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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 11:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah with Dalai Lama. At a function in Mumbai on Saturday, Omar urged the government to deal with China on an equal footing.
MUMBAI: Expressing concern over China's involvement in the Kashmir region, Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah has said India should show "some spine" while dealing with that country.
孟买消息: 奥马尔表示希望印度在处理与中国关系时有点骨气I wish India shows some spine while dealing with China," he said.
"At a recent event, the government stood up and said that they will not postpone Dalai Lama's function in Delhi just because the Chinese were coming there to hold border talks. I wish this is a position we take more often.
"China seems to have no problem in calling Kashmir a disputed region. But we are expected to follow a 'One China' policy and not call into question Taiwan's status, or not call into question Tibet's status," Omar observed here on Saturday night while speaking at 'Express Adda', the event which is part of a series of conversations with newsmakers, hosted by the Indian Express Group.
中国自以为称克什米尔为争议地区没有问题。而我们总是认同中国在台湾,西藏,新疆的“一个中国“政策。奥马尔在星期四前来考察,并在Express Adda发表演讲。
"Why is it that China wants us to follow 'One China' policy for them but it won't follow a 'One India' policy for India," he asked.
"Why should they call into question Arunachal Pradesh's status? Why should they call into question parts of Jammu and Kashmir. They are illegal occupants of parts of my state. They need to accept that," he stated.
"I think that for far too long we have been apologetic, both in terms of our relationship with Pakistan and also China which we don't need to be. I think we should deal with China on an equal footing. If they call into question parts of our sovereignty, we have every right to call into question parts of their sovereignty," he asserted.
His statement was greeted with thunderous applause from the gathering.
他的演说受到了 雷鸣般的掌声。
Omar also spoke of the return of peace to the Valley, doubling of the number of tourists, problems in areas like power and infrastructure.
To a query, he said his government was willing to render all possible help to make Kashmir a favoured destination for Bollywood once again.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 11:44 | 显示全部楼层
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Sanjeev (Delhi)
1 min ago (05:53 PM)
Omar firstly you show your spine, let the Indian citizens view yours; how much straight it is and how many disc overlapping and disc slips you have. We have good surgeons in country who can do surgery upon you and replace your spine.

奥马尔请首先显示你的脊梁(可认为是骨气),让印度的公民看看你的脊梁有多直,看看你的骨气有几斤几两,我们的国家有很好的外科医生,你可以做脊椎手术。 Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)OffensiveChacko (Trivandrum)
3 mins ago (05:51 PM)
Yes Omar, i like your spirit, I wonder why no one in Delhi is not so Bold.

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sudoy (kolkata)
4 mins ago (05:50 PM)
Why was he quiet when recently a Xtian pastor was arrested in Kashmir? Under what law was he arrested? If you compare- Islam and Communism- it is Islam that is more intolerant and violent and has caused more harm to India.

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payal abdullah (delhi)
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
chootya talking about spine.

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SM (Kuli)
6 mins ago (05:48 PM)
Omar, I WISH you demonstrate some SPINE dealing with your own terrorist of your STATE [these are called Martyrs in Pakistan], so why don't you have b@#$S and weed them out!! Will you, Mr Puppet????

奥马尔,我希望在您的属地处理恐怖分子[这些被称为巴基斯坦烈士]时展示一些SPINE(骨气),你为什么不 把他们赶出其!做得到吗?傀儡先生??
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appanam (Jaipur)
11 mins ago (05:43 PM)
The sentiment is appreciated. The frustration is in everybody`s mind. Valour without sense is dangerous. This kind of a statement from a Chief Minister is rather childish China is a military might, and we have a long way to go before we can take them head on. Ask Atalji, why we had to meekly withdraw after nine months of border posture against Pakistan. There is no Soviet Union or a Indira Gandhi who could do a 1971 under the very nose of the Chinese. The difference between us and the Chinese is just discipline. For them discipline comes first and freedom next. For us, all kinds of freedom, freedom to block rail, road, and even parliament, and no discipline.

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rajkumar (chennai)
12 mins ago (05:42 PM)
Tell BJp, Advani and Narendra Modi not go with a begging bowl for money. India is really shining provided BJP lets India progress. Let BJP support FDI in retail like what China did 20 years ago. We have good investors with global corporate governance to build our country. But with fools like BJP and communists we have to gto to Loan sharks ( Chinese )to borrow money at very high rates and costs. Anyone who have borrowed money even riskshaw men know this principle.

告诉印度人民党,Advani和Narendra Modi不会(还是不要?)为了钱弯腰。印度人民党就是印度之耻。印度人民党应当支持FDI,就像在20年前中国做的那样。外来资金将帮助建设国家。但是愚蠢的印度人民党和印度共产党要向放高利贷(中国)借钱,但是借过钱的甚至三轮车夫都知道其中的危险。
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rengenath (Unknown) replies to rajkumar
3 mins ago (05:51 PM)
you are an idiot. Congress is making the people look foolish and they are spineless. Lets wish BJP will do something

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14 mins ago (05:40 PM)
WE Indian support this statement of Mr.Umar Abdulla.Our Govt.must change its policy , sooner the better.

我们印度人应该支持Mr.Umar Abdulla的申明,政府应当尽快尽好的改善我们的政策。
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sunil (delhi)
19 mins ago (05:35 PM)
Join the army Mr. Omar as**ole Abdullah, or make one of your family do that, before you go on blowing off your mouth! Politics comes easy.... rajniti aur rajashahi ki aadat bann gayi hai saalon ko!

加入奥马尔的口水大军(反对Abdullah)吧,并让你的家人也参与进来,让我们一起高喊“rajniti aur rajashahi ki aadat bann gayi hai saalon ko!”,政治就是这么简单。
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seeksclearlife (chennai)
24 mins ago (05:30 PM)
There is a proverb in Tamil "Those who lean too much to hit is a fool, and those who hit too much on leaning one is also fool." China is hitting and India is leaning. Both are fools.

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Sumit (Mumbai)
29 mins ago (05:25 PM)
I agree with you Mr.Omar Abdullah.... Indian government has lost it's self respect .....

我支持Mr.Umar Abdulla,印度政府正在失去自尊。
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A Dass (Singapore) replies to Sumit
15 mins ago (05:39 PM)
lost self respect ?? they never had it since independance. except for the period when the nuclear tests were conducted. the Nehru family of thieves and their boot lickers, must be wiped out

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Malik (Australia)
29 mins ago (05:25 PM)
Omar is puppet like his father, he has find place in India once Kashmir joins Pakistan.... Inshallah............

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SM (KULU) replies to Malik
3 mins ago (05:51 PM)
everything is Inshallh,,once pakistan joins Afghanistan, inshallah!! once pakistan is doomed, inshallah....muslims are terrorists.inshallah! i am going to school today..inshallah! get over it morons!!

Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)OffensiveIndiaPakInPeace (Heaven on Earth(India)) replies to Malik
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
Mr. Malik, your country pakistan has already handed over POK to china and your county is going dogs. US is going to take it to stone age. Good on you for securing your future in Australia.

回上上楼:你的国家早就将巴控克什米尔交给了中国,你的国家就是 中国的走狗。美国正准备将你们轰回石器时代,你在澳大利亚好好过日子吧。
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richiestella (qatar) replies to Malik
7 mins ago (05:47 PM)
Keep dreaming Dude...which Goli are u smoking ??? Hafeem or Charas ??? Take care of Balochistan....

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BM (Australia)
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
It seems Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah will be far more nationalistic, patriotic PM of India than cringing coward, corruption backing Sikh Manmohan Singh. We need people like Modi and Abdullah to rule India not scamsters like this brilliantly failed economist.

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Dr.Shashank (Bangalore)
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
I am so happy at least Omar Abdulla spoke out the truth about china and how the indian government under UPA is just bending down in front of china and also going out of its way to appease pakistan. I wish the day will come when we stand up to these two rouge neighbors of india and show them their true place that Omar Abdulla has rightly done. Hats off to you Omar!!!!! Hope the indian government learns its lessons from Omar.

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A Dass (Singapore) replies to Dr.Shashank
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
thank you Omar, this inferiority complex given to India and all Indians has been a joke. now tell the Aussies where to shove their uranium as well.

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chauhan (ajri)
38 mins ago (05:16 PM)
Our diplomacy with china;specially after 1962 war has been weak. " Tit for tat" is the only right policy. Rather against one issue raised by China, India should raise two issues. China can never be believed. In the long run. China is trying its level best to weaken India. Let us befriend China's opponents. Our country needs to work for separation of China like Pakistan to weaken this country.

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Mark (Melbourne)
43 mins ago (05:11 PM)
We need people like Omar Abdullah as PM of India

我们应当让Omar Abdullah做我们的总理。
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Hindu (India) replies to Mark
25 mins ago (05:29 PM)
No. India is Hindu country and PM should be a Hindu. This Khangresss is curse to Bharat Mataa to have a Sikh as (acting) PM now

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SM (KULU) replies to Hindu
2 mins ago (05:52 PM)
This Hindu is an idiot! Ignore him! Hindustan is more than HINDUS!!

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Hindu (India)
46 mins ago (05:08 PM)
We hindus hate muslim christians and yes some times sikh and not to forget the zakir naik - jai bajrang bali

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simple_lens (chennai) replies to Hindu
17 mins ago (05:37 PM)
Toi, please check IP, some donkeys from other country dress like us and brays their mother tongue.

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Dave (Bangalore) replies to Hindu
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
A muslim trying his dirty trick...u son of a B!@@@...dont fake ur religion

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Hindu replies to Dave
19 mins ago (05:35 PM)
You all are Khangresss morons. Supporting a Islamist here.

Agree (0)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)Offensivebikash (saga) replies to Hindu
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
dont club us with ur poor fellow like u,we dont hate them..

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Hindu replies to bikash
17 mins ago (05:37 PM)
Guys like you are shame on Hindu. Come and join VHP so you knows more about yourself

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S J Singh (Delhi) replies to Hindu
34 mins ago (05:20 PM)
Imposter! you are not a Hindu...Stop spreading hatred.

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Hindu replies to S J Singh
21 mins ago (05:33 PM)
Vande Matram... I am an Hindu very much and I don't like guys like you. I want Vanar sena of Ram not the Vibhshan of Ravan

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Vishal Samuel (India)
47 mins ago (05:07 PM)
what spine are you talking about Mr.omar..??!! Chinese are already number 1 (economically, military, navy and airforce). Which arena india can comfortably show strength against china?

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cpda (Mumbai) replies to Vishal Samuel
11 mins ago (05:43 PM)
China's military has not been tested in war - other than proxy wars. Their weapons have not been tested nor have their soldiers faced wartime situations like those of the US or even India. That's why when Vietnam recently threatened to go to war over a border dispute, the Chinese government backed down. China is not number one from a military standpoint. Economically, what if the US decides to default on payments to China - what do the Chinese do? Go to war? Economically there are no Number ones - every body will lose if one fails.

回楼上:中国不是军事上的第一,中国的军队武器没有经过实战的考验,肯定不如美国,甚至不如印度。这就是为什么 越南敢就必得原因。中国也不是经济上的第一,如果美国懒帐中国怎么办,开战?经济上就没有第一,唇亡齿寒啊。
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krish (India) replies to Vishal Samuel
18 mins ago (05:36 PM)
Any arena. Just because they are ahead of India doesn't mean they can browbeat India and India in turn genuflect before them. If military superiority is enough to bully everyone around, that superiority wont' last long. Also, India is also a nuclear and missile power and China is not likely to risk mutual destruction by attacking us. Leaving aside any armed confrontation, on the trade front India buys a lot of Chinese goods and China won't easily let go Indian market.

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C.S.Dixit (NEW DELHI) replies to Vishal Samuel
26 mins ago (05:28 PM)
Why should we be scared of any nation,whatever strenght it has ? We are 130 billion srtong people living in country.

回Vishal Samuel:为什么我们要害怕,我们有13亿勇敢的人民。
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J S Siddhu (Ambala)
47 mins ago (05:07 PM)
How can our Adarsh Generals, Booze Brigadiers and Ketch-up Colonels show spine? They are too busy securing their retired lives.

Adarsh Generals, Booze Brigadiers这些家伙有勇气吗?他们正忙着挣养老钱呢。
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P S Chibber (Delhi) replies to J S Siddhu
30 mins ago (05:24 PM)
Hey! You forgot the Sukna scamsters? Add them to your roll of honour please!

回楼上:嘿,还有Sukna scamsters不要忘记了
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ulose2enmylose1 (chennai)
48 mins ago (05:06 PM)
Lakhs and lakhs of people die of earth quake, tsunami, disease, please show the spine, better to die bravely rather than accidentally.

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Nabil (Hasrat)
53 mins ago (05:01 PM)
ALMATY | Sun Dec 4, 2011 2:57pm IST (Reuters) - Five suspected militants and two security officers were killed in a shootout near Kazakhstan's commercial capital Almaty, prosecutors said on Sunday, in the latest of a series of attacks in the oil-producing Central Asian state. The five gunmen barricaded themselves in a house in the village of Boraldai outside Almaty late on Saturday after fatally wounding two security officers, prosecutors said. "After they refused to surrender voluntarily and put up staunch armed ....." ------------------------------------------Why are Muslims killing each other in Kazakhstan now? Is it over Kashmir or Babri Masjid or is Islam violent?

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Kub (Hyderabad) replies to Nabil
39 mins ago (05:15 PM)
man...your mom is violent

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vicky (jmu) replies to Nabil
45 mins ago (05:09 PM)
why can omar demonstrate some spine while dealing with protesters in kashmir!!!!!!!!!!!!

