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发表于 2011-11-8 09:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Meet Global Times, the angry Chinese government mouthpiece that makes Bill O'Reilly seem fair and balanced.


http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯,菊花,katherine,citylurker,  trytrytry

作者: CHRISTINA LARSON      发表于2011年10月31日

BEIJING – On most mornings, the senior editorial staffers at China's hyper-nationalistic Global Times newspaper flash their identification badges at the uniformed guard outside their compound in eastern Beijing and roll into the office between 9 and 10 a.m. They leave around midnight. In the hectic intervening 14 hours, they commission and edit articles and editorials on topics ranging from asserting China's unassailable claims to the South China Sea to the United States' nefarious role in the global financial crisis to the mind-boggling liquor bills of China's state-owned enterprises, to assemble a slim, 16-page tabloid with a crimson banner and eye-popping headlines. In the late afternoon, staffers propose topics for the all-important lead editorial to editor-in-chief Hu Xijin, who makes all final decisions and has an instinct for the jugular.


Take last Tuesday's saber-rattling editorial, printed with only slight variations in the Chinese and English editions, which duly unnerved many overseas readers. "Recently, both the Philippines and South Korean authorities have detained fishing boats from China, and some of those boats haven't been returned," the editorial fumed. "If these countries don't want to change their ways with China, they will need to prepare for the sounds of cannons." The war-mongering language was meant to attract attention, and that it did, with Reuters, Manila Times, Jakarta Globe, The West Australian, Taipei Times, and other overseas media referencing it in news articles. The bellicose editorial was certainly newsworthy, assuming that the paper on some level is a mouthpiece for China's rulers. But whose views, exactly, does Global Times really represent?


Its offices are located within the sprawling Haiwaiban campus of the People's Daily, the stodgy old organ of the Chinese Communist Party, founded in 1948. The People's Daily is renowned for its mastery of bore-you-to-tears bureaucratese; its turgid official profiles induce slumber in general audiences but nonetheless signal, to those in the know, whose career is on the make and whose will soon be in tatters. But while the People's Daily is the parent publishing organization of Global Times, the two newspapers have remarkably different missions. Global Times is unequivocally a state-owned paper subject to the same censorship regime, but since its founding in 1993 it has evolved a more populist function -- a mandate to attract and actually engage readers, rather than to telegraph coded intentions of the Foreign Ministry or the Organization Department, which determines all senior personnel appointments.



The dress code at the office is casual, even bedraggled; there's an air of anti-authoritarianism reminiscent of a college newspaper. The conference room is bare of decoration but for an overly ornate chandelier collecting dust. There's a feeling of chaotic energy, quite distinct from most of China's state-run newspapers, which seem indistinguishable from sleepy and polished government offices.


No one embodies the difference more than the man in charge. At 51, Hu wears his longish hair brushed forward in a vaguely hipster look; he is wiry and frenetic.


When a large group is assembled, he does most of the talking. He speaks quickly, emphatically, and chooses his words like daggers. "We call a spade as a spade," he told me when I visited recently as part of a delegation of American editors and academics. "And we are not afraid to upset you."


In China, top editors at state-sponsored newspapers are appointed officials. Quite often, they have never worked as journalists and have no interest in media (an editorship may be a stepping-stone to becoming a vice-mayor or other municipal official). Hu, however, breaks the mold in nearly every way but one: his devotion to the party. He is a former war correspondent and a maniacal editorial micromanager who insists on co-writing every lead editorial because, as one Global Times staffer put it, "He has a need to write … that's very interesting and unusual. He very much enjoys writing opinion pieces."


Most of China's media bureaucrats are befuddled by social media, but Hu posts obsessively to his account on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, and has nearly 1.4 million followers. (Shortly after September's Shanghai subway crash, he wrote at 9:24 p.m.: "The subway and high speed train system fall into a bad cycle like the coal mine accidents … and there will be an editorial in GT.") Rather than ignore China's "netizens," he is obsessed with tracking public opinion and debate, if often to refute it.


Hu relishes in mentioning lightning-rod topics that most state outlets simply avoid as too sensitive, including the 1989 Tiananmen massacre and this spring's detention of artist Ai Weiwei, if only to reinforce a party-friendly line. If the de facto stance of China's state-run media is to avoid controversy, Hu actively courts it.


He also likes to pick popular targets, and tear them down. Take the widespread admiration in Chinese social media of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's thrifty restaurant choices on his recent Beijing visit, and Ambassador Gary Locke's habit of traveling coach. Global Times attacked the Americans as being hypocrites and only symbolically thrifty, as a Sept. 22, 2011 editorial noted wryly: "It costs much more in security for Biden to eat a bowl of noodles in a street restaurant than for him to dine at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse."


