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发表于 2011-11-23 16:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2011-11-23 16:48 编辑

【原文标题】Chinese left guessing over high speed rail crash, amid wider railway construction boom woes



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SHANGHAI — The investigation into a bullet train crash in China last summer that killed 40 people has come and gone with no public report on what led to the disaster.
The secrecy surrounding the probe, which ended in September, is typical of the sensitivities shown toward wider troubles plaguing the showcase high-speed rail program.

The accident inflamed criticism that the powerful Railway Ministry may be sacrificing safety in its costly quest to quickly roll out the bullet train network. Shortly after the July 23 crash, Premier Wen Jiabao called for a sweeping and transparent investigation.
今年夏天中国曾发生了一起重大的火车追尾事故,在这次事故中,有40人丧生。而至今为止,政府也还没有公布引起这次事故的原因。引起事故的原因成为一个秘密,而这一直备受人们的关注,真相最终揭开的时间定在九月底 ,于是高铁项目的建设成为了一个敏感的话题。  因为这次事故,所爆发出来的评论是指向铁道部这一庞大的机构为了面子工程推出动车,而牺牲了列车的安全性能。在723事故后,温家宝要求相关部门对此进行全面并且透明的调查。
Based on regulations on major transport accidents, a report on the accident was due by Nov. 20. Railway Ministry officials refused comment Tuesday.
The few slivers of information about the probe have been quickly recanted.
A railway expert and deputy director of the investigation team, Wang Mengshu, backtracked from comments in the state-run Beijing Times newspaper quoting him as saying the crash near the eastern city of Wenzhou largely resulted from mismanagement.
State media on Tuesday carried reports of Wang claiming he was misquoted, that his comments were only his personal opinion, and that he was not authorized to speak to the media.
“I was not involved in the whole investigation. I did not have a general idea of the whole thing, and I did not know whether the conclusion had been submitted,” Wang told state-run CCTV.
Wang did not respond to calls and e-mailed requests for comment.
In comments on the work safety administration’s website, Wang promised full and accurate disclosure of the probe’s findings.
The lack of transparency has left some in China skeptical that problems with the high speed rail network are being resolved, said Li Hongchang, an economics professor at Beijing Jiaotong University.
“People want not just the report but to understand how it was compiled. Openness and credibility are actually more important than the report itself,” Li said.
Shortly after the accident, authorities blamed problems with the high-tech signaling systems used to run and route the trains for the crash. The collision occurred after railway staff failed to notice anything amiss when a lightening strike stalled a train and the signaling system failed to turn red.
But they have since backed away from that analysis. The Beijing Times report quoted Wang as saying the lack of problems with the same signaling systems on other lines suggests human error was to blame.
Similarly, Shanghai authorities initially blamed a Sept. 27 subway crash that injured nearly 300 on malfunctioning signaling systems. Later they said it resulted from mismanagement and inadequate training. A dozen subway workers were punished.
北京交通大学经济学教授李洪昌说,中国人民对高速铁路建设持怀疑态度是因为目前透明度不够。“人们实质上并不是单纯地只想要这份动车报告,人们想知道的只是它是如何被总结出来的。透明化和可信度比这份报告本身要重要得多。”事故发生后,当局指责问题出在信号故障,这导致列车运行崩溃,最终造成追尾的惨剧。在铁路职工注意到有问题的时候,碰撞就发生了,当雷击导致列车停滞不前的时候,信令系统就无法变红了。但是现在他们改变了之前的判断。《京华时报》指引用王主任的话说,同样的设备在别的地方也在用,都没有出现故障。他们整个管理体制和观念都有问题。同样的是,上海受伤将近300人的927地铁事故也被认定为信号故障导致 。后来他们也改口说事故的发生是因为管理不善和培训不足。一批地铁工作人员受到了惩罚
The Wenzhou crash prompted inspections of dozens of projects and 3,700 miles (6,000 kilometers) of bullet train line — but few public disclosures of the results of those checks.
Those working in the industry report widespread problems with skimping on construction materials and other safety compromises as the already heavily indebted Ministry of Railways struggles to pay suppliers and workers.

Reports of uncertified contractors and illegal subcontracting, substitution of substandard cement and steel reinforcing bars and other shortcuts — problems epidemic in China’s construction sector — are raising questions over just how sound all that fancy modern infrastructure will be in years to come.
In one recent case involving construction of a railway line in northeastern China, the ministry ordered almost the entire $360 million project redone after finding that contractors had farmed the work out to unqualified construction companies.

The problems are not limited to construction. After the Wenzhou crash, dozens of CRH 380BL trains used on the recently opened Beijing-to-Shanghai line were recalled. The manufacturer, state-owned CNR Corp., blamed quality defects in outsourced parts for the trains’ braking systems.
因为铁道部欠债过多,行业报告中普遍涉及到铁路建设材料克扣等其他因为缺少资金造成的安全妥协。铁道部长目前也陷入到与拖欠工程款的供应商与工人们纠缠中。未注册承包商和非法转包合同,用不合格的建筑材料做替代品——这是中国建筑行业的通病——在未来,那些漂亮的建筑物是否能够一直伫立成为一个日益上升的问题。在最近关于中国东北铁路干线的建设事例中,铁道部发现了承包商将部分工程外包给一些不具资质的建设单位后,命令这个几乎是3亿6千万美元的项目全部返工 质量问题不仅仅限于施工,在温州动车事故发生后,有几十次京沪线动车被召回。生产商中国北车集团声称列车有质量问题的部分是外包公司负责的。
Li, of Beijing Jiaotong University, says the problems reflect a lack of accountability, and an obsession with growth at any cost.
“There are management problems behind every accident,” Li said. “The railways issues are more fundamental; not just an excessive concentration of power in the Railway Ministry, but also its lack of market-oriented decision making.”
China has 13 high-speed railways in operation, with 26 under construction and 23 more planned, although approvals of new projects were frozen following the Wenzhou crash.
Earlier plans called for expanding the network to 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometers) of track by 2020.
The industry’s troubles became apparent in February, when longtime Railways Minister Liu Zhijun was dismissed for unspecified “severe violations of discipline.”
China originally planned some 700 billion yuan for railway construction this year, but in January-October it spent only 367 billion yuan, down 28 percent from a year earlier.

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感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1138196.shtml  发表于 2011-11-23 17:15




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