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krish (India) replies to vicky
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
When it comes to your own people, when there is prima facie evidence of human right violations, civilian protesters have to be persuaded into giving up violence. You can't totally fault Omar Abdulla for being soft on protesters, though there can be arguments on how tough he should have been or how soft. Very tough action was needed against policemen or soldiers who faked killing of infiltrators by shooting innocent civilians. Such incidents were the trigger needed for separatist elements like Geelani to incite people to pelt stones at army and police and indulge in destruction of public property. The separatists' crooked game is too well known because any human right violations by infiltrators were never protested by the so-called victims of state terrorism. In such circumstances, playing into their hands by fake encounters is to weaken the position of the government before the people and the world. Omar Abdulla was on a sticky wicket while dealing with protesters because his own state police force and some army men too indulged in questionable actions.

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Gaanwaar (india)
1 hr ago (04:52 PM)
Congress governments can NEVER take on China (the old 1962 war documents will be made public), will sour relations with neighbours. The Chinese, Pakis and the Americans all want Congress to stay why?? They know all their dark secrets (of 60 years), forget these governments even a foreign bank blackmails this country

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amit_thackrey (Mumbai)
1 hr ago (04:51 PM)
Indian army can only show its military might to innocent unarmed farmers who are committing suicide in maharashtra and other places by giving them names like maoist and naxals. In front of China they are like barking dogs with tails below. The army is the biggest mafia which creates fear from imaginary enemies like china or pakistan inorder to get the tax payers money. The day this fear is stopped India will be split into different countries.

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BM (Australia) replies to amit_thackrey
28 mins ago (05:26 PM)
You and your type are scourge of India, Jaichands and foul men.

Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)OffensiveRabid (Delhi) replies to amit_thackrey
38 mins ago (05:16 PM)
yes buddy spot on...its just the media hype that military cannot be wrong..however they are all gays

回上上楼: 说的好,媒体每天吹军队的牛逼,虽然他们都是基佬。
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Saurabh (Indore) replies to amit_thackrey
48 mins ago (05:06 PM)

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Prashant (GGN)
1 hr ago (04:46 PM)
At least someone showed courage. Otherwise from the last weak i am frustrated to hear "all those cries and fries but never on tries" attitude of the leadership towards China. Even whats so bad with Indo-US-Australia front which they are looking with horror.

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Santosh (Hyderabad)
1 hr ago (04:39 PM)
Quiet please! Our leaders are extremely busy counting their ill gotten money.


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KIRAN / KANNUR (KANNUR/KERALA) replies to amit_thackrey

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neutral (india)
1 hr ago (04:39 PM)
But His statement will not make Kashmir a dispute free land .... what about the refrendum which India was supposed to take from the people of Kashmir ... why is india shy to carry out a vote from the people who are living there ... omars and abdullahs can speak in very much indian patriotic tone as for them there gaddi matters but the common man's heart should be checked for the real status ....

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Patsy (Canada) replies to neutral
37 mins ago (05:17 PM)
Pakistan is a renegade state of India and any one in Kashmir wants to be part of Pakistan are welcome to return to Pakistan. Kashmir is a part of India. Even Pakistani prisoners when released do not want to return to Pakistan.

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sp (earth) replies to neutral
49 mins ago (05:05 PM)
What about a referendum about the fate of Baloochistan in Pakistan? What about a referendum about the fate of Tibet?

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pro kashmiri (kashmir) replies to sp
14 mins ago (05:40 PM)
Balochistan etc were not created with a pre condition of referendum as compared to kashmir.

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Gomoti Mazumdar (Kolkata)
1 hr ago (04:39 PM)
this extrovert dynastic politician was the minister of state for external affairs during NDA regime!! let him invoke his track record set during that particular time. opportune seeker is his father throughout his life, replica is the son. this person cannot even effectively fight back the terrorists in his own state, let alone taking 'tough' stand against China - the 2nd largest power of the world now (individually). easier said than done, specially on a dais where one can expect some limelight as a so-called news-maker. why he is silent about the corruption against the UPA govt.? answer is simple - his father is also part of it.

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BM (Australia) replies to Gomoti Mazumdar
22 mins ago (05:32 PM)
Anyone speaks for India becomes BJP agent. What you are saying is all BJP backers are patriots and Congress supporters are traitors ? We know that. Why Abdullah's pro-India stance has disturbed you, you Bengali Commie.

回Gomoti Mazumdar:为印度说话就是印度人民党?,骂印度人民党的都是爱国者,国会的支持者就是叛徒?你这个孟加拉共党。
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1 hr ago (04:38 PM)
I am very sure India's stance towards China and Pakistan will shift to more assertiveness after it successfully Test fires Agni V missile this Dec. Once India's Nuclear Subs, Missiles, Tejas and 126 MMCA fighters are ready India will speak a different language. There is no point in provocating or engaging with two formidable enemies when you have no teeth to bite hard. Playing a game of bluff is dangerous and can backfire as it did with Pakistan towards US.

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Indranil (Pune) replies to BABUJI
1 hr ago (04:53 PM)
BABUJI: Agni V would not be reay by 2025 - this was reported by TOI recently. Check it out. You are wishful dreaming that successful test fire Agni V this December. Is this a sarcastic joke ?

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RamyaVaran (Bangalore)
1 hr ago (04:37 PM)
I appreciate Omar for his bold statement and I support it completely. Also please note that I am an RSS volunteer.

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Shahid (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) replies to RamyaVaran
24 mins ago (05:30 PM)
Shame on you if you attach yourself to such radical and anti national org.

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rajunath (rikabgunj) replies to RamyaVaran
36 mins ago (05:18 PM)
that confirms u r filthy...chaddiwala

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Francis Rajkumar (Chennai) replies to RamyaVaran
49 mins ago (05:05 PM)
You mean you are double faced snake God????

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suraj vanch (wlltn)
1 hr ago (04:35 PM)
India is ruled by an impotent eunch that barks when his mistress sais so. Do not expect tough talk from the spineless eunch.

Agree (11)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)OffensiveKumar (kerala)
1 hr ago (04:29 PM)
I fully agree.

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mahesh (jamaica) replies to Kumar
1 hr ago (04:44 PM)
omar for prime minister

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Xavieril (Kerala)
1 hr ago (04:23 PM)
Proud of Omer Abdullah... i have noticed him since long... this guy talks so logical & for the bright future of India... Omer Abdullah u must have been PM of India... India needs a genius like u...

Agree (35)Disagree (5)Recommend (15)Offensive
Gomoti Mazumdar (Kolkata) replies to Xavieril
1 hr ago (04:40 PM)
there's a limit of hero worship in bollywood style!!

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Ravi (London)
1 hr ago (04:19 PM)
First Win then Fight. India needs to substantially improve on its Economic and Military might before taking onto China head-on.

