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发表于 2011-11-14 11:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-11-14 11:31 编辑


China mine explosion kills 19, dozens trapped



【译    者】狐小糖是女魔头

【翻译方式】   人工

【声    明】 欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。

【译    文】

(CNN) -- A gas leak triggered an underground explosion that killed 19 miners Thursday in southwest China, state media reported, the latest fatalities in the nation's dangerous coal industry.
Twenty-four people are trapped underground after the coal mine accident in Qujing city, according to Xinhua news agency.
Rescue crews, including 30 firefighters and 300 medical workers, are working to reach the trapped miners, Xinhua said.
It was not immediately clear how many miners were working underground when the explosion occurred.
China, a large producer and consumer of coal, has one of the world's deadliest records for miners.
Last week, a mine explosion killed eight workers in the central Chinese city of Sanmenxia.
News of the injury and deaths of miners appear regularly in state media, with safety conditions, a lack of training and the flouting of laws contributing to the high number of deaths.
One of China's most dangerous year on record was 2002, with 6,995 deaths.
  据新华社报道,曲靖市煤矿事故发生后, 24人被困在地底下。由30名消防队员和300名医护工作者组成的抢险救援队,都正在努力到达被困矿工处进行施救。现在还不能立刻知道爆炸发生时有多少名矿工在地底下工作。


What are you talking about? CNN makes an article everytime china does some insignificant step towards joining the modern world. China has fashion designers now, wow! China has beauty pageants! These are things truly not newsworthy. A mine explosion is news anywhere. You only see what you want to see.

westen people don't understand china ,china is so big that everything could happen,there is bad thing and also good one .but media just like report the bad to attract readers.

The people of the World have no idea of the brutality and cruelty of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP). The CCP cares nothing about the quality of life of its people. It cares for one thing and that is its own paranoid survival. It will do anything to try and ensure its survival such as torture, brainwash, practice slavery and organ harvesting and murder. It has murdered 80 million of its own people since 1949. Right now it is attempting the genocide of tens of millions of innocent Falun Gong practitioners. The World is kept in the dark about these heinous crimes because of corporate greed.
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