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发表于 2011-12-25 03:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原创翻译:http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:Michael

BEIJING: China on Tuesday put aside its claim of total non-interference in the affairs of other
countries by asking the people of North Korea to stay loyal to the new leader, Kim Jong Un, son and successor of Kim Jong-il since his death on Saturday.
This is the first time in a decade that China has openly appealed to the people of another country
to back the local regime, something it has refrained from doing even in the case of its close allay, Pakistan.
Beijing was moving quickly to reinforce its influence in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and block possible efforts by neighboring South Korea and the United States to make inroads into Pyongyang political set-up. Lack of experience of the successor, who is believed to be in his late 20s, is expected to cause problems in his effort to consolidate power and leave him at the mercy of other leaders in the ruling Workers Party of Korea.
Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi was also on phone with his counterparts in several countries including the US to ensure regional stability in the light of fears that the process of succession might revive old rivalries between the two Koreas. South Korea said it has already taken measures to protect its important web sites against possible cyber attacks from across the border in North Korea.
"We hope the people of DPRK will close ranks under the leadership of comrade Kim Jong Un to make efforts to build DPRK into a strong socialist country and to realise the peace in Korean peninsula", Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said.
The country's president Hu Jintao visited the North Korean embassy to pay his "deep condolences". "China and the DPRK are close neighbors and stand together in good or bad times," the condolence message said.
Both Hu and Chinese leaders emphasized the political aspect of the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the ruling Workers Party of Korea. Beijing is clearly banking on its past ties and "traditional friendship" with the WPK to handle uncertainties that are bound to crop up in the process of succession in Pyongyang.

Aurav (Singapore) says
It is in their interest to make sure that the USA or South Korea can't take advantage of this situation. Hat's off to them for their speed of action!
Rakesh Agarwal (New Delhi, India) says
China seems to behaving like a god to the North Korea as well as the whole Asia pacific region. Although, China has long been associated with the North Korea by exporting and importing the Chinese goods to the North Korea, it is not be ascertained that China will be free from North Korean nuclear attack if there is any conflict with the present allies. The China has termed the North Korea move as spoilt child on its non co-operation & adamant stand on nuclear issue around a year ago. So it will not be worthy for China to go ahead with the divergence ideology with the North Korea instead to have a good relation.
Badabing (USA) replies to Rakesh Agarwal
Playing God? Well, according to Christopher Hitchens, it's not that difficult. "Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god; whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods. So the key to China's success will be, keep NK a dog, not a cat. Japan and SK are already cats to the USA.
扮演上帝?那么,根据克里斯多弗·息金斯 ,它并不难。狗的业主将已经注意到,如果他们提供食物和水,窝窝和亲情,他们会认为你是神,而猫的业主被迫认识到,如果你提供食物和水,窝窝,和亲情,他们得出的结论是,他们是神。因此,中国的成功的关键将朝鲜当做狗,不是猫,日本和韩国已经在美国的猫。
Wilde in the Pacific (Pacific) replies to Badabing
You ought to stop writing for the 50 Cent Party and fully embrace the West. We will encourage you to be a real man...free from constraints, democratic and loving.
Wilde in the Pacific (Pacific)
In a old dark cupboard in a backroom in Defence Headquarters in China is a draw...and inside the draw is an old plan. The old plan has been there for decades...ever since the end of the Opium Wars. Every now and then a senior General from the PLA goes into the backroom and opens the cupboard and pulls out the draw. He then unfolds the old plan and carefully observes it...reminding himself of the original oaths sworn by the 'Opium War' Chinese generals. He then puts it all back and closes the cupboard...and leaves the backroom. He has now re-fired the old, old vision the old Chinese Generals had at the end of the Opium Wars for payback to the Anglos for the loss of face for the burning of the old SummerPalace in Beijing. He now cheerfully reminds himself of the great day when the PLA will interfere in the running of ALL nations. He is happy. He has re-affirmed his direction . His steps are full of zeal.
在中国国防部总部的幕后黑暗的档案室有一份神秘的档案..而这个档案是一个古老的计划。自从鸦片战争结束,这个古老的计划已经存在数十年。每一个现在的解放军高级将领进入密室,打开的柜子,拿出这份档案。然后打开这个旧的计划,并仔细观察它......提醒自己“鸦片战争”时的中国将军的宣誓。然后,放回去关关上柜子......然后离开密室。现在中国已经重新展开古老的计划,这个鸦片战争时期中国军官开始的计划,将讨回在火烧圆明园的损失现在,他乐呵呵地庆祝自己解放军干涉其他所有国家这伟大的一天,中国很高兴。他已重新肯定了他的方向, 激情的迈出自己的步伐。
Badabing (USA) replies to Wilde in the Pacific
You're a good doggie, WIP. It wouldn't take much to pacify you. Your kind are easy to strap to the chopping board, hopefully by the Ozzie Aborigines. What are you doing for them so that they will forgive your sins? "Induct" them into Pagan Christianity first?
你是一个很好的小狗,WIP。安抚你不会花费太多。希望被奥兹原住民将你的仁慈带上菜板任其宰杀,。你们对他们正在做什么,他们会原谅你的罪孽吗? 第一次“引导”他们成为基督教异教徒?

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