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【2010.03.16 美联社】中国批评美对汇率施压,称美赤字不能归咎人民币

发表于 2010-3-19 23:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


【原文标题】Chinacriticizes US pressure overcurrency, says yuan not to blame for US deficit





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BEIJING (AP) — Chinaon Tuesday rejected U.S.calls to ease currency controls and said criticism would not help efforts toend the global crisis


A Commerce Ministry spokesman repeatedChinese complaints that Washington was acting unreasonably by expecting othercountries to raise their value of their currencies in order to boost U.S.exports. The United Statesand other trading partners complain Beijingkeeps the yuan undervalued and are pressing for it to rise.


"Politicizing the exchange rate issueis not helpful to coordination among all parties in the course of fighting theglobal financial crisis," spokesman Yao Jian said at a news briefing.


A group of 130 U.S.lawmakers wrote to President Barack Obama on Monday demanding that he takeaction, adding to pressure ahead of an April report in which the U.S. Treasuryhas the option of declaring Beijinga currency manipulator. That would set the stage for a complaint to the WorldTrade Organization and possible sanctions.


On Sunday, Premier Wen Jiabao denied theyuan was undervalued and said foreign pressure was unhelpful. He said Beijing plans to reformits exchange rate system but the currency will be kept at a "stable andbalanced" level.


Yao rejected suggestions the yuan's exchange rate was to blame for theChinese trade surplus or the U.S.trade deficit with China.Critics say the yuan is undervalued by up to 40 percent, giving China'sexporters an unfair price advantage.


"It is groundless to talk about thisbased on China's tradesurplus or the U.S. deficitor the fact that the U.S.economy has not recovered yet," Yaosaid. He noted China runstrade deficits with Japanand South Koreabut is not pressing them to narrow the gap by making their currencies moreexpensive.


"We hope the United States will overcome the financial crisisand become an advocate of free trade, not an obstructionist," Yao said. "We hopeit will think of its own interest, and it shouldn't ask others to appreciate(their currencies) to expand its own exports."


Beijing has held the yuan steady against the dollar for 18 months to helpits exporters compete amid weak global demand. Analysts expect the governmentto allow the yuan to rise gradually in the second half of the year, but theysay Chinese leaders might wait in order to avoid looking like they gave in to U.S.pressure.


Associated Press researcher Bonnie Cao in Beijing contributed tothis report.





发表于 2010-3-20 01:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-20 04:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-20 07:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 忧心 于 2010-3-20 07:28 编辑


"We hope the United States will overcome the financial crisisand become an advocate of free trade, not an obstructionist," Yao said. "We hopeit will think of its own interest, and it shouldn't ask others to appreciate(their currencies) to expand its own exports."


美国在克服危机影响、振兴经济的时候,应当成为一个自由贸易的倡导者而不是一个阻碍者,不能只考虑自身利益,扩大出口,而要求别国货币升值,(这是利己主义的一种表现。如果把汇率问题政治化,将无助于各方协调应对全球经济危机,共克时艰。) (以上为姚坚原文,美联社翻译的时候“不能只考虑自身利益”翻译成是“希望它考虑到自身利益”,完全变了味道,把后面姚坚说的“这是利己主义的一种表现”也给和谐了……)
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发表于 2010-3-20 07:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-22 17:02 | 显示全部楼层

"We hope the United States will overcome the financi ...
忧心 发表于 2010-3-20 07:18

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