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发表于 2012-3-5 12:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 13:16 编辑

【原文标题】For Chinese Women, a Basic Need, and Few Places to Attend to It
【声明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn
BEIJING — Wang Jianyi, 26, was in a huge hurry. She had been riding the bus for three hours. At each rest stop, the line outside the women’s toilet was too long for her to use the restroom.
So as soon as she arrived at a major inter-city bus terminal in Beijing on Monday morning, she made a beeline for the nearest public restroom. Only to encounter yet another line.
“I have been holding my pee for an hour,” she said in frustration as she waited for a women’s stall while a few feet away, men sauntered in and out without delay. “I think there should definitely be more stalls for women, because women take longer.”
At least twice as long, studies suggest. Despite that, national standards for public street toilets in urban Chinarecommend a one-to-one ratio of men’s stalls, including urinals, to women’s stalls. Since sanitation workers — almost uniformly women — routinely take over at least one women’s stall for their cleaning supplies, women typically end up with even less opportunity to relieve themselves.
一些研究表明,女厕的容量应该至少是男厕的2. 尽管如此,中国城市公共街道厕所建设的国家标准却是:男厕所 (包括小便器的数量)和女厕所的蹲位比例是1:1.由于保洁员基本为女性,一般她们还会占用一个蹲位来放置她们的清洁工具,实际上,女厕所的实际使用的机会又减少了.
It is not, some would argue, the most compelling public issue that confronts China at the moment. But it is nonetheless one that Li Tingting, 22, a public management student in Shanxi Province, wants China to address.
And that has thrust her into the strange, unpredictable world of Chinese citizen activists, who press for change within narrow, shadowy boundaries, never knowing if government authorities will brook them or slap them down.
Ms. Li’s tactics are rather avant-garde for China: A little more than a week ago, in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, she and half a dozen other activists commandeered the men’s stalls at a busy public restroom near a park. For three-minute intervals, they warded off the men and invited the women to shorten their waits by using the vacated men’s stalls. Then they waved the men back in for 10 minutes.
The operation, dubbed “Occupy Men’s Toilets,” ended after an hour with, according to Ms. Li, greater public awareness and no trouble. The local government noted a few days later that since last March, the ratio of men’s stalls to women’s in all new or renovated public restrooms in Guangzhou had been set at 1:1.5. Xinhua, China’s official news agency, reported that the city responded promptly to the activists’ demands.
李小姐把这活动定义为:” 占据男厕”,活动结束后一小时,建立起城市公共无障碍意识.当地政若干天后表示,从去年三月开始,广州新建或改建的公共厕所男女蹲位的设置比例为1;1.5.新华社迅速报道了,城市建设响应活动家的要求.
But that is Guangzhou, long considered a comparatively liberal city. Here in ultra-security-conscious Beijing, street antics are not taken so lightly.
When Ms. Li and a few other activists tried to occupy the men’s toilets on Sunday morning at the public restroom in Beijing near the Deshengmen long-distance bus terminal, they were greeted by 10 officers and three police vehicles. The officers told Ms. Li that without a permit, she and her fellow activists must leave, taking their colorful poster and pink leaflets with them.
当李小姐和其他活动者试图在星期天的早晨占领北京德胜门长途汽车站附近的男厕所时, 迎接他们的是10位警察和3辆警车.警察告诉李小姐,没有许可证的话,她和其他随行者必须带着他们的彩色海报和粉色宣传单离开.
The little troupe headed to another restroom, only to be greeted by more police officers, who videotaped Ms. Li as she talked to reporters about why women need more toilets. Once the reporters departed, Ms. Li said, the police forced her and a friend to spend the next five hours sitting in a nearby restaurant, lest they dare try to occupy another bathroom.
Chinese officials want to appear to be benign authorities who are in touch with the needs and wants of the grass roots, not overseers of police squads who detain harmless university students seeking better bathrooms. So that is how the English-language version of the state-run China Daily presented Sunday’s event.
“Toilet occupation group is flushed with success,” read Monday’s front-page headline. “Women demanding more public facilities make their voice heard.” No mention was made of the firm-handed police intervention. The story made it appear as if all went off without a hitch.
Public restrooms are not a new topic for China, nor a particularly delicate one. The World Health Organization estimates that tens of millions of Chinese have no access to toilets and defecate in the open. A 2010 report estimated that 45 percent of Chinese lacked access to improved sanitation facilities that protect users from contact with excrement, contributing to the risk of disease.
But China’s sanitation has improved drastically in the past 20 years and continues to get better. Riding a historic property boom, Chinese are now buying nearly 19 million toilets a year, about twice the number sold in the United States, according to industry estimates. Last November, China hosted the World Toilet Organization’s 11th World Toilet Summit and Expo on Hainan Island. The Chinese authorities there said that the island, a tourist spot, was in the midst of a “toilet revolution.”
Guo Jianmei, director of the Women’s Legal Consultancy Center in Beijing, said the street performances of Ms. Li and her friends had highlighted the problem of potty parity, as it is sometimes known, and forced officials to unearth oft-disregarded regulations. She said she hoped China’s national legislators, due to meet next week, took heed.
China’s 1:1 ratio for men’s to women’s street toilets, spelled out in national standards in 2005, is less favorable to women than either Taiwan’s or Hong Kong’s. Taiwan recommends a 1:3 ratio for public toilets, while Hong Kong recommends a ratio of 2:3. China adopts Hong Kong’s ratio only in certain public structures like shopping malls, presumably in recognition of the fact that women are bigger shoppers.
Ms. Li sees gender-free toilets as a possible alternative for China, and said she hoped to carry on her campaign because “I do think the right to go to the bathroom is a basic right.”
But after spending all Sunday afternoon confined to a restaurant, she said, she will probably avoid Beijing.