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Sai (Chennai)
1 hr ago (04:19 PM)
For a change, this guy is talking sense....

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Haha (Haha)
1 hr ago (04:17 PM)
Hahaha !! I wish india first show spine on internal threats. Corruption is more virulent than any known virus.  Leave neighbours for now.  members of govt bodies e.g parliament, legislative assemblies, police, RTO, passport, forest, agriculture, election, defense, home etc etc departments are bigger threats, cost ( actually loss) to the nation and it's a time proven fact. Even the impact by kasab, afzal, pak etc is negligible compared to impact from our citizens.

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indian (HK) replies to Haha
1 hr ago (04:42 PM)
He is right , what Omar Abdullla say , appreciated ,but look at CHINA .....first have the spine to eradicate CORRUPTION from India. All Indian are aware Chinese are 20 years ahead of India . And CORRUPTION plagued INDIA is too week to take on CHINA (thanks to VOTE-BANK and divide and rule of Indian POLITICIANS ) .

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Haha replies to indian
46 mins ago (05:08 PM)
Hi bro. No reason to dis agree. We are in synch Unfortunately we w are in sink too( sorry for spelling mistakes but u got the point) and hence this pain

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junior (dubai)
1 hr ago (04:12 PM)
We have literaly failed in handling China by taking agressive stand against them when they have taken a agressive against us on all fields.I do not understand our Indian policy towards China and we always postrate before them showing that we are a weak Nation.This stupid UPA government cannot take a agressive stand against a small nation like Srilanka and I blame our foreign ministry think tank for the present confusion and disarrary in their ranks from top to bottom.Stupid posture presented by our foreign minister is itself an indication that we are weak Nation. We have to change our foreign policy drastically and force China to accept One India Policy ,only God has to save our country from the present tormoil prevailing in our country.We the Indian needs a drastic change in our style and attitude by adopting tit for tat policy and at the same time eliminating the ourdated Gandhian principle which not suitable to our Nation.

Agree (8)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)Offensive
senior (Pune) replies to junior
58 mins ago (04:56 PM)
junior: your name is so right. your comments show that you are nothing more than a junior. stay with that for the rest of your life.

Agree (1)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)Offensive
SNA (Pune)
1 hr ago (04:11 PM)
By the grace of God, India is already Strong. Now it is growing more strong. Long live India.

Shankar Shetty (Kuwait)
1 hr ago (04:09 PM)
I want to see as Omar Abudllah the Foreign Minister of India and eventually as Prime Minister. I wish we had more politicians like him.

Agree (40)Disagree (5)Recommend (13)Offensive
shahenshah nawab (mumbai) replies to Shankar Shetty
1 hr ago (04:44 PM)
if so happen our country will be doomed,we have example of his grand father who was jailed by great Indra Gandhi.

Agree (20)Disagree (3)Recommend (7)Offensive
riz (delhi) replies to Menon
1 hr ago (04:28 PM)
Dear friend, he is talking too high, may be he was impressing his audiance, let Omar reply his uncle Sheikh Mustafa Kamal, this is nothing but to divert attention from his domestic problems, and recent killing of NC worker.

Agree (25)Disagree (4)Recommend (11)Offensive
sabe (Brussels)
1 hr ago (04:04 PM)
If India needs to be a recognized power in the world it has to be asseritve. We need to keep our head straight. This is very cheap from the part of India to yield to the wills and fancies of China. Omar is right that our Leaders are not strong enough to assert India's claim. We need to develop with our own vision and not the visions of Europe or America. Let our Leaders stop corruption and work for the security and well being of the people. They use their brain to accumulate wealth for them but not for the progress of the nation. Where is India after 65 years independence? We have more poor people than the African countries, that is what UN opion shows. The purchasing capacity of the poor are still very low and still we Inida is growing? Growing to Where? Hope our govt will take this a serious issue and stand straight and keep the dignity of its citizens.

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B.N.Gururaj (Bangalore)
1 hr ago (04:03 PM)
Indeed YES! India should show more guts in dealing with China, instead of running for cover every time the Dragon snorts or sniffs. And, this is one of those exceptional occasions when Omar Abdulla has made a non-controversial statement in the recent times.

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sohail (UK)
1 hr ago (04:00 PM)
it is outrageous not to accept Kashmir as disputed area. since independence not only Kashmir remained disputed between India and Pakistan but Kashmir and India itself. majority of Kashmir still in opposition of accession to India. I bet if they have free choice to choose independence will be preference, least with pak. only puppets like Omar abdullah feel its part of India. we Pakistani will never accept this, though I believe there should be dialogue on these issue rather having war. I also believe pak involvement in Kashmir was negative by sending militants, it is very complex issue now. I wish peace with India but not on the cost of majority of Kashmiri's aspirations.

Agree (9)Disagree (26)Recommend (4)Offensive
mas (France) replies to sohail
1 hr ago (04:50 PM)
Even tough it may be painful to hear that whatever Omar Abdullah or all the cohort of comments say here, nothing will change, because Kashmir has been considered a disputed land internationally for more than 60 years. The only way out is an equitable solution among all the concerned parties.

Agree (2)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)OffensiveIqbal (Europe)
1 hr ago (03:59 PM)
Perfect example that only Muslim leaders have spine.

Agree (8)Disagree (16)Recommend (2)Offensive
Yad (UP) replies to Iqbal
49 mins ago (05:05 PM)
they also have intolerance hatred and terror if you do not agree with them

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Akshay (Doha) replies to Iqbal
50 mins ago (05:04 PM)
Yes, Muslim leaders have SPINE with a little bt extention, we call it TAIL.

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rohit (germany) replies to Iqbal
1 hr ago (04:19 PM)
ohh yes. and pakistan ,saudi arabia- a very good example...(sarcasm)

Agree (10)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)Offensive
Shahid (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) replies to rohit
1 hr ago (04:33 PM)
Absolutely Islamic states are very good examples. Please exclude Pakistan from the list.

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merwyn (poona (pune))
1 hr ago (03:59 PM)
If all Indian leaders think like this ie. fight with invaders and not with the public India we be better than china very soon every minister (neta) in the republic of India should think like this man

Agree (12)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)Offensive
John Fernandes (Goa)
1 hr ago (03:59 PM)
Omar my vote goes for you, but you need to clean up the murder case first.

Agree (7)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive
Binoy Joseph (Riyadh)
1 hr ago (03:57 PM)
Well said, CM Omar Abdullah...........Pls move to the Union Cabinet & take up the defense ministry..we desperately need someone like you to silence the nasty Pak-China regimes & their bad mouth.....Jai Hind

Agree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive
pman_rai (jaigoan)
2 hrs ago (03:51 PM)
.....vote him PM/1

Agree (10)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)Offensive
whocares (pune )
2 hrs ago (03:48 PM)
guys he's right...


