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【译文-中文】美国能把中国改造成负责任的国际参与者吗? (转载)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-5 23:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文-美国】Can the U.S. Turn China Into a Responsible Global Player?【原文地址】:http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/01/can-the-us-turn-china-into-a-responsible-global-player/69723/
【翻译截止日期】:2011-02-02 23:02:46
【翻译评论数/总评论】:N / N


Jan 18 2011, 1:31 PM ET By Max Fisher 51
During Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to Washington today and tomorrow, the carefully choreographed meetings are expected to focus on "bilateral issues" in the U.S.-China relationship: namely, the two nations' currency dispute, military competition, and ongoing trade deals. But some of the most important repercussions of the U.S.-China relationship, and how Presidents Obama and Hu define it, are felt in neither Beijing nor Washington but in the far-away reaches of the world's most troubled states. China wants to become a world power and the U.S. wants to control and isolate that rise. How this tension plays out could affect -- decisively, in some cases -- nearly every other issue at the top of Obama's foreign policy agenda. This week, as the two leaders inevitably discuss the U.S. policy of "strategic containment" against China, Obama will have consider whether he prefers a weaker and less responsible China or a stronger China that just might be a bit more cooperative with the rest of the world.

    Because China is so hungry to project influence and acquire resources wherever possible, and because the U.S. has been so successful at containing China's reach wherever possible, the rising power has felt compelled to do business the last places it can. Increasingly, that lands Chinese diplomats and industrial representatives in the world's nastiest rogue states. As world leaders and multinational groups deploy sanctions and diplomatic pressure to try and curb bad actors, China is almost always ready to exploit the situation. It's a familiar and deeply frustrating pattern: a rogue state acts out, the world imposes sanctions to force better behavior, and then China steps in to cut deals with the newly isolated country. It's a great deal for China, which gets bargain basement prices, and for the rogue state, which is free to continue whatever atrocious behavior earned it worldwide scorn.
    Meanwhile, the Western-led global community has lost much of its ability to credibly deter bad behavior. Worst of all, the rogue state's victims -- slaughtered ethnic minorities, oppressed democratic activists -- are less likely to find reprieve. So far, China has undercut global cooperation against the regimes in North Korea, Iran, Burma, Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe. If international sanctions hit Côte d'Ivoire, it seems likely that China will be happy to undercut those sanctions by buying up the country's oil when prices rise this summer.

期间,以西方国家为首的国际组织大量失去了能确实阻止有害行动的能力。更糟糕的是,那些无赖国家的受害者们——被屠杀的少数民族和异教徒,被压迫的民主人士——他们的痛苦无法暂缓。到目前为止,中国已经插足了对以下国家政权的国际制裁:朝鲜,伊朗,缅甸,斯里兰卡,还有津巴布韦。如果国际社会制裁Côte d'Ivoire中国大概会很乐意来釜底抽薪从中获利吧,在这个油价上升的夏天到来前买下这个国家的石油。
    The U.S. isn't to blame for China's opportunism, of course, but we may be in a position to manage it. China has reached out to rogue states partly because it has been so stymied in East Asia, where a U.S.-led coalition of regional states, stretching from South Korea and Japan to Thailand and Indonesia, have isolated China in its own backyard. This has effectively reduced China's influence in the region, especially in the resource-rich South China Sea and its islands, but has also trained China to think of U.S.-led coalitions, whether in East Asia or in the United Nations, as antagonists. Recent polls indicate that Chinese respondents are increasingly wary of U.S. influence in East Asia, which they see as a threat. This has also accelerated the rise within Chinese politics of the People's Liberation Army -- a body far less likely to favor global cooperation or to consider Western pleas against, say, investing $40 billion in Iran.

