone’s state of mind.

That means the person you see engaged in a seemingly care-free chat about their football team or the latest celebrity gossip could in fact be a lot less happy than someone who ponders more serious subjects like the meaning of life.

A study by a team of American psychologists investigated whether happy and unhappy people differed because of the types of conversations they had.

The researchers assembled a team of volunteers and asked each of them to wear an unobtrusive device called an Electronically Activated Recorder for  four days.

As the volunteers went about their everyday business the device periodically monitored snippets of sounds, including  conversations with friends and colleagues.

The device recorded 30 seconds of sounds every 12 minutes.

The researchers from the University of Arizona then listened to the recordings and classified the conversations as either trivial small talk or substantive discussions. The volunteers were also asked to complete personality and well-being assessments to enable the researchers to gauge how happy or unhappy they were.

Reporting the results in the journal Psychological Science, the researchers said the recordings revealed some startling findings.

The happiest participants had twice as many deep and meaningful  conversations and engaged in one third as much small talk as the unhappiest participants.

Study co-author Matthias Mehl, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, said:

“These findings suggest that the happy life is social and conversationally deep rather than solitary and superficial.”

The researchers conclude that profound conversations may have the potential to make people happier. They said: “Just as self- disclosure can instil a sense of intimacy in a relationship, deep conversations may instil a sense of meaning in interaction with partners.”

The other, less surprising, finding was that happy people tend to spend less time alone. The  happiest  participants spent 25 per cent less time alone and 70 per cent more time talking than the unhappiest.

>> 以下内容来源于网络

最新1期《心理科学》(Psychological Science)月刊报导,研究人员发现,快乐的人比不快乐的人多话,而且谈话也较有内容、有深度。
发表于 2010-3-7 10:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-7 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
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