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发表于 2011-10-19 10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【中文标题】女童“被撞”之后 ——“礼仪之邦”的道德悲剧

【原文标题】Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

【登载媒体】The Telegraph

【译    者】 godstear4u   

【翻译方式】   人工

【声    明】 欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。
【译    文】
Yesterday 12:15 PM
Not only in China, but Vietnam too - and Oxford, England, on a lesser scale. I know, I was there. Days after arriving in Oxford, I walked up from George Street onto dystopian Cornmarket Street, where in front of a large crowd of youth lay a young (white) lad in a pool of his own blood. He had apparently been punched very hard for no reason by someone he did not know and fell badly, smacking his head on the ground, compounding his injuries. One of his 'mates' was on his mobile complaining how this was so inconvenient (yes really). No one was doing anything - except for one, a homeless man who had been sitting in the entrance to the HMV store and who began to comfort the young man. (Interesting that the baby girl was also helped by someone down on their luck.)
不光是中国,在越南也一样,连英国牛津也不能幸免。我知道因为我在哪些地方呆过。到了牛津后,一次我从乔治街往乌烟瘴气的谷市街走,看见前面一群年轻人把一个浑身是血的白人小伙子扔在那里。他明显是被某个心情不爽的陌生人莫名其妙地揍得很惨,被揪着脑袋往地上掼,身上伤上加伤。他的一个同伴则躲在车里不停的抱怨要把他弄回去太不方便了(尽管事实如此)。所有人都无动于衷,除了一个一直坐在HMV唱片店前面的流浪者动身安慰那个年轻人(有趣的是那个女婴也是被一个没落的底层人民给救了)I was both shocked and disgusted at the inaction of the people around the lad. But it was to get worse. I immediately called 999 from my mobile and was automatically routed to the Thames Valley Police in Oxford after demanding an ambulance and a police presence. I explained the situation. The jobsworth who answered uttered, (yes, these are his words), "Yes mate, we're watching it all on CCTV." (As if he was enjoying a game of Saturday afternoon football on TV.) I almost exploded in disgust, but despite my feelings, 'politely' expressed the view that it may be more helpful if a person in authority got the hell out onto the street immediately. 5 minutes later, the ambulance and police arrived. I was so upset I left the scene for fear I may start an uprising against the (Labor) government who were still in power then.
我被那个小伙子周围人的无动于衷给震惊和恶心到了。但悲剧还远未结束。我立即用手机打了999要求立马派救护车和出警后电话被转接到牛津泰晤士河谷警察局。我解释了情况结果那位官老爷吼回来“知道伙计,我们在监视器上都看到了!”(没错,这是他原话,语气好像他在电视上欣赏周六下午的足球赛一样)。我都要气炸了,尽管如此,还是强压怒火和他说如果有条子立马出现在街上可能会对事情有帮助。5分钟后,救护车和警察才来。我怕我会直接揭竿而起反抗这个工党当政的腐败政府就先郁闷地离开了A few points:几点看法:a) In most left leaning and/or repressive nations, this sort of behaviour is common place. (There is some similar footage from Vietnam somewhere, hence the aforementioned reference.) As another commenter says, in nations where you are subservient to the government and/or their self loathing jobsworth foot soliders, you dare not do anything, and today's youth are so politically correct, technologically 'digitised' and health and safety mad, they won't dare do anything that will get themselves dirty or hurt. A nasty combination.
b) In Oxford (I can prove this with photos and video footage) you drop a fag end, ride your bike where you should not or park accidentally in the wrong place, the authorities will be onto you in a flash, glad to get their filthy mits on your £60, thanks to the network of for profit CCTV cameras and jobsworth spies all over the city. (No doubt other UK cities are the same way?) But if you are the victim of a crime, believe me, nothing will happen. The majority of criminals in Oxford get away with a slap on the wrist and repeat offend. Go live there and after a few years, despite the historical beauty, there is a dystopian socialist underbelly.
c) The comments that China's greed is causing this is rubbish. Yes, some overly spoiled inviduals will behave in a dispicable manner and turn a blind eye to the down trodden (we've all done that), but the people in the video are not wealthy - and if this happened in any American city, the whole community would be out onto the street in seconds. The Chinese behave that way because communism, like British ultra leftist government breed a complete removal of individual responsibilty. (State replaces loving family unit.) Go live in a run down area of a city supported by a Labor council, then live in a Conservative village and when something like this happens, you see who responds with the most compassion. (Celebrity and 'reality TV' have destroyed the honorable working class of old, and that is Britain's greatest tragedy.)
Yes, some socialists base their ideology on compassion - but in reality, it doesn't work! Everyone ends up with reduced living standards - permanently and with no hope. Drugs and alcohol strip away all the goodness.
Recommended by 78 people