As with so many foreign policy problems, the U.S. faces a dilemma between two uncertain and risky paths. On our current path, the U.S. minimizes China's rising global influence but, in exchange, accepts that China will continue undercutting global efforts against all but the most dangerous rogue states. In his meetings with Hu this week, however, Obama could consider a different path. By easing its containment policies, the U.S. might purchase better behavior. For example, Chinese poll respondents ranked the "Taiwan question" as the second most important issue Hu should address during his visit in Washington. It's probably a far lower priority for the U.S., which is reportedly considering a $4 billion upgrade to Taiwan's air force. Scaling back such deals, which are clear signals to China, could buy Hu's short-term cooperation on an issue important to the U.S., such isolating Côte d'Ivoire. In the long-term, it might promote greater trust between the powers, instead of reinforcing those in China who see the U.S. as a threat. This strategy would carry real dangers -- weakening staunch U.S. allies such as Taiwan, for example -- and no promise of paying out. But the current strategy is anything but safe. Whichever path the U.S. and China take, the rest of the world will be dragged along with them.
在众多外交问题的影响下,美国陷入了进退两难的局面。眼前有两条充满不确定性和风险的路。一是像往常一样,最小化中国的正在增长的国际影响力,作为代价,接受中国在国际社会制裁最危险残暴的国家时继续釜底抽薪的行为。但是,在本周奥巴马与HJT的会议中,奥巴马也许会开始考虑另外一条路。放松对中国的限制政策,也许美国会得到中国更好的举止。比如说,中国的民意调查中人民把台湾问题当做是HJT需要在华盛顿的访问行程中提到的第二重要的问题。这对美国来说可能是个相当低的优先度。据报道美国正考虑把对台空军军售提高40亿美元。回头看看这些协议,我们传递给中国的信息是很明确的,这也许能让HJT在短期内能在重要事件上与美国达成合作,如孤立Côte d'Ivoire。长远来说,这可能促进两个世界强国间的信任,而不是让中国人把美国当成威胁。这样的策略也有实实在在的危险——例如削弱美国和台湾坚定的同盟关系——也没有得到中国付出的承诺。当前的政策却一点都不安全。不管中美会选择哪条路,世界都会为之影响。



johnburrell 1 week ago
Well, very unlikely China will bow to us since they Own a lot of our Debt! If you are indebted to someone, you pretty much have to do as they say. Besides, China is very smart. They have excelled at developing the same technology as we have and will soon bypass us as a world economic power and soon will bypass us militarily! I'm not degrading us,we are Americans,but we are too fat,thinking we are so superior than others.May God bless America!.,

faults and take our country back.
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Actually, the fact we owe China so much money is probably the US government's best bargaining chip- if they don't do what the Feds want, they won't get paid back.
    However, when I read the headline, I thought it would be nice if China could turn the US into a responsible global player.
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Well, if the Chinese take all the treasury bonds they own of ours and dump it on the open market at reduced prices,what happens to our economy? they have the economic power and the money to do that.
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If the Chinese take all their treasury bonds and dump it on the open market, what happens to their economy.
    They would hurt themselves in multiple ways.
1 - They would take a loss as the bonds go down in value as they sell.
2 - Hurting the US economy would reduce their exports to the US, hurting their economy.
3 - Dumping the bonds would cause the dollar to depreciate against the yuan/renminbi, making China's exports to the US less competitive.
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China owns about 10% of our debt. Whether that's a "lot" or not can be debated.
    Most of our debt is owned by US institutions or entities.
    Still, your point has merit since they're a major source for future lending (not to mention cheap products). And even 10% or so, about $1 trillion, is a "lot".
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yeah America knows what "Responsible Global Player" is. Hey dumb redneck why don't you go invade another wrong country. LMAO
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Well, redneck no, a responsible electrical engineer with moral values. maybe you should spend time in Asia as I have or Europe and see what they think of or values. Maybe you should go there and probably will end up in jail in Asia. Are you an illegal alien?


LMAO why don't you not write like a child?


