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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-14 23:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 daydaydown 于 2011-12-14 23:34 编辑

原文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.c ... cleshow/9837977.cms

BEIJING: Pakistan President Asif AliZardari dreams of a day when Chinese would travel to his country without theneed for passports, and allow Pakistanis to do so."I have a great dreamthat Chinese can travel to Pakistan without a passport and Pakistanis cantravel to china without passports," he said in an interview with the localtelevision on Friday.

Pakistan also aspires to be the connectingroute for flow of crude to China from destinations across the world, he said."We are looking at energy coming to China through us," he said.

Zardari's decision to publicly air hishopes and dreams, obviously after consultation with Chinese officials, reflectshis confidence about the success of his mission to the troubled province ofXinjiang bordering Pakistan.

He was in Xinjiang to overcome the illeffects of a statement by the government in the border town of Kashgar, whichrecently blamed Pakistan as the source of arms and training for terrorists.Kashgar recently saw bloody violence that resulted in 19 dead and severalinjured.
"The recent incidents of terrorism inXinjiang dismayed us," Zardari told Chinia Daily in another interview. Hepraised China for beating down religious extremism, which has pitted"neighbours against neighbours and friends against friends."

The Pakistani president said, "Theregion (Xinjiang) is the closest point to my border and it is where the futureof Pakistan and China meets, so we are hoping that the region could act as thelinking point of a communication network as well as a road and railway networkbetween the two countries"
The Chinese media reported recentlyreported that his speech at the EuroAsia trade fair in Urunqi was approved bythe Chinese government. This is an indication that his remarks to the Chinesemedia has also been vetted and approved by the government in Beijing.

