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【10.10.18 美联社】中国拒绝美方对其进行能源政策调查,并指责美国不公

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-18 17:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China rejects clean energy probe, calls US unfair
【来源地址】http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101 ... gy#mwpphu-container
BEIJING – A senior Chinese official rejected a U.S. trade complaint about Beijing's clean energy policy and said Sunday that Washington might be improperly supporting its own industry.

The U.S. government said Friday it would investigate complaints by a labor union that Beijing unfairly subsidizes its producers of wind and solar equipment.

"Chinese subsidies to new energy companies are much smaller than those of the U.S. government," said Zhang Guobao, director of the Cabinet's National Energy Administration, at a news conference. "If the U.S. government can subsidize companies, then why can't we?"

The complaint by the United Steelworkers adds to strains between Washington and Beijing over trade in tires, steel, chicken, movies and other goods. It says Chinese producers can sell wind and solar equipment at lower prices abroad because they get subsidies that are prohibited by global trade rules.

Zhang countered that Washington might be improperly supporting its own industry. He cited what he said were rules on spending of U.S. government money for solar energy that require equipment to be domestically made.
"If what I said is right, it is the United States that should be sued, not us," he said.

The unusually prompt, high-level Chinese response reflects Beijing's growing confidence in rejecting U.S. pressure over trade and other issues, as well as its determination to develop high-tech industry.

The communist government is aggressively promoting wind, solar and other renewable energy to curb surging demand for imported oil and gas. It is trying to build up Chinese equipment suppliers to capture the economic benefits of a fast-growing industry.

In a statement Saturday, the Commerce Ministry said Washington's complaint signals the U.S. does not support China's efforts at improving the environment.

Zhang said 50 percent of clean energy equipment installed in China last year was imported and suppliers such as General Electric Co. have made substantial sales.

“Once we reveal these facts to the world, the (U.S.) complaint will be shown to be groundless, and all the American subsidies will be exposed," he said.

If the U.S. investigation finds the union complaint true, the Obama administration could sue China in the World Trade Organization. A favorable WTO ruling would allow Washington to impose penalties on Chinese imports unless Beijing repealed any support deemed to be improper.
Foreign business groups have long complained that in wind, Beijing is improperly supporting fledgling domestic clean energy producers by restricting access to its market. They say global suppliers of wind turbines are shut out of projects paid for by the central government, which picks equipment based only on its upfront price rather than the long-term cost, which for more durable foreign equipment is much lower.

Zhang rejected their complaints: "Those foreign companies didn't win the bid because their prices are much higher than Chinese prices."

In solar power, China's Suntech Holdings Ltd. is one of the biggest global equipment producers and several other companies also are major suppliers.

In wind, Chinese producers are only starting to export. Industry analysts say they lag in technology but offer prices up to 50 percent lower than foreign rivals.

One turbine maker, Goldwind Science & Technology Ltd., installed three windmills in a Minnesota farmer's field last year in the first effort by a Chinese producer to break into the U.S. market.

Zhang questioned how such a small market presence abroad could threaten American companies.
"We've only exported three windmills to the United States," he said. "What impact does this have?"

Stop buying American cars, they are all subsidized.

Once again, the US is whining and crying and China is making money. Maybe we could hire the Chinese to fix our economy, install productive currency policies, and get rid of unions that cause our products to be too expensive to compete.
The USDA is currently fighting to keep US companies from profiting from the world-wide bio-mass market, our government is our worst enemy.

George Mason Party
The steel workers union is lucky to still be in business.
It is because of Chinese demand that they have jobs at all.

Just around year 2000 US Steel corporation and all the major steel suppliers were facing bankruptcy and were getting subsidized by the US Government. Luckily Chinese Demand came along

Tell the Stell wokers union to go walk a long steel plank on a newly constructed high rise preferably in Beijing

We Americans should just mind our of F*ckin business. We got a lot more things to worry about than the Chinese government.

i bought a top american brand, inside it said made in china

The US is also internationally knwon for being the country that promotes MORE SUBSIDIES in the WHOLE WORLD, harming the whole international economy by promoting aritficial trade imbalances. Washington should SHUT UP and play CLEAN - in both senses!

Noah H
Change our trade policies to advantage the American wage earner. Do that and ALL our othe problems will go away.

Mr. Nice Guy
And we all know Obama will agree with China, bow down and apologize..

Before you know it All Americans will Be Riding a Bicycle to work and coming home to a Plate of FISH HEADS AND RICE......

Quit buying crap that is made in China and there will be no need for them to continue producing it and polluting our planet with their factories




发表于 2010-10-18 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-18 23:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-19 01:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-19 01:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-19 02:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wxd111 于 2010-10-19 02:02 编辑

Another stupid article.
          Of cource China will do whats best for China.
          And American Big Biz will do whats best for CEO's,
          And American Gov will do what best to grow bigger more taxing and controlling.
          None will do what best for American people.
          Vote the same get the same.

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      Sal 3 hours ago Report Abuse

          Now the United Steelworkers union is working on destroying business in other countries!!!!