Although Hu is an avid Weibo user, Global Times has also been out in front of criticizing the widely popular social-media site for spreading rumors and poisoning public opinion, as a July 13 editorial argued: "New media was once held up as a model for freedom of speech in China. But in reality, a lack of censorship leads to rumors growing more rapidly."


To what extent does Global Times in fact shape, distort, or find itself chasing public opinion in China? "I always say what I mean," Hu told the delegation. But some are skeptical. "Frankly, I think its position is to make money -- nationalism is Global Times' positioning in the market," Michael Anti, a well-known Chinese writer and international-affairs commentator, told me. "It's like any Rupert Murdoch publication; it's Fox News, essentially."


Global Times is by circulation the third-largest newspaper in China, with a daily print readership of 2.4 million, according to the Sobao Advertising Agency, and reported web readership of 10 million. Even if those numbers are inflated (statistics in China are hard to verify), it's still formidable -- by comparison, in 2011 the Washington Post's average daily print circulation was 550,821.


"Why is Global Times popular? Different people in China have different answers," says Wang Wen, chief op-eds page editor and editorial writer. He has a cherubic face and big brown eyes, and despite working slavishly long hours, radiates a sense of exuberance uncommon in China's newsrooms. "The liberals say it is because GT promotes and sells Chinese nationalism. The others say it is because GT is very sharp and we dare to touch the sensitive issues."


The current incarnation of Global Times is the brainchild of Wang's boss, Mr. Hu. Born in Beijing in 1960 and a teenager during China's Cultural Revolution, Hu studied at Nanjing Military International Relations University and then received an M.A. in Russian Literature and Language from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1989. That year marked a traumatic turning point in China: The momentum of a decade of optimism and liberalizing thought was gunned down in Tiananmen Square, and a new era of conservatism and patriotic education was anxiously shepherded in by President Jiang Zemin. In 1989, Hu joined the People's Daily as a reporter; from 1993-1996 he was a correspondent in Yugoslavia covering the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He returned to Beijing in 1996, and at age 36 joined the new Global Times newspaper as deputy editor.


Global Times's rising profile over the past two decades owes to new forces in the shifting Chinese media landscape. The Chinese edition of the paper, as its name indicates, focuses on international news. Back when China was primarily inward looking and struggling recover from a Maoist economy, that seemed a backwater beat. "But Global Times has been increasingly relevant since 1999," says Anti, "since the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia." -- i.e., the accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy by U.S. and NATO forces, which stirred conspiracy theories in China and happened to take place in Hu's old reporting stomping grounds.

《环球时报》在过去的二十年里声名鹊起,这要归功于中国媒体大环境的转变。《环球时报》正如它的名字一般,专注于国际新闻。而考虑到中国刚刚开始反省自身,并且正努力从毛泽东时代的计划经济中恢复过来,搞国际新闻几乎毫无前景。“但是到了1999年,《环球时报》开始变得举足轻重,” Michael Anti说道,“自从中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆被轰炸之后。”——即中国大使馆被美国及北约军队误伤的那起意外事故。此事在当时的中国掀起了一场围绕阴谋论的轩然大波,而过去从未受过重视的国际新闻立时成为了众人关注的焦点。

As Chinese readers have begun to increasingly look outward, Global Times has delivered on that hunger for international coverage, albeit often with a claustrophobic worldview that presents China, arguably the world's second-most powerful country, as a besieged underdog. A sample of front-page headlines from October 2011: "Attacking China becomes a new vogue for Washington DC"; "The Senates vote menaces China"; and "India and Vietnam signing contracts provokes China." (As Jeffrey Wasserstrom, a professor of history of the University of California, Irvine, explains this disconnect, "It's linked to the Communist Party's shift in the story it tells about its past. … There's less attention in official historical accounts on the party's role as a promoter of social equality and more on its role in ending the "100 years of humiliation" -- the stock phrase for the foreign incursions of the 1840s through 1940s, the Opium War through the Japanese invasions.")