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
===============Mr Cutoff==========================
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Sanjeev (Delhi)
1 min ago (05:53 PM)
Omar firstly you show your spine, let the Indian citizens view yours; how much straight it is and how many disc overlapping and disc slips you have. We have good surgeons in country who can do surgery upon you and replace your spine.

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Chacko (Trivandrum)
3 mins ago (05:51 PM)
Yes Omar, i like your spirit, I wonder why no one in Delhi is not so Bold.

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sudoy (kolkata)
4 mins ago (05:50 PM)
Why was he quiet when recently a Xtian pastor was arrested in Kashmir? Under what law was he arrested? If you compare- Islam and Communism- it is Islam that is more intolerant and violent and has caused more harm to India.

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payal abdullah (delhi)
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
chootya talking about spine.

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SM (Kuli)
6 mins ago (05:48 PM)
Omar, I WISH you demonstrate some SPINE dealing with your own terrorist of your STATE [these are called Martyrs in Pakistan], so why don't you have
b@#$S and weed them out!! Will you, Mr Puppet????

奥马尔,我希望在您的属地处理恐怖分子[这些被称为巴基斯坦烈士]时展示一些SPINE(骨气),你为什么不 把他们赶出其!做得到吗?傀儡先生??
Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive
appanam (Jaipur)
11 mins ago (05:43 PM)
The sentiment is appreciated. The frustration is in everybody`s mind. Valour without sense is dangerous. This kind of a statement from a Chief Minister is rather childish China is a military might, and we have a long way to go before we can take them head on. Ask Atalji, why we had to meekly withdraw after nine months of border posture against Pakistan. There is no Soviet Union or a Indira Gandhi who could do a 1971 under the very nose of the Chinese. The difference between us and the Chinese is just discipline. For them discipline comes first and freedom next. For us, all kinds of freedom, freedom to block rail, road, and even parliament, and no discipline.

Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)Offensive
rajkumar (chennai)
12 mins ago (05:42 PM)
Tell BJp, Advani and Narendra Modi not go with a begging bowl for money. India is really shining provided BJP lets India progress. Let BJP support FDI in retail like what China did 20 years ago. We have good investors with global corporate governance to build our country. But with fools like BJP and communists we have to gto to Loan sharks ( Chinese )to borrow money at very high rates and costs. Anyone who have borrowed money even riskshaw men know this principle.

告诉印度人民党,Advani和Narendra Modi不会(还是不要?)为了钱弯腰。印度人民党就是印度之耻。印度人民党应当支持FDI,就像在20年前中国做的那样。外来资金将帮助建设国家。但是愚蠢的印度人民党和印度共产党要向放高利贷(中国)借钱,但是借过钱的甚至三轮车夫都知道其中的危险。
Agree (0)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)Offensive
rengenath (Unknown) replies to rajkumar
3 mins ago (05:51 PM)
you are an idiot. Congress is making the people look foolish and they are spineless. Lets wish BJP will do something

Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive
14 mins ago (05:40 PM)
WE Indian support this statement of Mr.Umar Abdulla.Our Govt.must change its policy , sooner the better.

我们印度人应该支持Mr.Umar Abdulla的申明,政府应当尽快尽好的改善我们的政策。
Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)Offensive
sunil (delhi)
19 mins ago (05:35 PM)
Join the army Mr. Omar as**ole Abdullah, or make one of your family do that, before you go on blowing off your mouth! Politics comes easy.... rajniti aur rajashahi ki aadat bann gayi hai saalon ko!

加入奥马尔的口水大军(反对Abdullah)吧,并让你的家人也参与进来,让我们一起高喊“rajniti aur rajashahi ki aadat bann gayi hai saalon ko!”,政治就是这么简单。
Agree (1)Disagree (6)Recommend (0)Offensive
seeksclearlife (chennai)
24 mins ago (05:30 PM)
There is a proverb in Tamil "Those who lean too much to hit is a fool, and those who hit too much on leaning one is also fool." China is hitting and India is leaning. Both are fools.

Agree (4)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)Offensive
Sumit (Mumbai)
29 mins ago (05:25 PM)
I agree with you Mr.Omar Abdullah.... Indian government has lost it's self respect .....

我支持Mr.Umar Abdulla,印度政府正在失去自尊。
Agree (10)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)Offensive
A Dass (Singapore) replies to Sumit
15 mins ago (05:39 PM)
lost self respect ?? they never had it since independance. except for the period when the nuclear tests were conducted. the Nehru family of thieves and their boot lickers, must be wiped out

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Malik (Australia)
29 mins ago (05:25 PM)
Omar is puppet like his father, he has find place in India once Kashmir joins Pakistan.... Inshallah............

Agree (1)Disagree (22)Recommend (0)Offensive
SM (KULU) replies to Malik
3 mins ago (05:51 PM)
everything is Inshallh,,once pakistan joins Afghanistan, inshallah!! once pakistan is doomed, inshallah....muslims are terrorists.inshallah! i am going to school today..inshallah! get over it morons!!

Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive
IndiaPakInPeace (Heaven on Earth(India)) replies to Malik
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
Mr. Malik, your country pakistan has already handed over POK to china and your county is going dogs. US is going to take it to stone age. Good on you for securing your future in Australia.

回上上楼:你的国家早就将巴控克什米尔交给了中国,你的国家就是 中国的走狗。美国正准备将你们轰回石器时代,你在澳大利亚好好过日子吧。
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richiestella (qatar) replies to Malik
7 mins ago (05:47 PM)
Keep dreaming Dude...which Goli are u smoking ??? Hafeem or Charas ??? Take care of Balochistan....

Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive
BM (Australia)
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
It seems Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah will be far more nationalistic, patriotic PM of India than cringing coward, corruption backing Sikh Manmohan Singh. We need people like Modi and Abdullah to rule India not scamsters like this brilliantly failed economist.

Agree (19)Disagree (3)Recommend (9)Offensive
Dr.Shashank (Bangalore)
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
I am so happy at least Omar Abdulla spoke out the truth about china and how the indian government under UPA is just bending down in front of china and also going out of its way to appease pakistan. I wish the day will come when we stand up to these two rouge neighbors of india and show them their true place that Omar Abdulla has rightly done. Hats off to you Omar!!!!! Hope the indian government learns its lessons from Omar.

Agree (17)Disagree (2)Recommend (6)Offensive
A Dass (Singapore) replies to Dr.Shashank
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
thank you Omar, this inferiority complex given to India and all Indians has been a joke. now tell the Aussies where to shove their uranium as well.

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chauhan (ajri)
38 mins ago (05:16 PM)
Our diplomacy with china;specially after 1962 war has been weak. " Tit for tat" is the only right policy. Rather against one issue raised by China, India should raise two issues. China can never be believed. In the long run. China is trying its level best to weaken India. Let us befriend China's opponents. Our country needs to work for separation of China like Pakistan to weaken this country.

