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[社会] <中国体面劳动计划>(英文)

发表于 2010-6-4 21:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
体面劳动国别计划 - 中华人民共和国
体面劳动国别计划 (DWCP)是国际劳工组织在国家层面上的综合行动框架。中国的体面劳动国别计划是为三方合作伙伴共同实施而准备的,它基于原劳动和社会保障部与国际劳工组织共同签署的合作备忘录 (MOU) 和中国的“十一五”规划 (2006-2010) 草拟而成,全面体现了劳工组织倡导的“体面劳动议程”,同时它还考虑了联合国发展援助框架 (UNDAF) ,以及在中国开展的技术合作项目和活动的优秀经验。中国的体面劳动国别计划经与多方伙伴广泛深入磋商,最终由中国的三方代表通过并实施。



ILO Decent Work Country Programme
in the People’s Republic of China
2006 – 2010

ILO Decent Work Country Programme in the People’s Republic of China
2006 – 2010
ILO assistance in China for the promotion of decent work is rooted in the MOU signed between the
Ministry of Labour and Social Security on behalf of the Government of China, and the ILO in May
2001. The MOU defines the mutually agreed objectives and priorities for cooperation within each
of the four strategic objectives of the Decent Work Agenda.
Following conclusion of the MOU, MOLSS and the ILO established a Joint Committee through
which they would formulate technical cooperation proposals, mobilize joint resources, review and
assess the implementation of the MOU and consider revisions to it as may be deemed appropriate.
During the Joint Committee review in 2005 in Geneva, and in keeping with the decisions of the
thirteenth Asian Regional Meeting in August 2001----whereby tripartite delegates accepted the
basic concept of decent work, emphasizing that it would be the key concept that could integrate
economic and social policies at the international, regional and national levels. In the conclusions of
the meeting, delegates agreed that each country would prepare a National Plan of Action for Decent
Work---it was agreed that to further promote the application of the MOU and to respond to calls for
national programmes on decent work that are inclusive of social partners and other stakeholders, the
ILO would prepare a Decent Work Country Programme in consultation with MOLSS, CEC and
ACFTU and taking into account ILO work with other relevant institutions such as SAWS. It was
agreed that the DWCP would be based on the MOU and the 11th Five Year Development Plan from
2006 – 2010, which had strong linkages to the Decent Work Agenda. It was also agreed that the
DWCP would take into account the UNDAF, the Common Understanding reached at the China
Employment Forum, other policies, declarations and the best practices that had been established in
carrying out technical cooperation programmes and projects in China. In developing the DWCP
extensive consultation with tripartite partners was conducted on all inputs incorporated, and DWCP
was fully endorsed in August 2007.
The conclusion of the 14th ILO Asian Regional Meeting in September 2006 saw the beginning of
Asian Decent Work Decade, with tripartite constituents of the Asian region committing to achieve
specific decent work outcomes in accordance with their respective national circumstances and
Overview of employment and labour situation
China has a total working age population of approximately 920 million with a high participation
rate of men at 88% and women at 79%. The labour market, to some extent, is segregated into rural
and urban areas although there is an express objective of unifying the labour market over the next
10 years. In the urban areas the number of persons of working age is rising faster than the number
of jobs able to be created. State owned enterprise layoffs reached a peak in 2004 but will continue
over next five years. There are also a number of redundant workers who will require jobs.
Unemployment has been rising which the Government urgently wants to keep in check. In the rural
areas, the TVE’s provided a high number of jobs, which greatly helped reduce poverty levels in
those areas. There is an estimated 120 million surplus workers who have migrated and at least 80
million more to go. By 2010, labour force in China will total 830 million. There will be 50 million
new entrants in the urban areas, while on the demand side, only 40 million new jobs would have
been created. It is estimated that over 10 million jobs must be created each year.

