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发表于 2011-12-12 17:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Democracy, compatible with huge population
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Spartakus (希腊)

Some times i wonder whether democracy isactually compatible in States with huge populations, like China or India (those examples are strictlyused for their populations numbers, and not for their current politicalsystem). Can it actually be successful in countries with really big populations?




No, it becomes an oligarchic dictatorshipbecause those who have established themselves in power can play differentelements of the population against each other for their (the ones in power)benefit.

2、Kapikulu (德国)

As long as it is not direct democracy whichwas applied in Athens, and which we can seeexamples in today's Switzerland,like Janus said, it totally becomes an oligarchy. Because after therepresentatives are elected, they have no responsibility towards the people andthey don't have to give an account...

3、New User (英国)

Depends on the type of democracy I wouldsay...


I also think it's not compatible with hugeamounts of people simply because most of them don't even have primary educationand vote emotionally for parties that they connect with personal ideas or experiences.Such voting leads to the electing of communist and nationalist parties. Thebest form of democracy for me is when only people that graduated College orUniversity or at least High school can vote. It's simply not fare for me thatthe vote of an educated Doctor of science or even a Professor is equal to thevote of an idiot that can't even read for example but votes because he waspromised good future from a party. This might sound like oligarchy but thatkind of "citizenship" in Romefor example worked perfectly, although it wasn't democracy. Just imagine if weput this way of giving "citizenship" only to people that graduatedand are considered educated and only they can vote. It would not be somekind ofaristocratic title and would not be received as a heritage. If you rememberbecause of the "stupid" crowds did communism prosper in manycountries and the intellectual groups were destroyed.


Sounds very like Aristotle's argument justifyingslavery. The 'idiots who can't even read' have to be looked after and guided bythose who can.

6、Jagiello (波兰)

Well,my opinion is the idiots that can'teven read shouldn't be allowed to rule and determine the faith of allothers.They shouldn't be slaves and have no rights but also shouldn't bemasters and their votes to be with same value as those of the educatedpeople.And after all,slaves don't choose to be slaves.They are either born ormade slaves.Most of the uneducated people have chosen to leave school or justdidn't want to learn.I'm talking about the wealthy countryes where even thepoor can become educated.

7、pinguin (智利)

If you make a election system where onlythe smart and educated can vote, it won't be a democracy anymore, but ameritocracy. Something like the bureaucrats of ancient China.

Democracy is the believe ALL MAN ARE equal,regardless of education, social possition and even intelligence.

That's what most people in the West believein. Even the underdeveloped Latin America havevery clear that democracy is the voice of the masses, particularly the onesthat lack education.



Democracy is the worst form of governmentexcept all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.-- WinstonChurchill

Democracy is also the most difficult formof government of all - but who promised it would be easy? It's the only choiceif you value the rights of the individual.

"At least high school education tovote?" - that would exclude most people from voting, specially poorpeople. But who cares about poor people? - they have nothing for anyone to rob- only poverty, and who wants that?

Of course anyone should be able to vote,regardless of education, wealth, faith and so on. If there should beregulations for voting, it should be this: If your income is in the top 30%bracket, you cant vote. That would level things out and could provide moreequality for everyone.

The ideal society is where only few has toomuch, and even fewer too little. You need democracy for that.





9、Adalwolf (美国)

If there should be regulations for voting,it should be this: If your income is in the top 30% bracket, you cant vote.That would level things out and could provide more equality for everyone.

What?! That is crazy! Just because peoplehave high paying jobs they can't vote?! That is just as bad as saying poorpeople can't vote because they are poor and uneducated!

10、Omar al Hashim

I think that was the point Adalwolf.

most of them don't even have primaryeducation and vote emotionally for parties that they connect with personalideas or experiences. Such voting leads to the electing of communist andnationalist parties.

The communist government in Kerala state Indiais doing very well thank you. But then again - Kerala does have one of thehighest education levels in India.Damn communists, they even educate people!

It's the only choice if you value therights of the individual.

Democracy doesn't protect the rights of theindividual at all. It values the rights of the biggest mob. I much prefermilitary dictatorship (with a good dictator) for rights.