中国的读者们正在将目光投向国外。为满足中国读者的这种渴求,《环球时报》正努力为人们提供更多的讯息;然而,他们对待这种新闻又抱有一种幽闭恐惧症患者般的世界观:尽管中国已成为实至名归的世界第二强国,但他们总爱把自己打扮成强敌环伺,受人包围算计的样子。正如图片所示,《环球时报》2011年10月刊的头条上赫然印着:“攻击中国成华盛顿时髦”;“国会主张威胁中国”;还有“印度和越南签署和约激怒中国”等等。(正如加州大学尔湾分校教授Jeffrey Wasserstrom所言,“这反映了中国共产党对自己历史形象定位的变化…它曾努力将自己打造成提高了社会平等的党派,现在则更多的将自己描述为终结了中国“百年屈辱”之人——这个短语指的是中国从19世纪40年代到20世纪40年代,接连遭受从鸦片战争到日本侵华战争等多长侵略战争的历史。

Global Times's aggressive editorial style is the product of two intersecting trend lines, says Jeremy Goldkorn, an expert on Chinese media and the founder of the Danwei.org website -- Jiang's introduction of "patriotic education" into Chinese schools and a concurrent push for newspapers to make money from subscriptions and advertising, as the government limited or withdrew funding. Hu's contribution was in realizing that these two forces could go together. Over the last decade, as they were forced to commercialize, China's newspapers and magazines adopted a variety of approaches in fighting for readers: Some veered liberal and muckraking, including Hu Shuli's Caijing and now Caixin magazines; others focused on celebrity news. "But the Global Times had a different strategy -- a more nationalistic, jingoistic tone," as Goldkorn puts it. "Chinese nationalism is not exactly new. But what they've done is they've packaged it in a more contemporary way."

“《环球时报》那咄咄逼人的的行文风格是两种趋势的产物,”中国媒体专家,Danwei.org网站的创始人Jeremy Goldkorn说道,“江泽民倡导‘爱国主义教育’,与此同时,由于政府取消掉了对报纸的资金支持,这些报纸不得不开始靠广告和销量取得收入”。胡锡进的贡献在于认识到他们可以讲这两者结合起来。在过去的十年中,这些媒体不得不采取了商业化,为吸引读者,一些报纸和杂志转而投身丑闻的揭发,并主张新闻自由,包括胡舒立的《财经》杂志、现在的《财新》杂志;其他的则注重于名人新闻。“但《环球时报》有他自己的战略——一条更为民族主义,拥护强硬外交的路线。”正如Goldkorn所说,“中国的民族主义并不新鲜。他们今天的所作所为,不过是以一个更为现代的方式对其进行包装罢了。”

None of this attracted much notice in the West until 2009, when, in the midst of surging overseas interest in China following the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Hu founded Global Times's English edition. Some of the news articles are translated directly from the Chinese edition, but most are distinct, with a focus on interpreting China's domestic affairs. "Because many readers are foreigners, we have news about what happens in China," Hu says. The English edition is somewhat tamer than the Chinese edition, but still more nationalistic than China Daily, the country's other state-run national English language paper, founded in 1981. (Consider these recent headlines from China Daily: "China sticks to peaceful development"; "Experts vow to boost mutual trust between China, Japan"; and "China reaffirms commitment to ties with India.")


But what Global Times is today best known for is not news, but its chest-pumping editorials, such as the recent "sounds of cannons" essay. The topic and slant of the lead editorial is the same in both editions, with some slight textual variance in translation. Mr. Hu, who in interviews alternates between speaking in English and in Chinese through a translator, personally labors over each one, usually in the late evening or wee morning hours. As he explains the process: "In the evening, me and another reporter will together write the editorial. I am always included in the writing process. Then we will call or fax about three professors to know their opinion about what we write. … But in the last, I decide whether we will use their opinion, or we will not use their opinion." (Hu downplays the fact that, like all Chinese newspapers, Global Times is subject to government review before publication.)


One common theme is to criticize the perfidy of the West, in particular accusing the United States of hypocrisy and attacking American values on the grounds they are not always upheld in America. One example of an anti-Western screed, from July 28, 2011, took a shot at Foreign Policy's own Failed States Index: "The 2011 Failed State Index, an annual ranking jointly conducted by the Fund for Peace and Foreign Policy magazine in the US … ranked 177 countries using 12 different indicator s . And to no one's surprise, most of the countries that topped the list are from Africa, ravaged by civil war, poverty, and natural disasters." The editorial continued: "But it is necessary to ask a question: What and who failed them? … Their formal colonizers, who now dominate the world market, told them exporting raw materials and opening up their markets to Western goods was the quickest path to prosperity. But most of their revenues ended up in the pocket of international corporations." 对西方背信弃义的批判是他们共同的主题,出于反美情节,他们对美国虚伪的指责和对美国价值观的抨击尤为严重。举例而言,在2011年7月28日,他们曾针对《外交政策》发布的失败国家指数发表评论:“这份失败国家指数报告,是由和平基金会与《外交政策》杂志联合研究而成的,共评价了177个国家,并使用了12项指标。榜首的几个国家毫无悬念的全部来自非洲,他们饱受内扎、贫穷和自然灾害之苦。”评论员续道,“但是我们要问问:到底是谁让他们如此变成这样的?…是他们从前的殖民者,是那些统治了世界市场,告诉他们出口原材料、向西方开放国内市场是最好的致富途径的西方人。然而,他们收益中的大部分最终还是落入了跨国公司的口袋中。”

Another now-infamous Global Times editorial ran on April 6, 2011. While most of China's state-run media initially kept mum on the uncomfortable fact of artist Ai Weiwei's detention, Global Times jumped in to argue that Ai had brought it upon himself by crossing a red line: "History will make its own judgment of such a person as Ai Weiwei. But before this happens, they will sometimes pay a price for their own peculiar decisions, as happens in any society." And the kicker: "No one person has the right to make our entire people accommodate their personal views of what is right and wrong."


