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发表于 2011-9-28 15:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-9-28 15:53 编辑


【原文标题】You Should Be Ashamed!



【译    者】silver365


【声    明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。

【译    文】
MOSCOW — Speaking to a roundtable about civil society at the United Russia party congress on Sept. 23, the day before it was announced that he would be running for presidentin the 2012 election,  Prime Minister Vladimir Putin gave a frank and honest assessment of the Russian legal system.
"I wouldn't say that our legal system ... is any worse than the Anglo-American system," he said. "In some ways, it is even better." He went on to explain that because the Russian legal system is continental in its etiology, your average Russian citizen could pick his way through a codex and even defend himself in court. But his point is really that Western criticism of the Russian judiciary -- corrupt, politicized, and Byzantine as it may be -- is hypocritical. We may jail an oligarch every now and then, our conviction rate may be 99 percent, in other words, but you guys regularly kill people.
This is one of Putin's favorite arguments: We are no worse than you, America and Europe. In fact, we are, in many ways, better. Over his 12 years at the top of Russian political life, Putin has responded to many a catastrophe with this simple formulation. Through Vovo's lens, Russia doesn't look so bad at all, especially when compared with the deeply hypocritical West.With Putin now putting himself in position to potentially rule Russia until 2024, the world will be hearing a lot more of these opinions.
Here are a few of his most insistent attempts to tilt the angle.

The World's Air Bag
Two weeks after Lehmann Brothers imploded in October 2008, Putin said, "Everything happening now in the economic and financial sphere began in the United States. This is not the irresponsibility of specific individuals but the irresponsibility of the system that claims leadership." His finance minister had a few months before called Russia an "island of stability in a sea of world crisis" and argued that Russia's currency reserves would act as an "air bag" for the rest of the world during the collapse.
Not long after Putin's speech, the bottom dropped out of the Russian economy. It was the hardest hit of the BRICS, leading many economists to wonder publicly if "BRIC" even needed that R

Me and Mahatma
Speaking at a press conference in June 2007, Putin pointed Western media to the tragic state of democracy everywhere besides Russia. The United States, he said, was in a state of "complete horror: torture, homeless people, Guantánamo, arrest without trial or evidence." In Europe? "Cruel response to protests, the use of rubber bullets, tear gas first in one capital then in another, the murder of demonstrators on the streets."
In the same press conference, incidentally, Der Spiegelasked Putin to comment on former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's statement that Putin was an absolutely pure democrat. "Of course, I am an absolute and pure democrat," he said. "But you know what the problem is? The tragedy even is that I am the only one like this. There just aren't any others like this in the world.... Since Mahatma Gandhi died, there's been no one to talk to."

We Hate the Electoral College Too
After a series of leaked cables came out in which American diplomats bemoaned the state of democracy in Russia, Putin went on the offensive. "When we are talking with our American friends and tell them there are systemic problems" with the electoral college system, "we hear from them: 'Don't interfere with our affairs. This is our tradition, and it's going to continue like that.' We are not interfering. But to our colleagues, I would also like to advise you not to interfere with the sovereign choice of the Russian people," he said in December 2010.

Heart of Darkness
At a press conference in Ankara in 2004, Putin said of America's invasion of Iraq and it's increasingly hawkish foreign policy, "I don't want to see a situation where, as happened in Germany, we divided Europe into 'Westies' and 'Easties,' into first- and second- class citizens, where those in the first category could live under democratic and stable laws, and those in the second category, the people with dark skin, were expected to obey a kind but strict uncle telling them under what conditions they will live. And if, God forbid, one of the ungrateful natives he will be punished with a club of missiles and bombs, as was the case in Belgrade."

American Parasite
"The debt crisis in Europe and the U.S. is deepened by the fact that their economies are on the edge of recession. There is no clarity regarding their economies' becoming more healthy, nor is any expected. And that means for all of us in the world, including Russia," Putin said in September. Meanwhile, hardly a day goes by without a note about the downward revision of Russia's growth prognosis: In August, Russia's RTS trading index lost 30 percent of its value and, this week, the ruble has been dropping precipitously for days. Recession, it seems, is just around the corner here, too.
At a camp for the pro-Kremlin youth group, Nashi, in August: "They are living like parasites off the global economy and their monopoly of the dollar," Putin said. "If over there [i.e., in America] there is a systemic malfunction, this will affect everyone. Countries like Russia and China hold a significant part of their reserves in American securities.... There should be other reserve currencies."

八月在一个亲克里姆林宫的青年组里阵营说:“他们就像生活在全球经济和美元垄断中的寄生虫,”普京说。 “如果以上[即在美国,]是一个系统性体制的故障,这将影响到每个人,像俄罗斯和中国等国持有是美国证券储备债券的重要组成部分主要买家....我们应该有其他储备货币。”

Stalin vs. Nixon
"Regarding the problematic pages in our history, yes, we do have them, as does any state,'' Putin said at a 2007 social sciences conference, citing Stalin's purges during the 1930s. "But other countries have also known their bleak and terrible moments,'' he said in comments published on the official Kremlin website.
"In any event, we never used nuclear weapons against civilians, and we never dumped chemicals on thousands of kilometers of land or dropped more bombs on a tiny country than were dropped during the entire Second World War, as was the case in Vietnam,'' he said in his own defense.
他说:“无论如何,我们从来没有对平民使用核武器,我们从来没有在数千公里的土地上倾倒化学品或投放比整个第二次世界大战期间下降投到一个小国中更多的炸弹,就像在越南的情况,” “他在自己辩护的中说。

Hey Hey, You're Monkeys
Not pleased when the West recognized the breakaway state of Kosovo in February 2008, Putin threatened vague retaliatory action and called Europe out for hypocrisy when it came to separatism -- in Cyprus and Northern Ireland.
"I don't want to say anything that would offend anyone, but for 40 years northern Cyprus has practically had independence," he said. "Why aren't you recognizing that? Aren't you ashamed, Europeans, for having these double standards? Why do we promote separatism? For 400 years, Great Britain has been fighting for its territorial integrity in respect of Northern Ireland. Why not? Why don't you support that?"  
"We won't behave like monkeys," he added. "If someone backs an illegal and ill-conceived position we will not follow suit. We will react to preserve our interests."
    当对由于不满西方承认科索沃的分离状态不高兴,在2008年2月,普京含糊威胁要发动报复行动,并称为指出欧洲面对分裂主义时的虚伪,当它面对分裂主义 -如在塞浦路斯和北爱尔兰。
    “我不想说什么,这会得罪人,但40年来塞浦路斯实际上已经独立,”他说。 “你为什么不承认?对于这种双重标准,欧洲人,你不以为耻?为什么我们要提倡分裂?400年,大英帝国,为尊重获得北爱尔兰为以保持领土完整而战已经。400年了。为什么不?你为什么不支持呢?“我们不会像猴,”他补充说。 “如果有人支持非法和动机不纯的地位行动,我们不会跟风,我们会对此作出反应,以保护我们的利益。”




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