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【时代周刊 11/12/12】2011年十大排行榜中的中国

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-13 11:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】The Top 10 Everything of 2011





人所共知,米歇尔奥巴马在出席来访外交使节的晚宴时,喜欢穿对方国家设计师的服装。所以,当奥巴马总统在1月份招待中国主席胡锦涛时,很多时尚界人士都猜测第一夫人会不会身穿Vera Wang或者Jason Wu设计的服装。而当她露面时,身着的却是一件由Sarah Burton为Alexander McQueen设计的红色皇室丝绸长袍。这个颜色算是对中国致敬,但令人遗憾的是米歇尔没有选择美国设计师的作品。美国时装设计协会主席Diane von Furstenberg说:“没能为这样重要的场合设计服装,我们感到既吃惊又失望。”



David Henry Hwang的这部作品讲述了一个美国商人在中国的故事,这部剧可以算作是一部喜剧。和在百老汇上演的其它戏剧一样,其中夹杂了很多种语言。但令人印象深刻的是,Hwang在处理常规文化笑料时所展示出的精明。只有认真、深入地研究中美文化差异,才能令人心悦诚服地表现美国方言翻译成英文所引发的效果。根据Butterfly作品改编的这部戏剧绕开了那些陈腐的情节(丑陋的美国人和谜一样的中国官员),但又没有给人耍贫嘴和不真实的感觉。再没有人比他更了解自己要表现的东西了。



反G20峰会的示威者在11月,通过装死来反对金融财长和中央银行的政府人士召开的年度峰会。他们用绳子围出一片区域,就像警方的警戒线。他们的口号是“Scene de Crimes Financiers”,即“金融犯罪现场”。他们想让从美国到中国的20国领导人多想想人民,少考虑一些银行和市场因素。



如果说到2011年的利比亚和阿富汗,动物园显然不是最重要的话题,但的黎波里和喀布尔的动物园的确发生了一些重要的事情。利比亚的动物园坐落在卡扎菲位于阿布萨利姆的大本营中,那里的动物和工作人员必须面对食品和饮水缺少的状况。24岁的管理员Ibrahim Basha说,卡扎菲政权经常不能按时发放薪水,向为动物提供食物的公司总共欠债150万美元。即使拥有动物园15头狮子中5头的卡扎菲儿子萨迪也不来照料它们了。至于动物园的工作人员,100人中只有15个人还愿意留下来继续工作。







狄仁杰这位中国7世纪的传奇侦探的故事,因Robert van Gulik的小说而为西方读者所熟知,香港著名导演徐克(代表作品《刀马旦》、《黄飞鸿》)把这个宏大的武术侦探故事搬上了银幕。徐克是影视语言的专家,他能把大量的内容和场景整合在一系列原始的镜头中,用几秒钟的时间表现出来。他的这种鬼才也出现在影片的主要人物身上——皇后(刘嘉玲饰)、忠诚的顾问(李冰冰饰)和狄仁杰(刘德华饰),这几个人都极为老于世故,对所有人都持怀疑态度。影片中展示了大量香港电影的典型元素:树顶的飞跃、奔跑马匹上的打斗、炫目的武器格斗,武打设计者是香港著名影星洪金宝。影片里有会讲话的鹿、身着红袍的河神,以及能通过点穴易容的角色。狄仁杰是影视界长盛不衰的主题,我们说它是“卧虎神作”。









Top 10 Best Fashion Moments

3. Michelle Obama, State Dinner with China

Michelle Obama is known to wear designers from the countries of visiting dignitaries during official state dinners. So in the walk-up to President Obama's January dinner with Chinese President Hu Jintao, many fashion bloggers wondered if the First Lady might wear Vera Wang or Jason Wu, the designer of her Inaugural Ball gown. Instead, she chose a red silk gown designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. The color was a nod to China, but many designers were upset that Michelle had chosen a non-American designer. "We were surprised and a little disappointed not to be represented for this major state dinner," wrote Diane von Furstenberg, president of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, in a statement.

Top 10 Plays and Musicals

3. Chinglish

David Henry Hwang's play about a naïve American businessman in China is billed as a comedy, and it certainly has as many laughs as any show on Broadway. But what's impressive is how shrewdly Hwang makes a common cultural joke — the wacky mistranslations of American slang into Chinese — the entry point for a serious and nuanced study of the Chinese/American cultural divide. The play, from the author of M. Butterfly, skirts close to familiar stereotypes (the ugly American, the inscrutable Chinese functionary) but never seems facile or inauthentic. There's no substitute for a playwright who knows what he's talking about.

Top 10 Protest Signs

8. A Financial Body Count

NICE, FRANCE — Anti-G-20 activists played dead to make a statement against globalization during the annual summit of finance ministers and central bank governors in November. In an area they roped off, as if for real police business, their sign read, "Scene de Crimes Financiers," or Financial Crime Scene. The general message was that they wanted leaders of those 20 powerful countries — from the U.S. to China — to think about people, rather than banks and markets.

