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[经济] 苏丹网友评《苏丹敦促中国施压压力以促成南苏丹石油交易》

 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-30 10:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sudan urges China to exert pressure on South Sudan to reach oil deal
  • 29 January 03:16, by  BM Bol                       
                                                            President Kiir should make clear to China to press Khartoum to return the stolen oil and accept the fee it wants to charge South Sudan based on an international standard.
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    •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 09:13, by  Acinitos                                       
                                                                                              You southerner Chain is nobody to you they are double dealer let them deal with Khartoum who own them, Khartoum have to pay you to the last cents they stolen from you, before you can sit down to discuss any things.About the deal only international price of transit only you can talk about. And do not stop construction because Khartoum has  shown  theirs  ill intention to you good luck  leaders
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      •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 09:18, by  Acinitos                                       
                                                                                                And shake off from your coats  those country pro-Khartoum all of them to go to hell.You will do better without them.
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 03:29, by  George Bol                       
                                                            The China must distant it self from the South and the North political affairs. China must know that if they keep wish the South bad luck then we dont want them to be our buyers. And we dont want their friendship either.
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    •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 04:14, by  John                                       
                                                                                              Dear George, it’s sad to see your hatred for China or other country, don’t know where it come from.
      People shall learn more about how China with billion people can turn from below povery line to economic giant in 30 years.
      If you are in favor of the US, you shall realize the US didn’t give a shit about south people when they presented in Sudan years ago.
      International community has it own rules
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      •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 04:44, by  Hardball                                       
                                                                                                That’s very funny that! Khartoum still believed they’re entitle to South Sudan oil in the way they use to, but little that they know, the world don’t stay the same all the time, things change, and entire Sudan now is no exception.
        I don’t think South Sudan is  going to be told or force by any foreign powers to do what they never intend to do.
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        •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 05:02, by  John                                       
                                                                                                  Neither do I believe that foreign power is able to force South do anything against their own wills.
          But some people have already blamed the crime that has not be convicted yet, LOL.
          It’s always too easy to emotional swear at some people, but difficult to bring out reasonable solution with calm & logical throughts.
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      •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 06:21, by  Gueth Bidok                                       
                                                                                                Dear John.
        Be the judge sir. Do you think that there was going to be a successful CPA if Bush from U.S.A was not president at the time? Don’t be baised. Khortuom has signed so many agreements with South but never kept up with its promises. According to my own understanding, this shut down thing for of oil is all about stolen oil. Well then to make this peace work out, Khortuom must return this o
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        •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 08:18, by  John                                       
                                                                                                  Dear Gueth, I need to clarify my word as no defense for Khartoum, but interested to see people pinning down China as joint offender with Khartoum, LOL.
          Even Barack Obama won’t be helpful, as no one can magically build a pipeline within months, and sooner China withdraw, the US won’t be interested at all like years ago when they presented in great Suan area. They’ve secure enough oil in middle eas
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      •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 22:43, by  Elijah B. Elkan                                       
                                                                                                Mr. John, With all due respect, either you’re naive or just very stupid.China is the most evil country on earth. China supported north Sudan during the civil war advising them on logistics.China need to lose 1/2 billions of it’s people to equal 2.5 millions south Sudan has lost the war. You have the nerves to defend this evil people who will do anything to get what they want. Do not trust Chinese.
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 04:12, by  Gabriel KK                       
                                                            China can not force South Sudan to resume her oil production or listen to Khartoum demands. We are independence nation with army and strong council of ministers who are watching Khartoum behaviours carefully. We have stoped oil production and it is now up to China to decide whether to move out of Sudan or join South Sudan’s pipeline construction process. Shame on china
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 06:14, by  Observer                       
                                                            President Bashir is always talking about protecting the sovreeignity of Sudan but is quite happy not to allow other countries to protect theirs.
    Also what has happened to the Chinese policy of not interfering with the domestic politics of another country? Only when it suits them??
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 06:39, by  Jalaby                       
                                                            To Sudan government,
    When do you learn from your previous mistake? you know that neither China nor GoSS
    can do anything because now the issue on foreigners hand, Chinese oil companies will be removed and replaced by western pro Israeli companies because Israel is looking for new source after the Arab spring and Egypt will no longer supply Israel with their..

