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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-6 20:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 16:11 编辑

原文出处:PACO ( Planetary Activation Organization )










存在“怀疑”- - 这么说-- 是再好不过,它基于精英们想法让人类遭受故意传播的,具有一定规律的大型流行病。







显然,将出现一个宇宙事件,它将改变我们的行星和它的居民。它类似于一个良性的“末日审判” -- 不是教会别有用心地描述的'脏'事件-- 在这同时,地球以及它的居民会经历一个他们的意识水平的上升,将转换我们感知我们的现实的方式,并将摆脱强加给我们的所有的限制。












在那一刻我们必须意识到,人类的敌人是他们,是精英们;   是他们系统性地杀害我们,是他们毒害我们,是他们使我们生病,是他们蒙骗我们并创造了一个利益于他们的现实,是他们用令人作呕的经济游戏淹死我们,是他们卖毒品给我们的孩子,是他们用法西斯与纳粹战术监禁少数持不同政见者,是他们导致穆斯林和基督徒相互冲突,是他们在培养我们自己之间的斗争,使得我们自己互相残杀互相仇视。这些全是他们造成的,他们是入侵者,他们是我们必须战斗的对象。






那就是通向自由之门,一种我们从来没有体验过的自由。 因此,请那些首次阅读此文,而且不相信这些话的人们,记住到时候不要惊慌失措!没有人会入侵我们。但有人会来帮助我们,将我们从侵略者那里解放出来。

原文出处:PACO ( Planetary Activation Organization )



The Extraterrestrial Intelligence Is Already Among UsThe Elite of the ‘World Power’, as everyone knows, provokes 
intentionally crisis’ in order to limit our freedoms and rights a 
little bit more each time.

  We have been systematically deceived about our origins and about the
 life beyond what the books tell us.

 It also projects to us a totally distorted reality through our
 information channels and media, almost all of them in order to adapt
 the reality to their selfish interests.

And the diverse religions of the world aligned with this power, and
 being an indissoluble part of it, work in the same direction (as
 them), causing distortions in our spiritual reality.

The Elite hide from us the technology developed during the last
 decades which would solve all our economic, social and
 environmental problems.

Their objective is to maintain us in a state of enslavement,
 disguised as a democratic freedom, and continue to enjoy their
 privileges over the rest of humanity. Of this, there is plenty of 

There exist suspicions that are more than well based that point to 
the Elite having committed terrorist acts that have caused thousands
 of deaths, with the intention to initiate wars and to justify
 curtailing the existing freedoms.

As well as having caused ‘supposedly natural’ catastrophes using a 
technology hidden from the public eye since the 1930’s, through which thousands and thousands of people died. If 
somebody were to follow the threads of the corporations that control 
the armaments market and the oil industry, this would lead him to the
 pharmaceutical corporations.

There exists ‘suspicions’ – so to speak – more than well based, that 
think the big pandemics suffered by humanity with a certain
 regularity are intentionally transmitted.

They provoke the problems and they have the solutions. We pay with our 
lives and our dollars.

And it is the “vox populi” who in all canned food, beverages, water,
 toothpaste, air, etc. inoculate us with chemical agents that have the
objective to make us sick, just sick enough to make us dependent on
 medications that they sell us, and to keep us working on their
 production lines.

A few months ago, a Nobel Prize winner in Medicine acknowledged that the 
pharmaceuticals stop any investigation project that finds a definitive
 cure to an illness. They are not interested in losing clients.

There exists conclusive evidence that the American Government and
 other governments not only recognize the presence of extraterrestrial
beings on our planet and outside of it, but also that they have 
maintained regular contact with them since the 1940’s.

Hundreds of military men, policemen, NASA workers and other
 agencies, even politicians, have publicly confirmed the veracity of
 all what was said before, declaring that only in absolute ignorance, a 
prejudice, or the submissive surrender of self to the fallacy that is 
inoculated to us could deny it.

Since decades ago, many people all over the world receive almost
 daily telepathic messages from these beings, explaining the mission 
that has brought them here and the events that will occur during this,
 and the following years.

Apparently, there will occur a Cosmic event that will alter our 
planet and its inhabitants. It is something akin to a benign
 ‘Armageddon’ – not the ‘dirty’ event conjured up by the church – in 
which both the planet as well as its residents, would experience a
 rise in their level of consciousness that will transform the way we 
perceive our reality, and that will free us from all limitation.

Of course, the Elite are going to do all within their power to block 
this event from happening, because that would mean their loss of power
and their privileges.

They would have to live in a planet where all would be equal and 
no one would have power over another.

Where nobody would have to pay an electric or phone bill to 
anybody. No one would have to go to war to kill another innocent one 
like him.

They could not sell arms nor drugs nor oil to anybody. And they
 cannot allow that.

This seems to be the reason why all
 “sponsored-by-them” media like the demagogic Hollywood entertainment 
industry ridicule or alienate, by means of fear, the idea of the 
existence of an intelligent extraterrestrial life.

It is not necessary to deny it through scientists paid by their 
industries; all that is needed is to strategically place some 
pathetic UFO defender so that the whole world laughs when they hear 
that word.

They are misinformation professionals, they live from that 
and that is why they survive.

Behind the curtains of this great theater, events are taking place of
 which we never hear about in our “official” media, and which indicates that
 this big mafia is losing a great amount of their energy, and that 
within a short period we will have news from our ‘galactic brothers
 and sisters’ (as they call themselves.)

There exists archeological evidence that demonstrates the presence
 of extraterrestrial beings during the course of our history.

With this in mind, many contemporary governments have known of their 
existence for almost a century and know about the advanced
technology they possess, one beyond our scientific understanding 
according to witnesses. It seems a fallacy to think that they are 
coming with perverse intentions when they could have annihilated us 
hundreds or thousands of years ago.

With all certainty, the Elite will utilize their mis-information and
 terror machinery when that happens, and they will convey the idea that
someone is invading us, and that we have to combat 

We must be conscious at that moment that the enemies of humanity
 are them, the Elite; it is they who kill us systematically, who poison 
us, who make us sick, who deceive us and invent a reality that
 benefits them, who drown us with their sickening economic games, who
 sell drugs to our children, who incarcerate the few
 dissidents with fascist and nazi tactics, who cause the Muslims and 
the Christians to confront each other, who feed the fight among 
ourselves, so that we, ourselves, kill each other and hate each other.
 It is they who are the invaders and whom we must fight.There is no need for green Martians to come to save us or
 to invade us, because we have been invaded by the Elite since a long
time ago, and one must be blind not to see this.

When that occurs, we will know about the atrocious truths and 
impressive lies, with last names (surnames) and first names, and our
 intellect will be hit with the Mallet of Truth, with Capital letters.It will be difficult for many. 

It is difficult for a child when he finds out that the Three
 Magic Kings are, in reality, their parents, and the ones who bring them toys
 from big stores, not from the Orient.

Likewise, it will be difficult for us to find out how much we have 
been deceived, poisoned and misinformed.

But the good news is that we will find out once and for all the 
Truth without a doubt.

And that is the door to freedom, a freedom we have never known.
 Therefore, those who read this for the first time and who do not 
believe in these words, remember them when the time comes and do not 
panic!  Nobody is going to invade us. Somebody is going to help us 
free ourselves from the invaders.

Contributed by : PACO

发表于 2012-3-7 19:11 | 显示全部楼层

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