11、Jagiello (波兰)

Well, i don't know about Kerala but i knowof at least 20 states where all educated and wealthy people were massacred bythe poor and stupid when communists came. It was the idea that everybody shouldbe equal-equally stupid and poor. And a "communist" government issomething that doesn't exist in ant country in the world. There are socialistgovernments like those in Chinaand Cubabut none of them is communist. Communism is the highest form of socialism andit isn't compatible neither with education nor with wealth.

12、Omar al Hashim

Communism isn't compatible with wealth (itsthe whole point isn't it), but education on the other hand has done very wellin Communist countries. Communist countries have excellent records in literacy,numeric, and Russiawas at the forefront of scientific discovery in its communist days.

13、es_bih (美国)

That is true Communist countries, andgovernments have had a high emphasis on education, many Communist countries hadworld class schools. Jagiello I do not remember any anti-intellectualuprisings, however, anti-aristocrical ones are common procedure, hence the name"Communism" it is supposed to be a society of equals not of castes,or economic classes.
14、Roberts (拉脱维亚)

Imo the "democracy" is compatiblewith huge populations, if country has only two political parties.

15、DukeC (加拿大)

Access to information and ability tounderstand it is more important to a democracy than population size. Which iswhy there's censorship in Chinaand why there's so much
manipulation of the media in the west.

16、pinguin (智利)

Dictatorship is incompatible with a freemarket economy. If Chinacontinues to be sucessful economically it will have to turn to democracy.Otherwise things will explode in social revolts. They will start at the firsteconomical downturn. It has happened many times before. There is nothing tostop it to happens in China.

17、Riga Ponce de Leon (美国)

This might sound like oligarchy but thatkind of "citizenship" in Romefor example worked perfectly, although it wasn't democracy. Just imagine if weput this way of giving "citizenship" only to people that graduatedand are considered educated and only they can vote.

Sounds very interesting. But it still wouldnot be fair for the large majority of people who are unable to receive aneducation. Their voice should be heard as well.

18、LuckyNomad (大韩民国)

Why can't Democracy work in a country withover 1 billion people? It certainly works in a country with over 300 million.I'm sure that people in Belgiumwonder how Democracy works in a country as big as Germanyand the Germans wonder how it can work in a country as big as the US. It's merelya matter of breaking it down, just like with any other government. You havemayors in charge of towns and cities, and governors in charge ofprovinces/states and 1 person on top. It's like the difference between aninfantry squad and an Army Group. It's basically run the same way, just on alarger scale.

19、jacob (美国)

What does it mean if a democracy truly"works" in the first place?  Isit one in which there is a hundred per-cent, direct representation? BenjaminFranklin said that the Constitution would end up being nothing more than aband-aid, and that some kind of totalitarianism would rear its head again. Maybethe notion of a democracy that starts to not work is one in which the spectrumof debate ends up narrowing itself. If a population gets big enough, certainvoices and segments necessarily become marginalized. When necessity bindspeople together, you see democracy in its most unadulterated form. Thecolonists of the 18th century railed against something in a time of urgency. TheConstitution reflects what their (ostensibly, the entire population's)contemporary fears were about evil governments. So many factors have enteredinto the equation over the last couple of hundred years, that our collectivesense of need has completely changed. This tiny segment cares about the loss ofthe second amendment, this sizeable chunk cares about whether Paris Hilton goesto the slammer, this group cares about global warming. I do not think it ispossible for the United  States to function democractically at thispoint--at least not the way the Founding Fathers might have intended. At thispoint, its just a vehicle that gets driven by the guy with the best PR. Whateverthe case, I'll take American democracy on its worst day over North Koreantotalitarianism on its best.





20、Decebal (加拿大)

Here's my two cents: democracy, like anyother political system, is designed to keep the population under control and ingood order. In any human society there will be an elite of some sort, who arealways in control over society via economic or political orreligious/ideological means) or a combination thereof. So far, it is the bestsuch system designed, because middle class and poor people either have thefeeling in control (whereas the elite is always in that position), or simply turnout politics because they start seeing the current state of events as naturaland unchangeable. Other systems are more heavy-handed, and they result in thepopulation being discontent, leading to political subversion and general lossof productivity. So, in answer to the original question, it doesn't reallymatter how big the population is, democracy performs this function at theindividual level or middle and lower class people.

21、LuckyNomad (大韩民国)

Democracy doesn't protect the rights of theindividual at all. It values the rights of the biggest mob.