Can China turn America into a responsible global player?
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When will the US end this politically imposed head-in-sand self deception? US standards may be higher than the Chinese, but if the US does not take advantage of the advantage it has to IMPROVE itself and deny China the relative advantage it is gaining during this season of American stupidity, then they have only themselves to blame. China may be a communist state, but it is also a rational state.......if you get my drift....
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johnburrell 1 week ago in reply to Jason Young
Not likely because they have a solid goal and economic plan. All we have here is fat,spend,print money. It is up to us as Americans to turn it around,go back to fiscal responsibility,tighten our belts and do what is necessary to turn our country back to where it was. Responsible. I am not Democrat or Republican, I am American and want our country to be responsible and have moral values.
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Hmm, looks like the author assumes US a "responsible global player". Someone so dumb shouldn't be allowed to brain-wash next-gen Americans... please, the same propaganda can be better expressed ...
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First question to ask: Is USA a responsible global player?
我先要问个问题:美国是负责任的国际参与者吗? (这id太给力了~)
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We are not a responsible world power trying to make other cultures as we are. these other cultures have been around a lot longer than we have. We are not responsible when we open the printing presses to bail out big money and pay for their greed and in turn they give out big bonuses to their CEO's and such. It does not matter,we as a nation care about what we own,have,the amount of money we have. What do you think if the Government of the People and for the People, gave each American One million dollars, to stimulate the economy,with the provision to pay their debts? How much would that have cost us/ what is the population of the U.S. ? $360 million? Maybe a bit more? Yet we spent trillions to bail out Wall Street! What is responsible about that?
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Can the U.S. turn China into a responsible global player? The title is a joke. American has started more wars than any other single nation in modern history and its military actions, in the 20th and 21st century, have resulted in a catastrophic death toll that no other military in human history has ever paralleled. It recently attacked a poor country on false grounds (which it's own media has admitted), yet it continues to occupy that country and kill of its natives who oppose that occupation, whether they were supporters of Sadaam or not (this is irrelevant and all Iraqi freedom fighters are grouped under the umbrella of terrorism). Take this analogy. I hate Bush and Obama, politicians are usually just that-politicians with their own interests. But if any country decided to attack us because of Bush's or Obama's policies, I would fight back. Not because I defend them, but because I would defend the country I live in. I'm sure every American would do so regardless of their political beliefs. Similarly, any person of any nation would do so against an occupying power. That includes the Iraqis. Top it off with a false war, and Iraqis have more reason to fight back then I would over here.
And who would blame China for spending money on its military with aggressive nations like the United States occupying nations near its border and installing military bases in many other nations surrounding itself. What kind of message do you think that sends?
     "military competition"- another joke. The United States military spending accounts for nearly 50% of global military spending while China's accounts for only 4.6%.
I can conclude from reading many similar articles that not only are American media journalists extremely biased, they are also extremely ignorant of history and basic facts.
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And to add... What would any American citizen call an American who refused to fight a foreign invader and actually collaborated with the invaders? A traitor.
    US print journalists and establishment bloggers are as a whole either dupes or brain-washed. The lack of any innovative political, social or economic thought in the US shows it to be more totalitarian than China.
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RebelSoldier 1 week ago in reply to DAE
You can call people anything you want. Hang um as deserters as your capital city falls. Dig a patriotic hole and hide in it with a gun. None of that changes the facts of who is fighting wars everywhere in the world. Who has fleets and troops everywhere in the world. This comment board has been refreshingly intelligent, and as such a change of pace. I've heard from many sources that the US spends more on arms than all the rest of the nations on Earth combined. To ignore that and go on about "traiters" shows a lack of cognitive ability. It reads like something from Orwell's "1984".

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You misunderstood my comment. I was saying that Afghans and Iraqis fighting foreign invaders (US) are patriots and those who support the invaders (US) are traitors to their own countries.
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mea culpa from the rebel soldier sir.