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      Spoken 7 hours ago Report Abuse

          American producers are trying to get a premium for these products...I have looked into solar panels
          and the price is way beyond ridiculous. If they got fairly out bid then they got out bid...period. To
          base a price on cost over lifetime is a sales technique to command a higher up front cost. There is
          no way to guarentee that kind of information to be accurate.

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      Troy 8 hours ago Report Abuse

          American unions are killing the USA,I know making money is important ,but production costs are high with unions involved, all products costs more so the product must sell for more.Countries like Mexico and China can make products for half what the same product costs in the USA.

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      Smokey 8 hours ago Report Abuse

          Just more proof that our climate change efforts will only put America in the poorhouse, money in pockets of Soros and Obama and the planet will get even more trashed as a result.... good work aging hippie liberal d0u(hebags

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      Larry 9 hours ago Report Abuse

          China thinks it is unfair that they have to now follow the same rules everyone else does ?
          Too bad for them ....
          The only problem they have is if they clean up their pollution and follow rules - they will no longer be able to produce cheap hazardous junk anymore to sell.... and their economy will be exactly what it is worth again - not very much .... pennies to the dollar ....
          Wonder what is going to happen to them if they cannot make lead painted toys, bad drywall and tainted poisonous dogfood and milk products to export ? Their lying and cheating is catching up with them now ....

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      Michael 10 hours ago Report Abuse

          The US certainly do live in a world of self-denial.
          The US has one of the MOST protectionist societies on the planet and yet they constantly have the temerity to accuse others of subsidies.
          Apparently it is no longer fair to the US if others just buy the cheapest product, they have to also give US products some sort of "durability" weighting to put them in front? Now I've heard it all !
          And THREE windmills is somehow a trade threat ? For crying out loud.
          The Chinese are doing what most countries are doing now - supporting "sustainable" industries in order to get alternative power to be competitive, ala Kyoto, etc.
          Really, the US have just become a joke with their arrogant attitudes.

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      AMERICAN1975 10 hours ago Report Abuse

          Are these the "Green Jobs" Obama keeps talking about???!!! This is a total joke, free trade GUARENTEES all American manufacturing will leave for dirt poor countries like China, where the average wage for an auto plant worker is $300 a MONTH!!!! Free trade is a fraud, a race to the bottom. The US standard of living will decline with the dollar until we hit the low mean world average of under $10,000 a year! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

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      Carl 13 hours ago Report Abuse

          China looks at American Unions and LAUGHS all the way to the BANK.

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      devi 15 hours ago Report Abuse

          Why are we so afraid to stand up against China? Ok so they own our debt and if they dare try to sell it then the will hurt themselves. While our country is falling to them we do nothing but listen to the crappy excuses about protectionism, currency and yet we do absolutely nothing. When are we finally going to stand up to them and say a good relationship is based on mutual benefit not one sided benefit. For sakes Obama do something and do it now. Let them be mad, what can they do? If we fall they will fall 5 times harder...EARN YOUR STRIPES NOW!!!!


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发表于 2010-10-19 02:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-19 02:19 | 显示全部楼层
I work for an American company but I manage a Solar Energy factory in China. Labor costs have very little to do with the success of our factory. Labor is < 5% of the cost of our product. The reason for China's success is the government's support for the industry. The have programs for fast approval of the factories. They do not take years to approve the construction of the factory, they do not require our factory to meet diversity goals for the workers they hire, they do not require the factory to hire union labor (yes there are unions in China). The Chinese government has other policies that make us purchase Chinese made equipment but our primary equipment is foreign made (my own American company also supplied manufacturing equipment, but this was made in Singapore, Taiwan, and Germany). they provide tax free polcies for strategic investiments. The Chinese governments (national and regional) are encouraging the production of solar and other renewables. They are installing Chinese made renewable energy sources (their tax structure also encourages this).

The US talks like they want to encourage businesses even green business but as soon as those business make a profit (or too much profit) then they say "Oh your too wealthy or too rich, give your money too others". Businesses (foreign and domestic) are encouraged to be successful. Succes means profitable, those who risks their own money will be handsomely rewarded or they will loose it. that is the risk they are willing to take. Some will get rich, some will move from poverty to lower class, some from lower class to middle class. China has a huge income disparity from poor too rich but all of my Chinese friends do not mind becasue they see it as a result of hard work (and some politics).

For the US to turn things around they (state and national) need to stop seeing successful businesses as the bad guys; making profits as unfair. They need to revisit our beaurocratic regulations to see how they can be streamlined. Too many polcies discourage businesses with unnecssary costs. How is Germany such a leader in exports? Do you think labor cost are chaep there? Until we make these changes China, India, Germany and other countries will continue to take American innovation and turn it into industries.

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发表于 2010-10-19 09:12 | 显示全部楼层
yuzhonglie 发表于 2010-10-18 22:26





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发表于 2010-10-19 09:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-19 14:04 | 显示全部楼层

张国宝说得对 美国对新能源的补贴是赤裸裸的明显 现在奥巴马政府倒打一耙根本就是为了选票
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发表于 2010-10-19 14:17 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-10-19 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
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