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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-5 15:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2012-1-5 17:17 编辑


【原文标题】China’s President Lashes Out at Western Culture   





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北京讯—— 据这周出版的中国共产党政策杂志上的一篇文章报道,胡锦涛主席指出中国必须加强自己的文化产出量来抵制西方国家在文化及意识上对中国的侵略。胡主席的这番话标志着在十月份发表的这一新的主流政策倡议将在2012加以贯彻实施。
中国执政领导人一直为西方的流行文化和艺术的风头盖过中国这一现象担忧。中国的电影票房一直被阿凡达和变形金刚3所盘踞,lady gaga 的歌比中国任何一位流行歌手的 歌都要出名。在十月的第六届党委员会上,胡锦涛作了讲话,官员们对此讨论了对中国“文化安全”支持的必要性。
An audience watched the American science fiction film "Avatar," which set box office records in China in 2010.
    BEIJING — President Hu Jintao has said China must strengthen its cultural production to defend against the West’s assault on the country’s culture and ideology, according to an essay in a Communist Party policy magazine published this week. The publication of Mr. Hu’s words signaled that a new major policy initiative announced in October would continue well into 2012.        

The essay, which was signed by Mr. Hu and based on a speech he gave in October, drew a sharp line between the cultures of the West and China and effectively said the two sides were engaged in an escalating war. It was published in Seeking Truth, a magazine that evolved from a publication founded by Mao Zedong as a platform for establishing Communist Party principles.        
“We must clearly see that international hostile forces are intensifying the strategic plot of westernizing and dividing China, and ideological and cultural fields are the focal areas of their long-term infiltration,” Mr. Hu said, according to a translation by Reuters.        
“We should deeply understand the seriousness and complexity of the ideological struggle, always sound the alarms and remain vigilant, and take forceful measures to be on guard and respond,” he added.        
Those measures, Mr. Hu said, should be centered on developing cultural products that can draw the interest of the Chinese and meet the “growing spiritual and cultural demands of the people.”        
Chinese leaders have long lamented the fact that Western expressions of popular culture and art seem to overshadow those from China. The top-grossing films in China have been “Avatar” and “Transformers 3,” and the music of Lady Gaga is as popular here as that of any Chinese pop singer. In October, at the sixth plenum of the party’s Central Committee, where Mr. Hu gave his speech, officials discussed the need for bolstering the “cultural security” of China.        
“The overall strength of Chinese culture and its international influence is not commensurate with China’s international status,” Mr. Hu said in his essay, according to another translation.        
“The international culture of the West is strong while we are weak,” he added.        
Mr. Hu’s words suggested that China would not lift anytime soon strict limits that it sets on imports of some cultural products. Each year, the agency in charge of regulating film allows only 20 foreign movies to potentially make a profit off their box office take here. Hollywood studios have long criticized that system and lobbied the United States government and international organizations to pressure China into scrapping or loosening the quota.        
People involved in the arts here say the policy also means more government financing for Chinese companies to create cultural products, ranging from books to live musical productions. At the same time, officials have been encouraging many cultural industries to become more market driven and rely less on government subsidies.        
Some investors might see the government’s announcement of support for more creative works to be positive, but the policy also runs counter to market freedoms, emphasizing the need to censor cultural expressions that the government deems unacceptable.        
In his essay, Mr. Hu did not address the widespread assertion by Chinese artists and intellectuals that state censorship is what prevents artists and their works from reaching their full potential. In late December, Han Han, a novelist and China’s most popular blogger, discussed the issue in an online essay called “On Freedom.”        
“The restriction on cultural activities makes it impossible for China to influence literature and cinema on a global basis or for us culturati to raise our heads up proud,” Han Han wrote.        
The publication of Mr. Hu’s essay and other articles in Seeking Truth about bolstering China’s cultural power signaled that this would be a central initiative in 2012, which is a transition year for the Chinese leadership. Seven of the top nine party members, including Mr. Hu, will step down from the Standing Committee of the Politburo. Mr. Hu appeared keen to enshrine the culture drive as a final defining moment of his decade-long tenure at China’s helm.        
The Central Committee meeting in October established the ideological foundation for a tightening of the cultural sphere that is only now beginning to unfold. Right after the meeting, officials announced a sweeping new policy to wipe scores of so-called entertainment shows off the air. That took effect on Sunday, and Xinhua reported Tuesday that the number of prime-time entertainment shows was now at 38, down from 126.        
Last month, officials in Beijing and other cities ordered Internet companies based there to ensure that people posting on microblogs had registered their accounts using their real names, though they could still post under an alias. Officials have been putting pressure on executives and editors running the microblog platforms to self-censor, and many microblog users say the microblogs have been getting less interesting.        
At the same time, China has been making a push to increase its cultural influence abroad, or its “soft power.” The government has opened up Confucius Institutes around the world to aid foreigners in learning Chinese. The state is also lavishing money on opening operations of large state-run news organizations, including Xinhua, the state news agency, and China Central Television, in cities around the world. Officials from those organizations say they hope their version of the world events becomes as common as those from Western news organizations.        


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1147137.shtml  发表于 2012-1-6 09:28




发表于 2012-1-5 16:45 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-1-5 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
lady gaga 的歌比中国任何一位流行歌手的歌都要出名
看到这句特想笑。西方人太自以为是了。现在不是流行“Oh, my lady gaga!" instead of "Oh, my God!" :D 还当真以为嘎嘎唱歌好听呐?
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发表于 2012-1-5 17:14 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-5 17:21 | 显示全部楼层
lilyma06 发表于 2012-1-5 17:14

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-5 17:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-1-5 18:48 | 显示全部楼层

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