Given how much of what Global Times prints is obvious anathema to liberal Western readers, it's worth noting that another recurring topic is criticism of China's own culture of official corruption (so long as no Western government is allowed to look good by comparison). In April, the paper blew open a salacious story about the inhuman liquor bill of an official at Sinopec, China's state-owned petroleum giant, in a smart investigative piece cited by the New Yorker's Evan Osnos on his blog. A team of Global Times reporters confronted the general manager of Sinopec's Guangdong branch, Lu Guangyu, about whether he had really purchased 480 bottles of vintage Moutai and 696 bottles of red wine for personal consumption (total cost: $243,604), as his expense reports indicated. Might not the money have been spent instead on gifts, banquets, or bribes? Lu claimed he had drunk every last drop. "But there's mass public scepticism about Sinopec's claims that one man was responsible for its booze bill," an April 27 Global Times article duly noted. "Many believe that the case reflects rampant abuse of power and public funds among State-owned enterprises."

《环球时报》所发布的内容无疑对于自由的西方读者来说是令人厌恶的,对于反反复复那么几个抨击中国官方腐败的报道来说,简直是毫无价值的新闻。(没有关于西方政府正面报道的内容作为对比)。四月,这份报纸鼓吹了一个淫荡的故事,这个故事是关于中石化---国有石油巨人---里面一个官员的一份奇葩的烈酒订单。当时《纽约客》的一个博客作者Evan Osnos在他的博客里发表了一个醒目的调查文章。随后一个《环球时报》的记者团立刻质问了中石化在广东分公司的总经理卢广宇,问他是否真的如同报道声称的,购买了480瓶茅台和696瓶红酒用于私人消费(总价243604美元)难道这些钱没有被挪作他用,比如送礼,宴请,或者贿赂?卢广宇声称他全部用于自己喝了。一份四月二十七日的《环球时报》文章适时地发布了,声称“有许多公众怀疑中石化发布的关于一个人购买了如此多数量的酒只是用于暴饮的言论,但这个案例也表明了公众对于国有企业滥用职权和资产的愤怒。”

How does fear-mongering about foreign policy mix with muckraking about outrageous official behavior? "I think Hu is opportunistic and trying to be sensational … in the vein of the New York Post," says Richard Burger, a former PR professional based in China and former editor at Global Times's English edition. According to Burger, shortly after the English edition launched, Hu announced in an editorial meeting that he was determined to publish an article at least referencing the June 4, 1989 massacre -- a date on which, according to China's official media, nothing happened. Global Times did manage to twice break that taboo, albeit in passing references in articles devoted to the development of Chinese intellectual thought. "He's out to win attention for his newspaper," says Burger, "he relishes controversy."

如何利用民众对于外国政策的恐惧心理再混以政府官员的一些丑闻来达到稳定暴政的行为?Richard Burger,原中国人力资源教授,原《环球时报》英文版编辑说道:“我认为在纽约这篇文章发布时,胡的倾向是机会主义者和官能主义者”根据Burger所说,在英文版开始出版后不久,胡就在一次编辑会议上声明,他决定出版一篇关于审查某事件的文章,在官方媒体报道中,其实当天并不存在这一事件。《环球时报》打算再次打破禁忌,文章致力于表明中国理智思考的进步。“他懂得如何为自己的报纸吸引眼球” Burger说,“他享受争论。”

Hu Xijin's freewheeling tendencies probably represent the most energetic effort in China to actually win readers for party papers. Of course, Global Times's rising profile may also be the product of limited alternatives: Beijing allows no national newspaper devoted to international news to publish on the opposite end of the political spectrum, with a more liberal slant. As a former reporter at Beijing Youth Daily told me: "Why do people read Global Times? There are few options … there's no real news in China. We have such limited choices."


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
I remember the issue with the school in Maine when Global Times was accusing one of their schools of running an out-dated school. Sounded like a story from Southpark!
Funny how those rants are taking twists and spread in the media. Great food for a journalist I guess.

Gotta say here that the Chinese language edition has been impeached of having a stiff pro-gov. slant and of attracting a severly nationalistic readers. However, the English-language version though has been reported as taking a less imperative approach.


