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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 11:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Can’t pay, won’t pay
Companies’ cash is drying up, with dire consequences for their workers
EFFORTS to curb inflation in China are having some painful side-effects. A squeeze on bank lending has prompted some businesses short of cash to stop paying wages to blue-collar workers. Even the much-vaunted state sector is feeling the pinch. Work has all but ground to a halt on thousands of kilometres of railway track, and many of the network’s 6m construction workers have been complaining about not being paid for weeks or sometimes months.

Migrant workers from China’s vast countryside are usually the first to suffer when employers find themselves strapped for cash. In February a revision to the criminal law made it illegal for a company to withhold salary if it had the means to pay. This has done little to protect the more than 150m rural migrants who perform most of the country’s manual labour. A household-registration system that discriminates against migrants in employment, housing, health care and education reinforces a widespread tendency to treat them as second-class citizens.

The government touted building railways as a great way to keep the economy buoyant during global financial trouble, and boost employment. But the $600 billion stimulus launched in 2008 is all but spent. Indeed, the central government has urged state banks to cut back on lending in order to curb inflation, which in the year to July reached a three-year high of 6.5%, before dropping to 6.1% in September.

In recent weeks a credit crisis in the eastern city of Wenzhou has led to the flight of dozens of businessmen, leaving thousands of workers at private companies unpaid. State firms are little better off. After two record years of track-laying, the problems now facing the railway-building industry are severe. The government has had a change of heart about rapidly expanding the high-speed rail network following a fatal crash of two high-speed trains in July. But bank credit drying up has also played a big part. China Daily, an English-language newspaper, says many of the industry’s migrant workers have not been paid for months. Complaints have been growing. A senior railway official quoted in the state media said workers at China Railway Engineering Corporation, one of the country biggest civil-engineering firms, had submitted more than 2,000 petitions to the authorities since July. Another newspaper, Economic Information Daily, said wage arrears and protests by rail workers had “alarmed” top leaders in Beijing. Only a third of railway construction projects were continuing normally, it said.

Similar problems have also been reported in road building and property construction, prompting a growing number of demonstrations and violent incidents, including clashes with employers and suicides. Such difficulties are likely to get worse towards the end of the year, when companies traditionally try to settle accounts with employees. Wage inflation is adding to employers’ woes. Minimum wages have risen by an average of nearly 22% in the two-thirds of China’s provinces which have adjusted them this year. Nice if you can get it, but not much use if you are not being paid at all.

CCH08 Oct 27th 2011 20:28 GMT
“Workers of the World, Unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!”
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alan__tang Oct 31st 2011 6:22 GMT
so don't ask China for money to save euro-zone.......we are poor..we are not paid...ask someone other to save it..thank you...
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livefromCA2 Oct 28th 2011 5:48 GMT
And yet S&P gave Chinese rail system AA+ rating or higher.
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sara2593 Oct 28th 2011 17:40 GMT
China needs to calm down!! Yes, it is very exciting that they are getting richer and richer and that they are prospering as a world power, but they are pushing their people to the limits. They are having issues paying the railroad workers because they are asking to much of them in a short amount of time. They need to expand their railroad system one step at a time to ensure that they are well built and that their employees get paid. If you don't pay your employees on time, then they aren't going to have the motivation to do good quality work. This results in poorly built railroads and debt to the employees that did it. Not a good combination for a country that wants to keep having success.
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RiverCityRational Oct 28th 2011 23:35 GMT
The unemployment in China seems to reflect the end of a stimulus package. This seems to be the recurring problem with government economic intervention all over the world. Stimulus programs create temporary low paying jobs but generally fail to stimulate long term economic growth.
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Tribute8 Oct 28th 2011 14:11 GMT
Almost surprising to see that China is having economic problems. I guess that just shows what state the world economy is when even employers in China are finding it difficult to pay their workers. Employers not being able to pay their workers their wages is absolutely a big story but so is that some 150 million migrants are treated differently than everyone else. I thought in a communist society everyone was supposed to be equal. Apparently not if your a Chinese migrant.
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PlaidPike Oct 28th 2011 3:06 GMT
Economic difficulties are even making their way into the powerhouse of China. It shows that no country is exempt from the global hardship. I've got to wonder what the Chinese government isn't telling us. This shouldn't be a tough issue for China to overcome.
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KyleL11 Oct 27th 2011 19:55 GMT
Job issues in China can add up to be a big problem. Not only will workers in the east coast (where most jobs reside) be hurt by unemployment but the many Chinese residents migrating from western china or more rural areas of china will not find any opportunities for jobs. Inflation and business troubles are not issues to be taken lightly. The worse they get, the harder it is for the people to adapt to such issues, and the harder it is to earn a living for many. Although problems are getting worse, there is still time for China to get back on track.
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JaquanScott Oct 29th 2011 22:13 GMT
If the companies' had to take out loans in order to pay their workers then they couldn't have been doing to well to begin with. Now that banks are restricting loans it shows that the companies were not doing so hot.
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daidai1 Oct 28th 2011 20:16 GMT
The Job issue has always been and will continue to be a major problem in China. Since the population there is so high, there has to be a large scale of people that are currently unemployed. As for those lucky one among them, their life are tough as well. As the article addressed,they usually couldn't get their salaries payed in time.The government should set up some new laws in order to put more regulation on salary issue. This will also be a good way to show that the government cares about worker's right.However, I really doubt that the communist party will actually do that because some of the government owned companies didn't pay the salary too. If they keep doing that for personal interests, the situation will only get worse.
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killmarx Oct 28th 2011 15:24 GMT
The chinese government thought china has already overcome the global crisis.they seem doesnt know what economy is.their behavior and words now turn out to be stupid.in fact there is no real market economy in china.the price of cpc 's intefer is high and should be shared by everyone.and now they are still stupid thing by cutting off firm's finance supply.i am worried about the future of china.




发表于 2011-11-8 11:45 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2011-11-8 20:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-8 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
i am worried about the future of china.

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发表于 2011-11-9 02:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-11-9 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-9 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-10 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
st_aster 发表于 2011-11-8 20:15

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发表于 2011-11-10 12:22 | 显示全部楼层
老外的智商也不怎样 {:soso_e127:}
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发表于 2011-11-10 12:30 | 显示全部楼层
lyycc 发表于 2011-11-8 11:45


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