· Swimmy44
· San Francisco, CA
What toilets - there are few to no public toilets in any American cities - you have to pretend want to buy something or actually buy something to get into a rest room - thank goodness for so many Starbucks! 1-1 sounds like a better ratio than here.
· March 2, 2012 at 12:42 a.m.
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· david king
· New York NY
same in NY, no where to go for either sex. The subway toilet if you can find one are disgusting and nothing on the streets. When my 75 year old dad came to NY from London he asked me where he could go if he was walking on the streets. I told him in the gutter, there are no public toilets
· March 1, 2012 at 11:34 p.m.
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· mmmmmmme
· nyc
No way! The operation, dubbed “Occupy Men’s Toilets,” ended after an hour with, according to Ms. Li, greater public awareness and no trouble. Occupy has hit China? That's crazy.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:54 p.m.
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· MookieWilson
· Chevy Chase
Women don't necessarily take THAT much longer than men.

One of the big delays in women's bathrooms is small children.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:53 p.m.
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o Marcy Sheiner
o CA
It's not only that we take longer pulling pants or skirts up and down, it's also that we pee more frequently, so there are always more women than men using toilets in public. The situation in the US used to be as bad as in China, where there were any toilets at all that is, but in the past 2 decades redone buildings or new ones have put in more toilets for women--something only women would notice.
o March 2, 2012 at 12:41 a.m.
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· James R Fromm
· Las Cruces
Is it just me or does that red character above the door look a lot like a woman crossing her legs while waiting?
· March 1, 2012 at 10:53 p.m.
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· exilarch
· somewhere on this planet
At least China has toilets for women. In India, even in large metro areas, the public toilets are painfully lacking. Whatever exists, is so unhygienic and repelling that one does not dare enter it.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:44 p.m.
· Stalwart99
· Washington, DC
Ah, another crack in the facade of the myth of sexual equality. Would it not be sexist if governments and private establishments were to pander to women by erecting twice as many toilets as exist in men's rooms? Where are all the women "roaring" (as in Helen Reddy's "I am woman, hear me roar") for complete and total equality?

