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发表于 2012-1-16 17:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 花落无声 于 2012-1-16 17:10 编辑


【原文标题】Year of the Dragon heralds power shift in China





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Chinese New Year celebrations are expected to flag significant changes.

IN a little more than a week, a fortnight of fireworks will officially start around the vast cities and impoverished farms of the world's most populated country.   


The crackers will celebrate the Chinese New Year and spring festival, ushering in the Year of the Dragon, the most auspicious of the 12 years in the Chinese zodiac.


The Year of the Dragon is when, according to China's astrologers, big things come to pass.


And this year, not much will be bigger than the once in a decade change in the top job: Secretary General of the ruling Communist Party and its subsidiary government title of President.


Not only are the Chinese awaiting this transfer of power, which will play a key role in determining all economic and strategic choices, but for a world anxious about the debt crisis in Europe and the stagnation in the US, few things matter as much as what China does this year.


The country's remarkable near 10 per cent annual growth over the past decade has helped underpin the international economy and prop up the ailing developed world during the first phase of the economic crisis that began in 2008.


But the world's dependence on China is now even more acute.


For no country in the developed world is this truer than Australia, which is linked to China in a way not thought possible even a decade ago. In 2010, China passed Japan as Australia's biggest trading partner, with trade now worth $105 billion a year, and China became Australia's biggest export destination, a position of dominance that also continues to increase.


There are many other facts that show the scale of the connection.


Australia is one of China's prime destinations for foreign investment; China is by far the largest source of students (the second biggest export sector after mining); China takes about 70 per cent of Australia's wool clip, part of more than $5bn in agricultural exports; China helps to underpin urban and even some rural property markets; and last year, China passed Britain as our most valuable source of tourists, with numbers expected to reach 1 million a year by 2020.


Australia is now more dependent than any other country on China (bar possibly Taiwan) and its continued economic growth.


When the global financial crisis hit three years ago, Beijing reacted by pumping billions of dollars into Australia's economy, generating an investment bubble and adding to inflation, but the sustained domestic demand in China has helped Australia to avoid recession.


Once again, Chinese policymakers face a similar challenge as growth slows because of the global meltdown and government-led efforts to tackle inflation.


But this time, as Beijing considers whether to again increase spending, it is more tightly constrained in policy options, not just by the coming leadership change but by the rising power of elite interest groups.


At the political and business level, the demand is for economic stability and continued strong growth rather than reform initiatives that could slow the behemoth.
Yet without reform, China risks being stuck in the middle-income trap or experiencing a Japan-style "lost decade" or two.


Rapidly rising wages are signalling that China may no longer be able to compete for the low-margin, high-volume manufacturing that  has driven its rise in the medium term, but a lack of ability to  innovate, or properly educate enough of its people, could see it fail to  climb up the value chain to provide high technology and premium  services.


This would leave it stuck somewhere in the middle. Many  observers also fear that China may follow Japan's trajectory of booming  exports, over-investment and expensive property markets, which led to  decades of wallowing in a stagnant economy.


But signs for reform are not promising.


Economic statistics due this week are  expected to show that China's quarterly GDP growth has slipped below 9  per cent for the first time since 2009.


"Slower export growth and  weaker domestic property construction were likely the main factors," UBS  analyst Wang Tao says. And there is worse to come.

“更慢的出口增长以及更薄弱的国内房地产建设可能是主要因素。”UBS分析师Wang Tao说。还会有更糟糕的事。

The problem is  that the crisis in Europe has coincided with Beijing's efforts to cool  China's property market, and figures released last week show property  sales in the capital fell by 60 per cent over the New Year period  compared with the same time last year.


"With exports weakening  more visibly and property activity entering wintry conditions in months  ahead, we expect GDP growth to slow further to 7.7 per cent in Q1 2012,"  Wang says.

“在出口更明显地减弱、楼市在未来几个月里进入冷淡状况的时候,我们预计在2012年第一季度GDP增长会减缓到7.7%。” Wang说。

The government has already moved to loosen monetary  policy, cutting the Reserve Ratio Requirement (the percentage of its  funds a bank must hold in cash) at the end of last year.


Analysts  argue that lower growth will trigger more visible policy easing, which  will lift domestic investment and economic activity from the second  quarter of this year.


For 500 million or more Chinese, the Spring  Festival will hold the ever present hope of real change, of improving  lives eked out on $1 or less a day.


With all this on its banquet table, little wonder that everyone is watching China.



感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1148626.shtml  发表于 2012-1-16 17:26




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