China has already become an aging society and old-age insurance, medical insurance and other
social security schemes are under great pressure for payment of benefits. The number of retirees
increases year by year while the individual account of old-age insurance is not fully funded. There
is disparity between basic pension benefits of enterprise retirees and the retirement benefits of
public institution retirees, which affect social stability. Some urban residents are not covered by
any health insurance system. The function of unemployment insurance to promote employment has
not been given full play. The severe situation of work safety brings about higher demand for work-
related injury insurance. The social security provisions for the urban self-employed, workers in
flexible forms of employment, rural migrant workers, farmers with their land expropriated, and
people working in the agriculture sector remain to be solved. Social pooling for insurance remains
at low level. There are still constraints on the portability of social insurance in case of labour
movement. These issues have drawn concern from the whole society and must be highlighted.
There is a widening and high-income gap. The income gap is based on three types of inequality:
between urban and rural; among geographical localities and within intra-urban and intra rural
incomes. Causal factors include the transition focus on urban areas and large state owned
enterprises, diverse sources of income, capital skill rewarded over labour, inability of institutions
such as financial to keep pace, deficient wage focused policy, law and enforcement. Minimum
wage regulations exist, are published and in some places regularly revised and extended to cover
more categories of workers.
With the accelerated urbanization, industrialization and economic restructuring as well as the
diversification of economic ownerships and employment forms, labour relations will be more
complicated, and it will be more difficult to coordinate relations of interest parties. The labour
relations issues left over by the restructuring of SOEs remains to be resolved. Increasingly, the
tensions arising from irrational wage and income distribution are more acutely felt. The enterprise
wage-setting mechanism remains hard to meet the demand of market economy. The wage of
common employees in some enterprise grows slowly. There are still serious infringements on
workers’ legitimate rights and interests such as excessive overtime work, arrears in wages and wage
dockage by the employer. Labour disputes continue to rise by a large margin, resulting in
tremendous pressure for prevention and settlement.
During a rapid industrialization and urbanization process, China is still facing challenges such as
unbalanced economic structures, the extensive growth pattern of national economy and low
productivity as a whole. The number of occupational accidents and diseases is rising. Meantime,
China’s work safety infrastructure remains weak: relatively low safety awareness in the whole
society; the OSH administration and inspection needs to be redefined and their coordination
mechanisms improved; weak enforcement of the existing policies, laws and regulations; insufficient
inputs to the improvement of work safety at all levels; the safety responsibility systems need to be
strengthened; last but not least, a preventive safety culture at all levels need to be continuously
upgraded. The concept of safe development has been written into the 11th National Five-Year Plan
for Social and Economic Development, covering: development of national programmes for OSH;
improved OSH policies and programmes especially in hazardous sectors; promotion of safety
culture in the whole society and strengthened international cooperation, including ratifying the ILO
OSH conventions.
To respond to the labour market situation, the government has initiated both passive and active
labour market policies. They are giving support to unemployed and laid off workers through three
security lines. The proactive polices aim to create more and better jobs with extension to new
categories of workers, to reduce unemployment and to improve employability of workers. In the

labour market regulation there is effort in regulation reform to balance flexibility and security to
meet needs of enterprises and worker protection.
Labour protection overall is provided through the Labour Law of 1995, numerous labour
regulations and circulars, the Labour Inspection Regulations of 2002 and 2004, Law on the Rights
and Interests of Women, Laws on Work Safety and Prevention and Control of Occupational
Diseases, Trade Union Law, Circulars on Reemployment of Laid off and Unemployed Workers,
Circulars on Migrant Workers Issues from the State Council. The greatest challenge is to review,
streamline, extend, apply and enforce the laws based on the rapidly evolving and emerging
situations in a global and national context.
Overview of Economic and Social Development Framework
The national economic and social development framework is set out in the 11th Five Year
Development Plan (2006-2010) and is based on a scientific and human-oriented approach. The
Plan aims to renovate development models, improve development qualities, implement five overall
plans and shift practically economic and social development into the channel of comprehensive,
coordinated and sustainable development. The Plan calls for the following principles to be
Sustaining a steady and rapid economic development which includes speeding up the
transformation of economic growth and promoting an information-based national economy
and society, taking new industrial paths, and maintaining of an environmental friendly and
safe development.
Improving capacity for independent innovation. This entails rejuvenating the nation in
science, technology and talents to be a foundation for scientific and technological
development and central link for restructuring industries and transforming economic growth
Promoting balanced development among regions and rural and urban areas. Top priority is
on solving the problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Industry should support
agriculture and cities should support the countryside.
Building a harmonious society. In accordance with the human-oriented approach, more
importance would be attached to balanced development between economy and society.
Employment should be expanded along with social programmes. More importance is to be
attached to promoting social equity, democracy and rule of law, and in managing the reform
and development in a way that maintains social stability and solidarity.
Deepening reform and opening up. The reform of the socialist market economy will
continue and include modernizing enterprises and industries, establishing pricing system
reflecting the situation of market supply and demand and the scarcity of resources, allowing
the market to play a more fundamental role in disposing resources, improving efficiency of
resources disposal, changing government functions, and perfecting the national macro-
regulatory system.
In accordance with the above-mentioned guiding principles, development will be promoted based
on the expanding domestic demands, optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure, resources
conservation and environment protection, enhancing capacity for independent innovation in
technology and human resources, deepening reform and opening up, and having a people centered
approach starting with the improvement of the living standard and with an overall focus on well

