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【转载/阅读】A New Fort, er, Embassy, for London 一座新堡垒?噢,原来是美国驻英大使馆

发表于 2010-3-14 14:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A New Fort, er, Embassy, for London

By NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF Published: February 23, 2010

Kierantimberlake Architects
The American Embassy in London: The winning design by KieranTimberlake is a glass cube in a parklike defensive fortification.

The United States State Department announced on February 23 that it has chosen a cutting-edge, energy-efficient design by acclaimed US architecture firm KieranTimberlake for its future embassy in Britain.

美国国务院 2月23日宣布,已经选择美国知名的KieranTimberlake建筑师事务所,负责设计未来先进节能的驻英国大使馆。

In other words, the US embassy is moving from its Mayfair mansion of 50 years to a new futuristic cube in Battersea, a project that is expected to cost a billion dollars. The new 12-storey building, carbon-neutral glass-sided structure in Wandsworth, south London, which will be able to house 1,000 staff, covers 45,000 square meters.

换句话说,美国大使馆将从有50年历史的梅菲尔大厦,搬到位于巴特西一栋新的未来主义立方体建筑,总造价预料将达10亿美元。新馆是碳中和的玻璃结构体,楼高12层,位于伦敦南部温德斯渥斯地区,这里将可容纳 1000名馆员,占地45,000平方公尺。

The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based firm, founded in 1984, has made its mark in the architecture world with designs that aim to mesh inventive design with a sense of place and a focus on environmental sustainability. James Timberlake, of Kieran Timberlake, said: “It meets and exceeds all the security requirements. We are using elements of landscaping that have been around for centuries and centuries. But it's not a fortress. We are able to use the landscape as a security device. There's no wall and no fences.”


The building, a towering glass cube covered with a thin sheath of photo-voltaic cells “met the goal of creating a modern, timeless, safe and energy-efficient embassy for the 21st century,” the State Department said. “The concept holds the greatest potential for developing a truly iconic embassy and is on the leading edge of sustainable design.”


The US embassy's existing building, located in central London's Grosvenor Square, has long been reviled as a concrete behemoth by its neighbors in the residential Mayfair neighborhood. By contrast, the new design is seen as comparatively airy and accessible, and seems less likely to clash with its surrounding in the Wandsworth community, on the south side of the River Thames. US officials said in a statement that the structure will be surrounded by a green expanse “honoring the English tradition of urban parks and gardens as the context for many civic buildings.” Construction gets underway in 2013, with the ribbon-cutting ceremony set for 2017.


The project as a whole is a fascinating study in how architecture can be used as a form of camouflage. The building is set in a spiraling pattern of two small meadows and a pond that have as much to do with defensive fortification as with pastoral serenity: an eye-opening expression of the irresolvable tensions involved in trying to design an emblem of American values when you know it may become the next terrorist target. It's hard to think of a project, in fact, that more perfectly reflects the country's current struggle to maintain a welcoming, democratic image while under the constant threat of attack.


The US State Department agreed to sell its current base in Grosvenor Square after it began showing “signs of wear and tear”. Louis Susman, US ambassador to the UK, said: “'We will replace our current embassy, which has become overcrowded, does not meet modern office needs and required security standards - and, after 50 years, is showing signs of wear and tear. This effort has special significance in that we are creating a new home and focal point for one of our most cherished and bilateral relationships.”


The present embassy, a Modernist landmark by Eero Saarinen, is still regarded skeptically by critics. Its main facade, an intricate composition of limestone window frames, sits uncomfortably alongside the Georgian-style town houses. Yet the old embassy was also an effort to project a progressive cultural image abroad, at the height of the cold war. One entry led straight from the street up a broad staircase to a public library and an art gallery that showcased postwar American artists like Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler and Philip Guston. A longtime embassy employee remembers that security was so lax in the early days that a single guard stood at the door, supporting himself with a cane.


The use of architecture and art as tools of cold war propaganda was already on the wane by the end of the 1970s, when a lack of space forced embassy officials to shut down the gallery and transform the library into a waiting room for visa applicants. But it was completely abandoned in the aftermath of 9/11. A metal fence went up in front of the main entry stairs. Two small pavilions - their boxy Modernist forms apparently intended as a homage to Saarinen's original creation - were built out front to screen visitors.


The winning concept overcame stiff competition from some of the world's leading architecture firms, including Pei Cobb Freed and Partners -- the practice of I. M. Pei, architect of the Louvre Pyramid in Paris. Another top contender was the firm Richard Meier & Partners, designers of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Photo shows that future US embassy in Britain would be a “timeless” vision in glass.






发表于 2010-3-16 12:52 | 显示全部楼层
that's great !
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