Yesterday 01:02 PM
Imperial Russia, Imperia China, The regimes of Hitler ,Mussolini Franco, Pinochet, Shevenadze  Lukashenko, Ceaucescu,  Milosevic to name but very, very few. The military dictatorships of South America, The theocracies and absolute monarchies of the Middle East and Central Asia ...good times.沙俄帝国,中华帝国,希特勒政权,墨索里尼佛朗哥,皮诺切特,卢卡申科,齐奥塞斯库,米洛舍维奇,还有极个别没有提到的。以及中东和中亚的宗教政权和绝对的寡头统治....真是黄金时代You see it isn't as simple as leftist and rightwing is is?

Recommended by 11 people

Yesterday 03:45 PM
True, what it is as simple as - is repressive regimes. Perhaps I should not have used the term 'leftist'. I returned from 10 years in the USA in 2000 and was (and still am) shocked at the collapse of values that we used to take for granted. I cannot really explain it, but 'the wheels had come off' and until someone Churchillian gets into power (not someone weak), it may take a while for things to get better. The key is to produce a generation of children with honor in their souls, because that's the only way to cure the current illness.
Recommended by 24 people

Today 06:20 AM
I agree with what you say but we can't alway blame the government. Media has a lot to do with it. All the trash on TV that kids soak up. That Katy Price show that just aired for a start. Utter unadulterated c**p. (No I didn't watch it but saw the adverts for it.) But mainly parents who don't understand that it is their basic duty to teach their children morals and manners and yet think the onus lays with the school teachers.
Recommended by 2 people

Yesterday 11:46 AM
You have to visit China (as I do regularly) to appreciate that 98% of it is an alien world quite unlike any other culture on this planet.  With a population of 1.3bn the inevitable sentiment is that life is cheap - to work in one of the provincial hospitals is testament to this
你得向我经常做的一样来中国看看,你就会发现那里98%都和这个世界上的其他文化迥然不同,仿佛地外文明。拥有高达13亿的天量人口不可避免地造成生命变得廉价——在一家省级医院工作的经历印证了这一切Very depressing in a lot of ways.  After a week there you crave for "civilisation" - almost anywhere will do.....
在很多事情上他们令人失望。在那里不管什么地方呆了一周后你都将会渴望文明Recommended by 44 people

Yesterday 04:30 PM
My experience of living in Asia is that many Chinese will do anything to help a relative, but little to help a non relative, so passers will ignore many a traffic accident. Mao did not help by turning the people into a nation of people spying on each other, so other people were not to be trusted and you only helped those you trusted like your family.
The Good Samaritan view of life we enjoy in Europe, etc. is a Christian concept not practiced in many parts of the world, because it not inbuilt in us but has to be taught/believed. Yet we think we have grown out of Christianity. How wrong we are.
Recommended by 42 people

Yesterday 06:36 PM
unless of course the money is good.
Recommended by 5 people

Yesterday 05:04 PM
Well done arnaudsachsen for your altruism. If you had lived in other counties you will perhaps realise that you were not born with this willingness to help others, but you absorbed it from the prevailing culture around you. Where did that prevailing culture come from and why is it not universal in the world? If you had been taught soldiering/policing in some places you would be now be a heartless thug.
Arnaudsachsen你的利他主义说得好!如果你在其他国家生活过你可能会意识到你不是生来就乐于助人的,但是你从周围的主流文化中吸收学习到了这些。那样的主流文化来源何处,为何又未成为全世界的普世价值呢?如果你在世界上某些地方被训练成为士兵或者警察可能现在你已经成为一个无情无意的杀手了Recommended by 12 people

Yesterday 09:49 PM
I am sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. I lived in Asia for ten years in 3 different countries, and half of my family are Chinese. In common with most Asians, the Chinese feel no obligation to help someone who they do not know, regardless of the seriousness of the situation, unless it is a relative or someone of high status who can help them. Altruism as we experience in the west is rare.
Yesterday 10:14 AM
Comment removed.
注:得到38人支持的评论已被自由民主普世的不列颠网管删除Recommended by 38 people