swapan4th (Ght)
03 Sep, 2011 03:25 PM
As for your Enlightment Pakis have beentravelling to India without Passport. Dar, Masoud, Kasab,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
由于你的启发,巴基斯坦人进入印度已经不需要护照了  DarMasoud,卡萨布……(恐怖分子名单?)
richard (ca 加拿大)
03 Sep, 2011 06:54 AM
what does this mean that pakistan will bepart of china could very well be true
vaibhav (gurgaon 位于新德里)replies to richard
05 Sep, 2011 09:35 PM
Yes Richard....Dream come true for pakis...
aska_21uma (Seattle 西雅图)
03 Sep, 2011 02:32 AM
India, Pakistan and China need to learn tocoexist together else one will pull the other down and never let the region asa whole to progress.
Peb (NY, USA 纽约)
03 Sep, 2011 12:22 AM
Nehru also celebrated, Hindi-Cheeni bhaibhai... Chinese thought us their loyalty in 1965. Pak will learn soon....
尼赫鲁要庆祝了。 1965年中国展示了他的目的,巴基斯坦也将很快知道……
sanjeev (delhi 德里)
Oh, that will be my dream too! Chinese andpakis going to each other's countries will make it easier for them to kill eachother. The rest of us than can live in peace!
sooraj (Islamabad 伊斯兰堡) repliesto Peb
The correct saying is Chor-Chor mauserebhai (the two thiefs are maternal cousins)
Agree (9)Disagree (2)Recommend (5)Offensive
Ajaya K Dutt (Los Angeles 洛杉矶) repliesto Peb
It was 1962 and not 1965, but very aptlysaid.
Lobsang (Toronto 多伦多)
02 Sep, 2011 11:58 PM
Nepal is already become one province ofChina and Pakistan will soon be a become province. well done Zardari joiningBig Family China.
Indian (India 印度)
02 Sep, 2011 11:44 PM
Yes, please open the borders of China toPakistanis. We don't need to worry about China anymore...hahahaha.
ujjwala (kuwait 科威特)
02 Sep, 2011 11:28 PM
Ha hahaha! what a joke.High cute hopes.Andwe all Indians will watch the fun.
M. Sharma (Germany 德国)
02 Sep, 2011 11:26 PM
And that would be the day when Pakistanwould be annexed by China as they did to Tibet. These guys are playingdangerous games and are real traitors to Pakistan.
Peter (USA 美国)
02 Sep, 2011 11:23 PM
Chinese are very shrewd people and theylove only chinese. I lived outside India and studied in North America. Allnationalities make friendship with everyone irrespective of their color orbackground. But chinese people make friendship only with Chinse. They willnever allow Pakis to go to China without a passport. They do not want to beblasted by an IED or underwear bomb.
IndianGuy (Mumbai 印度孟买) repliesto M. Sharma
03 Sep, 2011 12:42 AM
Who cares about either of them... let'shope both these countries perish soon...
Edvisbraza (Guangzuan)
02 Sep, 2011 11:14 PM
Kasab: Prime example of Pakistan withoutpassport n visa travel to neighboring country.
Abhishek Prakash (Grenoble, France)
02 Sep, 2011 11:07 PM
Our future generations will Neverunderstand the Unique relationship between a Pencil and a Cassette Tape!!!
Park (UK 英国)
02 Sep, 2011 11:04 PM
I don't think its possible. They try soshow solidarities, but china knows the real danger lying in pakistan. They knowthat the real Goal of Islam is to dominate the world. If they allow people frompakistan to china freely, they are sure that extreme ideology of Islam willalso transfer. In world politics words do not give same meaning as they aretold. Under lies different strategies and goals. Free movement with Pakistan isdangerous for any country, China knows this, and everybody knows this.
ujjwala (Kuwait 科威特) repliesto Abhishek Prakash
02 Sep, 2011 11:31 PM
good one!
Abhishek Prakash (Grenoble, France 法国)
02 Sep, 2011 11:02 PM
And China's nightmare...Pakistanis visitingChina (with or without passport)
sunny (Canada 加拿大)
02 Sep, 2011 10:55 PM
Iam sure Zardari's dream will be fulfilledas soon as he hand over charge of his country to China, So just like TIBET,Pakistan will be part of China, and no longer may need passport
gt (usa 美国)
02 Sep, 2011 10:52 PM
Mr Zardari want to sell his country toChina and he will do any thing to please Chinese.He has no pride and shamegoing to China every after few months and his foreign office has orders to keepcalling and getting invitations for him from foreign countries.All this isbecause of Islam and hate against India.His country mens are dying with hungerand killings all over but he does not care and just pocketing money and heknows his days are over soon. Since he has become president Pakistan is ruinedand in chaos.
garan (Malaysia 马来西亚)
02 Sep, 2011 10:38 PM
The dream can true when pakistan becomespart of china.
Mr. Who (Bangkok 曼谷) repliesto gt
03 Sep, 2011 01:03 AM
Mr.Zardari, when he was minister ofinvestment he pointed out to a road and told his wife" TEN PERCENT".But now since hiswife has passed away, he is pointing his fingers to the skyand is saying to his children "TWO HUNDRED PERCENT". Upon his returnto Pakistan he will announce to his people "SOLD", dont touch mymoney. Only tehn his
dreams will come true,
karun (Chennai 金奈)
02 Sep, 2011 10:30 PM
people in pakistan need to have passport totravel inside pakistan. I guess zardari was telling this as a bedtime story tosome kids . Wake up zardari sir , We are sure china would have done a full paton you when you yourself visited
shyamal ganguly (reading) replies to garan