来自: http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:寒灯,菊花,katherine,citylurker,  trytrytry 转载请注明出处
Taken from page 4: The editorial continued: "But it is necessary to ask a question: What and who failed them? … Their formal colonizers, who now dominate the world market, told them exporting raw materials and opening up their markets to Western goods was the quickest path to prosperity. But most of their revenues ended up in the pocket of international corporations." Is there a single thing said here that is false?


The Index doesn't delineate reasons for the inclusion of a state on the list. It merely represents the current status quo. There are many reasons why states fail, a history of colonialism being chiefly among them, but this criticism is not an argument of analysis. Its an example of getting people worked up, throwing them red meat. Just because an argument is correct in a vacuum doesn't mean that it is an appropriate response to something.


It's not that it's saying anything false. It's that the internal abuses and corruptions of failed states have nothing to do with the advice given to them to export raw materials or open their markets. It's as silly as accusing their former colonizers with causing their high mortality rates by advising them to get vaccinated for smallpox and polio.


Great article, Christina. I just wish you could have done a tangent on the old "Ask Alessandro" column that Global Times used to publish. It was literally the weirdest column I have seen in any publication in the world...unbelievably racist, misogynistic, and lewd (but actually kind of funny). I would have been curious to know why they allowed it to be published in a state-run paper.

很好的文章,Christina。我倒希望你去看看《环球时报》的一个老栏目Ask Alessandro(环球时报曾经开辟的一个性爱专栏)。那真是我看过的最奇异的专栏了。。。不可思议的种族歧视,性别歧视,下流粗俗(不过也挺有趣倒是),我真的很好奇他们怎么会在一家国家级出版物上开这么个专栏。。

Here's a link to an old column of his: http://beijing.globaltimes.cn/life/edu-tech/2011-04/501593.html
Would you mind pointing out which part of your piece makes Bill O'Reilly seem fair and balanced?

你介意我指出你文章哪里故意突出Bill O'Reilly(美国电视名嘴)的公正形象吗?

As a foreigner who has lived both in the US and in China, I would agree that both countries do have their fair share of nationalistic, biased, narrow-minded figureheads, but by somehow implying that this is worst than  and the rest of the MANY crazies with influential positions at FOX and generally throughout the US gvmt and media, this author has willingly forfeited any legitimacy of unbiased, detached reporting. Same goes for the author of the accompanying photo piece.


Does the author know Chinese?
It strikes me that the author tries very hard to cover up the fact that she cannot read the Global Times in Chinese. I wonder if FP would like to clarify whether, in fact, it has commissioned a reporter to write about a newspaper who cannot actually read that newspaper. As anyone who studies the Global Times well knows, the Chinese edition is substantially different than the English one. Not to FP's credit.


Do you have any evidence?
Or are you just flailing about for something to say?


Frankly I didn't see anything in the article that would imply the author doesn't know Chinese. As a long-time reader of FP I'm quite confident they employ (or have  to) fluent readers of Chinese with which to make certain their story is well-researched.


This seemingly unfounded accusation is not to your credit, sir.


Amsted raises a very good point, especially about FP's consistent use of folks with limited China background to report on China issues. The fundamental flaw is that the East Coast power elite have a very limited understanding of Asia in general and China in particular. FP caters simplistic China stories to this audience. The best reporting on Asia in general is the LA Times, the which tends to portray the complexities in China. These include stories about Chinese corruption and authoritarianism, but also social profiles of individuals and groups in China that challenge the black-white dichotomy of Washington.


Thus it is Dr. Jones who is "flailing about" as an apologist for FP.


While I agree that the Global Times is China's most well-known nationalistic newspaper, it's hardly the most strident or party-observant. Someone able to read Chinese would be able to differentiate not only between the Chinese and English language editions (and thus touch on the rationale for the discrepancy), but also between Global Times and other Chinese nationalistic media (read the military-related magazines).


Seems FP has managed upset the fengqing (or would that be the wumaodang?) once again by tackling the subject of the Global Times, that ever-reliable source of vitriol.


I will say this for 'Global Times'. Despite giving Fox News a run on its money for pumping the public full of dangerously jingoist / chauvinist BS, it is at least a much more interesting read than the average Party mouthpiece tripe. Given their interest in covering domestic corruption and wrongdoings by the party, I don't see them lasting more than a few more years--just look at Caijing magazine if you want to see the writing on the wall.


In China, all it takes is crossing the wrong official or mentioning the wrong topic at the wrong time and this Hu Xijin will find himself 'harmonized' on trumped up charges as was Ai Weiwei and so many others. For crying out loud, if investigating the corruption that led to the deaths of so many children in Sichuan is to be seen as one person subjecting China to his personal morality, then hitting back over the exposure of government liquor expenses (or similar stories) is not exactly a moral line in the sand.


