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发表于 2011-9-15 01:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
@王小东 :今天看《纽约时报》美国贫困人口达52年来最高比例的报道后面几十页的跟帖,很让人感慨。跟新浪微博一模一样,一个个都苦大仇深,水深火热啊!还有威胁要“革命”的。只有一点不一样:美国网民都是骂政府、骂富人的,没有骂民族劣根性的,没有逆向种族主义的。


2.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Times Square
September 13th, 2011
11:35 am
We are entering an era of class warfare.

The rich and the moneyed corporate interests and the Republicans in their pockets have been quite bold about this: no healthcare for the poor. No education for the poor. And the middle class is weakening and falling away while the ultrarich control more and more.

The truth is, such a society is, overall, a poorer society. What I don't understand is why some middle class and some poor actually support Republican initiatives that make them poorer and hurt their own health and the education of their children. It is a stunning triumph of propaganda, where some people support policies that hurt them, because of false contrived bogeymen like freeloading illegals and welfare queens. And the entire country is suffering for this propaganda bought and paid for by the rich and the corporations who don't want to pay for your health and your education. And some of you agree with it! Insanity.

I thought it was "We the people," not "We the rich people and corporations." You who are poor and Republican or middle class and Republican: please take note of the war that is being waged against you, and reevaluate your support for policies which only impoverish you, bought and paid for by propaganda mouth pieces that appeal to your irrational fears rather than your sense of reason.
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8.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Mrinal Jhangiani
Edgemont, NY
September 13th, 2011
11:35 am
We need to shift spending on foreign countries and spend on our fellow citizens. The money being spent on wars is money earned by Americans and kept aside by Americans - its now time to spend this heard earned money on our citizens betterment.

Its time to heal and bring our troops home - so funds raised and earned by Americans can be spent on Americans. Nothing we say or do will change anything in Afghanistan - only the afghani's can change themselves. What is that adage ' You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink!' Whats important is that we tried our utmost to change the situation there. Whats best about it is that we got Osama and made him pay with his life!
Recommend  Recommended by 260 Readers
35.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Former New Yorker
September 13th, 2011
12:05 pm
How a family of four is supposed to survive on $22,000 a year beggars the mind. One thing's for sure--they definitely don't have any health insurance at this income level, and if a quarter of the country is struggling by below this level, the last two Republican presidential debates show just how completely divorced from reality the G.O.P. has become, since not a peep was heard about this tragic national epidemic of poverty.
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37.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Andy Hain
Carmel, CA
September 13th, 2011
12:05 pm
If this isn't humiliating, then I don't know what else could be. What's next, America, legalized cannibalism?

After a 10-year+ GRUDGE WAR on credit, we won't raise a nickel to fight a war on joblessness.
Recommend  Recommended by 410 Readers
53.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Alicia R
New York, NY
September 13th, 2011
12:10 pm
At this point what angers me most is that the democrats don't seem to be willing to do anything about it. Obviously the republicans are in the pockets of lobbyists and don't care about destroying the social safety net - but where's the response? Without a party even willing to give lip service to protecting the interests of the poor and middle classes, where will we end up?
Recommend  Recommended by 580 Readers
61.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Steve B.
September 13th, 2011
12:12 pm
I read recently that the number of people without health insurance has increased this year too. In spite of that grand sellout Obama made with the industry. Or maybe because of it? We know he was committed to bailing out his rich Wall Street friends and public employee unions. But has anything Obama put his hands on helped the ordinary people of this country?
Recommend  Recommended by 133 Readers
75.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
The high desert
September 13th, 2011
12:20 pm
The plight of the middle-class is an abstraction to those in power because they never, ever have to balance a household budget, understand what it's like to live paycheck-to-paycheck, prioritize between necessities, or send their children to public schools.