02 Sep, 2011 11:34 PM
Then the Chinese will have to tackle theIslamists across the world through the Gateway of Pakistan, spawning ground forTerrorists.
Harry (US 美国)
02 Sep, 2011 10:25 PM
Let China annex Pakistan, then Zardarisdream will be realised. Until then they will continue to feed on the morsels thrownto them from Beijing and have to agree to eveything pushed down their backsides....Spineless Pakis
Deepak (Hyd)
02 Sep, 2011 10:15 PM
he must be day dreaming....they may get asituation where chinese will travel without a passport but would never allowpakistanis without even a visa....these pakistanis have created a problem withchina too in one of the border provinces....so what is Zardari trying to do?
SouthSea (Shanghai 上海)
02 Sep, 2011 10:02 PM
Actually Vietnamese can easily enter Chinawithout any VISA, same for Chinese entering Vietnam - although both China andVietnam's official stance is VISA is required. In many parts of Sino-Vietnamborder, there are no patrolling soldiers, heavy weapons, walls and wirednettings - only several border stones indicating that it is Sino-Vietnamborder. Is the relationship between China & Vietnam better than thatbetween Pakistan & China? I don't think so. Hence, it is very possible thatChina and Pakistan open border to each other in the near future. I wish thatmany Chinese and Pakistani marry with each other - just like what happened inChina & Vietnam. China's Confucianism and Pakistan's Islam shared manycommon value, for example, highly disciplined, unyielding to external pressure,sense of community (love brothers & sisters in the same community), etc. Wethe Chinese respect Pakistan, its people, its culture and its value. FriendlyPakistani also respect the Chinese and our differences from Pakistan (In contrast,India loves to brag that its democracy is superior than China's politicalsystem). I believe that the relationship between China and Pakistan will becomebetter and better. There will be more
exchanges in culture, people and trade.
Sulatn (UK 英国)
02 Sep, 2011 09:59 PM
That is very much possible. The economicintegration of two nations is much more probable than trade realtions betweenIndia and Pakistan. Indians want to only send cheep low quality goods intoPakistan while blocking imports from Pakistan under different protectivemeasures. Economies of China and Pakistan are complementing each other and havehuge potential of growth in future desite the irritants created by the enemiesof the two nations.
ChinaFTW (Shanghai 上海) repliesto SouthSea
02 Sep, 2011 10:21 PM
Chinese don't necessarily respect ordisrespect anyone based off nationality. They do discriminate based off wealth.A wealthy person regardless of nationality or race will be respected in China,even if they are Japanese which Chinese are supposed to hate. In fact Japanesecan visit China without Visas so that it would be easier for japanesebusinessmen to set up operations in China. The only Indians bragging aboutdemocracy are those who are outside of india and who have little idea of whatthe real indians are suffering through under this supposedly
superior government type.
sanjeev (delhi 德里) repliesto ChinaFTW
03 Sep, 2011 12:58 AM
really, jealous Paki idiot? Only an idiotwho grew up in a fascist/islamist state like Pukistan would say something likethat. You Paki idiots can't even imagine how it is growing up and living in asecular democracy like India.
Sunny (India 印度) replies toChinaFTW
03 Sep, 2011 12:38 AM
ChinaFTW,you can say anything on this site,because this fourm is in democratic country and you have freedom to expressyourself. Try this in your own country and see what happens. Get some freedomfirst before knowing what it means. In the mean time you can vent yourfrustrtion here on this site. Jai Hind
Delhi Wala (Capital)
02 Sep, 2011 09:41 PM
Pakistan's jihadists must be very happy bythis news. So now they can set up camps in Xinjiang to train extremists
ion their own soil.
mas (France 法国) replies to Sulatn
03 Sep, 2011 11:14 PM
It is amazing to see the fast tendency ofcooperation in terms of communications and economic development in theresources rich central Asia coupled with its periphery where China, Pakistanand Rusia are very active and where India is being left out. This will haveunhealthy geopolitical consequences for this country which is letting
itsel sucked away by the toxicself-interests of the USA.
sanjeev (delhi 德里) repliesto Sulatn
03 Sep, 2011 12:06 AM
Yeah Paki, the rest of us can't wait forthis integration to happen as well. Paki terrorists going over to Chinkustanwill solve the rest of the world's safety problems.
Sujit (Detropit, MI) replies to sanjeev
03 Sep, 2011 12:31 AM
"Chinkustan!!!", a good one....
king (uk 英国) replies to Sulatn
02 Sep, 2011 11:03 PM
Hi! That's nice convert half of chineseinto Shia and the other half into Sunni, so that they can start killing eachother. What a nice dream.Help them by setting up some training camps.
King (uk 英国) replies to Sulatn
02 Sep, 2011 10:55 PM
You are a Paki. Why would you read IndianNews Paper anyway?
Duleep (Mumba 孟买i)
02 Sep, 2011 09:35 PM
