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发表于 2010-6-18 21:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 wyd2008 于 2010-6-18 21:42 编辑

美国人日常生活对话 Let me enjoy my denial.

Susan: Oh! Look at my little girl. Isn't she adorable? Oh, I missed her so much.
Jackson: Oh, I can't wait to meet her
Susan: Oh, not yet.
I wanna give her new boyfriend the once-over. Wow. He's as cute as she said-- nice smile, and look at that hair
. Don't you just wanna run your fingers through it?
Jackson: Fortunately for you, no.
Susan: You know,
I'm very good at first impressions. I'm gonna like this guy
. Why is the cab driver handing Julie's boyfriend money? Why is Julie's boyfriend getting back in the cab? And why is the middle-aged cab driver kissing Julie?
I think what's going on is

I know what's going on. Let me enjoy my denial.





 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-18 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wyd2008 于 2010-6-18 21:50 编辑

I wanna give her new boyfriend the once-over

Let me enjoy my denial.

who can explain  these  two sentences ?


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-19 09:10 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话 you've been married

Julie: So there we were, huddled under this broken umbrella, and...he just kissed me. It was so romantic.
Lloyd: She's skipping the part where one of the spokes got me in the eye.
Jackson: Julie,
I'm gonna take your suitcases upstairs now, okay
Julie: Oh,
I'll come with you. I need to check my e-mail. Be right back
Lloyd: So, Susan, I'm...
I'm sensing that, uh, you're a little freaked out about my age.
Susan: You know, when your 24-year-old daughter calls you and tells you she's bringing home a boy from college,
you sort of expect it to be, well, a boy.
Lloyd: Well, I just want you to know that we didn't start dating until after the semester was over I don't date students.
That's-that's a rule with me.
Susan: And a damn good one.
Lloyd: Although strictly speaking, I suppose my third wife was my teaching assistant
, but she was really more of my employee than my student.
Susan: Your what?
Lloyd: Student.
Before that.

Lloyd: Employee.
Susan: Before that.
Lloyd: Third wife.
Susan: That's the one.
So you've been married three times?
Lloyd: Didn't Julie tell you that?
Susan: I don't believe so. Although I may have blacked out after she told me you were 40. So how does a man your age get married and divorced three times?
Lloyd: Well,
my first wife and I were only married a few months, so I-
I almost don't like to count it.
Susan: Did someone throw rice at you
Lloyd: Yeah.
Susan: It counts.
Lloyd: Is this upsetting you? I-I thought you'd understand. Julie said you'd been divorced yourself.
Susan: Yeah.
Only twice. Two. Small number. Much smaller than three. And my first cheated on me
, so that doesn't even count.
Lloyd: Did someone throw rice at you?
Susan: Shut up.
Lloyd: Look, you and I both know that sometimes it just doesn't work out.
Susan: Well, that's true.
Lloyd: And besides,
it--it's different with Julie. I love her so much. It's very important that you know I take my commitments seriously.
Susan: Why? Oh, my god.
Julie: Lloyd,
come here. I can't find my cell phone charger
Lloyd: Please, please,
don't say anything. I want it to be a surprise. Thanks...mom.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-20 08:47 | 显示全部楼层
Did someone throw rice at you?

what does it mean?
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-20 08:48 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话she looks about the same

Carlos: (on phone) Yeah, just follow the road as it curves. We're the second house on the left. Okay, bye.
Carlos: Oh,
place looks great, babe. Thanks for doing this.
Gabrielle: It's all part of being the president's wife. So tell me about your new hire. She's gonna be your number two?
Carlos: Yeah, and I'm lucky to get her. Smart as a whip, Harvard M.B.A. I've probably mentioned her before. Lucy Blackburn? Maybe I'll go put on some music.
Gabrielle: Lucy Blackburn?
Please tell me it's a coincidence that your new V.P. has the same name as your ex-girlfriend.
She isn't my girlfriend. We were roommates. We shared an apartment.
Gabrielle: You told me you slept with her.
Carlos: Well,
it was a small apartment. Come on. It was a casual thing, and it was a million years ago.
Gabrielle: I don't care!
Why couldn't you have told me this before she's about to appear on my doorstep?
Carlos: I wanted to...but you were always next to something sharp. Gaby, I am in over my head with this new job, and I need Lucy's help.
Please don't be jealous.
Gabrielle: I'm not jealous. It's just...you can't hire her.
I'm Mrs. President, and I get a vote.
Carlos: There she is. Now please, I'm begging you...
Gabrielle: Well, you can beg all you want. I am not on board with this!