Agree (4)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)Offensive
Mark (Melbourne)
43 mins ago (05:11 PM)
We need people like Omar Abdullah as PM of India

我们应当让Omar Abdullah做我们的总理。
Agree (13)Disagree (4)Recommend (6)Offensive
Hindu (India) replies to Mark
25 mins ago (05:29 PM)
No. India is Hindu country and PM should be a Hindu. This Khangresss is curse to Bharat Mataa to have a Sikh as (acting) PM now

Agree (3)Disagree (13)Recommend (1)Offensive
SM (KULU) replies to Hindu
2 mins ago (05:52 PM)
This Hindu is an idiot! Ignore him! Hindustan is more than HINDUS!!

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Hindu (India)
46 mins ago (05:08 PM)
We hindus hate muslim christians and yes some times sikh and not to forget the zakir naik - jai bajrang bali


Agree (4)Disagree (27)Recommend (3)Offensive
simple_lens (chennai) replies to Hindu
17 mins ago (05:37 PM)
Toi, please check IP, some donkeys from other country dress like us and brays their mother tongue.

Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)Offensive
Dave (Bangalore) replies to Hindu
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
A muslim trying his dirty trick...u son of a
B!@@@...dont fake ur religion

Agree (12)Disagree (4)Recommend (1)Offensive
Hindu replies to Dave
19 mins ago (05:35 PM)
You all are Khangresss morons. Supporting a Islamist here.

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原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:穆应名 转载请注明出处
bikash (saga) replies to Hindu
33 mins ago (05:21 PM)
dont club us with ur poor fellow like u,we dont hate them..

Agree (9)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)Offensive
Hindu replies to bikash
17 mins ago (05:37 PM)
Guys like you are shame on Hindu. Come and join VHP so you knows more about yourself


Agree (1)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)Offensive
S J Singh (Delhi) replies to Hindu
34 mins ago (05:20 PM)
Imposter! you are not a Hindu...Stop spreading hatred.

Agree (12)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)Offensive
Hindu replies to S J Singh
21 mins ago (05:33 PM)
Vande Matram... I am an Hindu very much and I don't like guys like you. I want Vanar sena of Ram not the Vibhshan of Ravan


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Vishal Samuel (India)
47 mins ago (05:07 PM)
what spine are you talking about Mr.omar..??!! Chinese are already number 1 (economically, military, navy and airforce). Which arena india can comfortably show strength against china?

Agree (4)Disagree (14)Recommend (0)Offensive
cpda (Mumbai) replies to Vishal Samuel
11 mins ago (05:43 PM)
China's military has not been tested in war - other than proxy wars. Their weapons have not been tested nor have their soldiers faced wartime situations like those of the US or even India. That's why when Vietnam recently threatened to go to war over a border dispute, the Chinese government backed down. China is not number one from a military standpoint. Economically, what if the US decides to default on payments to China - what do the Chinese do? Go to war? Economically there are no Number ones - every body will lose if one fails.

回楼上:中国不是军事上的第一,中国的军队武器没有经过实战的考验,肯定不如美国,甚至不如印度。这就是为什么 越南敢就必得原因。中国也不是经济上的第一,如果美国懒帐中国怎么办,开战?经济上就没有第一,唇亡齿寒啊。
Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)Offensive
krish (India) replies to Vishal Samuel
18 mins ago (05:36 PM)
Any arena. Just because they are ahead of India doesn't mean they can browbeat India and India in turn genuflect before them. If military superiority is enough to bully everyone around, that superiority wont' last long. Also, India is also a nuclear and missile power and China is not likely to risk mutual destruction by attacking us. Leaving aside any armed confrontation, on the trade front India buys a lot of Chinese goods and China won't easily let go Indian market.

Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)Offensive
C.S.Dixit (NEW DELHI) replies to Vishal Samuel
26 mins ago (05:28 PM)
Why should we be scared of any nation,whatever strenght it has ? We are 130 billion srtong people living in country.

回Vishal Samuel:为什么我们要害怕,我们有13亿勇敢的人民。
Agree (4)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)Offensive
J S Siddhu (Ambala)
47 mins ago (05:07 PM)
How can our Adarsh Generals, Booze Brigadiers and Ketch-up Colonels show spine? They are too busy securing their retired lives.

Adarsh Generals, Booze Brigadiers这些家伙有勇气吗?他们正忙着挣养老钱呢。
Agree (12)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)Offensive
P S Chibber (Delhi) replies to J S Siddhu
30 mins ago (05:24 PM)
Hey! You forgot the Sukna scamsters? Add them to your roll of honour please!

回楼上:嘿,还有Sukna scamsters不要忘记了
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ulose2enmylose1 (chennai)
48 mins ago (05:06 PM)
Lakhs and lakhs of people die of earth quake, tsunami, disease, please show the spine, better to die bravely rather than accidentally.

Agree (5)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)Offensive
Nabil (Hasrat)
53 mins ago (05:01 PM)
ALMATY | Sun Dec 4, 2011 2:57pm IST (Reuters) - Five suspected militants and two security officers were killed in a shootout near Kazakhstan's commercial capital Almaty, prosecutors said on Sunday, in the latest of a series of attacks in the oil-producing Central Asian state. The five gunmen barricaded themselves in a house in the village of Boraldai outside Almaty late on Saturday after fatally wounding two security officers, prosecutors said. "After they refused to surrender voluntarily and put up staunch armed ....." ------------------------------------------Why are Muslims killing each other in Kazakhstan now? Is it over Kashmir or Babri Masjid or is Islam violent?

Agree (2)Disagree (3)Recommend (2)Offensive
Kub (Hyderabad) replies to Nabil
39 mins ago (05:15 PM)
man...your mom is violent

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vicky (jmu) replies to Nabil
45 mins ago (05:09 PM)
why can omar demonstrate some spine while dealing with protesters in kashmir!!!!!!!!!!!!

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krish (India) replies to vicky
5 mins ago (05:49 PM)
When it comes to your own people, when there is prima facie evidence of human right violations, civilian protesters have to be persuaded into giving up violence. You can't totally fault Omar Abdulla for being soft on protesters, though there can be arguments on how tough he should have been or how soft. Very tough action was needed against policemen or soldiers who faked killing of infiltrators by shooting innocent civilians. Such incidents were the trigger needed for separatist elements like Geelani to incite people to pelt stones at army and police and indulge in destruction of public property. The separatists' crooked game is too well known because any human right violations by infiltrators were never protested by the so-called victims of state terrorism. In such circumstances, playing into their hands by fake encounters is to weaken the position of the government before the people and the world. Omar Abdulla was on a sticky wicket while dealing with protesters because his own state police force and some army men too indulged in questionable actions.

