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发表于 2011-9-26 18:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】BRICS offer help to fight economic crisis
【原文作者】Walter Brandimarte
【译    者】 小明啊   
【声    明】欢迎分享转载,分享转载时请注明译者和来源网址bbs.m4.cn
【译    文】
WASHINGTON, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Major emerging nations on Thursday said they may lend money to the International Monetary Fund or other global financial bodies to increase their firepower for fighting financial crises.
华盛顿,9月22日 —  一些主要新兴国家上周四表示,他们可能把钱借给国际货币基金或其他全球金融机构以增加他们对金融危机的打击力度。The commitment by the so-called BRICS nations -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -- fell short of expectations for more direct support to debt-crippled European countries.
金砖五国——巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非承诺将以达不到预期的方式来进一步支持债务累累的欧洲国家。Finance ministers of the group, meeting on the sidelines of an IMF gathering in Washington, called on the G20 nations to act swiftly and decisively to ease the euro-zone debt crisis, the same way they fought the global financial crisis in 2008.
集团财政部长在华盛顿的国际货币基金组织上并没有直接参与,呼吁20国集团采取迅速和果断的行动以减轻欧元区的债务危机,在2008年全球金融危机的时候,他们也是以这样的手段争取援助的。The G20 group, which includes both emerging and developed economies, is the right forum for those discussions and should be strengthened, the ministers said.
Their call underscores a growing concern of major emerging economies about the escalating economic crisis in the developed world.
It also highlights a dramatic change of fortune between the two groups of nations, with developing countries offering financial help that could be used to ease the economic crisis of traditional powers.
它还突出了不同国家之间财富的戏剧性变化,发展中国家提供财政帮助可以用来缓解传统势力国家的经济危机。Failure to act now could turn the euro zone's debt problems into another global financial crisis that would engulf emerging economies, Brazil's Finance Minister Guido Mantega warned.
“There is a risk that the sovereign debt crisis of some countries becomes another financial crisis," Mantega told reporters in a joint news conference with other BRICS finance ministers and central bank chiefs."We eased the 2008 crisis by fast and coordinated actions within the G20. We need to do the same now."
“一些国家的主权债务危机有变成另一场金融危机的风险,”曼特加与其他金砖五国财长和央行行长在联合新闻发布会上告诉记者。“20国集团内用快速和协调的行动缓解了2008年的金融危机,现在我们需要做同样的事来解决当前的问题。”SHORT OF EXPECTATIONS
It is not clear how the BRICS could provide funds to multilateral institutions nor how much money they plan to lend. Earlier this month, sources in the Brazilian government said Mantega would propose the group make billions of dollars available to the IMF.
目前尚不清楚金砖五国如何向多边机构提供资金,也不清楚他们计划借出多少资金。本月早些时候,来自巴西政府的消息说,曼特加建议集团向国际货币基金组织提供数十亿美元。In a statement issued after the meeting, the ministers said financial support would depend on individual country circumstances.
在会议结束后发表的一份声明中,部长们表示,财政支持的具体举措将取决于各个国家的国情。"There is (an) enormous amount of demand for resources at home for poverty reduction, so there is going to be a big, big tension between giving money to a multilateral institution for the purpose of restoring global stability and meeting our own aspirations at home," said India's central bank governor Duvvuri Subbarao.
“为了摆脱贫困,我们目前在国内对资源有很大的需求,所以为了恢复全球稳定性而向多边阻止捐款以及在国内要达到预期的话,这两者之间有着很大的矛盾性。”印度央行总裁苏巴拉奥(Duvvuri Subbarao)说。Direct financial support to troubled European countries, another idea floated by Brazilian officials in the past few days, was not discussed in the meeting, South Africa's Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan told Reuters in an interview. For details, see [ID:nS1E78L1LV].
在过去几天另一个对困境中的欧洲提供直接财政援助计划的想法一直萦绕着一名没有参与讨论会议的巴西官员的脑海中。That type of support, according to the Brazilian sources, could come through the purchase of bonds jointly issued by euro-zone members, the so-called eurobonds.
根据巴西方面资料表示,这种方式的支持是可以通过购买由欧元区成员发行的债券,即所谓的欧洲债券来实现的。But Russia shot down the idea."It's impossible, I am absolutely convinced about that," Russia's Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak told reporters.
但是俄罗斯不同意这个观点“这是不可能的,我敢肯定。”俄罗斯参政部长谢尔盖(Sergei Storchak)告诉记者。"Our state procedures do not allow for that. We don't have a mechanism (for that), not in Russia, not in China, not in India. We all have different ways of making decisions, we cannot syndicate our money."
我们国家在程序上是不允许的,对于此事我们没有这样的机制,不管是俄罗斯,中国,还是印度,我们都有不同的方式去解决此事,我们不可能把我们的财产以辛迪加(即企业联合)的方式进行组织。Any financial contribution to the IMF would probably come with conditions. The BRICS would most likely take the opportunity to increase their voting power in the institution.
任何对国际货币基金组织(IMF)有财务贡献的国家都可能会提出条件。巴西最有可能会利用这个机会来增加他们在机构中的投票权力。The next review of member countries' quotas is scheduled for January, 2014.
下一次会员国配额预定在2014年的一月。"We are concerned with the slow pace of quota and governance reforms in the IMF," the countries said in the same statement where they offered to help the fund. "This is needed to increase the legitimacy and effectiveness of the fund."
“我们关注于国际货币基金组织缓慢的配额分配和治理改革,”金砖五国在关于提供资金的一份声明中阐明,“只有这样,才能增加资金的有效性和合法性。”The group also called on developed countries to adopt "responsible" policies that avoid creating excessive global liquidity -- a growing complaint from countries such as Brazil, which has suffered from excessive dollar inflows since the United States started its aggressive monetary easing.
集团呼吁发达国家采取“负责任”的政策,以避免产生过度的全球流动性。越来越多的国家比如巴西抱怨,美国积极地释放货币政策,导致过多的美元货币回笼。In exchange, the BRICS promised to do what is necessary to secure economic growth, maintain financial stability and contain inflation.
作为交换,金砖五国许诺采取必要的措施刺激经济安全稳定的增长,维护金融稳定和抑制通货膨胀。However, they did not mention any steps in foreign-exchange markets -- a delicate issue for China, which has resisted calls from the United States to let its currency appreciate faster. (Additional reporting by Pedro da Costa, Jason Lange, Lesley Wroughton, Randall Palmer, Lidia Kelly, Editing by Andrea Ricci and Jan Paschal)




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