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[08.4.18Yahoo日本] 日本佛教寺庙拒绝奥运圣火

发表于 2008-4-18 22:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        【YAHOO tokyo】 A major Japanese Buddhist temple withdrew Friday from a plan to host the Beijing Olympics torch relay, citing safety concerns and sympathy among its monks and worshippers for Tibetanprotesters facing a Chinese crackdown. Zenkoji Temple has refused toserve as the starting point for the April 26 relay, said KunihikoShinohara, secretary-general of the Nagano city organizing committee for the event. The relay has drawn protests around the world against China's crackdown on Tibetan demonstrators. "We respect the temple's decision. This means the starting point will change," he said after he met with Zenkoji monks.
Another city official, Koichi Yajima, said the monks were concernedabout the safety of the temple and its worshippers should the relayspark the angry demonstrations it has brought in Europe and the United States.
An official at the temple's secretariat, speaking on condition ofanonymity, said the temple and its worshippers were also concernedabout the treatment of fellow Buddhists in Tibet.
"There have been a lot of talk about the Tibet issue and the publicopinion is heightening," she said. "We are Buddhists just like them. Wehear words of concern from many people every day."
The government in Tokyo said it planned to provide adequate security for the relay.
"The relay went smoothly in some spots and got disrupted in otherplaces overseas. We want to prevent disruptions with thoroughsecurity," Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said.
The torch relay was to start from the famous temple, taking runners through the city for 18.5 kilometers (11.5 miles).
Nagano, the host of the 1998 Winter Olympics, has already canceled a post-relay event because of security concerns.
Since its start March 24 in Greece, the torch relay has been a magnet for critics of China's policies in Tibet. Protesters disrupted stops in London, Paris and San Francisco, helping make the games among the most contentious in years.
The Olympic flame, which arrived in Thailand on Friday under tight security, is to arrive in Japan from Australia and then travel to Seoul, South Korea

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 22:27 | 显示全部楼层
大多数日本佛教寺庙收回了星期五所作的接待北京奥运圣火圣火接力的计划,基于对在西藏面临中国政府镇压的抗议的僧侣和佛教膜拜者的安全的关心与同情。善光寺(注:位于长野的一寺庙,历史悠久,于公元7世纪落成。)寺庙已经拒绝了于4月26日作为火炬接力的起点,长野火炬传递组织委员会秘书长kunihiko shinohara说。传递活动激起了全球的对镇压西藏游行者(貌似是骚乱者吧)。 “我们尊重寺庙的决定,这意味着火炬传递起点就会改变,”另一位官员koichi yajima在会见了寺庙的僧侣后说,他还说僧侣们关心寺庙的安全和其膜拜者会在集会继续转播他们在欧洲和美国激起的怒火。一个匿名的寺庙官方秘书说,寺庙和其膜拜者同样关心在西藏的佛教信徒的待遇。 “有很多关于西藏问题的说法而且民意正在提高”她说道“我们跟他们一样是佛教信徒,我们每天都能收到很多对他们关心的话。” 东京政府称他们计划为传递活动足够的安全,“传递活动在一些地方平稳地进行但也在海外受到一些干扰,我将会以彻底的安全来防止阻扰行动。”东京首席内阁秘书nobutaka machimura说。火炬传递将以著名的寺庙为起点,圣火传递者将穿越全全长为18.5公里(11.5英里)的曾举办过1998冬季运动会的长野城,但长野城因为出于对安全的考虑取消了圣火传递仪式后的活动。奥运圣火将于星期五在紧密的安全保护下抵达泰国,接下来是澳大利亚跟日本,随后抵达韩国汉城。






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