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Gaanwaar (india)
1 hr ago (04:52 PM)
Congress governments can NEVER take on China (the old 1962 war documents will be made public), will sour relations with neighbours. The Chinese, Pakis and the Americans all want Congress to stay why?? They know all their dark secrets (of 60 years), forget these governments even a foreign bank blackmails this country

Agree (3)Disagree (3)Recommend (1)Offensive
amit_thackrey (Mumbai)
1 hr ago (04:51 PM)
Indian army can only show its military might to innocent unarmed farmers who are committing suicide in maharashtra and other places by giving them names like maoist and naxals. In front of China they are like barking dogs with tails below. The army is the biggest mafia which creates fear from imaginary enemies like china or pakistan inorder to get the tax payers money. The day this fear is stopped India will be split into different countries.

Agree (5)Disagree (22)Recommend (4)Offensive
BM (Australia) replies to amit_thackrey
28 mins ago (05:26 PM)
You and your type are scourge of India, Jaichands and foul men.

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Rabid (Delhi) replies to amit_thackrey
38 mins ago (05:16 PM)
yes buddy spot on...its just the media hype that military cannot be wrong..however they are all gays

回上上楼: 说的好,媒体每天吹军队的牛逼,虽然他们都是基佬。
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Saurabh (Indore) replies to amit_thackrey
48 mins ago (05:06 PM)

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Prashant (GGN)
1 hr ago (04:46 PM)
At least someone showed courage. Otherwise from the last weak i am frustrated to hear "all those cries and fries but never on tries" attitude of the leadership towards China. Even whats so bad with Indo-US-Australia front which they are looking with horror.

Agree (10)Disagree (1)Recommend (6)Offensive
Santosh (Hyderabad)
1 hr ago (04:39 PM)
Quiet please! Our leaders are extremely busy counting their ill gotten money.


Agree (5)Disagree (26)Recommend (4)Offensive
KIRAN / KANNUR (KANNUR/KERALA) replies to amit_thackrey


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neutral (india)
1 hr ago (04:39 PM)
But His statement will not make Kashmir a dispute free land .... what about the refrendum which India was supposed to take from the people of Kashmir ... why is india shy to carry out a vote from the people who are living there ... omars and abdullahs can speak in very much indian patriotic tone as for them there gaddi matters but the common man's heart should be checked for the real status ....

Agree (9)Disagree (12)Recommend (5)Offensive
Patsy (Canada) replies to neutral
37 mins ago (05:17 PM)
Pakistan is a renegade state of India and any one in Kashmir wants to be part of Pakistan are welcome to return to Pakistan. Kashmir is a part of India. Even Pakistani prisoners when released do not want to return to Pakistan.


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sp (earth) replies to neutral
49 mins ago (05:05 PM)
What about a referendum about the fate of Baloochistan in Pakistan? What about a referendum about the fate of Tibet?

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pro kashmiri (kashmir) replies to sp
14 mins ago (05:40 PM)
Balochistan etc were not created with a pre condition of referendum as compared to kashmir.

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Gomoti Mazumdar (Kolkata)
1 hr ago (04:39 PM)
this extrovert dynastic politician was the minister of state for external affairs during NDA regime!! let him invoke his track record set during that particular time. opportune seeker is his father throughout his life, replica is the son. this person cannot even effectively fight back the terrorists in his own state, let alone taking 'tough' stand against China - the 2nd largest power of the world now (individually). easier said than done, specially on a dais where one can expect some limelight as a so-called news-maker. why he is silent about the corruption against the UPA govt.? answer is simple - his father is also part of it.

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BM (Australia) replies to Gomoti Mazumdar
22 mins ago (05:32 PM)
Anyone speaks for India becomes BJP agent. What you are saying is all BJP backers are patriots and Congress supporters are traitors ? We know that. Why Abdullah's pro-India stance has disturbed you, you Bengali Commie.

回Gomoti Mazumdar:为印度说话就是印度人民党?,骂印度人民党的都是爱国者,国会的支持者就是叛徒?你这个孟加拉共党。
Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive
1 hr ago (04:38 PM)
I am very sure India's stance towards China and Pakistan will shift to more assertiveness after it successfully Test fires Agni V missile this Dec. Once India's Nuclear Subs, Missiles, Tejas and 126 MMCA fighters are ready India will speak a different language. There is no point in provocating or engaging with two formidable enemies when you have no teeth to bite hard. Playing a game of bluff is dangerous and can backfire as it did with Pakistan towards US.

Agree (8)Disagree (3)Recommend (3)Offensive
Indranil (Pune) replies to BABUJI
1 hr ago (04:53 PM)
BABUJI: Agni V would not be reay by 2025 - this was reported by TOI recently. Check it out. You are wishful dreaming that successful test fire Agni V this December. Is this a sarcastic joke ?

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RamyaVaran (Bangalore)
1 hr ago (04:37 PM)
I appreciate Omar for his bold statement and I support it completely. Also please note that I am an RSS volunteer.

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Shahid (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) replies to RamyaVaran
24 mins ago (05:30 PM)
Shame on you if you attach yourself to such radical and anti national org.

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rajunath (rikabgunj) replies to RamyaVaran
36 mins ago (05:18 PM)
that confirms u r filthy...chaddiwala


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Francis Rajkumar (Chennai) replies to RamyaVaran
49 mins ago (05:05 PM)
You mean you are double faced snake God????

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suraj vanch (wlltn)
1 hr ago (04:35 PM)
India is ruled by an impotent eunch that barks when his mistress sais so. Do not expect tough talk from the spineless eunch.

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Kumar (kerala)
1 hr ago (04:29 PM)
I fully agree.

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mahesh (jamaica) replies to Kumar
1 hr ago (04:44 PM)
omar for prime minister

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Xavieril (Kerala)
1 hr ago (04:23 PM)
Proud of Omer Abdullah... i have noticed him since long... this guy talks so logical & for the bright future of India... Omer Abdullah u must have been PM of India... India needs a genius like u...

Agree (35)Disagree (5)Recommend (15)Offensive
Gomoti Mazumdar (Kolkata) replies to Xavieril
1 hr ago (04:40 PM)
there's a limit of hero worship in bollywood style!!

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Ravi (London)
1 hr ago (04:19 PM)
First Win then Fight. India needs to substantially improve on its Economic and Military might before taking onto China head-on.

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Sai (Chennai)
1 hr ago (04:19 PM)
For a change, this guy is talking sense....

Agree (29)Disagree (0)Recommend (14)Offensive
Haha (Haha)
1 hr ago (04:17 PM)
Hahaha !! I wish india first show spine on internal threats. Corruption is more virulent than any known virus.  Leave neighbours for now.  members of govt bodies e.g parliament, legislative assemblies, police, RTO, passport, forest, agriculture, election, defense, home etc etc departments are bigger threats, cost ( actually loss) to the nation and it's a time proven fact. Even the impact by kasab, afzal, pak etc is negligible compared to impact from our citizens.