And if you want to see real examples where biology is destiny: women soldiers in the field slow down operations considerably because of their biological needs, exposing them and the male soldier to the enemy; and as for women fighter pilots--forget about it Modern jets have "relief tubes," that is, a cone-shaped device with a slight vacuum into which males can easily pee even in the tightest cockpits. No such device for women.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:43 p.m.
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o Marcy Sheiner
o CA
Actually such devices do exist for women, but just hven't exactly become commonplace--yet.
o March 2, 2012 at 12:41 a.m.
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o R. Louise
o Spokane, WA
Maybe we should save resources by making doorways lower (to fit women - men would have to duck). What's wrong with meeting different people's needs? Is that really an argument for women receiving unequal pay, etc.? Also - there are plenty of devices for women to pee without removing clothes in field situations (e.g. the tube used for mountaineering) so there's really no argument there.
o March 2, 2012 at 2:49 a.m.
o Recommended4
· Tony
· Springfield, VA
If this story was written solely so that the phrases "Occupy Men's Toilets" and "toilet revolution" could be used in the New York Times, I would completely understand.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:43 p.m.
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· Kat
· Chicago, IL
NYT Pick
I lived in China in 2002-03 - and I gotta say, it sounds like the public toilet thing has improved considerably in the last 10 years. When I was there, you almost never saw public facilities - and whenever you did, they were usually dirty and often broken. I know Beijing had a big toilet-building binge leading up to the olympics, which must have helped considerably. Personally, I don't think a line is much to complain about, considering some of the things I saw in Chinese restrooms (no stalls, literal holes in the ground (not just squat toilets, which are fine), big troughs that everyone used at once, etc.)
· March 1, 2012 at 10:42 p.m.
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· Thomas Caron
· Shanghai
"No private toilets in China."

That is absolute nonsense. Public toilets are plentiful in Shanghai, attended and kept clean. If you can't manage a squat toilet there are plenty of shopping malls, cafes, and museums that offer western style.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:42 p.m.
· Leia
· Port Washington, NY
In China, you have to plan your day around bathroom breaks....every few hours you have to schedule and plot out your bathroom break: go back to your hotel, go to the restaurant (if it's a large one) bathroom, or big public toilet near the tourist attraction....

NYC is easy compared to China!
· March 1, 2012 at 10:42 p.m.
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· Talbot
· New York
I think women need to learn to go to the bathroom faster. There is just so much you can do in there that is different from what men do. I think there is a lot of "non-bathroom" activity, like hair brushing and makeup adjusting, that could just as easily be done outside the stall.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:42 p.m.
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o rqn842
o Portland, or
surely you jest.. compare
walkin, unzip, do the deed, zip, leave

walkin , close /lock door, clean seat, lower garments, sit, do the deed, wipe, standup, re-organize garmets, unlock door, exit.

