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[政治] 【2010.11.17yahoo】Japan to attend Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

发表于 2010-11-18 21:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Japan to attend Nobel Peace Prize ceremony
– Wed Nov 17, 7:18 am ET

TOKYO – Japan's ambassador in Norway will attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, the embassy said Wednesday, which risks rekindling tensions between Tokyo and Beijing.
China has said the selection of Liu for the award is an interference in its internal affairs and has pressured other countries not to go, including Japan.
Tokyo's decision to send its ambassador to the ceremony could cause further tensions between the two Asian powers. Relations have soured since a Chinese fishing boat collided with Japan patrol ships near disputed islands in the East China Sea.
The Japanese ambassador in Oslo will attend the Dec. 10 awards despite the request to skip it from China, embassy spokeswoman Mio Otashiro said.
Liu is serving an 11-year sentence for subversion after co-authoring an appeal calling for reforms to China's one-party political system. He was a student leader at the demonstrations at Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989.
The decision to give him this year's award has also caused a diplomatic rift between China and Norway, though the Norwegian government is not involved in the selection of the winner.
Earlier this month France's foreign ministry said its ambassador would attend the event, and other European governments appeared to be leaning toward attending despite the pressure from China.
(This version CORRECTS Corrects spelling of Liu Xiaobo in first paragraph)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-18 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-18 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
日本驻挪威大使星期三称他将参加为中国持不同政见者刘晓波举办的炸药和平奖典礼。这将重新使北京和东京的关系变得紧张。中国称授予刘晓波这个奖项是干涉中国的内政,并施压让包括日本在内的其他国家,别去参加这个典礼。东京决定让大使出席这个典礼将会进一步加剧俩个亚洲国家之间的关系。自从在中国东海附近的争议海域,中国渔船和日本巡逻船发生碰撞后,两国关系不断恶化。外交发言人Mio Otashiro说,尽管中国要求不要参加,但日本驻奥斯陆(挪威首都)大使仍将于12月10日参加在颁奖典礼。刘在联合发表《领巴县长》后被中国政府以颠覆国家的罪名判处11年。他是1989八平方行走的学生领导之一。虽然挪威政府没涉及获选者的挑选,但授予刘晓波奖项的决定仍然导致了中国与挪威外交关系上的裂缝
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