Top 10 Animal Stories

4. Afghanistan and Libya Zoos Survive War

If you were to play word association with either Libya or Afghanistan in 2011, chances are that the word zoo wouldn't make the top of the list. But both Tripoli and Kabul's zoos played a small if significant part in the broader story. In Libya, the zoo was located in the former Gaddafi stronghold of Abu Salim, where the employees and — of course — the animals had to handle considerable food and water shortages. Ibrahim Basha, the head keeper for 24 years, said the Gaddafi regime frequently failed to make monthly payments, meaning that it owed the company that provided the animals' food more than $1.5 million. Even one of Gaddafi's sons, Saadi (who owned nine of the zoo's 19 lions and loved to check on their progress), stopped visiting. As for the zoo's employees, only 15 of the 100 were willing to work.

In Kabul, it could be argued that the worst was already over. Following the collapse of the communist regime in 1992, the Afghan civil war decimated the zoo; with nobody to feed them, the better part of 400 animals died of hunger. Yet the rise of the Taliban (it came to power in 1996) stopped the bleeding as the insurgents built new outer walls and gave food to the surviving animals. What's more, China and Pakistan have given animals as diplomatic gifts over the years, bolstering the number of both creatures and visitors, who, admittedly, visit as much for the shade afforded by the zoo as by a desire to spend time with the animals.

Top 10 Religion Stories

3. The Next Incarnation of the Tibet Crisis

The Dalai Lama is not waiting to be reincarnated to tend to the future of Tibet. Having announced in March 2011 that he was abdicating his role as political leader of Tibet, albeit in exile, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhists oversaw the April 26 election of a civilian head of government, Lobsang Sangay, in Dharamsala, India. Having an elected, adult civilian leader gets around the problems attendant on having an incarnate buddha as the head of government — that type of cleric necessarily being a child upon discovery and subject to the whims of Beijing, which almost certainly will try to pre-empt the exile movement's choice by imposing a Dalai Lama of its own. Nevertheless, Tibetans within the borders of the People's Republic are acting out their frustration with Chinese rule. Perhaps taking the lead of the Arab Spring, 10 Tibetan monks and nuns have reportedly set themselves on fire to protest repression. (An 11th cleric, a monk, set himself on fire after making the long dangerous trek across the Himalayas to refuge in India.) The Dalai Lama has tried to dissuade his followers from self-immolation — ironically, speaking out during an interview on an Australian cooking show. China may discover that the next incarnation of the Tibet crisis may be a fiery one.

Top 10 Best Movies

3. Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame

Judge Di Renjie, the legendary sleuth of 7th-century China made famous to Western readers in the novels by Robert van Gulik, takes on the case of the flaming monks in this epic martial-arts whodunit from veteran Hong Kong director Tsui Hark (Peking Opera Blues, Once Upon a Time in China). Always a swami of cinematic compression, Tsui Hark can pack reams of exposition and sensation into a dozen pristinely composed shots that take only a few seconds of screen time. His trickster genius is shared by the main characters — the Empress (Carina Lau), her loyal adviser (Li Bingbing) and Detective Dee himself (Andy Lau) — each of whom is supremely adept and understandably suspicious of everyone else. The films boasts nonstop stunt work in the great Hong Kong tradition: tree-hopping, a fierce battle on two galloping horses and plenty of dexterous swordplay, all choreographed by veteran Hong Kong star Sammo Hung. Packed with a magic talking deer, a red-robed river king and characters transformable by acupoints, Detective Dee is a pinwheeling narrative and cinematic delight. We call it Crouching Tiger, Freakin' Masterpiece.

Top 10 Crime Stories

8. Little Girl Lost: The Chinese Toddler Hit and Run

A kind of heartlessness tends to cloud the image of 21st century China: the country is too caught up with making money, of skirting the moral dimensions of life in its hither-thither rush toward what it imagines as modernity. The case of Wang Yue, a 2-year-old girl, in the city of Foshan, in Guangdong province, seemed to illustrate the situation. Video cameras showed how the toddler, who somehow had gotten away from her mother, was hit first by a van and then, while lying in a pool of blood and ignored by passersby, by another van. Only a local trash picker named Chen Xianmei finally came forward to take the now fatally injured Wang Yue to her mother. Two good things emerged from this parable of urban soullessness: China's online culture was outraged and demanded that the country and its citizens examine their consciences; secondly, everyone recognized Chen's deeds as heroism, even as she said she did only what anyone would have done. In China, it has taken this tragedy to remind people of what everyone should have done.

Top 10 Fake TIME Magazine Covers

4. The Pretty Young Cover Girl Who Wasn't

The TIME cover showed a lissome young woman in a red cocktail dress — and it generated a firestorm. Twenty-year-old Guo Meimei became a lightning rod in China after she posted pictures of her white Maserati and orange Lamborghini online along with images of her flying in business class and riding a horse. What, wondered China's Internet community, was the self-described commercial manager of the Red Cross doing living such a luxurious lifestyle? Guo became an unwitting poster girl for the murky world of Chinese philanthropy, in which donations have long been suspected of funding more than just charitable causes. And apparently Guo's excesses earned her a spot on the cover of TIME.

Except they didn't. Some enterprising anonymous designer slapped together the cover and posted it online in July; it went viral in China. The cover language — "I am not the hero, I am a fool!" — was hardly the best TIME editors could come up with. The picture was poorly Photoshopped. Nevertheless, TIME was excoriated by some Chinese Netizens for seemingly promoting a spoiled Chinese brat.


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1142499.shtml  发表于 2011-12-13 13:30




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Diane von Furstenberg拜托 您也不是地道美国淫啊 改改你那口俄罗斯腔的英文再说吧
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