Yes, as some observers have pointed out, the US is probably the best-armed rogue state on the planet. It violates international law and agreements at will, sponsors Israel's rant violation of international law and UN resolutions and backs dictatorships when they serve its interests.
    I wonder how you say "up yours" in Chinese?
Articles like this bad joke of an analysis are typically written by people who mouth the official line in return for access and insight into things they can "report."
我想知道 “一切都听你的”的中文怎么说?

   The babble about western powers valiantly working for "rights" is made into garbage by this kind of action
    France has acknowledged that its troops in Ivory Coast killed about 20 people in early November during clashes with supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo.
    I wonder how many people know that Ivory Coast is a French "protectorate?" That is, France pays a group of locals to betray their country and maintain France's colonial influence. Yeah, Uhuru my *ass. Something we do all the time.
“法国承认在他11月上旬占领象牙海岸期间,与Laurent Gbagbo总统的支持者起了冲突并杀害了约二十个人。”
    The US-instigated Israeli attack on Lebanon in 2006, which killed over a thousand people, mostly civilians, is another example of our rogue lawlessness in the world. We ended up building support for Hizbollah, of course, and appear shocked at the results of our own arrogant actions.
    The list is long and bloody. Latin America alone could fill an encyclopedia -- the US-sponsored murder of
the freely elected president of Chile heads the list.
    The smell of millions of corpses rises to the stratosphere.
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Well since the year 1900 there have only been 2 formal declarations of war. WWI and WWII neither of which did we start. So I dont know what your talking about. If you don't like it here leave. You seem to like china pretty good...Enjoy the freedoms that China has to offer. We started the Gulf War (Police Action) . We invaded Iraq after getting bombed (probably should not have bad intell) but at least we are not killing our own citizen in a peaceful protest. Check out there record on human rights its OUTSTANDING. Yeah we are real agressive bunch over here. We take over a country then give it back to them....WOW