balanced economic and social development. Building a new socialist countryside and improving
farmers’ incomes are one of the main priorities, including non-agriculture income generation in
rural areas (See Annex I for main targets of economic and social development).
To operationalize the guiding policy framework and to meet the targets, as set out in the 11th Five
Year Development Plan (2006-2010), the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MOLSS) has
formulated the Eleventh Five Year Programme (2006-2010) for Labour and Social Security (20062010),
which has been approved and issued by the State Council.
Development Goals of the 11th Five-Year Programme for Labour and Social Security (20062010).

The main goals for the development of labor and social security in the 11th Five-Year Programme
for Labour and Social Security are to establish a sound labor and social security system and
operational mechanism compatible with national economic and social development, and to achieve
relatively full employment, rational income distribution, harmonious and stable labor relations,
improved social security system, as well as regulated and efficient administration and service
delivery. To achieve these, focus will be on:
Placing employment expansion in a more prominent position in economic and social
development, and continuing to implement the active employment policy. Emphasis will be
on the re-employment of the laid-offs and the unemployed workers, new entrants to the
urban labour market and the rural surplus labor force. China will explore establishing a
long-term mechanism for employment promotion suited to the socialist market economy,
actively promoting the integration of urban and rural employment, and gradually putting in
place a unified labor market for urban and rural areas with fair competition. Efforts will be
put on expanding employment avenues, increasing jobs, improving the employment
structure and upgrading the quality of employment. Unemployment will be closely watched
and better regulated to maintain a stable employment situation.
During the "11th Five-Year Programme" period, the target is to generate 45 million new
jobs in cities and towns with the urban registered unemployment rate kept under 5%, and
transfer 45 million of rural labor force.
Developing a vocational training and skill personnel appraisal system which covers both
urban and rural areas with market orientation, regulated functioning and efficient
management. The training for all workers will be intensified so as to build up a large-scale
skilled labour force with a wide spectrum of professions and sound skill levels.
By the end of "11th Five-Year Programme" period, the total number of skilled workers shall
reach 110 million, among which technicians and senior technicians will account for 5%, and
high-skill workers account for 20%.
Improving the social security system, its administration and service delivery in order to
realize multiple sources of financing, multi-tiers of protection, and socialized administration
and service delivery. The coverage of social security system will be expanded to ensure
equal access to social security by all categories of employee in the urban area. More efforts
will be put on improving rural social security schemes.
By the end of the "11th Five-Year Programme" period, the participants of various urban
basic insurance schemes will be: 223 million for old-age insurance, 120 million for
unemployment insurance, 300 million for medical insurance, 140 million for work injury

insurance and 80 million for maternity insurance, coupled with a gradual increase in the
number of participants to rural old-age insurance and corporate pension.
Further improving the regulatory mechanism for labor relations and gradually realizing the
law based regulation of labour relations. The labor contract system will be universally
implemented, the collective contract system developed, the tripartite mechanism for the
coordination of labor relations improved and significant progress in reforming the labor
dispute settlement system scored. Enterprise wages distribution will be rationalized with a
steady increase of workers’ wages.
Improving the legal framework for labor and social security through strengthening labour
and social security legislation and further improving the administration of labor and social
security affairs by laws and regulations. Effort will be made on forming an inspection and
law enforcement network on labor and social security covering both urban and rural areas,
strengthening labour law education to increase legal awareness of workers and employers.
DWCP Priority Areas
Promoting employment, employability and reducing inequalities with focus on unemployed and
internal rural migrants.
Promoting harmonious labour-management relations and effectiveness of labour market
institutions and labour laws. (Through law reform, collective bargaining, dispute resolution,
labour inspection, law enforcement, and tripartite mechanisms).
Extension and improvement of social protection (social security, safe work, HIVAIDS).
Promoting workers rights and fundamental labour principles and rights
The cooperation will aim to develop complimentarily of action through an integrated approach
when implementing activities and boosting backward and forward linkages to policy, practical
implementation and piloting.
The cooperation will entail the ILO providing technical advisory services, capacity building of
constituents, introducing relevant comparative and international experience, supporting research
and documentation, information exchange, training and workshops and where possible the
development and execution of externally funded technical cooperation projects.
The DWCP will be undertaken within the overall United Nations Development Assistance
Framework (UNDAF), agreed to by all agencies in the UN system and the Chinese Government.
Implementation will also entail, where appropriate, collaboration with International and national
training institutions, universities and other organizations.
In carrying out the activities, a commitment to the objective of gender equality will be cross-cutting
throughout all priority areas and cooperation action. International Labour Standards relevant to the
different DWCP outcomes will be fully taken into account and where appropriate, promoted.

