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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 11:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 greycastle11 于 2011-12-7 11:01 编辑

【纽约时报12.3】中国会失足吗?可别在这上打赌 [复制链接]
standards, 2011, 纽约时报, economic,another
Will ChinaStumble? Don’t Bet on It   
By STEVEN RATTNERPublished: December 2, 2011   


HARDLY a day goes by without news of yet another economicproblem facing China.A frothy real estate market. Quickly rising wages. A weakening manufacturingsector. Tightening lending standards. The list can seem endless andfrightening.            
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Alexandra Falagara  
But after a recent visit to China, I remain staunchlyoptimistic that it will continue to be the world’s greatest machine foreconomic expansion. While developed countries bump along with little growth, China’s grossdomestic product is expected to increase by 9.2 percent in 2011 and an equallyastonishing 8.5 percent next year.
The country pulses with energy and success, a caldron ofeconomic ambition larded with understandable self-confidence. Visit the GeneralMotors plant on the outskirts of Shanghai andwatch Buicks churned out churned out by steadily moving assembly lines almostindistinguishable from those in plants in Michigan
That shouldn’t surprise, as G.M. strives for uniformityacross its Chinese facilities. Perhaps more startling is that G.M. achievesAmerican levels of productivity, quality and worker safety — with pay that is asmall fraction of levels in the United  States.
This illustrates China’s great strength: its abilityto relentlessly grind down costs by combining high labor efficiency with wagesthat remain extraordinarily low. At Foxconn’s largest plant, in Shenzhen,420,000 Chinese earning about $188 per month assemble electronic components formega customers like Apple, Hewlett-Packard and Dell.
Often criticized for just being a nation of “assemblers,” Chinahas been increasing the value it adds to exports as more components areproduced there. G.M., for example, uses 350 local suppliers.
China’seconomic success is colored by its opaque political system, repressive andriddled with corruption. But the unusual mix of authoritarianism and freeenterprise should continue to work because of its ability to deliver risingincomes, satisfying a populace that appears more interested in economicadvancement than in democracy.
Chinahas a plethora of tasks on its economic to do list, but none are impossiblydaunting. Just as in the United  States a century ago, jobs are needed forvast numbers of rural migrants moving into cities. Inefficient state-ownedcompanies must be restructured (as they were in recent decades in many Europeancountries). The other evident stresses, like the indisputable property bubble,are manageable and far short of what brought down the American economy.
Meanwhile, an opportunity lurks in China’s seeminginability to create innovative products with international identities. In anera of global corporations, a country that reveres brands, especially luxuryones like BMW and Louis Vuitton but also Starbucks and Häagen Dazs, has yet togive birth to its first.
Lenovo, one of the best-known Chinese companies, hasachieved limited success with its 2005 acquisition of IBM’s personal computerbusiness. Astonishingly, Chinese auto companies have the lowest share of theirhome market of any major country. So China has emphasized buildingproducts like ships, where brands don’t matter.
联想,著名的中国本土企业之一,通过在 2005年收购了IBM的个人电脑业务,也已经取得了有限的成功。令人惊讶的是,相比别的主要国家,中国的本土汽车公司在中国有着最低的份额。由于品牌效应在制造业并不明显,所以中国开始将注意力放在制造业上,例如造船。
Not unlike the United Statesin the 19th century, China’searly stage of industrialization has brought with it an unsavory wild Westflavor, from cronyism to fraudulent accounting, that justifiably worriesinvestors. But behind those distractions is a country that is investingsubstantially in its future — about 46 percent of its gross domestic product,compared with 12 percent in the United  States.
And while total government debt in China is high — by some estimates, higher thanin the United States— much of the Chinese debt was incurred for investment rather than consumption,far better for longer-term growth. Not withstanding accounts of “roads tonowhere,” Chinahas vastly improved its core infrastructure. Its government arguably doesbetter than ours at allocating capital.
The antipathy of Chinese households toward personal debt (aquarter of homes are bought with cash) has resulted in a savings rate of nearly40 percent of income, compared with less than 5 percent for Americans.
Underpinned by a reverence for entrepreneurship, China has made starting new businesses easier,paving the way for the accumulation of vast fortunes; there are morebillionaires in China thanin any country except the United  States. (China’sincome inequality also rivals that of the United States.)
A gradual move toward reform appears evident. Controls overinterest rates, foreign exchange, cooking oil and gasoline, to name a few, arebeing liberalized. There is even attention to the environment, with taxsubsidies for fuel-efficient autos and limits on new-car purchases in thelargest cities.
The frustrating mercantilist approach taken by China— it manipulates its currency and trade rules with abandon — has served itwell. It has accumulated vast foreign currency reserves ($3.2 trillion andrising) while blocking access to its market and gaining competitive advantagesinternationally in everything from solar panels to toys. Congressional saberrattling notwithstanding, Chinais likely to continue to get away with reforming only slowly.
While Chinahardly lacks challenges, I am betting on its continued success.


感谢翻译,发布地址http://fm.m4.cn/1141242.shtml  发表于 2011-12-7 11:55




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ykfo2 发表于 2011-12-7 13:53

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
导弹与捣蛋 发表于 2011-12-7 21:57

我翻译的也乱死了亲们!搞不清因果= =
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zhiyi 发表于 2011-12-8 15:05

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