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    •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 06:54, by  Logic                                       
                                                                                              Attention everyone!
      Abo Dirty Jalabia finally agrees, that it was the Khartoum fake Arab elite (NCP) who led to the separation of the South. Now he should stop insulting African Sudanese (Nuba, Darfur & Engessana) and apologize for what his people have done to us for a very long time.
      As for the oil, told you Khartoum will soon feel the heat! lol.lol.lol.
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    •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 06:59, by  Logic                                       
                                                                                              "stop running after the south oil and let us concentrate on alternatives and build our home from inside and make peace with ourselves"
      Wow.. I think something is wrong with Abo Dirty Jalabia today, he’s actually advocating a democratic Sudan. Sadly that will never happen as long as those Arab Islamists attempt to run the country on their terms.
      We would love to see peace in our great land.
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      •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 07:41, by  Jalaby                                       
                                                                                                Mr. No Logic,
        Believe me you always make me laugh when read your comment (LOL), I’ll add you to my list of naive persons although you were not there (LOL)!
        What democracy are you talking about? SPLM/A theory about "New Sudan" that you implemented in S. Sudan is terrible and crime against human being, what Arab/Africa conflict in Sudan you talk about after..

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        •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 07:48, by  Jalaby                                       
                                                                                                  South separation? that conflict only exists in your imagination, Darfour, Nuba mountain and Blue Nile are fully north and nothing differentiate them at all, you’ve to know the fact that Blue Nile people (Al-Fonj) were behind forming our current Sudan when they decided to put their hand with Arab hand (Al-Abdlab) and eliminate that last christian state (Alwa) in Sudan for ever!
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 06:41, by  Jalaby                       
                                                            oil and gas needs!
    Stop crying on the spilled milk, ignoring other parties and give yourself the full mandate to take fateful decisions like separating the south with its complicated consequencies will come back and bite you from the nick,..

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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 06:43, by  Jalaby                       
                                                            it’s time for true transparency in Sudan,true democracy,time for change with new youth leaders,time for ending corruption and build trust among all sudanese people,Sudan is big country with huge diversity,not a single party or one group can lead it,stop running after the south oil and let us concentrate on alternatives and build our home from inside and make peace with ourselves
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    •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 07:52, by  Makuei                                       
      This talk is nice, I never heard you speaking this nicely and openly and yes for a way forward - we need to change dirty rhetoric. Let starts a brotherly relations. Khartoum for sure could care much about oil and not South, Abyei, Blue Nile and South Kordofan regions and states.
      Everyone deserve equal treatment. Bashir cannot drag his feet on all the negotiations in the name of him .
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    •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 08:21, by  Ruach                                       
                                                                                              To Greedy Jalabia.
      Why do u need my food so much while I completely established my empire?I’m mature enough that you and your Chinese should distance yourselves from my affairs.You are shameless people who are dedicated to loot our properties at day light periods.Hell to all Islamic thieves of the North!You ’ll soon follow ur fake prophet mohamed who is now president in the hell
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 07:13, by  Lang                       
                                                            China is salivated over what they can do with infrustructure, agriculture, etc in the south like other countries. If they want to threaten the south because of oil that will be the stupidest thing to do.
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 08:50, by  Tambura                       
                                                            I Tambura willing to lead this country to better future hate hypocrisy. When New generation ll take over this new country we ll deal with everybody accordingly.Chinese care about their investment in south Sudan they have to deal with us we are not part of Sudan anymore matter of fact we r not obligate to any deal made between china and Khartoum.They don’t want to follow our rule they can leave now
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    •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 09:11, by  Tambura                                       
                                                                                              What a reason of telling Chinese it was south Sudan sought to destroy oil field during the war? So they can remember how bad south Sudanese is right? Keep preaching haters it ll not help you or your chinese hypocrite friend with their fake goods to Africa. As we just discovered Chinese share looting our oil they are the one build that secret pipeline they are thief just like u ll chase them soon-
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      •                                                                                                                                                                                                 29 January 09:37, by  John                                       
                                                                                                LOL, bro, you are the smartest person I’ve ever seen.
        FYI, its easy to chase them even in Juba, their embassy is here, and many peacekeepers, or lecturers & doctors are doing all kind of hypocritical things.
        Shut down the entire door to the outside world, cos even the most generous philanthropist  want return, say reputation, all these are just hypocrite.
        Way to go, man!
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 09:41, by  Padiet Deng Alony                       
                                                            China should not stand with  with two legs open.one in South Sudan and other in north sudan,attention is needed
    that double faced dragon is dangerous,you better stand with African in the South Sudan or arab in north sudan.
    before arab fools you that oil belong to them,now you have realise that the oil belong to South Sudan, you either choose be with South Sudan or deviltheives arab north sudan
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  •                                                                                                                         29 January 12:37, by  pabaak                       
                                                            "Chinese can not say anything to pressure south Sudan, what Chinese done when Bashir become loose, stealing, confiscating assets belong to south Sudan, and all other unilateral decisions that are strange to international norms and treaties. If anything should be say is South Sudan should pressured Chinese to bring Sudan to its sense but it seem that both are in the same board.

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