ACFTU and CEC will be fully involved in the implementation and monitoring of activities. The
cooperation will be monitored through the established mechanism under MOU to enable proper
evaluation, adjustment and assessment of the DWCP and its contribution to the implementation of
the Decent Work Agenda and the National 11th Five Year Development Plan. (Please refer to MOU
implementation report.)
Priority 1. Promoting Employment, Employability and Reducing Inequalities with focus on
unemployed and internal rural migrants.
Major challenges
In the area of employment and labour markets, the goals and targets China will focus its attention
during the next five years, are set out in the Overview. The challenges to reach these goals are that
the labour force supply continues to exceed demand and place pressure on the current employment
structure. In particular, laid off workers, retrenched workers, rural surplus labour, university
graduates and new entrants dominate the supply of jobseekers, particularly in urban areas.
Therefore every possible means must be used to generate employment. Employment policy needs
to feature more prominently in the development agenda. The active employment policy requires
monitoring and adjustment. Groups vulnerable to employment and employability difficulties will
need to be targeted and addressed with particular emphasis on the poor regions of development and
a gender perspective.
Small and medium size enterprise creation will remain an important means for employment
creation. But to perform this role improvements need to be made in financial aspects, loans, credit
and taxation to better support business start up and expansion. More training will continue to be
required in this area as well.
At the same time there is an identification of skill shortages and need to improve employability and
skill levels of jobseekers at various levels. The development of high skilled workers is being given
high priority. Vocational training and education curricula requires further development and brought
up to date with labour market needs. Greater coordination between schools, training centers,
enterprises and workplace learning needs to be established.
A unified labour market for urban and rural residents with fair competition needs to established,
aimed at the elimination of discrimination in employment.
Efforts need to be made to remove restrictions on employment of rural migrant workers seeking for
jobs in urban areas and across regions so as to improve their employment environment.
Within the country inter-regional collaboration should be enhanced and a “three in one” approach
be practiced by integrating training, employment with rights protection to safeguard agricultural
workers smooth transition to non-agricultural sectors and urban areas.
The employment capacity of the rural migrants needs to be enhanced through provision of life and
vocational skill training as well as enterprise development and management training. Employment
information and guidance through regulated employment services needs to be developed and
provided. This requires strengthening the institutional role, regulation, management and
functioning of both private and public employment services.
There is a trend of an increasing income gap between different sectors, regions and citizens. The
promotion of more equitable and equal education, employment opportunities and remuneration

levels is required. The minimum wage system needs to be implemented strictly and kept up to date
for the amounts to be gradually increased.
Management practices need to be modernized and made more effective in private and state owned
companies. A mechanism to link up employment, unemployment insurance and the minimum
living security scheme for urban residents shall be established to facilitate the reemployment of the
laid-off and unemployed workers.
Outcomes to be achieved and areas of cooperation
National policies developed and implemented to promote employment, improve skills
and employability.
Areas for cooperation:
Advice on drafting and implementing of the Employment Promotion Law.
Assessment of impact of active employment policies.
Promotion of action to address those most disadvantaged in the labour market including
disabled, youth, older persons, women and rural migrant workers.
Refinement of national human resource development policy.
Assessment and improving of skill/job matching.
Developing high skilled workforce and improving competitiveness.
Multi-prong approaches for promoting small and medium size enterprises along with
business support services are developed, increased and improved.
Areas for cooperation:
Continuation of SIYB project activities, followed by technical advisory support to
sustain and expand it.
Develop, test and expand use of KAB in Universities.
Application of LED approaches for employment promotion and poverty reduction.
Enhance capacity of MOLSS, CEC, ACFTU and ACWF to deliver training and
promote and support women entrepreneurs.
Support to Government and trade union micro credit guarantee systems.
Improvement of microfinance policy and management.
Improved rights, protection and employability of migrants and strengthened legal
assistance for them.
Areas for cooperation:
Integration of rural and urban labour markets.
Assessment and improving of employment services.
Promotion of application of Convention No. 111.
Improved collection, analysis and use of labour market information by ILO
constituents and employment services.
Areas for cooperation:
Labour force surveys (quarterly).
Analysis and use of data for policy making and implementation.