A huge portion of industrious middle-class people in this country live that way but even the slightest semblance of dignity is being taken away from their daily grinds. People are dispirited and depressed b/c it takes two people in a household to afford even somewhat decent daycare, our public schools are a wreck, healthcare and prescription drug costs are perverse and housing /jobs are as bleak as any time since WWII.

Still, the politicians play games to our detriment with the stupidest partisan banalities that I've ever seen. Divide and conquer is working out extremely well. We the people are obsessed with their gamesmanship, like its a spectator sport while the wealth of the nation is becoming singularly consolidated. The middle class is on life support and if this continues, I predict the eventual outcome will be less peaceful than most sane people would care for.
Recommend  Recommended by 498 Readers
76.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Buffalo, NY
September 13th, 2011
12:20 pm
The situation is worse than reported, since the Census Bureau uses the official (falsified) inflation rate rather than a true inflation rate to convert 1973 dollars to 2010 dollars.

Median wages might be officially reported to decline 2.8% over the last thirty years, but the real decline is more around 20% for the average working man.

By comparison how much did Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric and the chairman of Obama's job council, fare this year?

He received a 172% raise, for a total compensation of $15.2 million
Recommend  Recommended by 488 Readers
78.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
September 13th, 2011
12:20 pm
Both parties are ignoring the main cause of unemployment, (1) outsourcing of jobs to countries that pay slave labor wages, no benefits and have no pollution control costs because they do no pollution control and (2) "guest" foreign workers here under the H1-B and other programs.

Until that is fixed via tariffs or compensatory taxes, unemployment will be severe. Yet you never hear either party mention this.

The other things to do are to end the Bush tax giveaway to the wealthy, which the Republicans block in the House, and end the stupid trillions a year wars which both parties support.

Neither party has a Presidential candidate worth a d*mn, but at least the Democrats are less likely to cut Social Security and Medicare.
Recommend  Recommended by 331 Readers
93.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Joe D
September 13th, 2011
1:04 pm
When I see this, I can't help but think about the continued relevancy of Paul Simon's American Tune (from 1973).

Many's the time I've been mistaken, and many times confused
And I've often felt forsaken, and certainly misused.
But it's all right, it's all right, I'm just weary to my bones
Still, you don't expect to be bright and Bon Vivant
So far away from home, so far away from home.
I don't know a soul who's not been battered
Don't have a friend who feels at ease
Don't know a dream that's not been shattered
Or driven to it's knees.
But it's all right, all right, We've lived so well so long
Still, when I think of the road we're traveling on,
I wonder what went wrong, I can't help it
I wonder what went wrong.
And I dreamed I was flying. I dreamed my soul rose
unexpectedly, and looking back down on me, smiled
reassuringly, and I dreamed I was dying.
And far above, my eyes could clearly see
The Statue of Liberty, drifting away to sea
And I dreamed I was flying.
We come on a ship we call the Mayflower,
We come on a ship that sailed the moon
We come at the age's most uncertain hour
And sing the American tune
But it's all right, it's all right
You can't be forever blessed
Still, tomorrow's gonna be another working day
And I'm trying to get some rest,
That's all, I'm trying to get some rest.
Recommend  Recommended by 169 Readers
119.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
New York City
September 13th, 2011
1:06 pm
While I am far from an insensitive person, this article brings to mind the famous book "How To Lie With Statistics." For one example, I see many more fat people in our country than I see poor.
Recommend  Recommended by 64 Readers
238.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
September 13th, 2011
3:43 pm
Terrible news but it's not Obamna's fault and it's not Bush's fault nor is it the fault of the wealthy. It is the fault of history, that has determined that America is by far the most expensive place in the world to manufacture/retail goods based on workers' wages. Americans will continue to fall into poverty until the situation stabilizes at some sort of "world wage," probably at about $6-7 an hour. (Economists call it "wage convergence.")

