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【悉尼晨锋报111005】苹果iPhone 4S:升级而非换代

发表于 2011-10-6 21:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Apple's iPhone 4S: an evolution rather than a revolution
Asher Moses
October 5, 2011


Hear that sound? That's the collective whine of millions of Apple fans around the world who had been primed for an iPhone 5, only to receive ... an iPhone 4S.

Apple has had about 16 months to plot its new iPhone but the new model is an evolution rather than a revolution of its predecessor, hence the name.

Shareholders weren't satisfied, sending Apple's stock spiraling downward.

"It's been 16 months and all you've got is an A5 processor in the existing iPhone 4," said one analyst, saying the phone was a mild disappointment but would still sell millions of units.

The disappointment is perhaps a measure of Apple's consumer cachet and marketing prowess as the new model certainly has a lot of great things going for it.

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Sure, it doesn't have a bigger 4-inch screen, mobile payments chip or sleek new form factor as had been predicted in the press, but it does offer a faster dual-core processor, better graphics chip, 1GB of RAM and an upgraded 8-megapixel camera. Battery life has been increased to eight hours of talk time.

The software platform is also getting a revision with iOS5 - released to owners of previous models on October 12 - bringing a new personal assistant feature and better cloud syncing with a new iCloud service.

The new software contains about 200 improvements, Apple says, including better notifications and messaging systems, Twitter integration, the ability to share your location with friends and a "Newsstand" that will act as a direct line to newspapers, magazines and other media.

The personal assistant feature, widely predicted in the lead-up to the launch, is one of my favourite aspects of the new phone. It promises to be able to respond to questions such as "What time is it in Paris?" or "Do I need an umbrella today?" It will also read out messages for you and respond to commands such as "Wake me up tomorrow at 6am."

It will certainly be interesting to see how well it works in practice and whether it understands Australian accents.

Speech recognition on mobile devices looks set to be a new mobile battleground as Google has also been hard at work on similar features.

The search giant often talks about a future in which phones will be able to better translate and understand language – where people will be able to have real-time conversations with someone who doesn't even speak their language, with voice recognition and translation occurring on the fly.

The new iPhone 4S could not come a moment too soon as the iPhone is under siege from a raft of offerings based on Google's Android platform.

I have been using the Samsung Galaxy S II for months and it is without doubt a better phone than the iPhone 4. It's got a much better 8-megapixel camera that can take better low-light shots, a sleeker form factor that is much lighter to hold than it appears and a larger, crisper screen.

The Galaxy S II is the first Android phone that I would say beats the iPhone 4 hands down, which means, today, Apple was playing catch-up in the smartphone market for the first time since the iPhone's launch in 2007.

The iPhone 4S is a solid improvement that will bring Apple level with the best Android phones. The new camera, which can take 1080p high-definition video, is one of the strongest new features.

But it's no iPhone 5.

Apple was rumoured to be working on both an iPhone 4S and an iPhone 5 and the fact that it held back on the latter suggests a new model could be coming within six months.

But, as history shows, that won't stop the hordes from lining up overnight to get one when it is launched here next Friday.

If you missed it, watch the full video of Apple's launch event here.

苹果iPhone 4S:升级而非换代

于2011-10-06 09:49:25翻译














数月来我一直在使用三星Galaxy S II,它无疑要比iphone4强大。它早就配备了更强大的800万像素摄像头,可以低光照条件下拍摄,拥有更光滑的外表,虽然看上去比较重,但其实拿在手里挺轻的,再就是屏幕更大,更明亮。

Galaxy S II是第一批使用安卓系统的手机.我觉得它可轻松打败iphone4.自从2007年的苹果发布会,今天苹果第一次在智能手机市场上扮演急起直追的角色。

iPhone 4S是一部切切实实功能得到提升的手机,这样苹果手机就与最好的安卓手机处于同一水平。它最强大功能之一就是新的摄像头可以拍摄1080P高清视频


在此之前传言,苹果将发布两款手机,iPhone 4S 和iPhone 5。事实是并没有发布iphone5,这表明有可能在6个月内一款新的手机将现身。





发表于 2011-10-7 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
Steve Jobs 来不及把 iPhone 5 搞定就离开了!
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