Priority 2. Promoting harmonious labour-management relations and effectiveness of labour
market institutions and labour laws. (through law reform, collective bargaining, dispute
resolution, labour inspection, law enforcement, and tripartite mechanisms).
Major Challenges
Labour legislation has to keep up with the transition and meet the needs of the open labour market
system. The preparation of new laws and revision and updating of existing labor and employment
related laws will be given priority in the areas of labour contract, employment promotion, dispute
resolution and social security. Collective bargaining/ collective consultation and resulting
conclusion of collective agreements at the enterprise and sector levels are considered to fall short of
potential. With the continued campaign of the ACFTU to organize workers in the privately owned
enterprises, performance in concluding more and better collective agreements should be
The current system for handling of labour disputes, including mediation, arbitration and
adjudication procedures and institutions requires reform to meet the needs of the current structure of
the labour market and organization of work. Officials working within the system should have their
professional knowledge and capacity building upgraded to enable them to perform optimally their
National, provincial and district level, tripartite mechanisms should be strengthened to promote
social dialogue and facilitate good labour relations and prevention of disputes.
An efficient, professional and effective labour inspection coupled with an equitable and effective
labour law enforcement system is needed to ensure protection and safeguarding of workers rights
and interests. Enterprises managers, supervisors, trade union representatives, employment agents as
well as labour inspectors and officials need to be able to improve their own roles in accordance with
the new laws and inspection system. Compliance with labour law and provision of a good and
productive working environment should be encouraged through Corporate Social Responsibility
Outcomes to be achieved and areas for cooperation:
Reform of dispute resolution mechanisms to improve handling of cases, streamline
formal disputes settlement procedures and to increase efficiency in settlement of
Areas for cooperation:
Development and preparation for the enforcement of the Dispute Settlement Law.
Collection, translation, exchange and study labour disputes settlement and its
information of countries or regions with similar features as China in labour field.
Training and capacity building for tripartite constituents and labour institution officials.
Strengthened cooperation with ACFTU including training to its union officials engaged
in labour disputes settlement.
Labour law revision, inspection, supervision and enforcement are strengthened and
made more effective to improve protection of all workers and to reduce number of
Areas for cooperation:
Advice on drafting and implementing of Labour Contract Law.

Review of labour inspection system.
Review of employment relations, especially fixed labour contracts and way of labour
Review and study of work quota and monitoring system in China.
Provision of trainings to labour inspectors to improve their capacity of labour law
Collective bargaining and collective consultation at the enterprise level is expanded
and improved through capacity building of ILO constituents.
Areas for cooperation:
Capacity building of ACFTU through training.
Capacity building of CEC through advisory services and training in pilot areas.
Promoting law reform that facilitates enterprise collective bargaining.
Tripartite mechanisms at all level are strengthened to enhance tripartite approach to
addressing social and labour issues.
Areas of cooperation:
Capacity building of constituents with focus placed on work study and the application
of work survey in collective bargaining.
Priority 3. Extending and improving social protection for all linked to productivity and
sustainable development.
Major challenges
The challenge in China is to establish and improve social protection for the purpose of creating a
fair, stable and sustainable environment for social and economic development. Social protection
corresponds to a set of tools, instruments, policies which aim, through Government action and
constant social dialogue, at ensuring that men and women enjoy working conditions which are not
only not harmful, but as safe as possible, which respect human dignity, take into account family and
social values, allow for adequate compensation in case of lost or reduced income, permit access to
adequate social and medical services, and respect the right to free time and rest.
Social security
Over the past decades, China has taken a prudent but proactive approach to reform and develop its
social security systems and made an impressive progress, which has promoted and facilitated the
social and economic advancement process. However, with an industrialization and urbanization
process in the context of globalization, China is still facing challenges in improving the social
security systems: rapidly increasing and ageing population; lack of national laws on social security;
immature social security schemes; low level of coverage in terms of participants and contingencies,
especially for vulnerable groups such as migrants and the self-employed; needs to modernize and
improve social security administration and upgrade a pooling level; the long-term affordability of
the pension system and its governance; the design and actual implementation of a suitable pension
system for the rural areas , and lack of investment channels of social security funds etc.
Safe and Healthy Working Conditions
With the rapid expansion of industrial activities in China, the number of workers employed in
industry has been increasing including those in construction, which is one of the most hazardous

