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(11.8.6): 河西:美国七十年来首次失去S&P AAA级信用评分

发表于 2011-8-6 14:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
先说说 河西。三十年河东,三十年河西,To be or not to be (生存 还是 死亡===》无论如何),it is my Chinese turn.


我引述的只是刚看到的,但估计不久这类贴就会 满地。
还有 上一次 的 金融危机 它的信用评分 都没降,这说明 这一次 的 会 更惨吗?

S&P Lowers US Credit Rating To AA+, A Simple Guide To What That Means
Author: Mack Rawdenpublished: 2011-08-06 00:10:17

For the first time in seventy years, the United States no longer carries an AAA credit score. In a historic but perhaps not shocking decision, Standard and Poor's concluded Uncle Sam wasn't quite as reliable as he once was thanks to his troubling GDP vs debt ratio, some unpleasant in-fighting and threats of not raising the debt ceiling. The United States now holds an AA+, which is far better than the vast majority of countries but still lower than it would like to be.

The downgrade almost didn't happen. The S&P informed President Obama and company this morning of its decision, but the number crunchers quickly concluded there was a mathematical error. Two trillion dollars in non-existent debt was mistakenly assigned to the already bulging United States tab. In response, the S&P called an emergency session, but after committee members debated amongst themselves, they came to the same conclusion. According to CNBC, the panelists reportedly wanted to see at least four trillion dollars in cuts during the most recent debt ceiling discussions, but the politicians trimmed less than three trillion.

That's the long and the short of what happened today. Now, let me try and explain what it means for those of you who aren't economists. The Standard and Poor's credit score essentially rates how likely it is that a country will pay off its debts in the short term, a three to five year window. The United States has historically been very good at living up to its fiscal commitments, but with its national debt soaring to nearly fifteen trillion dollars, the government's assurances are starting to seem like less of a slam dunk to the money lenders, especially given all the finger-pointing that's happened over the past few weeks. This is what led to the decreased credit rating.

It's unlikely American citizens will notice any immediate change from the downgrade, but it may affect the interest rates the United States government will be able to get from this point forward. If it does, it will cost more money in interest to borrow and the government will then have to spend a larger percentage of its capital just paying off the minimum payments that come from owing such an obnoxious amount of money. This not always but frequently leads to a lower credit rating, and the cycle continues.

Today's announcement is far from a death sentence. The United States could easily be back up to a AAA in a few years, but in order to do that, services will need to be cut, taxes will probably need to increase and Washington will have to stop making shutdown threats. It sucks but a hell of a lot less than the alternative.

For further, more elaborate analyses, check out Fox News who definitely thinks this whole thing will increase interest rates and The Economist who thinks the S&P's decision is more about whether we're willing to pay our debts than whether we can.
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