Tax cuts won't bring back our former prosperity nor will cutting government regulations. Tax increases won't accomplish this either -- nor will a reduction in government spending. America with 5% of the world's population cannot expect to forever have 25% of the world's wealth (as we now do.) The global economy is in the midst of a "New Deal" in which wealth is redistributed from the First World Countries to former Third World Countries such as China and India. Short of a nuclear holocaust, this trend is irreversible.

As this process occurs, a sort of Darwinian sorting-out occurs as well. Those few individuals who are frugal, far-seeing, well-educated and able to defer gratification will hold on to their own or acquire more. Those who lack those qualities will become poor -- and, then, poorer.

There is no reason why we should not become "Third World" -- this means nothing more than that exceptionalism in American History is ended. The government, unions, liberals, Tea-Partiers, businessmen combined cannot reverse this trend. The only malleable factor is whether one's character and foresight let's one beat the odds and prosper.
Recommend  Recommended by 134 Readers
268.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
September 13th, 2011
4:06 pm
I don't know why no-one mentions that this country imports poverty from all over the world. While other immigrant countries like Canada and Australia have points immigration systems (you get more point if you are younger and educated), and scooping the best and brightest, this country seems to only attract poor, illiterate and desperate. What can anyone expect from then, success stories?
Recommend  Recommended by 85 Readers
269.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
nicole d'Entremont
peaks island, maine
September 13th, 2011
4:08 pm
So, 2.6 million more people slipped below the poverty line in 2010(total 46.2 million) and we're talking about cutting medicare and medicaid and not going after new revenues that the wealthiest Americans stuff into their pockets each year? What's wrong with that picture?
Recommend  Recommended by 255 Readers
270.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
September 13th, 2011
4:08 pm
46 million people living in poverty in the richest country in the history of the world?... This is more than the entire population of countries like Argentina or Colombia.
46 million people living in poverty in the country with the largest number of millionaires and billionaires on the planet?...
This is for sure the highest level of inequality the world has ever seen, which is rather obscene...
Recommend  Recommended by 322 Readers
387.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Galactic Cat
California 92564
September 13th, 2011
6:38 pm
Public Health and SS service for all citizens works great for as long as you have a ratio of 3 working people to 1 retired person. Once you drop below that ratio of 3/1 then the service goes into debt and decline. Conversely if you get above the 3/1 ratio and you have 4/1 , 4 workers to 1 retiree, then the system accumulates cash. However at that point our stupid politicians will start taking that extra cash and spent it otherwise. Its all about money and nothing else. Forget the flag waving and the memorial building, its all about MONEY ...
Recommend  Recommended by 55 Readers
647.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
San Rafael, CA
September 14th, 2011
11:28 am
The Republican response to the growing poverty rate is to claim (via a Heritage Foundation study) that the poor in America aren't really poor, after all they have refrigerators... and cars... and homes. Limbaugh has been ranting on this from inside the radio and Rand Paul has pushed it from inside the halls of Congress. It's a deplorable reaction to true human suffering.
Recommend  Recommended by 18 Readers
653.HIGHLIGHT (What's this?)
Block Island, RI
September 14th, 2011
11:29 am
Sadly, our love of country has been displaced with love of self. More importantly, self interest has diminished the idea of the common good. My generation's narcissistic obsession with individual achievement has resulted in a collective loss for this country. "Do your own thing" was the slogan in our youth has now been expanded to "Do your own thing---and to hell with everyone else".

Our parent's generation, the WWII generation, taught us that great things can be achieved, if we all work together. It was not a perfect generation, by any means, but they had an keener sense of who they were as a nation. That lesson has been lost and the country will suffer because of it.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-15 01:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-15 01:20 | 显示全部楼层
新华网华盛顿9月13日电(记者王丰丰 杜静)美国人口普查局13日发表报告说,2010年美国贫困人口达到4620万人,为52年来最高。



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发表于 2011-9-15 05:07 | 显示全部楼层
值班编辑1 发表于 2011-9-15 01:14

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