Sir you are mistaken. The US unilaterally declared war on Germany in April 1917. That's WWI.
    You are correct in WWII, Japan bombed us,
a causus belli, and three days later Germany and Italy in a tit for tat for our action in 1917 (surprise, surprise, Hitler held a grudge) declared war on the US. I don't know if you meant only our (the US) declarations of war, because otherwise you missed the Russo-Japanese War, the two Balkan Wars (they were declared) in 1912 and 1913. The war declared between the Koreas, I probably could go on. But Zapped the point is that most commentators here feel the US lives in a glass house and we look silly throwing stones.
Besides the obvious fact that we are deeply in debt to China. I accept that China does not play by our rules but since that hasn't seemed to bother us for the last 30 years why should anyone take it on themselves to blame China now for what no US administration has had the foresight and or the balls to stop before we had taken out our fourth mortgage. Mortgages not to fight a war to the death against Japan or Germany, which could be understood and condoned, but to seek influence here,there and everywhere.
We aren't getting much influence for our money. But like Madame Bovary the bill will come due regardless of how we misspent the money we allowed China to make off us. If not jingoistic ally singing the praises of the fools who are destroying this country makes us traitors, well I guess it makes you an accomplice to your nation's suicide. Sometimes the best defense of your homeland is paying close attention as it goes bankrupt and at least complaining about it. It's easy to fly a but that doesn't change the forces that are now ending our hegemony in the world. I am not happy with these changes but I can see that we are helping in our demise on almost all fronts.
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RebelSoldier 1 week ago
The US is standing still economically. In case you haven't noticed. In comparison several powers are rising exponentially. In twenty years, barring any number of imponderables, the world will be a different place and the definition of responsible behavior will be less in the hands of the US and its allies. We consider many things responsible or not depending on how they affect our interests and those of our perceived allies. Many of our allies will probably have decided that our goodwill is not all important anymore.
In the US Congress and to our public, rising powers like Turkey and Brazil are easily tossed aside when subsidized allies, dearer to hearts, feel in any way compromised in their predatory behavior. That's called shooting yourself in the foot, something which the US does every year now. And a major reason that our "soft power" is constantly being neutralized is our irrational behavior. With our wars that have de-stabilized the Near East, our building up of the military prowess of the most predatory self-absorbed nation in that region and our destabilization of one of the Earth's few nuclear powers, Pakistan, in the inane attempt to defeat an insurgency in a country who's nickname is not the tulip capital of the world but the grave of empires.
Well responsible behavior might look different in Peking than in Washington. I know it already is beginning to look different in many capitals, particularly the ones in countries that are rising since the Great Panic of 2008 began the sudden descent of so many others. Even in Berlin, the capital of the only country in Europe that can compete in this post-Panic world, the US hegemony over how the world is viewed is being shaken by the Germans call Real Politik. Reality. And Washington does not have a monopoly on reality, indeed in the last 30 years it seems to be following in the footsteps of countries that find reality less appealing than what our comedians call "Tuthiness".
Truthiness is becoming our reality, but it's non-exportable , except to countries in our pay or who help us to descend deeper into Truthiness for their own selfish nationalist purposes. Truthiness ofcourse is not concerned with the real national interests of the US, only the percieved national interests. They aren't the same.
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From China's point of view we are not the responsible player... If China dumps treasuries the global markets would crash, because everyone would start dumping treasuries. Why do you think China's President Hu Jintao is here in the US? He is stalling for time to move out of treasuries and into China's own yuan. The morning China stops buying treasuries, the rest of the world will stop buying treasuries, and soon start dumping them. We are not far from it now. By the next day the US government could be broke and the dollar would be about worthless, the name of the game would be survival, I have outlined it on my website http://shelter101.com
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"He is stalling for time to move out of treasuries and into China's own yuan."
    I'm afraid I have to tell you that these words do not form a coherent thought.
    I did write a long reply detailing the operational effects that would follow-on from a Chinese buying strike on US Treasury debt (which would't have much effect but I assume you meant instead the liquidation of dollar assets on the balance sheet of the Chinese central bank).
    But screw it, I'll summarize because that is long enough.
    It's hard to move out of an asset class when you are still accumulating it. I think you will agree that before China can liquidate they must stop increasing their dollar holdings, and that ain't happening.
    If China were to liquidate its dollar assets that would not cause the dollar to become worthless. It would cause the US and EU economies to boom (though at the cost of higher priced oil imports), and the nearly 30% of the Chinese economy dependant on exports to collapse.

way for the US dollar to become worthless in the way you suggest would be for OPEC to engage in a coordinated refusal to accept it as payment for their oil exports. This would be a suicidal act, both literally and figuratively.
    Calm down dude.

And who says the US is a responsible global player? I don't see China invading foreign countries. I don't see China destabilizing its neighbors as we have done in the past and continue to attempt now. I don't see China using drones to assassinate its foreign enemies.
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jaw111 1 week ago
This is kinda weird....America lecturing the Chinese on how to run their own economy.....America can't even run their own! American lecturing the Chinese on military adventurism.... America has a lot of experience in that field obviously.
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jaw111 1 week ago
No duh China is going to be the world's leading economic power....
    As early as 1840 when America was barely emerging in the world stage, Qing dynasty (China) occupied 33% of the world's GDP slice, far more than British Empire's 25% at her height, and America's 23.5% at her apex in 1945.


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As the US dollar depreciates and the Yuan appreciates, as will happen, China will be getting relatively richer and the US relatively poorer. If the Yuan and Dollar ever reach parity it would increase China's wealth multifold.

