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[政治] Australian Activists to Protest Western Attack on Libya

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-24 17:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The following is a call for a protest in Sydney, Australia against the barabaric Western air strikes on Libya:

Emergency Rally to Demand: NATO War Criminals - Hands Off Libya!
Wed 23 Mar 2011

Date and Time:

Sun, 27/03/2011 - 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Location: Sydney Town Hall Square

Contact Name:

Contact Phone:
0417 204 611

Emergency Rally to Oppose all U.S. and Australian Government Intervention in the Middle East!NATO War Criminals – Hands Off Libya!
Defeat the NATO air strikes on Libya!Oppose the NATO-driven UN resolution – a scheme to strengthen neo-colonial domination over Libya and the whole Arab world!  U.S./NATO/Australian imperialist forces get out of Iraq and Afghanistan! U.S. Bases get out of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait!Denounce Obama’s under-handed support for the brutal Saudi invasion of Bahrain!Stop imperialist backing for the murdering monarchies in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Jordan and the dictatorships in Yemen and elsewhere in the Arab world.Stop imperialist “support” for opposition groups too – Don’t let them co-opt these movementsEnd U.S. government-backed institutions’ funding for political groups in Egypt and elsewhereOppose Washington and Canberra’s support for Israel’s bloody terror against the Palestinians!Stop the imperialist exploiters from meddling in the Middle East – Give a chance for anti-government rebellions there to develop in a pro-working class, anti-imperialist and pro-women’s rights direction.

Endorsed By: Supporters of the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerillas, Trotskyist Platform, Revolutionary Socialist Party

We just passed the eighth anniversary of the horrific invasion of Iraq by the U.S., British and Australian imperialists. Let us never forget that those imperialist rulers are the worst torturers and perpetrators of crimes against humanity on this planet – even worse than their former henchman Gaddafi. So let us on this eighth anniversary show our determination to never allow the imperialist rulers to bring, under the guise of “protecting human rights,” the same killing that they brought to Iraq on to Libya.
The masses in the Arab world have arisen with such courage against brutal, anti-poor and largely U.S-backed regimes. However, the arrogant ruling elites in the West are trying to either hinder these revolts or worse still ensure that they only lead to new U.S-puppet regimes. Already they are turning the Libyan rebels into foot soldiers for their sinister plans to reinforce their plunder of the world’s oil supplies. So let us do all we can to oppose all political and military meddling in the Arab world by the Western imperial powers.

Don’t Let Them Do This to the
People of Libya As Well!

Left: Two-year old boy killed on 29 April 2008 when U.S.-led forces fired 200 pound guided missiles into buildings in Baghdad’s densely packed Sadr City.
Right: U.S. troops torturing at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison.

发表于 2011-3-24 17:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-3-24 17:18 | 显示全部楼层
ouch, really sad
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