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【2011.3.30 欧洲对外关系委员会】欧盟2010年度外交政策记分卡(中国篇)

发表于 2011-3-31 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】European Foreign Policy Scorecard : China
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总评: C+

1. 欧中对话形式
2. 欧洲知识产权的在华保护
3. 欧中相互开放公共采购
4. 在华贸易与投资争端
5. 同中国在规范标准以及消费者保障上的协议
6.中国的法治与人权 D+
7. 达赖喇嘛和西藏问题
8. 中国在民间社团交流方面总的开放程度
9. 伊朗及核扩散问题上的对华关系
10. 非洲问题上的对华关系
11. 全球治理改革问题上的对华关系
12. 货币汇率问题上的对华关系
13. 气候变化问题上的对华关系









The relationship between the EU and China is in flux as the balance of power between them shifts. Within a remarkably short space of time, China has gone from being a distant, developing country to a global power that plays an important role in all aspects of European policymaking. In particular, the EU has struggled to adjust to China’s greater assertiveness across a range of foreign-policy issues since the economic crisis began in 2008. The EU wants China to liberalise its economy, improve the human rights of its citizens and take a greater stake in global governance. But while China is much more capable of negotiating its economic and political interests cohesively, EU member states and institutions face a structural difficulty in coordinating their approach to China that other powers such as the United States do not. In some ways, the Lisbon Treaty has made this structural asymmetry worse: China can now exploit differences between two presidents and one high representative, not to mention the European Parliament, which now also plays a role in foreign policy.

2010 was a sobering year for the EU as the reality of a new, more assertive China – and the EU’s limited leverage over it – set in. After a wake-up call at the Copenhagen climate change summit at the end of 2009, Europeans this year began to try to find new ways to deal with the Chinese. The EU took some important steps in the right direction. It reassessed its “strategic partnership” with China and foreign ministers even had a debate on China for the first time since 2005, when they discussed the arms embargo. High Representative Catherine Ashton also had her first strategic dialogue with Dai Bingguo, the Chinese state councillor for foreign policy. The December Council meeting adopted a new approach based on reciprocity, leverage and trade-offs. The aim was to define Europe’s principal interests and negotiate these with China – an approach that followed the recommendations that ECFR made in its Power Audit of EU-China Relations, which was published in April 2009.

This new approach was most evident in trade policy. EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht and Industry Commissioner Antonio Tajani demanded a level playing field on investment, intellectual property rights (IPR) and public procurement, and argued against indigenous technology schemes and economic nationalism, and for more policy instruments on the European side. The proposal for a reciprocal instrument to give access to public procurement in China is the fruit of this. The EU also pushed back on China’s desire to make its coming innovation policy purely homegrown and China softened its stance on this at the high-level economic dialogue in December. However, this positive approach was sometimes undermined by differences among member states on what exactly the EU should trade with China for market economy status (MES) (see component 4). The results of this disunity on the European side became apparent at the EUChina summit in October. At the summit, China demanded MES – and an irate Premier Wen Jiabao lashed out at Europe afterwards about currency revaluation, even though Europe had soft-pedalled on the issue.

The difficulty of making the EU’s new strategy work was demonstrated by the fact that even the anodyne language on the arms embargo as an “impediment” to relations sparked media reaction in member states that forced Ashton to foreclose any further discussion. She also reacted publicly to human rights abuses in China, while member states were quiet, if not silent, on issues on which they had previously spoken out more loudly. While President Barack Obama finally met with the Dalai Lama, China confirmed its upper hand with Europe on this issue: the EU maintained a near-complete silence on human rights and governance issues until China’s heavy-handed approach towards the award of the Nobel Peace Prize prompted a sudden show of European unity at the end of the year.

The EU’s new strategy was also undermined by some member states’ urgent need for debt refinancing. With the onset of the euro crisis, China pledged to come to the rescue of several debt-ridden countries such as Spain, Greece and Portugal by purchasing government bonds. Given the extent of the European economic crisis and China’s record current-account surplus, such purchases were inevitable. But the effectiveness, from China’s point of view, of this astute “bond diplomacy” was enhanced by opacity on both sides, which made it difficult to ascertain the real extent of Chinese bond purchases and thus gave China an advantage. In this respect, China has a stronger hand with the EU than with the US, since its debt purchases reinforce bilateral weakness and division, which translates into a lack of collective European leverage.

The EU does have some assets in its relationship with China. For example, China wants continued access to the European market – the world’s largest – and, increasingly, the possibility of diversifying its investments in a geopolitically stable area. Europe is also attractive as a partner for crucial technologies that China seeks to acquire. However, turning these assets into leverage requires the sort of European coordination that has existed in trade policies but not for direct investment, financial markets, public procurement or technology transfer. In particular, as China gets more proficient in a worldwide game of public diplomacy, Europe needs to reach out to developing and emerging economies.

As well as better coordinating its approach to China, Europe must be more effective in global institutions, in which China now has considerable veto power even if it is not yet able to set the agenda. In 2010 the EU had mixed results. Both the EU and China came to Cancún with lower expectations and better PR techniques than in Copenhagen the year before, and although the EU kept China engaged – an achievement in itself after the “disaster” of Copenhagen – it is no closer to realising its ultimate objective of a legally-binding global deal on climate change than it was at the end of 2009. Europe also gave away seats at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) without securing a broader reform. On the other hand, together with the US, the EU3 and Ashton were able to obtain China’s approval for sanctions against Iran in June – a major achievement on an issue of great importance to Europe.




 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-1 12:47 | 显示全部楼层



中国 C+
俄罗斯 C+
美国 B-
外欧洲 C+
危机管理 B-
多边议题 B+
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发表于 2011-4-1 14:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-4-2 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-2 23:30 | 显示全部楼层
请教一下楼主,评分是针对欧洲在中国问题上的得分,还是中国外交政策的得分 ...
whyjfs 发表于 2011-4-2 13:44

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发表于 2011-4-2 23:31 | 显示全部楼层
rhapsody 发表于 2011-4-2 23:30

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-2 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
whyjfs 发表于 2011-4-2 23:31

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发表于 2011-4-4 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
dnh7688 发表于 2011-4-4 16:46

炸利比亚 炸出那飘飘然的感觉!
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