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ktula 1 week ago
Is this meant to be a joke? What makes us the moral authority in lecturing how China conducts its business?
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johnburrell 1 week ago
Over 15 years, I have lived with the Chinese people, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnamese, Malay and Indonesian people. they do not represent the government, they are the same as we are. All they want is a living, provide for their family, make a better life. They have moral values they keep very close, which we once as Americans had. We have no right to interfere with them, they have the power as we did in the 1700"s ! The people decide to take it in their own hands as we did and .make it the way they want. It is their choice as it was ours. Our best bet is o inspire these people, give them support and forget telling their governments we will support them(Give the empowered money they keep and deprive the people) . That is America, give em money, hope their government comes around to our way of thinking.
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China's role has been to stabilize areas that the West wants to destabilize. China since the 1950s, when it was a leader of the non-aligned movement, has always stood for non-interference in other countries internal affairs. They have always stood for mutually beneficial relationships between nations. This is a principled stand that China has been consistent in applying. Leftists used to decry China for not supporting revolutionaries in foreign countries. China has however stood by its principles. As far as North Korea, Iran, Burma, Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe are concerned, China has worked behind the scenes to reduce tensions and thwart Western intervention. China has gotten North Korea to back down in the most recent conflict with the US and S. Korea (instigated by a belligerent South). China has stood firm against US attempts to cast Iran as a global threat while still applying pressure on Iran to be more accommodating to its critics. In Burma the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and the holding of elections was more likely the result of Chinese pressure than US intransigence. What about the successful secession vote in Sudan and the resolution of conflicts in Sri Lank and Zimbabwe? Although none of these solutions are anywhere near perfect and tensions continue, might not the role of China as an honest broken been more influential than the warmongering of the US? I prefer Chinese peace mongering to US warmongering.
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Nevis07 1 week ago
Fisher makes a point kinda, but not really. Here is the problem, the US extended an olive branch when Obama came into office. China scoffed at it and then proceeded to undermine international rules, laws and cooperation. This is after, the US supported WTO membership and patience with many issues such as human rights, intellectual property theft. So, to simply say that the US's actions of containment are the reason for China's actions are incorrectly correlated. Remember, it was the S.E. Asian nations that came running to the US after China suddenly became aggresive. Yes, the US makes China more willing to act the way it has by using its current policies, but China must assume responsibliity for its own choices.
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Good points. I remember China torpedoing the Copenhagen Climate talks and their belligerence in the South China Sea and their less than steller performance vis a vis N. Korea. But from their side it may make sense to grab those oil rights in the South China Sea. And sitting on a volcano, half a billion Chinese who want to get off the rice diet, they probably care less about climate than we did that year. Our views come and and go. That's probably going to prove very short-sighted what with global dust storms choking the life out of Peking. Fisher's point is I guess that we could influence China's actions in these regards. No US president has chosen to draw any lines in the sand for China since Nixon's famous visit to the Great Wall. And if memory serves me right we can't even make countries that survive off our largesse, Israel, do squat. They embarrass our president and are given bouquets by our Congress for humiliating us before the world. Fisher then seems oblivious to both our weakening abilities to influence countries that are as powerful as China (this aint Iraq or Lebanon), and our equal inability to grow a pair in dealing with anybody overseas that's vaguely frightening because they can A-bomb Soul and Tokyo (miserable N. Korea), the only threats the world takes seriously from Washington are those important to our only real foriegn policy imperative, not stepping on the toes of the Israeli lobby in Congress, ie Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan (helpers in the "peace process" and on the opposite side of that worthless slug, Syria, Iran and maybe now our old pal, Turkey who are not helping in the "peace process". We have become a paper tiger to all countries that aren't in Israel's orbit in some way. We don't have the mustard to rein in China without going for broke and the invention of the A-bomb makes that impossible except by accident, and we don't have the Chutzpah to call them on anything what with our current dependence on the Chinese treasury. Mr. Fisher is like Rip Van Winkle, he just woke up and still thinks it's 199o!

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This is one of the most naive, dangerous and stupid articles I have read in a long time. Unless it supposed to be satire, in which case, pardon my ignorance. "The U.S. turning China?" Give me a break.

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Haha who is the "global responsible player?"
Just read America's Human Rights record here http://www.globalresearch.ca/i...

