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[政治] 在博客日报看到的一则消息

发表于 2010-7-24 03:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China employing Sealed Management or Prisons for Poor Neighborhoods in Beijing, calling Tom Friedman and Steve Jobs, NBC & Rupert Murdoch to live in locked & gated prisons without a roof.July 14th, 2010 · No Comments
China is now mirroring Nazi Germany by walling off, locking, and installing gates around low income neighborhoods in Beijing. China of course uses Orwellian language and calls it “Sealed Management”, no doubt NBC and Fox News led by China apologist Rupert Murdoch will not be covering this story:

The government calls it “sealed management.” China’s capital has started gating and locking some of its lower-income neighborhoods overnight, with police or security checking identification papers around the clock, in a throwback to an older style of control.
It’s Beijing’s latest effort to reduce rising crime often blamed on the millions of rural Chinese migrating to cities for work. The capital’s Communist Party secretary wants the approach promoted citywide. But some state media and experts say the move not only looks bad but imposes another layer of control on the already stigmatized, vulnerable migrants.
So far, gates have sealed off 16 villages in the sprawling southern suburbs, where migrants are attracted to cheaper rents and in some villages outnumber permanent residents 10 to one.

But forget that NBC/Fox News and the majority of the government/media complex won’t report on this story in fear of pissing off China and their money, the real shock is that this started in 2008 during the Beijing Olympics, yet you didn’t hear a peep about it, the Olympics were making too much money for the NBC and Fox News pigs of the world:

“Sealed management” was born in the village of Laosanyu during the Beijing Olympics in 2008, when the government was eager to control its migrant population. The village used it again during the sensitive 60th anniversary of Communist China last year. Officials then reported the idea to township officials, who decided to make the practice permanent this year.

War69.com would like the money hungry Steve Jobs to live in one of these gated ghettos for one year. Don’t worry Stevie, you’ll be allowed to bring another American, the China apologist Tom Friedman, since Tommy believes that China does everything right, he won’t have a problem seeing how wonderful ghetto life is in wonderful 2010 China. After all, without the migrant workers China wouldn’t be able to produce such cheap goods for the world and Steve Jobs would not be able to suck every dollar out of the American public by overpricing Ipods and Macbooks.
Let’s see if Brian Williams gives one second to this story on the Nightly NBC News

UPDATE: No mention from Brian Williams on the Nightly News, another sad part of the article is this banner the Chinese Communist thugs place at the gates of the Sealed Management Prisons:

“Closing Up The Village Benefits Everyone,” read one banner which was put up when the first, permanent gated village was introduced in April.

China once again taking a page from Nazi Germany, their slogan was Work Makes One Free
发表于 2010-7-24 04:10 | 显示全部楼层
不了解这个网站,但看到上头有连接到 MICHAEL SAVAGE 的论坛,就大概知道它是什么性质的网站了。

MICHAEL SAVAGE是美国一个电台主持人,非常的保守,对移民很不友好。他的电台脱口秀全美排名第三,这位主持人以反对堕胎,反对同性恋婚姻,反对移民的观点备受争议。

博客中不是给出原出处了吗? 是美联社的新闻稿。
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100 ... /as_china_fenced_in;_ylt=AlrEEJZnSOM.E.t_FHVDoHVzfNdF
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-24 04:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wshxb 于 2010-7-24 04:55 编辑

我不知道博客日报的哪个外籍华人看的是哪个网站,我贴出来的网站是我谷哥关键词"beijing sealed management",找到的,    我不懂E文,希望大家能辨别下这个事情的真伪
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发表于 2010-7-24 06:56 | 显示全部楼层
不了解这个网站,但看到上头有连接到 MICHAEL SAVAGE 的论坛,就大概知道它是什么性质的网站了。

rlsrls08 发表于 2010/7/24 04:10

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发表于 2010-7-24 08:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-24 08:31 | 显示全部楼层



北京实行封闭管理试点 保护北京人侮辱外地人?

http://www.ccvic.com  时间:2010-04-27 16:07:26 华媒网


封闭管理:建围墙 关大门 图源:新京报


封闭管理:凭出入证进村 图源:新京报



北京警方25日召开现场会,推行城乡接合部的流动人口“倒挂”村的封闭管理模式试点。即将推广封闭管理村庄的“北五镇”分别为西红门镇、旧宫镇、瀛海镇、黄村和亦庄。 >>>全部新闻

目前,大兴区有92个自然村出现“倒挂”情况,以老三余村为例,该村常住人口660人。流动人口数量达到6000人左右。据悉,北京试点封闭管理模式年内推行致92个村庄。 >>>全部新闻

北京试点实行封闭管理,按照封闭式的管理模式,警方联合政府部门为这些村落建围墙、安街门、设岗亭,并封闭一些不常用的路口,自然村改造上升为封闭式的社区管理模式。 >>>全部新闻

根据各村街巷胡同的分布、数量等情况,评估每个村庄监控探头的需求量,确定需要安装的点位,并统一安装。镇村分别建立监控平台,实行24小时专人值守,实现村庄网上巡逻。 >>>全部新闻

严格按照人口比例配备巡防队和流动人口管理员,在社区民警带领下进行村庄内部的治安防范工作。对此,政府大力支持大兴公安分局打造一支职业化、规范化的千人专职巡逻队。  >>>全部新闻

警方将社区警务站、流动人口管理服务站、巡防工作站整合。设立“民调室”由社区民警和村委会共同解决村内矛盾纠纷工作,实现“小事不出村,大事不出镇,矛盾不上交”。 >>>全部新闻

建村庄围墙是中国开始出现大型贫民窟的一个标志。但是从另一个方面说,建围墙也是管理的态度,比无视或者放任要好。 >>>全部新闻

不妥吧!治安有问题,采取措施应对没有问题,但是要建围墙,把人进行封闭式管理,从某种角度讲,会造成社会对这部分人的一种歧视。 >>>全部新闻
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发表于 2010-7-24 11:18 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-7-24 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
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