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indian (HK) replies to Haha
1 hr ago (04:42 PM)
He is right , what Omar Abdullla say , appreciated ,but look at CHINA .....first have the spine to eradicate CORRUPTION from India. All Indian are aware Chinese are 20 years ahead of India . And CORRUPTION plagued INDIA is too week to take on CHINA (thanks to VOTE-BANK and divide and rule of Indian POLITICIANS ) .

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Haha replies to indian
46 mins ago (05:08 PM)
Hi bro. No reason to dis agree. We are in synch Unfortunately we w are in sink too( sorry for spelling mistakes but u got the point) and hence this pain

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junior (dubai)
1 hr ago (04:12 PM)
We have literaly failed in handling China by taking agressive stand against them when they have taken a agressive against us on all fields.I do not understand our Indian policy towards China and we always postrate before them showing that we are a weak Nation.This stupid UPA government cannot take a agressive stand against a small nation like Srilanka and I blame our foreign ministry think tank for the present confusion and disarrary in their ranks from top to bottom.Stupid posture presented by our foreign minister is itself an indication that we are weak Nation. We have to change our foreign policy drastically and force China to accept One India Policy ,only God has to save our country from the present tormoil prevailing in our country.We the Indian needs a drastic change in our style and attitude by adopting tit for tat policy and at the same time eliminating the ourdated Gandhian principle which not suitable to our Nation.

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senior (Pune) replies to junior
58 mins ago (04:56 PM)
junior: your name is so right. your comments show that you are nothing more than a junior. stay with that for the rest of your life.

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SNA (Pune)
1 hr ago (04:11 PM)
By the grace of God, India is already Strong. Now it is growing more strong. Long live India.

Shankar Shetty (Kuwait)
1 hr ago (04:09 PM)
I want to see as Omar Abudllah the Foreign Minister of India and eventually as Prime Minister. I wish we had more politicians like him.

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shahenshah nawab (mumbai) replies to Shankar Shetty
1 hr ago (04:44 PM)
if so happen our country will be doomed,we have example of his grand father who was jailed by great Indra Gandhi.

Agree (20)Disagree (3)Recommend (7)Offensive
riz (delhi) replies to Menon
1 hr ago (04:28 PM)
Dear friend, he is talking too high, may be he was impressing his audiance, let Omar reply his uncle Sheikh Mustafa Kamal, this is nothing but to divert attention from his domestic problems, and recent killing of NC worker.

Agree (25)Disagree (4)Recommend (11)Offensive
sabe (Brussels)
1 hr ago (04:04 PM)
If India needs to be a recognized power in the world it has to be asseritve. We need to keep our head straight. This is very cheap from the part of India to yield to the wills and fancies of China. Omar is right that our Leaders are not strong enough to assert India's claim. We need to develop with our own vision and not the visions of Europe or America. Let our Leaders stop corruption and work for the security and well being of the people. They use their brain to accumulate wealth for them but not for the progress of the nation. Where is India after 65 years independence? We have more poor people than the African countries, that is what UN opion shows. The purchasing capacity of the poor are still very low and still we Inida is growing? Growing to Where? Hope our govt will take this a serious issue and stand straight and keep the dignity of its citizens.

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B.N.Gururaj (Bangalore)
1 hr ago (04:03 PM)
Indeed YES! India should show more guts in dealing with China, instead of running for cover every time the Dragon snorts or sniffs. And, this is one of those exceptional occasions when Omar Abdulla has made a non-controversial statement in the recent times.

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sohail (UK)
1 hr ago (04:00 PM)
it is outrageous not to accept Kashmir as disputed area. since independence not only Kashmir remained disputed between India and Pakistan but Kashmir and India itself. majority of Kashmir still in opposition of accession to India. I bet if they have free choice to choose independence will be preference, least with pak. only puppets like Omar abdullah feel its part of India. we Pakistani will never accept this, though I believe there should be dialogue on these issue rather having war. I also believe pak involvement in Kashmir was negative by sending militants, it is very complex issue now. I wish peace with India but not on the cost of majority of Kashmiri's aspirations.

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mas (France) replies to sohail
1 hr ago (04:50 PM)
Even tough it may be painful to hear that whatever Omar Abdullah or all the cohort of comments say here, nothing will change, because Kashmir has been considered a disputed land internationally for more than 60 years. The only way out is an equitable solution among all the concerned parties.

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Iqbal (Europe)
1 hr ago (03:59 PM)
Perfect example that only Muslim leaders have spine.

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Yad (UP) replies to Iqbal
49 mins ago (05:05 PM)
they also have intolerance hatred and terror if you do not agree with them

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Akshay (Doha) replies to Iqbal
50 mins ago (05:04 PM)
Yes, Muslim leaders have SPINE with a little bt extention, we call it TAIL.

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rohit (germany) replies to Iqbal
1 hr ago (04:19 PM)
ohh yes. and pakistan ,saudi arabia- a very good example...(sarcasm)

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Shahid (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) replies to rohit
1 hr ago (04:33 PM)
Absolutely Islamic states are very good examples. Please exclude Pakistan from the list.

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merwyn (poona (pune))
1 hr ago (03:59 PM)
If all Indian leaders think like this ie. fight with invaders and not with the public India we be better than china very soon every minister (neta) in the republic of India should think like this man

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John Fernandes (Goa)
1 hr ago (03:59 PM)
Omar my vote goes for you, but you need to clean up the murder case first.

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Binoy Joseph (Riyadh)
1 hr ago (03:57 PM)
Well said, CM Omar Abdullah...........Pls move to the Union Cabinet & take up the defense ministry..we desperately need someone like you to silence the nasty Pak-China regimes & their bad mouth.....Jai Hind

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pman_rai (jaigoan)
2 hrs ago (03:51 PM)
.....vote him PM/1


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whocares (pune )
2 hrs ago (03:48 PM)
guys he's right...


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发表于 2011-12-7 11:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-12-7 12:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-12-7 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
- -有没有人跟我一样看成奥巴马……一头雾水反复看了好几遍才恍然大悟…………
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发表于 2011-12-8 11:28 | 显示全部楼层
简唯翎 发表于 2011-12-7 12:55
- -有没有人跟我一样看成奥巴马……一头雾水反复看了好几遍才恍然大悟………… ...


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发表于 2011-12-8 15:52 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-12-9 10:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-12-9 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
Jigong 发表于 2011-12-7 11:54
如果真的认同中国在台湾,西藏,新疆的“一个中国“政策就不应该让哒癞在印度成立流亡政府! ...

我去把达赖给灭咯 ,,,
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发表于 2011-12-9 11:49 | 显示全部楼层
There is a proverb in Tamil "Those who lean too much to hit is a fool, and those who hit too much on leaning one is also fool." China is hitting and India is leaning. Both are fools.


这是什么恶趣味的翻译啊?!(笑)阿三再受 我们也不会攻他的啊!!(笑)实在是太味了~~~
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