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[生活] 【每日邮报111218】怀孕扫描中居然能看到天使在守护胎儿

发表于 2011-12-19 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mother sees face of an angel in pregnancy scan watching over her baby in the womb

[size=1.2em]When Dee Lazarou went into labour early at home, she knew the risks of having a home delivery.
[size=1.2em]There was no midwife present as baby Leo made his way into the world as she gave birth on their bathroom floor, helped only by her family.
[size=1.2em]But she knew that no harm could come to him - as they had already been given a sign that he was being looked over in the womb.
[size=1.2em]Mrs Lazarou, 31, an team leader for the police force communications emergency room, said: ‘It was such a comfort to think that someone was looking after our son.
[size=1.2em]‘When I gave birth on our bathroom floor, there was no midwife to help us and my husband had to deliver Leo.

[size=1.2em]Mrs Lazarou, 31, an team leader for the police force communications emergency room, said: ‘It was such a comfort to think that someone was looking after our son.
[size=1.2em]‘When I gave birth on our bathroom floor, there was no midwife to help us and my husband had to deliver Leo.
Newborn: Mrs Lazarou with baby Leo. She gave birth on the bathroom floor without the help of a midwife

[size=1.2em]‘His cord was wrapped around his neck and it was my mother who pulled the cord free. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but I’m sure that a guardian angel was looking over him to make sure he was delivered safely.’
[size=1.2em]Mrs Lazarou was just 12 weeks into her pregnancy when they spotted the remarkable image in the scan picture taken at Lister Hospital in Stevenage.
[size=1.2em]Mrs Lazarou, who lives with husband Thomas, 34, a policeman, and their son Oliver, three, in Stevenage, said: ‘I didn’t look at the scan picture until we got home. I was looking at it with Oliver, telling him that it was a picture of his little brother or sister, when I noticed something odd in the corner of the picture.
[size=1.2em]‘I could see clearly that it was a face. I showed it to my husband when he got home from work.
[size=1.2em]‘We were stunned to see it - as it was such a clear image. It was such a comfort to me during the rest of my pregnancy, knowing that we had someone looking over our baby in the womb.’
[size=1.2em]When Mrs Lazarou was a week past her due date she started with contractions.
[size=1.2em]She said: ‘I decided to have a bath to ease the pain as I thought I would have several hours before I would have to get to hospital, and the pains were mild so I wasn’t even sure at first that they were proper labour pains.’
[size=1.2em]But the pains quickly got worse. Mrs Lazarou called both her mother Marie and her husband to come home.
[size=1.2em]She said: ‘I knew that there was no time to get to hospital. I was in the bathroom and I felt the urge to push. Tom helped me lie down on the floor and paramedics gave him instructions over the phone as he delivered our baby.
[size=1.2em]‘I was worried because there was no midwife and I had always been adamant that I wanted to have a hospital birth as I knew that home births could be risky. So to be giving birth to my son at home was terrifying. I just had to hope and pray that he would be alright.’
[size=1.2em]Baby Leo arrived on the bathroom floor in August weighing 8Ibs, but then a drama unfolded as he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.
[size=1.2em]Mrs Lazarou said: ‘It was terrifying. When Tom caught him in his arms as he was delivered, we saw that the cord was wrapped around his neck which could have been lifethreatening to him.
[size=1.2em]‘Mum luckily was able to unwrap it from around his neck and free him. And moments later he uttered a cry, which was such a relief. It was the most amazing sound as we knew that he was alright.’
[size=1.2em]The paramedics arrived just after the birth and took Mrs Lazarou to hospital for a check up.
[size=1.2em]She said: ‘Luckily we were both fine and we were allowed home, which was such a relief.
[size=1.2em]‘When we saw the face of someone in the scan picture we were stunned, but now we know that it was for a reason.
[size=1.2em]‘He was watching over Leo to make sure he was delivered safely. The face in the scan picture was such a comfort to us all.
[size=1.2em]‘I’ve put it in a keepsake box to show Leo when he was older, to be able to tell him the story of his remarkable birth.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2075761/Mother-sees-face-angel-pregnancy-scan-watching-baby-womb.html#ixzz1gwjqTw8h

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