I think that's the reason that most"democracies," aren't really true democracies. They're DemocraticRepublics, which channel all the fickle opinions and desires of the people intoa really slow and rarely changing system or representation. But man, I can'twait until USpolitics starts getting EXTREME. Like in Taiwan, where the representativeskick the crap out of each other in congress.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22、Aelfgifu (荷兰)

Actually the US system is not very democraticalat all. Large amounts of people are not able to vote because of activeopposition against them doing so, there are only two parties that are virtuallythe same, congress is made up from 1 person per state, which makes is totallyimpossible to have a proper representation of a state, and the president can beelected with an absolute minority of votes, and the juridical powers, whichshould be neutral, are clearly and outspokenly politically aligned. That is whyyou are lower on the Democracy list than the abovementioned countries:http://www.worldaudit.org/democracy.htm


Democracy seems to fail as soon as thenumbers rise to 2 people, unless one is considerably stronger than the other.


It values the rights of the biggest mob. Imuch prefer military dictatorship (with a good dictator) for rights.

I will respectfully disagree. Dictatorstend to trample rights because a lot of their energy does into making sure thatthey stay in power either because they enjoy it or because they are afraid ofbeing held responsible for their actions.

Dictatorship is incompatible with a freemarket economy. If Chinacontinues to be sucessful economically it will have to turn to democracy.Otherwise things will explode in social revolts. They will start at the firsteconomical downturn.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Yes, afree-market does well in politically free countries, but it has also thrivedunder dictatorships.

25、Maharbbal (法国)

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Yes, afree-market does well in politically free countries, but it has also thrivedunder dictatorships.


Most of dictatorships even the most successfulones are based on a controlled economy (Meiji Japan,1960s Korea, even China to alarge extend). I can't think of one successful econonomy based on freedom oftrade and no political freedom.

South American dictatorship were not verysuccessful and did not have a free market (the presence of importantmultinationals does not mean freedom of trade).

In my opinion it is for one simple reason:a market to function properly needs a referee, which in the modern world is ina huge majority of case the state or any form of public administration. Bydefinition a dictator as very limited and very biased check and control, hencehe (never she) has enormous incentive to direct the economy. He can be very successfulat it (see Deng or Korea).

Democracy allows a limited yet efficient(most of the time) control of the market. An economy can thrive under adictator but cannot be qualified as free.

Nowadays the BRICK (Brazil, Russia,India, China, Kazakhstan) have very imperfectlyfree economies. Even Brazilhas little control over many haciendas while the state controles some 50% ofthe GDP

PS: I don't know about Iran, but Iguess the state controls the oil exploitation.








I believe that we are tripping over theterm "free-market," which I have used as a substitute for"capitalism." This is how it is used in the U.S.; look at how American economic journaliststalk about China, and theykeep talking about how Chinais participating more and more in the "free-market".

Are markets under dictatorships"free"? Of course not, by definition. But they are "free"enough, or more properly said, capitalistic enough to attract foreign investorsand multinationals.

War-centric dictatorships tend to have acentralized economy because it is very efficient for war production. But morepeacefully oriented dictatorships can have a good amount of economic freedomthat doesn't translate into a political one. My big example is Mexico,whose one-party system survived for 70 year. That one is followed by Chile,which lasted about 17 years. Franco in Spain was another dictator that hada moderately free economy, in the later years, without political freedom.



27、Bulldog (英国)

Are all dictatorships wrong? its the"benevolent dictator" argument again

The best example of a successful democracytoday is obviously the U.S as its a super-power, economically the wealthiesnation and the most advanced. However, in my opinion, its a "benevolent dictatorship"of the more intellectually advanced kind. Only those who have the rightcontacts, education and belong to the right societies will be considered forelection. Two guys meet the requirements, it doesn't really matter who getschosen, they're a figurehead for the benevolent dictatorship mechanism workingbehind the scenes ensuring America'sinterests.

What's smart about the system is thatcitizens feel they have a choice, as there are two candidates, they get caughtup in the media hype and there are all these rallies and so on but at the endof the day the results will be known before-hand. The media will determine whowill and won't get chosen, they can make and ruin people.

The benevolent dictatorship mechanismdelegates some decision making further down the chain which keeps people happy.

A real democracy is similar to anarchism,it gives power and trusts the people with not having to be ordered around,instead being able to work together as an equal society.

Do we need to be ruled? do we really have achoice in electing rulers?






