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发表于 2011-8-10 17:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】China Suggests Time Is Right For New Global Reserve Currency



【译    者】大梨


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【译    文】
China has said that the United States is placing the world economy at risk through its "addiction" to debt, and has called on the country to cut defence and welfare costs.
The statement was made via a commentary on Chinese state media in response to the downgrading of the US credit rating by the agency Standard & Poor's.
Published by the Xinhau News Agency, the commentary predicted that there would be more "devastating" credit rating downgrades to come that could place the entire world economy at risk.
The commentary added that a new global reserve currency might be needed to overcome the current crisis. It also called for "international supervision" of the US dollar.
China currently holds around $1.2 trillion of US debt.
"The US government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone," the commentary said, according to The Telegraph.
The unprecedented downgrading of the US debt rating from AAA to AA+ came a week after Congress agreed to raise the country's debt ceiling and cut spending by more than $2 trillion.
The cuts were not enough for Standard & Poor's, who had flagged up the possible downgrade as early as April.
Moody's, another credit agency, said that the US would keep its AAA rating but that it would continue to reassess the situation.
There are now concerns that markets will react badly after two days of sell offs on the markets in Europe and the US.
"I think we will have a knee-jerk reaction on Monday," Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank, told the Press Association.
Earlier, Business Secretary Vince Cable said that the UK was in a relatively strong position to cope with the crisis in both America and Europe.
"Financial markets are now focusing on the credit-worthiness of governments," Cable told Sky News. "Three years ago, it was on the banks and banks' stability. Now it is on government debt.
"That's why the UK is in a fairly good position. I think the markets perceive that we have got a stable Government... and we have got on top of the deficit problem and have got a clear programme to deal with it."

  • Really? "Communist" China lecturing America about it's welfare costs? Partly so they can obtain world dominance party so they can keep their own citizen's down. If the U.S. fails the Chinese populous will have no one to emulate and therefor the Communist state will not be at risk.            
  • 真的吗?“共产主义”中国劝美国减少福利开支?….一部分是因为他们想获得世界支配权吧,这样就能够保证他们的民主臣服。如果美国失败了的话,人口众多的中国就没有人一起竞争,这样共产主义国家就不会有危险了。
  • Bye bye my big headed "friends" from across the pond. Off to sell gold and then buy RMB ;-)))
  • 我的大头朋友再见!我要去卖掉金子然后买人民币。
  • Now we are seeing of things to come, it is interesting that China suggest global currency becasue Europe has suggested that years ago but now is the time where the giant US has to humble and give way to a greater power. We will soon who that great power will be . . .
  • 中国建议世界货币很有趣,因为几年前欧洲也这样建议过,但现在是时候强大的美国不得不谦逊起来给更强大的力量让路。我们很快会看到谁是更强大的力量…
  • China is commenting, people seem to be trying to blame China, when the problem is home grown.
    The US thinks it is the only superpower­, but China and India are both getting very strong, and if the Eurozone can keep its act together it will join the super power status
  • 中国正在评论,当问题出现在自己的时候人们似乎总是试图责备中国。美国觉得自己是唯一大国,但是中国和印度都越来越强大,如果欧元区能一起行动那么他也能加入到超级大国的地位中了。
  • With friends like this who need enemies.  I say lets decrease the trade imbalance between the U.S. and China lets increase or impose high duties on Chinese goods coming into the U.S, and then watch how quickly their economy falls apart.  Lets start this tomorrow!
  • 有这样的朋友谁还需要敌人啊。我是说让美中间的贸易不平衡减少吧,提高或者加大中国商品进入美国的税,然后我们就能很快看到他们的经济是怎么垮的。明天起就这样开始吧!
  • TAX THE RICH!!!!! They are far overpaid and do not deserve their cushy entitlements.
  • 加大富人的税收!他们付的太少了,根本就不配那么容易得来的权利。
  • China has a huge municipal debt crises, a growing housing bubble, growing unrest, an environmen­tal crises,wat­er shortage, and they lie about economic figures. The Chinese government has no room to talk.
  • 中国有着巨大的国内债务危机,正在增长的房地产泡沫,不断的动荡,以及环境危机,水资源短缺,而且对经济数字说谎。中国政府没权讨论我们的。
  • Great!  What next?  Unemployment compensati­on paid in Renminbi (RMB)?  Will we be paying our rent and groceries in RMB soon too?
  • 太好了!这之后呢?用人民币失业赔偿吗?我们也能很快用人民币付房租和食物吗?
  • The Chinese are right to put pressure on the US to mend its financial ways in the same way that the US has been criticizing other countries about their political and financial systems.
  • 中国对美国修复自身的金融道路施加压力没什么不对,正如美国也是同样对其他国家的政治经济系统进行批评一样。
  • Retire the old dollar and come out with a new currency.
    Give 1 new for every 5 old to contain inflation and speculation.
  • 让旧的美元退休吧,换新的货币。每5个旧的换1个新的来包容通货膨胀和投机




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发表于 2011-8-11 01:50 | 显示全部楼层
妇科主任 发表于 2011-8-10 18:26

不扯了,让RMB来代 ...

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