no way the are even remotely close.
o March 1, 2012 at 11:33 p.m.
o Recommended11
o Sharon
o Miami Beach
That's just silly. No one does hair brushing or make-up adjusting IN THE STALL!!! There are no mirrors in the stall. That sort of activity is done by the sinks and does not impact the, ahem, flow of the toilet queue
o March 2, 2012 at 12:41 a.m.
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o Ann
o Indianapolis
Women also have menstruation issues and pregnancy issues that men do not. These take more time to deal with.
o March 2, 2012 at 1:39 a.m.
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· Joseph Kazmer
· Eilat, Israel
You quickly learn to adapt to necessities when in an unfamiliar country. Everyone soon becomes aware of the lack of any paper in most Chinese excretion collection facilities (ECF). To call them restrooms is comical in the absurd. While in any internationally frequented tourist cities of modest size you look for the signs of KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonalds, any sign of western sounding hotels and commit their location to memory. There you are likely to find stales and real toilets, maybe not western, and even toilet paper and sinks. Anytime you frequent a restaurant that provides napkins, most locals will charge you for them, you quickly put any clean ones remaining in your pocket for later use. Traveling throughout China over a year and a half I have never seen a government public ECF on the public roads/highways. What you do occasionally see is a smallish building right on the side of the road with an old person sitting outside and a hand palm-out waiting for a coin. Inside you see one or more holes in the floor, no partitions, no sinks and in the real fancy ones a communal wall length urinal that usually slants down towards the unlucky person that may be using the hole closest. The sewage system consists of a very short conduit in the floor leading to a ditch out back. If ones bladder/rectum has sufficient capacity you try to hold it in till you are sure no one else is inside before you enter and then quickly “do your business”.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:42 p.m.
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· Richard Shearman
· Wantagh, NY
There is at least one source for locating restrooms in Manhattan. It is website: www.nyrestroom.com/. 138 restrooms are listed--some public and some "not-so-public (like coffee shops and retail stores). Address and a visual on the map are provided for each.

Many years ago, I had a city directory for my Palm device (can't remember the name of the program.) One function was restroom locator. Categories included "Celebrity Sighting".

I only have to go to the Metropolitan Opera (for example) to see that potty parity is a major issue in our culture.

By the way, while they may be difficult for people whose bodies don't bend so well, I had always been told that squat toilets are actually the healthiest way to evacuate.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:42 p.m.
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· AD
· New York
One thing they could do is clean the toilets once in a while... One rule of thumb I learned when I lived in China was to hold your breath before entering a public restroom.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:42 p.m.
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· Susan
· Abuja, Nigeria
I was actually thrilled to see this article -- it's a good-humored attempt by these women to point at something that is not as trivial as some posters would argue.

Outside the first-world bubble, in many countries it is completely a non-issue for a man to just unzip and pee against a wall, but culturally women do not have this freedom. I know women who have had to stop working as traders or in other informal-sector jobs because they lost access to a bathroom facility. We have our periods every month for decades, this is difficult to manage without access to a stall. And "holding it" is not just painful and inconvenient, it can lead to serious UT infections.

Women who have undergone FGM sometimes need a long time to urinate. This is a huge population. Pregnant women urinate frequently.

Long-haul busses in these countries do not have on-board toilets. When they stop at a gas station, the women are forced into an undignified stampede to a one- or two-hole squat toilet of dubious cleanliness -- the men descend from the bus in a leisurely manner and stroll over to the nearest bush. The bus is often ready to leave before the women have all had a chance to go. So, another three to four hours jostling over potholed roads with a full bladder awaits...funny? Not really.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:38 p.m.
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· Max
· Willimantic, CT
A substantial deficiency in the U.S. is dearth of public facilities. I shall not mention names, but there are thousands of places where people cannot relieve themselves decently. Years ago I was astounded and relieved to find plenty of restrooms at EPCOT. If Disney has joined the modern world they have shut most of them. Ask any town government. It will reply, "Do you pay taxes here?" A: No, but lots do. Matters are worse since buildings are locked up after 9/11. I see no benefit in criticizing China's restrooms when we have none.
· March 1, 2012 at 10:32 p.m.
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· Faye
· chagrin falls
Before Cleveland Museum of Arts renovation, we women waited a long line in the lobby for the 'ladies" room. So please check up all the "ladies" rooms in most American big cities theaters, movie house and museums.......I bet you'll see the "ladies line......"
· March 1, 2012 at 12:14 p.m.
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· kurtkaufman
Speaking of segregated bathrooms: When I lived in Belgium, it was not uncommon to enter a "restroom" of a cafe or restaurant, and discover that aside from the urinals on one wall, the toilets in the stalls were meant for both sexes. As an American, it surprised me at first, but I got used to it. Also, a public swimming pool there had a large single dressing room for both sexes (individual stalls, of course). Different attitude, and that in a supposedly traditional "Catholic" country.
· March 1, 2012 at 12:00 p.m.
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· HQ
· Beijing
If we are comparing big or major cities in different countries, Beijing is WAY better than European ones. I took my mother to a tour to Switzerland, France, Belgium and Germany last year. Everywhere we went, my biggest concern is always "where the next toilet is going to be"? I actually recorded all the toilet locations in my travel journal in case my friends will need some really useful tips.