industries. Other dangerous occupations include those in mining and manufacturing processes in
particular in small enterprises and township and village enterprises using hazardous chemicals or
dangerous machines and equipment without sufficient protective measures.
The number of fatal accidents has been high in the industrial and mining enterprises. There has also
been increasing cases of occupational diseases annually. Some of occupational accidents and
diseases still remain unreported, and the magnitude of the problem is much bigger. In addition to
daily accidents and diseases occurring at work, major industrial accidents have been occurring
killing more workers, sometimes over 100 workers, at once. Such major accidents are occurring
mainly in coalmines.
The Chinese government has taken a number of major actions to strengthen work safety.
Nevertheless, challenges remain and it takes some time for China to greatly improve OSH
situations. First of all, the enforcement of the laws must be strengthened; Secondly, the overall
inspection system, which was recently completely reorganized, requires strong support to become
fully operational and produce lasting benefits in terms of compliance with existing legislation;
Thirdly, cooperation among the various ministries involved and the social partners has to be
strongly encouraged, with special attention to be devoted to the prevention of major industrial
hazards and related threats to the environment; Fourth, a nation-wide network of occupational
safety and health services should be established particularly to reach small enterprises and township
and village enterprises; The last but not least, special attention must be given to the development of
a preventive safety culture and a systematic approach at both the national and enterprise level.
Protection of migrant workers
Rural – urban migration is a phenomenon of growing concern in China for both the public
authorities and the social partners. Economic development requires that labour mobility take place
in an orderly manner. Commitments of China to international laws and treaties also requires that
rural -urban migrations take place under conditions respecting the fundamental rights of migrant
workers, who should be recognized as having right to at least a minimum level of social protection.
The overall issue of reducing the gap between urban and rural development while facilitating
orderly and socially beneficial internal migratory flows will no doubt form one of the most
formidable challenges for the development of the comprehensive social protection system that is
much needed by contemporary China.
Other social and economic risks
All these issues directly relate to a modern conception of social protection which is not to be seen as
limited to granting social safety nets, but would include at the same time guaranteed access to
essential goods and services, a comprehensive set of preventative and protective measures to deal
with potential risks likely to negatively affect the income of individuals or social groupings, policies
and measures aiming at promoting opportunities for realizing human potential. Social protection
policies are clearly to be linked to anti-poverty strategies, of which they should form a major
SARS, avian flu and other infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS are the emerging and increasing
threat to the social and economic development to China and the world. China already has 650,000
HIV positive people. Without an effective and proactive prevention, the epidemic could affect or
disturb the national development goal. The National Regulations on Prevention and Control of
HIV/AIDS requires taking action to educate all staff and employees of any kinds of organizations
on knowledge, national and workplace policies and information and services available at localities

and workplaces. The current actions in this regard are far from satisfying such a basic requirement:
Lack of a national guideline for workplace policy-making and programme development; Silence
among businesses towards the epidemic; stigma and discrimination to people infected or affected by
HIV/AIDS; a few initiatives or workplace programmes among national corporations; Therefore, it
is hard to say or realize the national working principle of participation of the whole society in the
national fighting against HIV/AIDS.
Social protection has to be seen in China in a context of accelerating economic and societal
changes, characterized notably by rapid transformation in prevailing forms of ownership, a growing
vulnerability of wide categories of the population, persistent urban/rural gaps in welfare and
standards of living. A sound foundation for a revisited social security will facilitate the nation's
economic restructuring as social consequences will be eased and the public will more readily accept
Outcomes to be achieved and areas for cooperation:
Social security coverage extended to cover more workers and farmers and benefits and
service delivery improved for participants.
Areas of cooperation:
Provide capacity building on actuarial services.
Promote and disseminate good practice.
Consultation on Social Insurance Law.
Research on the establishment of pension scheme for migrant workers.
Study on links between the work injury insurance and OSH prevention.
Improved occupational safety and health management system applied at national and
enterprise level to improve policy, planning and inspection.
Areas of cooperation:
Development and implementation of National Work Safety Programme.
Promotion of cooperation among the relevant key ministries (SAWS, Health,
Construction) and social partners.
Promotion of ratification and implementation of ILO Convention 155 along with other
OSH related conventions.
Promotion of Safety Culture and Safe Development through awareness raising events.
Occupational risks, accidents and fatalities are reduced in particular in high risk
occupations and industries including mining, construction and chemical use.
Areas of cooperation:
Development and implementation of coal mine safety programme through tripartite
A Promotion of Safety Culture and Safe Development through awareness raising events
with industry focus.
Addressing major hazard control.
· Awareness and prevention efforts on HIV/AIDS undertaken by ILO constituents.
Areas of cooperation:
Capacity building of constituents at national and enterprise levels to manage HIVAIDS
in the workplace.