Yesterday 12:07 PM
This is arrant nonsense. I have also lived and worked in China for many years and my wife is (mainland) Chinese. I utterly refute everything you say here except one thing. A lot of Chinese people do rate money higher than anything, I agree with that - but do not tar every Chinese person with the same brush. I can tell you that from my own experience there are many mainland Chinese with much higher  morals, integrity and decency than your average westerner. I am sorry for you that you learned so little and met so few educated Chinese during your "many years" living there.这完全是无稽之谈。我也在中国工作和生活了很多年,而我妻子就是中国大陆人。我可以完全反驳你所说的一切,除了一个例外。许多中国人并你没有把金钱看得高于一切,所以我同意你说的,不要把所有中国人一棒子打死。我可以以我的亲身经历告诉你许多中国大陆人有比你们一般西方人更高尚的道德,诚信和正派。我很遗憾在你许多年的中国生活经历里你学到的知识遇到有教养的中国人都这么少。
The problem that is highlighted in this video is the fear of becoming personally liable by helping someone in trouble. That liability is utterly daft. If it changed there would be some improvement, which would take time, but there is a prevailing mentality among Chinese that you help family and friends, not strangers. That has undoubtedly worsened in the last 30 years.
Recommended by 21 people

Yesterday 12:18 PM
If it's fear of liability, why don't they stop, call emergency services and keep the area safe until help arrives? 如果他们害怕承担责任为什么不停下来打电话叫救护车,然后维持周围安全直到救援到来?Not moving her probably isn't a bad thing, as she may have spinal fractures.
Recommended by 15 people

Yesterday 01:26 PM
This is shocking. I am mainland Chinese and I will definitely stop and help in whatever way I could. I am sure many will do the same. The point you are making is strange to say the very least. Similar thing happens here in the UK,  the media blame society. As it happens in China then it is Communist government to blame although it has to be said that Chinese government can and must do more to restore and improve moral standards. At the moment it seems too much emphasis has been placed on "development" whilst people's well being in general has become secondary. It is worth noting that China is still a 3rd world country and by definition it has a lot to catch up. Other than the war by guns and war of words with the aim of regime change which we object, there are many other ways the west can help and that may be a blessing to both China and the west.
Yachydda Pete
Today 06:39 AM
This kind of behavior has been happening in China for decades, its only now that the world sees whats been happening, humans are no different all over the world, in south America the police hunt kids down and shoot them for no other crime than being poor and homeless. its sad but a fact of life.
Recommended by 10 people

Today 07:40 AM
You must have a degree in idiocy, (you contradict yourself in one sentence,and then spout some gibberish about South America) Humans are completely different all over the world, that's why they try to get out of evil cultures, like China and those other garbage socialist countries, and get to places in the West where life still has value, and they will not be ruled by insane socialist or islamic  monsters. 你一定有一定程度的白痴,(一句话里自相矛盾,而且人家南美洲躺在泥里也中枪)如全世界的人都是截然不同的,这就是为什么为什么像中国和其他垃圾社会主义国家的人要逃离那些邪恶的文化,来到尊重生命、没有被一群傻X社会主义者和伊斯兰怪物统治的西方
If people as you say," are the same all over the World",this wouldn't be a story now would it.
Recommended by 7 people

Today 09:31 AM
Woman dying in waiting room of hospital with security guard watching? Homeless person dying in the streets in front of passers-by?  Just jumped to mind here, I'm sure they're be more if I would look online for it...一个女人死在有保安监视的医院里?流浪者死在有无数人路过的街道上?我立刻想到了这些事情,而且我肯定如果在网上查一查还会找到更多...
This type of behaviour happens all over the world, also in our 'life-valueing' western society...high horse anyone??
这种事情全世界都发生,我们“珍视生命”的西方社会也一样?有谁是高人一等的?Recommended by 3 people
发表于 2011-10-19 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
不看不知道 一看瞎一跳,原来国外网友看自己国家也和我们一样.
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发表于 2011-10-19 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-1 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-1 19:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-4 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
看来都是一样的 多多少少的问题
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发表于 2011-11-5 09:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-6 12:06 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2011-11-13 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
在国外 未必是外国生人
也有精蝇 轮儿 分裂狗这类
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发表于 2011-11-13 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-13 21:32 | 显示全部楼层



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