28、Maharbbal (法国)

You're right, well partly. Indeed it seemsthat the USpolitical system is monopolized by two groups who skillfully manage to give theidea to anybody else that they have the choice. It is the case with any form ofrepresentative democracy, your piking the dictator you like. Kind of. Thesuccession of Bush I and Bush II and maybe latter of Cliton I and Clinton II ishere to reenforce the feeling that democracy exists but that some are more demothan others.

Yet two fact are to be taken intoconsideration:

1) Anybody using the cursus honorum imposedby these parties or its own wit can pretend to become the new dictator. See R.Regan, he wasn't born a rich man in a politically influencial familly.

2) The powers of the dictator in the US more thananywhere else are hugely limited by federal and local institutions. (and by thefact that there are 200 million guns in the country :p)


1、 任何人只有凭借被政党伪造的任职履历或者自己的聪明才智,才能假装成为一个新的独裁者。看看里根,他并没有出生在一个有着政治影响力的富人家庭里。
2、 美国独裁者的权力被联邦以及自身体系所掣肘。(这个国家还有两亿条枪杆子,哈哈)

29、Jagiello (波兰)

That is true Communist countries, andgovernments have had a high emphasis on education, many Communist countries hadworld class schools. Jagiello I do not remember any anti-intellectualuprisings, however, anti-aristocrical ones are common procedure, hence the name"Communism" it is supposed to be a society of equals not of castes,or economic classes.

When communists take power they usuallymurder the whealthiest people,who are usually the mosteducated-doctors,teachers,scientists,politics.... At the end only the dummestclass remains.In China for example students murder their own teachers.InCambodia,one of the worst cases, there were no doctors, teachers or any kind ofeducated men remaining after the communist revolution. And about the educationduring the communism-physics,maths and all kind of stuff that doesn't haveanything to do with politics is truely on a high level.When it comes to othersubjects the situations becomes horrible. The USSRfor example was making the history of the world like a hollywood movie-anunstoppable battle between good and evil(of course Russia is the good guy and theimperialsts are the bad). There have been no law,phylosophy,religion or ethicsclasses in school.So,as a whole communism is bad for education in the begginigand after that deosn't become relly better exept in mathematical subjects.

30、gcle2003 (卢森堡)

When communists take power they usuallymurder the whealthiest people,who are usually the mosteducated-doctors,teachers,scientists,politics.... (remember i'm talking about40-50 years ago).

That doesn't square with my experience ofwhat happened in Eastern Europe when theSoviets took over. The ruling elite in the sixties (i.e. the bureaucracy),certainly the ones I met, were mostly sons and daughters (mostly sons - I don'tknow why I added 'daughters') of the pre-Communist elites.

In 1956 I was in Austriacovering the revolution in Hungary,most particularly the incoming stream of refugees, and the impression certainlywas that the old middle-class was still the new middle-class. A doctoralstudent from Bulgariain the late 'sixties (influential enough to be allowed to study abroad) was theson of a banker in the pre-Communist regime, and confirmed to me there hadn'tbeen much change in who was actually running the country.

Of course, the chief political figuresliked to boast of their working-class backgrounds - and you may figure that theSoviet takeover in eastern Europe was not an example of Communists coming topower.



31、LuckyNomad (大韩民国)

It works because the US is not apure democracy, which would basically mean, "the majority gets its way andthe minority gets nothing." It's a compromise that works. It gives smallerstates a say, while giving bigger states the power they ought to have, withoutthe ability to completely blot out the voice of the smaller states.

But if you think that this system is wrong,then I ask you this, if the UN ever became a world government with sovereigntyover every country, should China have 1/5 of the voting power in the UN GeneralAssembly, and India have another 1/5? Those two countries would controleverything. How would you, as a citizen of the Netherlands, feel about thisarrangement? I think that the vast majority of the countries would not be happywith such a system.

But if Chinaand India could have theirproportional represenation in one part of the UN Assembly, while the Netherlandscould have equal power and an equal voice in the other part, I think perhapsthat this arrangement would be acceptable for your country. Correct?

I consider the slowness of the US Congressto be a good thing because it means that the government can't mass produce lawsevery day. I prefer small governments that don't get too involved in people'slives. The Federal Government should protect the country, provide police andpublic works, and do a few other things. The government shouldn't be taxingpeople's income, or subsidizing farms, or appropriating money for ridiculousprojects.