He means without a visa, I think. How canone travel to another country without a valid travel document like a passport?Unless he means that he would like China to take over his country. Not sure ifthe people of Pakistan would subscribe to that. Very interesting DREAM.........
Vijay Sharma (Delhi 德里)
02 Sep, 2011 09:17 PM
Zardari Sir, do not under estimate Chinese.They are not Indians, who will grant concessions just to show world that"they are the first and the best ". Chinese take of their countryfirst, Indians take of their forthcoming elections first.
Mr. Who (Bangkok 曼谷) repliesto Duleep
03 Sep, 2011 12:49 AM
Duleep, Chinese can travel to Myanmar viaMuse boder upto city of Mandalay without passport and visa, they just get aborder pass. If you get the chance to visit Myanmar you will note that havebought most landmark located properties there, and Pakistan will be anotherdestination.
sanibhagwan (undisclosed)
02 Sep, 2011 09:14 PM
It is natural... It will not be long beforepakistan becomes autonomous region of pakistan like Tibet, East turkestan. So,Why need a passport for a chinese territory like pakistan. ha ha ha.
Raw (Toronto 多伦多)
02 Sep, 2011 09:12 PM
For the Raw or hawks in India, Pakistan'sconfidence is due to China and if you manage to break/Kill this confidence,then we don't even need to build our Nuclear Arsenal. Pakistan will beparalyzed. Ek teer do nishaan. Think about it and work on it...
巴基斯坦的自信是源于中国,如果你能打破或抹杀掉这种自信,那么我们甚至不需要建立核武库,巴基斯坦就会瘫痪掉。Ek teer do nishaan,想想这点在工作。
indian traveller (india 印度)
02 Sep, 2011 09:07 PM
i also dream of going to the US without apassport. also without a visa
shamshu kadir (Dubai , UAE 迪拜) repliesto indian traveller
04 Sep, 2011 09:37 PM
Ajmal kasab and his cricket team also didthat in India and they succeeded entering India but dare not do the same in USas you would get captured and water boarded.
bond (globe)
02 Sep, 2011 09:03 PM
Good news for taliban
bvsprasad (vapi) replies to indiantraveller
03 Sep, 2011 12:27 AM
at the way US economy is stagnating, withhigh unemployment rates, it's better to stay off in india. no need to travel sofar. Long live the renaissance of India
ha ha (CT,USA 美国) repliesto indian traveller
02 Sep, 2011 09:31 PM
THey will send back without cloths
Indian (India 印度)
02 Sep, 2011 09:02 PM
Oh Zardari..Pakistanis are already enteringIndia through J&K without passports !!
Rajendra Kalkhande (New Delhi 新德里)
02 Sep, 2011 09:02 PM
Will China every agree for Passport freetravel? In China even Chinese people have to work under migrant workerscertificates. Kids of these migrant workers can not even study in regularschools. How childish it is on the part of Zardari to talk of Passport freetravel. Pakitanis lack self esteem and go overboard while singing China songs.
Sen (US 美国)
02 Sep, 2011 08:54 PM
First look for strengthening yourinstitutions for survival. Then you can think ahead.
Sunny (India 印度) replies toRajendra Kalkhande
03 Sep, 2011 12:43 AM
Good one.
Indian (India 印度)
02 Sep, 2011 08:47 PM
Yes, please open the borders of China toPakistanis. We don't need to worry about China anymore...hahahaha.
abhishek (INDIA 印度)
02 Sep, 2011 08:46 PM
Hahahaha.. ya zardari.. ur people dont needpassport to visit other countries.. eg: india's cheif guest shri kasab
哈哈哈  扎里达尔 你的人民不需要护照进入别国  例如:印度长官款待恐怖分子卡萨布先生:)
Uma (Seattle 西雅图)
02 Sep, 2011 08:41 PM
LOL, Pakistan is so busy a...kissing Chinaand USA. When will they ever learn to stand on their own feet. They do all thiswith a belief that India is their greatest threat, what a misconception theylive in...
ChinaFTW (Shanghai 上海)
02 Sep, 2011 08:39 PM
No one would want to have open borders withPakistan unless it can address its terrorists. I can see Pakistan opening upits borders to Chinese without a visa, much like how Japanese citizens canvisit China without one. However it has to be one way only.
faisal soofi (lahore Pakistan 拉合尔 巴基斯坦)
02 Sep, 2011 08:29 PM
our future lies in strengthening ourinstitutions first and then maintaining cordial relations with all theneighbors not by size but according to their credibility....!!
Sanjay Sharma (Gurgaon 古尔冈) repliesto faisal soofi
02 Sep, 2011 11:09 PM
Well said Faisal...you are true Pakistaniand I respect your view. I hope most Pakis are like you. Good luck
king (uk 英国) replies to faisalsoofi
02 Sep, 2011 11:05 PM
Glad to know there are still some sensiblepeople in Paki land
Ragul (Mumbai 孟买) repliesto faisal soofi
02 Sep, 2011 08:44 PM
Well said my dear friend. I feel this moveof befriending China has more cons than pros. You need to look at issues thatare eating Pakistan internally.
JP (USA 美国) replies to faisalsoofi
02 Sep, 2011 08:42 PM
Kashmir does not belong to Pakistan. Chinamust know this and supplies can be disrupted any times through these plannedroutes. Better plan practical things.
Rahul (DXB 迪拜) replies to JP
03 Sep, 2011 12:45 AM
Actually you know Kashmir is the part ofPakistan, but unfortunately India & China has occupied. Sooner it will getindependence InshAllah because it is life blood clot of Pakistan.
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