Carlos: Hey, Lucy!
Lucy: I'm Lucy. You must be Gabrielle.
Gabrielle: You can call me Gaby. come on in! (whispers to Carlos) I'm on board.

Lucy: Got a bead on Charlie Fields for C.F.O.
Carlos: Charlie Fields? There's no way you're gonna get him. He's the number two guy at Brewster & Parent.
Lucy: Relax. It'll take some maneuvering, but I'll make it happen.
Carlos: How?
Lucy: Carlos, you're the president. It's best you don't know where the bodies are buried. Well, speak of the devil. If you'll excuse me, I have some professional ethics that need compromising.
Gabrielle: Now I know why you wanted to hire her. She's a force of nature.
Carlos: Mm, you should see her close a deal.
I'll bet. So were you surprised when the door opened?
Carlos: What do you mean?
Well, she's obviously stopped counting calories since the last time you saw her.
Carlos: No, she looks about the same.
Gabrielle: What? But...you two used to have sex.
Carlos: Yeah. So?
So don't get me wrong--she's attractive. It's just... she's not really your type. Your type is skinny model.
Carlos: Okay, so you're not gonna see her on a runway.
Gabrielle: Except maybe at an airport.
Carlos: Gaby!
You think I'm that shallow, that all I go by is looks?
Gabrielle: Yeah, I thought that was something we had in common.
Carlos: Look, Lucy is brilliant and witty and has more confidence than anybody I've ever met. That type of personality can be very seductive.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-21 12:37 | 显示全部楼层
I am not on board with this!

speak of the devil

You think I'm that shallow, that all I go by is looks?

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-21 12:42 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话mother/daughter talk

Juanita: Mommy, what are you doing?
Gabrielle: We're going to a family reunion at Aunt Connie' and
I want to look my best.
Juanita: Is it gonna be fun?
Gabrielle: Well, if your idea of a good time is sitting on rusty lawn chairs in the driveway eating lard in the shape of chicken, Then yeah!
It's gonna be a blast.
Juanita: The driveway?
Gabrielle: Honey, you're 6 now, so
I think it's time we had a little mother/daughter talk
. Your father's side of the family's trash. Any questions?
If you don't like her, why are you putting on your best jewelry?
Gabrielle: 'Cause that’s what grown-ups do, sweetie. When we don't like someone, we don't punch them or say mean things.
We just find subtle ways to make them feel bad about their lives. Ooh, like these earrings, Aunt Connie can't afford them, and that'll make her sad. And this will bring her to her knees. And this will be a kick in her throat.
If you hate 'em so much, maybe we shouldn't go.
Gabrielle: Oh, no, sweetie. We have to go. They're family.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-22 12:41 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话any more exes I should know

Jackson: Boy, am I glad to see you. Where you been?
Susan: Out, uh, doing some thinking. And I've decided that I may have gone a little overboard about you and Mike. In fact,
I think it's cool if you wanna hang out with my ex.
Karl: Hey, Susie Q.! Just shakin' the dew off the Lily. And speaking of, that paint job in the guest can is nice. Kudos.
What are you doing here?
Karl: Well, Julie needed me to cosign some insurance stuff for her, and I guess I lost track of time talking to crunchy granola here. Plumber to housepainter in one move, Susie? Don't get dizzy climbin' that social ladder
Can you leave, please?