Awareness raising and training on ILO Code of Practice.
Developing and implementing HIV/AIDS policies at different levels (national,
provincial and enterprise).
Changing behavior among target workers through workplace interventions.
Improved human resource management, the working environment, and productivity
at the enterprise level.
Areas of Cooperation:
Developing improved WISE approach through updated training with social partners.
Priority 4. Promoting worker rights and fundamental labour rights and principals.
Major Challenges
Promotion of respect and protection of fundamental labour rights and principles and the rule of law
is essential to promoting the goal of balanced social and economic development. In the field of
labour, principles of social justice and equity are based on international labour standards. One
challenge is to ensure that law and policy are in line with the requirements of international labour
standards. This often requires law and policy reform and revision. Another of the challenges is to
ensure that in the application of the law, those workers most vulnerable to disadvantaged in terms of
skill development and employment opportunities must be targeted for particular attention and
protection. Among those requiring targeted action are disabled workers, migrant workers, ethnic
minorities, older workers and certain women who are particularly disadvantaged due to
circumstance or discrimination. Greater attention needs to be paid to identifying and preventing
abuse and possible exploitation of labour within and outside China such as trafficking in humans for
purpose of labour, child labour, discrimination and forced labour. Working issues such as non
issuance of labour contract, long and uncompensated hours of work, non or deficient payment of
wages, and occupational safety and health risks.
While the practical application of the special restrictive laws on household registration have eased,
the existence of such laws still creates a discrimination in practice for internal migrants in terms of
access to some medical, reproductive health, and educational facilities and services. Gradual
removal of the restrictions is necessary to facilitate the migration process in a manner that is both
safe and sustainable. Moreover, migrants are most often found working in employment and
occupations that are unsafe, subject to hazards and risks and low paid. They are often subject to late
or non payment of wages and long, inadequately compensated hours of work. The expansion and
improvement of the application of labour rights of the internal migrant workers requires special
Outcomes to be achieved and areas of cooperation:
Safe migration channels promoted to avoid situations of forced labour and trafficking
in persons for labour.
Areas for cooperation:
Policy advice on trafficking prevention.
Awareness raising, research and advocacy.
Training on good practices for safe migration.
Technical advice on employment services.
Promotion of ratification of Conventions Nos. 29 and 105 enhanced.

Areas for cooperation:
Awareness raising activities for enterprise level practices.
Supporting dialogue and understanding on these standards.
Conducting activities to prevent and address trafficking which can lead to violations
under the conventions.
Specific measures carried out by ILO constituents to promote non discrimination and
equality in the world of work in accordance with ratified Conventions Nos. 100 and
Areas for cooperation:
Development of training materials.
Capacity building of constituents through training activities and seminars to address
Public education campaign.
Providing advice on legal reform and policy guidance.
Providing knowledge of law and gender equality to enhance workers sense.
Child labour prevention further enhanced.
Areas for cooperation:
Awareness raising, advocacy and information gathering.
Prevention advocacy and assistance to promote application of Conventions Nos. 138
and 182.
Monitoring and inspection with unions’ participation.
Adherence to the Global Compact principles promoted.
Areas for cooperation:
Awareness raising, research and promotion of implementation.
Capacity building and training for CEC programme.
Improved knowledge and impact of international labour standards promoted.
Areas for cooperation:
Knowledge building and training for constituents.
Gender mainstreaming in policies and programmes of constituents and other partners.
Areas for cooperation:
Continued research, training and capacity building with constituents and ACWF.