China makes Christina Larson look like Bill OReilly

中国让Christina Larson看起来像Bill Oreilly。

The reasons why OReilly is ridiculous is not because he is biased, but because he insists that he is Fair and balanced. The Chinese papers have never indicated that they are anything but fair and balanced, so the comparison of Hu Xijin to Oreilly is silly at best. The last time I checked op-eds are supposed to be biased and one sided to begin with so it's hard to see what is Larson's problem.


The way I see it, the likes of Hu Xijin is a counter to the likes of Christina Larson in that one writes pro-China opinion pieces all the time, while the other only writes negatives ones all the time. You don't need to read much beyond Larson's Beautiful Me! piece (Nov 2010) to see that Larson hates not only the Chinese government but the common Chinese people. Heck she wrote a whole scathing piece on FP just to bash Chinese brides for wanting to look good for their wedding photo.

在我看来,胡锡进一贯挺中国的观点,是与Christina Larson针锋相对的。当那个女人总是在进行负面的报道的时候,你都不需要看多少Christina Larson的文字,只要看看她的“Beautiful Me!”就能知道她恨的不仅是中国政府,还包括了一般的中国人民。真的是。。。她在《外交政策》上撰了一整篇刻薄的文章,只是因为一个中国新娘想要拍一张漂亮的婚纱照。

The result of one sided reporting from both is plainly obvious. On the one hand you get the Chinese "ultra/hyper nationalists" (why don't journalists ever use this term to describe Americans conservatives) bragging about China despite the fact that China is still just a third world nation. On the other hand you get rabid China-bashing trolls whining about Chinese "ultranationalists" and accusing anyone who is not blatantly anti-China of being "fengqing", "50 cent' or other stupid terms which they have little idea about.




The mocking and dismissive tone of the "Beautiful Me" screed was disgusting, especially since the author didn't even consider how patronizing it was. I didn't realize this was the same author!

“Beautiful Me!”所显露出的嘲笑和蔑视的确很恶心,特别是作者从不考虑到这是多么自以为是。我真不敢相信这是同一个人写出来的!

pro-China opinion pieces all the time
One has to be careful here. Yes, Hu writes pro-China opinion pieces. But he does not write pro-CCP pieces all the time.


Every article doesn't have to be groundbreaking


This is a very well written article that has a lot of good information in it. I don't think she's trying to change the world or force an opinion down anyone's throat, despite what you moron commentators are saying.


She's telling a story about a newspaper that has a nationalistic bias and how that came about. She's succeded in that respect. Which is impressive, especially given the fact that she probably has to write 10 1,500 word articles a month for $300 each just to make a living


It's so low to use "making a living" as an excuse. Everybody has a living to make.


Hu should be described as "patriotic" or "putting Chinese interests first". He is nothing compared to America's own nationalist media.


There's five Mao in your pocket


Sure there is a Chinese nationalist bias in the newspaper. But it is much more sophisticated than the utterly myopic and America centric crap on FOXNEWS.


And on some issues, like US meddling in other country's domestic affairs to serve its own narrow interests, they DO have a point.


Also another interesting takeaway: the "democratic China" that American liberal internationalists dream about may be a lot more nationalistic and aggressive and difficult to deal with than the current "authoritarian" regime.


Be careful what you wish for!



Fox is a bad comparison for FP to use here, because FOX is 1) a privately owned TV network and, under a Democratic Party administration, FOX is in effect 2) an opposition media outlet. China permits neither 1 nor 2.

《外交政策》拿福克斯来做比较是不对的。因为:1)福克斯是一家私人的电视网络,在一个由民主政党执政的政府治下,它是有用的 2) 福克斯是一个表达反对意见的媒体渠道。而这两点在中国都不允许出现。

I think many Westerners look to the Global Times op-eds for the same guilty pleasure rush they get from reading North Korea's KCNA. Not all of the GT's output is blood-curdling blood-and-soil nationalistic propaganda, but that is unfortunately what it has become famous for.

