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[社会] 【2010.11.19 raw story】Think tank: 92% of Afghans never heard of 9/11

发表于 2010-11-22 13:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Think tank: 92% of Afghans never heard of 9/11
Fewer than one in 10 Afghans are aware of the 9/11 attacks and their precipitation of the war in Afghanistan, says a study from an international think tank.
A report (PDF) from the International Council on Security and Development (ICOS) shows that 92 percent of those surveyed had never heard of the coordinated multiple attacks on US soil on September 11, 2001. It also shows that four in 10 Afghans believe the US is on their soil in order to "destroy Islam or occupy Afghanistan."
To be sure, the survey can't claim to be definitive: It only canvassed men, and relied primarily on respondents from Helmand and Kandahar, the two most war-torn provinces in the country. But the results nonetheless show that Western forces fighting insurgents in Afghanistan have largely failed to connect with the local population.
“We need to explain to the Afghan people why we are here, and both show and convince them that their future is better with us than with the Taliban,” ICOS lead field researcher Norine MacDonald said in a statement.
The survey also suggests that Afghans are skeptical of their own government's ability to protect them, and have little regard for the fledgling democratic institutions the country is building. Fully 43 percent could not name one positive aspect of democracy, and nearly two-thirds -- 61 percent -- said they didn't think Afghan forces would be able to keep up the fight against the Taliban if and when Western forces withdrew.
The ICOS study recommends a publicity campaign to explain to Afghans why foreign forces are fighting on their soil. The think tank also proposes a number of other initiatives meant to improve the image of foreign forces in the country, including having NATO forces deliver humanitarian aid where aid groups fear to travel, providing farmland to the poor, setting up women's councils, and "safe village convoys" which would see foreign troops escort villagers in dangerous rural areas.
ICOS has a permanent presence in Afghanistan and has been studying the nearly decade-long war's impact on Afghan society. The think tank has previously proposed that Afghanistan license the growing of opium. The group argues that eliminating the opiate trade from Afghanistan is virtually impossible due to its entrenched place in the culture. At the same time, Afghan farmers could earn money by selling opiates to painkiller manufacturers.
Opponents of the idea say that Afghanistan is not stable enough to develop a proper opium-manufacturing industry, and a licensing scheme would only encourage the sale of opium to heroin manufacturers.
1、Yosuf Hakim Today 01:37 PM
I am an young Afghan boy, currently in University in London, I went to Kabul, capital of Afghanistan just one months before, media is always against the people who lives there, i dont really know the reason, but to be honest people in east dont like people in the west and people in west are exactly the same. it just makes me relise why is there so much hatred in people of both sides, it is understanable that the way they live are different to ours here and their culture, religion and thinking wise.
more than than 50 percent of people in western countries smokes weed, and alot of them are taking class A drugs such as cocain/heroin.
and the worst one that people in Afghanistan sees is homosexquality which is alot in western countries and media is encouaging people to be more Gay and Lisbean. just like bruno (lolz)

92% of Afghan havent heared of 9/11 is because they dont remember the date but when you tell them the tall buildings of American then they all know it, 4 millions of Afghans were killed in past 10 years, which American remembers that?? huh they dont even care about it, it was a war between soviet union and American (helping their mujahiddin allies) in afghanistan..believe me people dont blame the innocent people who just lives there and are very poor, and show respect for their culture and religion. why be racist???? what is the end of you all?? graveyard, it truely hurted me by reading some of your comments that takes the piss out of my people...
btw We Afghans suffered from the talibans more than anyone in the world, we came in a state that everyone are mocking at us, we were once a country where people used to travel for their holiday destinations accros europe and central asia.
but i hope i did not upseted anyone, as i know life is short and i want peace in the world...RESPECT
2、pierresplace Today 06:31 PM  in reply to Yosuf Hakim
I really don't know what the truth is but I do feel one way. That too much has been wasted on war and many Americans don't want war. It's the rich and greedy and powerful people in America that make money from war that want the wars. What we each believe has nothing to do with anything. It's just tragic that in the modern era when so much is known about how wasteful war is, some people still want it. I never did and I never will. One day hopefully we will all see peace and mutual respect. The best to you Son.
3、YamaP Yesterday 10:10 PM
this is bull shit info with no authentic sources. If you are smart you would question why is america in afghanistan. they are not there to get rid of the terrorists. America is one of the greatest nations, the most powerful nation right now, with advance technology cant get rid of bunch of stupid talibans. if they really wanted to get rid of al-qada and talibans they would have done it in 2001 and 2002 but they want to stay for other causes. that benefits USA. they are not their to bring democracy or give human rights, and the other bull shit. it is ALLL ABOUT MONEY PEOPLE
4、anchr Yesterday 02:06 PM
They might not know about 9/11, but they certainly know about the US and Nato forces that occupy their country. And I suppose they feel more concerned about that than about something that happened far away and almost ten years ago.

What happened to that thing about winning their hearts and minds?

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