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发表于 2011-10-28 13:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-10-28 13:50 编辑


【原文标题】Outrage Over Taxes Rocks a Chinese Town

【译    者】小明啊


【声   明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。 未命名.jpg

BEIJING—Authorities in a town in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang ordered residents to stay indoors Thursday after protests by small-business owners and workers in apparent outrage over tax issues, according to local media and eyewitnesses, in the latest example of economic tensions in the world's No. 2 economy.

An overturned car Thursday in Zhili, a town in eastern China, where witnesses say small-business owners protested over taxes this week.
The protesters assaulted police and overturned cars in the town of Zhili, part of the city of Huzhou, which is roughly 80 miles west of Shanghai, witnesses and reports said. Local media estimated the protesters numbered about 600, though locals said the number might be higher.

It wasn't clear Thursday night whether the riot resulted in deaths or injuries. Online posters on China's Sina Weibo Twitter-like microblogging service displayed photos of protesters with bloody shirts, as well as overturned cars and a burning van. The source of the photos couldn't be verified. Local officials didn't pick up their phones.

Local media reported that the protests began with a number of owners of local clothing companies, many of whom originally came from neighboring Anhui province, who were upset with an increase in local taxes, the details of which were unclear. The local Zhejiang Online website said one owner refused to pay the taxes, spurring other owners and their workers—who also come largely from Anhui province—to take to the streets as well.
The protests come as smaller private-sector firms, many of which are concentrated in the area near Shanghai, have been squeezed by government efforts to tap the brakes on economic growth in order to tame inflation. Those efforts have limited credit for some small firms, which in turn prompted new government measures this month to help small- and medium-size businesses.
Li Ping, an employee at a hotpot restaurant in Zhili, said protesters stormed government buildings and burned police cars, while the window of another outlet of her restaurant was smashed. She said the streets were quiet on Thursday, though most stores remained closed.
Another resident, who gave her surname as Wang, said only armed police were in the streets Thursday, adding that protesters burned two police cars. "I heard big noises last night, but I didn't dare go out to see," she said.
另一名自称姓王的居民说,周四只有武警在街道上,他还补充道,示威者焚烧了两辆警车。 “我昨晚听到了很大的噪音,但我不敢出去看。”他如是说。

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