我觉得许多留意《环球时报》专栏的西方人发现了其中流露出来的窃喜,这使他们想起了朝鲜中央通讯社 。虽然《环球时报》上的文章并不全是令人毛骨悚然且铁血的民族主义宣传,但这种趋势很不好。

Chinese Nationalism
The main flaw in this article is the fact that it completely ignores: China's emergence as a superpower is driving nationalism. A paragraph on China's successes would be in order. They have the most active space program, are the world's largest producer of solar panels and windmills, lead the world in automobile sales, have recently launched a module for a space station, have built their own stealth fighter, have the world's largest internal budget surplus, have the highest level of foreign currency reserves, have passed the US as the largest trading partner for the EU, and probably passed the US as the world's largest economy in 2010. The last item was pointed out by an economist for the Peterson Institute, Arvind Subramanian, in his book, Eclipse: Living in the Shadow of China's Economic Dominance. He used purchasing power parity, a measurement that takes into account differences in prices between the West and the developing world. When I learned that China had become the biggest trading partner for the EU despite the wars in Afghanistan and Libya, I did research that corroborated his claim.

这篇文章的主要瑕疵在于,它完全忽略了以下事实:中国成为超级大国的苗头驱使着民族主义。下面系统地列一段关于中国所取得的成就:他们有着最为活跃的太空计划,他们是世界上最大的太阳能电池板和风车的制造商,他们在汽车销售领域领导着世界,他们最近发射了一个宇宙空间站模型,建造了自己的秘密军事力量,拥有全球最大的internal budget surplus。拥有最大规模的外汇储备,取代美国成为欧盟最大的贸易伙伴,也许会在2020年取代美国成为全球最大经济体。最近一条来自Peterson Institute的经济学家Arvind Subramanian所著的Eclipse的消息指出,我们正生活在中国经济优势的阴影之下。他使用了平均购买力进行说明,这是种用于比较东西方经济之间价格差异的测量方法。当我读到即使是发生了阿富汗、利比亚战争,中国仍已成为欧盟最大的贸易伙伴时,我做了一个研究来验证他的结论。

Wars with alliance systems, such as the US and NATO, create additional levels of trade between allies as they transfer supplies between each other in war zones. They appear as ledger entries in military supply depots, but, in national budgets, they appears as sales and purchases between nations. The US conducts trade with the EU in Afghanistan and off the coast of Libya. It would be impossible for China to pass US trade with the EU, given the great boost of military trades within NATO, except under one condition: the Chinese economy has become the biggest in the world. Furthermore, US and Chinese trade with the EU is converted into euros which acts as a natural purchasing power parity mechanism. The Libyan campaign masked recognition of China's ascent, but it occurred in 2010. In addition, the author mentions China's century of humilition as a "stock phrase." While she quoted another author, she did not correct his error. To all Chinese, this is a massive source of anger with the West. It's like saying that 9-11 removed some of the clutter in New York, and some US businessmen died before they could be arrested for their parts in the 2002-2003 US accounting scandal.


We should give bin Laden an award for improving New York's skyline and removing US corporate criminals on 9-11. Those sentiments might not be well received in New York. By the same token, the Chinese remember the period 1839-1949, and some Chinese have worked hard to overtake Japan. In World War II, China tied down 60% of Japan's war machine and received no credit. Now, there are Chinese who voluntarily work 60 hours a week to beat America because the US helped Britain and the other imperialists humiliate China in the 1800's. Americans had signs in their store windows that read, "Dogs and Chinese not allowed." The US is paranoid that the people that American racists equated with dogs might impose humiliation on the US. The author of the article says too little about the current causes of nationalism. Fortunately, China has passed the US economically, and the US must learn to cope with second place and possibly do something about its own evil racism.


GT's Editorials
I write op-eds for GT's English edition (and China Daily). GT's editorial page is strongly pro-government and I would agree with both the FOX reference and the poster who wrote that it's not quite like FOX b/c there is no true other side in China.


The op-ed pages of the English edition however are not jingoistic. It's still difficult to criticize the government directly but it is possible to take on certain government policies.


I wrote the op-ed questioning whether the Maine hs recruiting Chinese students was a good value for Chinese families. It was neither a pro-government nor anti-government piece and nearly all the background info for my op-ed came from a NYT story. (I had included two credits to that story in the version I sent GT but they were cut). The criticisms of GT as a government shill were frankly laughable, at least with regard to that op-ed. I wrote follow-up op-eds for two Maine newspapers, visited the Maine town that is hosting the Chinese students, spoke to various interested stakeholders, and came to the same conclusion- the investment was not worth it. Apparently, Chinese families felt the same way as the school ended up with three Chinese students, not sixty as planned.


Author knows here stuff
Having read the GT during my recent three-year stay in the People's Republic of China, I endorse and recommend the article. However, I recall around the June 6th date recently that GT published an unrefuted CCP "academic" who said it's often necessary and good to forget about certain events of the immediate past (the Tianemen Square massacre) so that the country could better develop its economy. So publisher Hu can be less forthcoming than the author states.