And, public toilets in Beijing are not "holes in the ground". Squat toilets, yes, mostly they are. But they have stalls and are clean, well maintained and free (for 10 years now).
· March 1, 2012 at 11:52 a.m.
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· Tira
· Anguilla
Most Americans don’t appreciate they have among the best public/semi public restrooms in the world. They also take for granted that places like national parks, tourist attractions and museums actually have fairly clean restrooms, with running water and toilet paper.
Having to work on various projects in SE Asia and Africa for the past 8 years have quite cured me of a lot of squeamishness. Often Government offices in SE Asia have primitive or squat toilets for women, while for the men there are clean, western style toilets. I have also learned to always carry in my purse: toilet paper, tissues, antibacterial wipes/soap.
Sometimes in an US airport restroom I see women picking and choosing a stall based on what is now something minor to me as I am thinking “this is actually super clean compared…!”
· March 1, 2012 at 11:15 a.m.
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· erlampo
· Burnaby. BC
The toilets in China are not worth waiting for. Truly disgusting.
· March 1, 2012 at 11:13 a.m.
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· Schigolch
· Bernalillo, NM
The simple solution is for women to develop ways to speed up. Would that be possible? It would eliminate the whole problem.
· March 1, 2012 at 11:06 a.m.
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[url=]Read All 4 Replies[/url]
o Perfect Gentleman
o New York
No, please don't change your anatomy. You could, however, change a way of dressing that requires you to take off so much stuff to go to the bathroom.
o March 1, 2012 at 10:54 p.m.
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o ladyjane
o Amherst, MA
@Abbie - pls don't be apologetic; menstruation isn't vulgar. It's an integral part of a complex reproductive system w/o which Schigolch and others who want us to speed things up wouldn't have kids. Women are dealing w menstruation-related hygiene 4-5 days/month for 30 yrs and yes, that does take time in the Ladies' Rm. And once we have the children, we (or our also-female stand-ins) are highly likely to be responsible for their care, including toilet breaks - another huge time sink. There are good non-frivolous reasons why women take longer than men; it's not a "problem" that women need to solve.
o March 2, 2012 at 1:46 a.m.
o Recommended6
· Garychueng
· Ningbo
It just happend in Beijing--- one of china biggest city. It's normal. Who can make sure that a city with ten million population could meets everyone's need. In china midsize city like Ningbo , toilets are clean and enough for women.


感谢翻译,。文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1155899.shtml  发表于 2012-3-6 13:55




发表于 2012-3-5 15:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-5 16:19 | 显示全部楼层

其实简单的扩大或缩小男厕扩大女厕不是最终解决方案- -   

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发表于 2012-3-5 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
妇科主任 发表于 2012-3-5 16:19
男女如厕的区别在于:男士大小分开缓解了如厕的问题,女士大 ...

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发表于 2012-3-6 09:49 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2012-3-6 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
henhaoa 发表于 2012-3-5 17:12

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发表于 2012-3-6 14:34 | 显示全部楼层
I do think the right to go to the bathroom is a basic right.”
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发表于 2012-3-6 15:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-6 20:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-28 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-4-1 00:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-4-1 16:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-2-20 16:33 | 显示全部楼层
ft1255576 发表于 2012-3-6 15:57

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发表于 2013-2-20 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
这次春运 从广西到广东 高速服务站那些女厕所就是排队的。。。 高速服务站的厕所还不错的
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