Annex 1
Main Targets of Economic and Social Development
With the aim of building a moderately prosperous society, the following main targets should be achieved during
the 11th Five Year:
Smooth and steady operation of macro-economy. The GDP is expected to grow at an annual average rate of
7.5% and GDP per capita will be doubled than that of 2000. New urban employment and transformed
agricultural laborers will increase 45 million respectively. The registered urban unemployment will remain
under 5%. The price index will be stable and the international payment will be balanced.
Optimizing and upgrading industrial structure. There will be more rational industries, products and
enterprises organization. Proportion of added value in service industry to GDP and that of new employment
to total employment will grow by 3 and 4 percentage points respectively. The capacity for independent
innovation will be strengthened. Research and experiment expenditure will increase to 2%of GDP. There
will be some advantageous enterprises with independent intellectual property rights, renowned brands and
strong capabilities of international competition.
Remarkably improving efficiency of resources utilization. Energy consumption per unit of GDP is to
decrease by 20%. Water consumption per unit of industrial added value is to decline by 30%. Irrigation
water utilization efficiency is to increase by 0.5. Industrial solid waste recycling and conserving rate is to
grow to 60%.
Balanced development among regions, rural and urban areas. Remarkable progress should be registered in
the building of new socialist countryside and urbanization rate is to increase to 47%. The development
patterns with regional characteristics are to form and the tendency of enlarging disparities is to be controlled
on public services, per capita income and living standards among regions, rural and urban areas.
Reinforced basic public services. People's average education is to increase to 9 years. There will be
relatively sound system of public health and medical services. Social security is to cover a wider areas and
the urban basic endowment insurance is to cover 223 million people. New rural cooperative medical care's
coverage will reach over 80 percent. The number of people living in poverty will be reduced and
improvements will be made for disaster prevention and relief. The situation of social order and safe
production is to change further for the better.
Strengthened capacity for sustainable development. The total national population is to be controlled to fewer
than 1.36 billion. The arable land is to be maintained at 120 million hectares and there will be an improved
supply of fresh water, energy and important mineral resources. The trend of ecological deterioration is to be
Relatively complete market economic system. Breakthroughs will be made in reform and system building on
administrative management, state-owned enterprises, finance, taxation, science, technology, education,
culture and health. There will be distinct enhancement of market supervision and social management. There
will a further coordination between opening up and domestic development and the open economy is to reach a
new high.
Continuously improved living standards of people. Urban resident per capita disposable income and rural
resident per capita net income will grow by an annual rate of 5 percent respectively. There will be a general
improvement on living quality for urban residents and a great improvement on situations related to
accommodation, transportation, education, culture and environment.
New progress on building democracy and legal system and materialist civilization. There will a
comprehensive advancement of legislative work and the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics is
to take shape. The moral construction is to be further enhanced and new progress on building a harmonious
society is to realize.
发表于 2010-6-8 20:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-8 22:17 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.ilo.org/public/chines ... ng/info/dwcpchn.htm
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-9 18:44 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# Rok-Viv

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发表于 2010-6-9 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
回复  Rok-Viv

    呵呵,在国内,有多少劳动者知道有这么个组织在北京?现在看来,这个组织的现实作用 ...
hnzz 发表于 2010-6-9 18:44

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-9 23:19 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# Rok-Viv

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发表于 2010-6-10 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Rok-Viv 于 2010-6-10 10:19 编辑


ILO Decent Work Country Programme in the People’s Republic of China
2006 – 2010

2006 - 2010


ILO assistance in China for the promotion of decent work is rooted in the MOU signed between the Ministry of Labour and Social Security on behalf of the Government of China, and the ILO in May 2001. The MOU defines the mutually agreed objectives and priorities for cooperation within each of the four strategic objectives of the Decent Work Agenda.


Following conclusion of the MOU, MOLSS and the ILO established a Joint Committee through which they would formulate technical cooperation proposals, mobilize joint resources, review and assess the implementation of the MOU and consider revisions to it as may be deemed appropriate.


During the Joint Committee review in 2005 in Geneva, and in keeping with the decisions of the thirteenth Asian Regional Meeting in August 2001---- whereby tripartite delegates accepted the basic concept of decent work, emphasizing that it would be the key concept that could integrate economic and social policies at the international, regional and national levels. In the conclusions of the meeting, delegates agreed that each country would prepare a National Plan of Action for Decent Work--- it was agreed that to further promote the application of the MOU and to respond to calls for national programmes on decent work that are inclusive of social partners and other stakeholders, the ILO would prepare a Decent Work Country Programme in consultation with MOLSS, CEC and ACFTU and taking into account ILO work with other relevant institutions such as SAWS. It was agreed that the DWCP would be based on the MOU and the 11th Five Year Development Plan from 2006 – 2010, which had strong linkages to the Decent Work Agenda. It was also agreed that the DWCP would take into account the UNDAF, the Common Understanding reached at the China Employment Forum, other policies, declarations and the best practices that had been established in carrying out technical cooperation programmes and projects in China. In developing the DWCP extensive consultation with tripartite partners was conducted on all inputs incorporated, and DWCP was fully endorsed in August 2007.

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发表于 2010-6-10 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-10 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
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