Then there are the usual parade of comments to the article. Most pro-GT commenters state, in the aggregate, the usual and predictable CCP-PRC lines about the United States, which Beijing blames for everything wrong with the PRChina, from inflation to earthquakes (US Weather Warfare) to the 'rennegades' on Taiwan, dissention in Tibet and Xinjiang, the price of gasoline etc ad nauseum. After all, there's absolutely nothing per se wrong with China (how could there be?).


JAMESLIP tries obtuse praise of the GT by groveling to say its English version is less stiffly pro-government than other CCP-PRC organs, still however failing to mention there is no anti-government publication in the PRC; moreover, CCTV has its same-same but different 44 government owned and controlled channels of what it calls news and entertainment, but what I call propaganda and indoctrination.


AGABOURY gets in the standard CCP line about colonialsim as "chief among reasons" why states fail (swiping FP for its "Failed States Index" which includes African dictatorship kleptocrats friendly to the CCP-PRC). We anyway know that monarchy initiated colonialism but only democracy could end it, as we did in fact do. The CCP-PRC is the new exploitative colonial master in Africa but increasing being rejected as such in the most recent elections.


JYS390 delivers another standard CCP line that we who are critical of the CCP-PRC censoring dictatorship and thousands of years of elite rule in China need to learn more about China - as if the oligarchy and autocracy that is China were a dark and mysterious place. In this regard, JYS390 joins to throw down the exclusive membership card, i.e., he lived "both in the US and China" so he knows the author and all the rest of we who criticize the CCP-PRC do so because we are uninitiated, perhaps even silly. This predictable CCP line highhandedly and conveniently dismisses all criticism in one supposedly unrefutable stroke. We read this condecending line often here in comments.

JYS390指出了中共的另一条白线,那就是抨击共产党治下的中华人民共和国审查专政,长达数千年的精英统治需要对中国了解得更多——似乎寡头统治与独裁政府使得中国成为了一个黑暗而神秘的区域。就其“同时在中美居住”这点而言,JYS390 加入了抛弃独家会员卡的行列。他认为作者和剩下的我们抨击共产党治下的中华人民共和国是因为无知,甚至是愚蠢。可预测的中共高压政策和有可能对所有批评的矢口否认是毫无疑问的中风。我们经常在评论中读到这种居高临下的态度。

XTIANGODLOKI has softened his tone during recent months, and also has taken a new tact, saying a plague on both your houses but places a greater plague on the United States, freedom and democracy while being implicit that CCP censorship is a good thing (i.e., continues to be).

最近几月,XTIANGODLOKI软化了他的立场,他采用的是一种新的方式,声称在中国人家里的难题比在美国式的自由民主难题要好,同时暗示中共的审查政策是对的。 (这就是说,还是老样子。)

BALKAN_FALCON takes the always mightly CCP line that the US "meddling in others domestic affairs" is one of the worst crimes in history, especially when it comes to human rights and democracy. In other words, we in the West shouldn't be promoting democracy in the PRC because, given the nature of the fenqing and the blame the US gets by Beijing for everything wrong in China, we might get it between the eyes from the thousands of years of Chinese survivalist meanness, this time in new and, horrors, democratic ways.

BALKAN_FALCON 总是有力地站在中共这边,认为美国“干涉他国内政”是历史上最大的犯罪,特别是在其带来了人权和民主时。换句话说,我们西方人不应该促进中华人民共和国的民主事业,因为基于愤青的自然天性和北京在每个问题上都对美国进行的指责,我们也许能透过中国千年的猥琐的幸存者们的历史,见到一种新的恐怖民主之路。

Cleanup slugger ALANCHRISTOPHER takes the big guns CCP approach of presenting the economic data, conveniently chosen, selected, crunched - not to mention distorted by Beijing - to deflect the fact of a CCP-PRC political system that in the Age of IT is the most reactionary, censoring regime of the contemporary world.

Cleanup slugger ALANCHRISTOPHER提到中国那如同大炮般的经济数据,自由投票,选举,民主竞争-可他没有说有些概念被北京歪曲了-这偏离了共产党治下的中华人民共和国的政治系统在信息时代已经变得最为反动,还有那个在当今世界仍在运行的审查系统的事实

When the GT opens its editorial pages to a comments from our readers section, or even something old-fashioned in liberal journalism - Letters From Our Readers - then I might make my first efforts to get published in the rag.


RAPH82 joins JYS390 concerning the "exclusive membership card" etc in the paragraph.


And, obviously, The author knows her stuff.



Chinese are acting just like Jews.


Chinese media don't tell the whole news but push Sinocentric news. Well, how is that different from the US media that are essentially owned by Jews. Most news networks and thinktanks are Jewish operated. Hollywood is Jewish-dominated. 50% of top pundits in America are Jewish, and most of them are ardent Zionists who care about Israel and Jewish interests before American interests.

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