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【10.12.10 大西洋在线】各路美国专家劝导民众抛弃中国第一的悲观看法

 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-14 16:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Americans Think China Has the World's Largest Economy
【译  者】批一啊pia
【翻译方式】 人工
【声  明】 本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。
【译  文】

Who's got the world's largest economy: China or the United State? If you ask Americans, nearly half of them think it's China while only one in five say the United States. If you ask economists--or any other authoritative source on the subject--you know that most Americans are wrong, the U.S. is still number one. These latest polling results come from the Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll. Here's how pundits are swallowing the news:
谁是世界上最大的经济体:中国还是美国?如果你问美国人这个问题,接近一半的人会回答是中国,只有五分之一的人认为是美国。如果你问经济学家或其他这个问题上的权威来源,你会知道大部分美国人搞错了,美国仍然是第一。这项最新的投票调查结果来自Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor。下面是权威人士的解读:

C'mon People, We're Not That Weak, writes David Harsanyi at Town Hall:
David Harsanyi在市政厅写道:“拜托,我们没那么衰弱。”

Yes, we're a bit pessimistic these days, but let's not get fatalistic. You don't have to have blind faith in American exceptionalism to know that the U.S. economy, even with the tribulations of the recent years, is still the richest and most productive and innovative power in the world. The private sector isn't collapsing (though we've certainly hit a bump); others just happen to be gaining on us.

Here's Why Americans Are So Confused, explains Jamelle Bouie at The American Prospect:
Jamelle Bouie在The American Prospect上解释了,为什么美国人会如此迷茫。

As a rule, people are inclined to see most things as a zero-sum game. Other countries are becoming richer, so by definition, the United States is becoming poorer. Of course, the world isn't zero-sum, at least when it comes to the global economy. China is growing, yes, but not to the detriment of the United States. ... As for why Americans are anxious? Wage stagnation, income inequality, and a terrible recession might have something to do with it.

China's Not First--But They Will Be  "Economic data points out that the U.S. remains the world's economic driver," writes Rick Smith at Local Tech Wire, "but there is no doubt China is growing rapidly and is expected to be No. 1 in the not too distant future. The lackluster recovery from the recession with unemployment closing in on 10 percent in the U.S. certainly supports the poll’s bleak findings."
中国不是第一,但是中国将是第一。“经济数据显示美国仍是全球经济的舵手。”Rick Smith在Local Tech Wire上写道。“但是毫无疑问的是,中国增加非常快速,会在不久的将来成为世界第一。美国摆脱衰退的缓慢恢复期中失业率接近10%这项数据支持了调查中这一黯淡的结果。”

China's Not Even Close, writes Matt Yglesias at Think Progress, if you're looking at per capita GDP:
Matt Yglesias在Think Progress上写道:“中国甚至算不上逼近美国,如果你看他的人均GDP的话。”

Note that China is not only poorer than the USA, it's poorer than Ecuador. It’s about half as rich as Uruguay or Belarus. Trinidad has about triple the per capita GDP of China. I think it's probably true that average living standards in America are no longer the highest in the world, but we're being beat by the likes of Norway, Switzerland, and the Netherlands not by China. But who knows? Maybe "stronger" just means "growing really fast" in which case China is, in fact, growing really fast.




发表于 2010-12-14 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-14 18:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-14 19:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-14 20:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-14 21:35 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈  帐不知道咋算好了~
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发表于 2010-12-15 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lis ... estimates_%28PPP%29
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发表于 2010-12-15 17:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-15 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
總量是說給中國人聽的,人均是說給外國人聽的。怎麼說都對,都有好處啊。 ...
zlwan001 发表于 2010-12-14 18:58

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发表于 2010-12-15 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
北海 发表于 2010-12-14 19:01


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发表于 2010-12-15 20:00 | 显示全部楼层
就中国这人口 十四亿啊  就美国现在的总量算人均都不够

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发表于 2010-12-15 23:06 | 显示全部楼层
北海 发表于 2010-12-14 19:01

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发表于 2010-12-20 18:29 | 显示全部楼层
比厄瓜多尔都穷的中国 让美国人担心
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