The parties are similar because themajority of Americans are middle of the road in political ideology. Thus, itmakes sure that the country stays relatively in the middle and only slowlymoves leftward or rightward. Kind of like, two steps forward, one step back. Isee this as good because if I am a Democrat and a Republican President getselected, I know that my life isn't going to suddenly implode. If I'm aRepublican and a Democrat becomes President, I might be angry, but my lifeisn't going to be radically altered overnight.

I like this sort of government becauseDemocracy isn't a good governing system. There is no such thing as a goodgoverning system. Democracy just happens to be the best worst option.
美国所实行的并不是直接民主(译者注:pure democracy是由人民直接行使权力而不是由代表行使权力的民主,后者是代议民主),这意味着‘大多数人参与其中,少数人在打酱油’。这是一种折中的办法,把发言权交给小州的同时让大州来执政,而不是完全无视小州的呼声。






32、Night Crawler (英国)

Democracy is wasted on the idiots-For ademocratic society to work laziness must be purged from the system--Otherwisethe lazy will band together to rape the ones who toil.

It reminds me of something I saw the otherday on the net. A little Girl looks at her Mum and says "Mommy why do Ihave to good in school? The Mum replies so you can grow up and be a tax slavefor the kids who do crappy in school."



In my country some dumbasses don't even tryto study in school, because they get money anyway being unemployed. Crawler, ifyou meant this, I totally support.

34、Night Crawler (英国)

I think it is progressive that my kidsdon't grow up to be "tax slaves of the lazy" (that is really a novelidea in the west right now, with our massive welfare states)I am not saying getrid of the lazy; but if you are not a productive member of society then youshouldn't be allowed to vote (of course I am not talking about the disabled orpeople who can't produce, I am not talking about the pensioners who havealready produces and contributed, the veterans who have sacrificed they deservethe full support of society) I am talking about the ones that won't produce,who haven't and who simply never will. Further the indulgence of our society isproducing more and more leeches

Once a majority of a country becomesleeches they can simply vote to leech off the workers. Then what happens youdestroy the income base-the country falls.

I say no votes for leeches!!!!!!!!!!! Youhave to have a stake in society in order to really give a fig about it-Americaisn't heading that they got the Obamanator I am surprised the LIB DEMs didn'twin in the UK - Maybe the UK is getting some common sense.

We will see--All the austerity schemes in Europe right now are designed to save the Euro zoneseconomies-I think they are a good start- However you will see a mass leechrebellion and they will sweep in left wing governments with promises to end theausterity and bring back the free ride. Then Europewill crumble-Why because the Idiot leeches will vote to get something fornothing.

No Votes for Leeches !!!!!!!!

If that is Fascism then shine up my jackboots.





如果这是法西斯主义,那么请擦亮我的长筒靴吧。(译者注:长筒靴jack boot代指法西斯,既指其发源地意大利像一只靴子,同时也是纳粹德军的标志性着装)

35、Carol (美国)

Oh my goodness, someone who said Reaganmade a mess of things. That man lied to us when he said we did not need toconserve. I don't know if he intended to lie, or if he was just being an honestactor, who really didn't know enough to lead our nation.  

Our airline industry is a mess, thanks tohis deregulations. The whole point of government is to regulate things, so theycontinue to function smoothly, and the people are protected. The history of laissezfaire economics in Englandis a horror story of child abuse. Human beings must be educated and must beregulated, because they do very bad things if they are not.  

Most important, I want to say democracy isaway of life. I have heard Chinais doing everything with group decisions, far more so than US. The USSR wasdemocratic, and our media made a mess of things by making us believe communismis not democracy. While the USused England'sautocratic model for industry, and is very autocratic.  

Democracy is a culture, and our schoolsstopped transmitting that culture in 1958. I am very concern about the futureof the US,because it is no longer known that, democracy is away of life, and governmentis just one part of that way of live. When everyone argues property rights, andnone defend democratic principles, how long can there be a functioningdemocracy?  




36、Van_Möck (德国)

I’m actually really tired at the moment,but I just can't understand how anyone could honestly support this claim. Doyou actually mean the United States of America are more autocratic than the Soviet Union has been? Or were you just carried away byyour enthusiasm for criticizing the USA?

To me it seems very difficult to prove yourclaim..Maybe you simply have more information than me, but from what I knowpraising the Soviet Union for its approach todemocracy is not even a way of rhetoric provocation, it only discreditsyourself.