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Smithhammer 1 week ago
A laughable proposition giving our own less-than-sterling record. We're not exactly coming from a moral high ground anymore, and it's painfully obvious to the rest of the world, if not to our own citizenry who seem far more concerned with what's happening on "Dancing With the Stars"this week.
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stefanstackhouse 1 week ago
The US has huge problems, and almost all of them are entirely of our own making, not China's fault. Making China a scapegoat is a poor substitute for actually doing the hard work of dealing with our own national problems.
    Of course China is going to be a great power and one of the most important nations in the world. It is shear folly to think that we can stop or frustrate that, and any effort to do so will only be a waste and further the neglect of our own problems.
    Actually, we should be thanking China for becoming such a fierce competitor. Just possibly that will spur us on to do better. Without the competition from the Soviets, we would never have built a world-leading military and space program. Without the competition from the Japanese, we would never have streamlined our overstaffed corporations and improved their product quality (which had become very bad by the 70s). It may only be the Chinese challenge that will force us to finally cut out the crap and start buckling down and doing the hard things we have to do to become a better nation and stay in the race.
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skamble 1 week ago
There is a line in the article which reads: "Recent polls indicate that Chinese respondents are increasingly wary of U.S. influence in East Asia, which they see as a threat."
    I followed the link and found that this is a result of a recent survey conducted by state-owned China Daily.
    Now when a state-owned media network asks citizens of a Communist one-party state, are they worried about being surrounded by forces of imperialism, isn't it obvious they will say yes?
    The words I used would be dated for a modern, with-it Communist Party.      However the reality of life in a one-party state remains the same.     Sometimes people forget what is behind this way of life, and the result is Tiananmen Square.
    This is not to say that US-China relations can't be good. One just needs to remember who decides in China: it's not voters, it's the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
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If China wants to be a global leader, they must first respect their citizen’s rights. They must set an example to the world that they are a true leader.

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thomasvesely 6 days ago
Is there any chance that china will help to make the USA a responsible global citizen ?
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tobyagain1 6 days ago
This topic is joke. Fisher knows jack.

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The US should really try to stop with this "responsible" bit. The US wants China to do things that help the United States, it should stop talking to China like it's a teenager. Enough with the moral language in foreign policy, its simplistic and makes us look like massive hypocrites.
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Perhaps we could work at turning ourselves into a responsible global player first?
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This is a highly flawed article. I will not delve into the obvious that as reserve currency of the world the US dollar is pushed in all the above countries inflating food prices and causing revolts in Tunisia and now Egypt. It is US's irresponsible, fiscal, monetary policies and financial fraud(the biggest in the history of mankind) that are going to cause the next world crisis not China's support of North Korea et al.
Wikileaks has already exposed that China would be glad to see Noko get out and join South Korea, and China's influence there is limited. In Iran , Germany and Europe are doing business besides Iran was given a very big cold shoulder by the Bush admin; in Sri Lanka the Tamil tigers were defeated precisely because its government tossed out US and European initiatives and dealt with the problem directly with India's and China's assistance, in East Asia where you correctly pointed out that US has a military adavntage, but I fail to see the significance of China being surrounded in East Asia while it has access to resources in Central Asia through SCO. In Turkey China is already making significant strides. Though neither US or China is a military threat as the world has changed.
But of the 2 its US that needs to amend its ways (it will be shortly forced too as Yuan floats and a Happy meal will be considered a major event, forget even going out to Red Lobster. China has caught on and US's major export -inflation- is soon gonna be returned to sender). I am betting China will be the new leader of the world in 15years flat. We can only hope that it inherits something from our Bill of Rights and due process. Perhaps the only thing saving our dignity is the wisdom of our founding fathers. Otherwise individual freedoms and rights as we know will be lost forever.
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China is going to be very interesting to follow. "Making a deal with the devil" may be a huge understatement. Take a look at this recent post about the truth behind how trade is determined with a country like China.

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