Karl: Just think...If I'd been a roofer, we might still be together. Sigh.
Get out.
Karl: See ya around, hacky sack.
So... any more exes I should know about?
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发表于 2010-6-24 12:09 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 21:45 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话 make an entrance

Mary: Hi. We're, um...the neighborhood. Gabrielle invited us to play poker.
So...is she in?
Yao Lin: Mrs. Solis will be right down.
She likes to make an entrance.
Bree: What does that mean
, "an entrance"?
Gabrielle: Hello there. Welcome to my home.
Lynette: Oh.
That's what it means.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 21:50 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话fun last night. Different

Susan: Oh! Jazz!
Oh, my god! Why didn't you wake me?! Bob is going to kill me. But that was, uh, fun last night. Different, but fun. See ya.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 21:55 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话You want it or not

Andrew: I've been through a lot with this baby. I hate to sell her, but, you know, with my new sports car coming, I don't really need it. Yeah. Here she is.
How's it look?
Gabrielle: Be glad you're blind.
Carlos: We have to be practical.
We just need something to get us from point "A" to point "B". Now let's buy the thing.
Gabrielle: Okay,
just let me handle this.
So...do we have a sale?
Gabrielle: I don't know, Andrew. I mean...we like it. We don't love it.
Andrew: Yeah, well, no one buys a car like this and loves it.
It's all about the price. And you're not gonna do better.
Gabrielle: Yeah, about that price--You're gonna have to drop it
. I mean, look at all these dents.
Andrew: Yeah, it's also missing three hubcaps, and it's got a hanger for an antenna. Full disclosure-- it's a piece of crap. You want it or not?
Gabrielle: Well, I'll tell you what. Since your mom and I are dear friends,
I'll take it off your hands if you knock off $ 300.
Andrew: And since my mom and you are dear friends,
I'll resist the urge to flip you the bird.
Gabrielle: Andrew! Unless you lower this price, we're walking...right now.
Andrew: See ya.
I mean it. This is it.
Andrew: Fine.
Gabrielle: Fine. Okay,
fine. Knock off $200, and we'll give you cash.
Andrew: No.
Gabrielle: $ 100.
Andrew: No.
Gabrielle: Wh--
Will you at least have it washed?
Andrew: I'll empty the ashtray. Final offer.
Gabrielle: Damn you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-27 11:39 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话Are you sure it's not cancer?

Nurse: The doctor has our results. He'll be here in a minute.
Lynette: Do you know what they are?
You'll need to talk to the doctor about that.
Lynette: Come on.
I know you know. It's cancer again. Am I right?
Nurse: I honestly don't know. Now please,
he'll just be a moment.
Lynette: If it's cancer, and I find out you knew,
I won't be dying alone.
Dr. Rushton: Hello, Lynette. Well,
I'm glad you came in we got the results back, and the test did pick something up.
So it is the cancer. Oh, god, I can't go through this again!
Dr. Rushton:
No, no, no. It's nothing like that. You're pregnant.
Lynette: Excuse me?
Dr. Rushton: About six weeks or so.
Lynette: Are you sure it's not cancer?

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-27 11:42 | 显示全部楼层

美国人日常生活对话 No, ma'am, it's not

Susan: So out of nowhere, Jackson says, "Let's move in together." I-I mean, of course I was stunned. And then when I said no, he just broke up with me. I mean, does he really expect me to be in love after just five months? That's crazy.
Frank: Yeah, I guess, although his work on these moldings is amazing
. You really want me to repaint these, Suzanne?
Susan: It's Susan.
And he was the first one to say he didn't want to get serious, which is why I was happy. We were just having fun.
Frank: Well, maybe you should call him. How do you like this color?

Not so much.
Frank, how can I call him? He's the one that ended it with me.
Frank: Look, the guy makes you happy. He says he loves you. You gonna let pride stop you from finding out where this thing could go? Come on. Don't be stupid.
How much am I paying you?
Frank: $14 an hour.
That's not enough.
Frank: No, ma'am, it's not.

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发表于 2010-6-27 22:46 | 显示全部楼层
I wanna give her new boyfriend the once-over

Let me enjoy my denial.

who can explain  these  two s ...
wyd2008 发表于 2010/6/18 21:49


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发表于 2010-6-27 22:53 | 显示全部楼层
Did someone throw rice at you?

what does it mean?
wyd2008 发表于 2010/6/20 08:47

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发表于 2010-6-27 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
I am not on board with this!

speak of the devil

You think I'm that shallow, that all I go by is lo ...
wyd2008 发表于 2010/6/21 12:37


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-28 20:51 | 显示全部楼层

連長 发表于 2010-6-27 23:00

    thanks  a lot ~~~
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