The growing frustration for the status quoseems to support some romantic imaginations and illusions of communism. I seethis in Germany, where even in school the scale of the atrocities and innercontradictions of communism are only taught superficially ( of course in greatcontrast to the teaching of the situation of national socialist Germany). And Ican imagine that it is appealing to Americans of today to provocate the "conservative"side with supposed fancy for the communist ideals.

For anyone who really thinks he would enjoyliving with dear misunderstood uncle Stalin: Better have a look at some"capitalist racist reactionary western propaganda"

Hey! Maybe it was just a misunderstandingand Stalin didn't mean killing all these people after all? Yes, yes, its onlythe evil capitalists who want to make us believe he did!





37、opuslola (美国)

Van, I am with you on this! Does not Carolnot know that the USAis not a Democracy? Democracy was something to be avoided centuries in thepast! Do you, Carol, not know that the USA is a Representative Democracy?Pure democracy is irresponsible, and stupid!
Come on! IN the USSR,China,etc., lets just get the people together and we will vote on the number of hourswe will work in a day, week, month, etc.?

Then we will vote on how much we will bepaid, and then we will vote on how much vacation we will need, and then we willvote on the price of homes or rent, and then the price of automobiles, or bustickets, or bicyles, etc.? Oh! Did I mention Medical care costs, or child carecosts, or food costs, etc.?

Most Americans, and a lot of Europeans andAsians have moved with their feet to places more agreeable than the"fantasy society" you conceive! If you find it, go, and don't tell uswhere!




It is my understanding socialism, fascismand communism are all democracies. The opposite of democracy is autocracy, notcommunism. All the governments are a mix of autocratic and democratic control. Whatseparates them is different economic ideology. The different government formsare varying degrees of government control of industry.   

Only two things are required for fascism,experience with democracy and experience with industry.  Fascism began in Italy as a labor movement, right? Thismade industry very active in government and the result of industry getting veryactive government, was laws favoring industry, not the laborers. When Bismarktook control of Germany,its political unit was the social democrats, right? Hitler picked up Fascism fromItaly,right? He was so successful at turning the German economic around, everyonethought fascism was the cure to economic collapse and poverty.  

At the time of the Great Depression, Demingattempt to get industry in the USto switch from the autocratic model to the democratic model, right? As we knowour industry remained autocratic, so when the USwas Americanizing Japan, Deming took the democratic model to Japan, and they accepted it andproduced to kick our asses in competition for world markets. In the US we love to believe our great life is theresult of democracy, but we deny Japan's great success was theresult of democracy.  

Rather than becoming more democratic, webecame more autocratic. That is believing Fascism is the answer to economicproblems, the federal government increased its control of industry. We haveprivate property controlled by the federal government. That is autocracycontrolled by a bigger autocratic. That is fascism. It doesn't go as far ascommunism, but neither is it democracy where the power rest in the hands in thehands of the people. It is democracy where powers have shifted from the peopleto the government. This is government with very strong industrialparticipation. I question how well the average citizen is benefiting from this.Seems to me, too many of laws benefit industry at the expense of thepeople.  





Actually, the Bolsheviks had the support ofthe majority of the Russian people when they took power. Hitler also came topower democratically and had the support of the majority of the Germany people.

40、Mosquito (东欧某国)

Hitler's party NSDAP had 36,8 % of votes in1932 elections, so not majority. Hitler also lost presidential elections withPaul von Hindenburg.

As for the Bolsheviks they didnt havemajority in all the Russia,they just had the support of soldiers and navy in St. Petersburg what gave them power in theway of armed rebellion.



That was in 1933. By 1939, The Germanypeople, for the most part, supported Hitler.

Again, this is wishful thinking. TheBolsheviks had the support of the majority of the Russian people, whichincluded the military and navy. In fact, the Bolsheviks had so much legitimacyamongst the people that a coalition of Western powers aiding the White Armycould not defeat them.


42、Maximus Germanicus (美国)

Democracy is only compatible with aneducated population. Also there has to be safeguards against Tyranny of themasses. A large uneducated population will lead to Mob Rule, and the fewleaders that play to the populism of their constituency mass of rabble.








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发表于 2012-2-24 00:24 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-28 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-6 22:40 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-16 17:24 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-26 11:46 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-26 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-28 16:54 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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