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[政治] 【纽约时报】一个雄心勃勃的中国党的首脑承认没有看好一个助手

发表于 2012-3-11 11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 supoortanti 于 2012-3-11 11:12 编辑

An Ambitious Chinese Party Chief Admits His Failure to Oversee an Aide

BEIJING — Jockeying to salvage his political career, the embattled Communist Party chief of Chongqing championed his success in running the central Chinese metropolis on Friday, even as he admitted failing to supervise a trusted aide who recently fled to an American consulate, causing a national sensation.

The public concession of error by the party official, Bo Xilai, nevertheless bolstered speculation that his chances were slim to join the top ranks of the Chinese leadership during a change of power this year.
Speaking at a news conference during the annual meeting of China’s handpicked legislature, the National People’s Congress, Mr. Bo said he had “neglected my oversight duties” in the case of his aide, Wang Lijun. As Chongqing’s police chief, Mr. Wang ran a sweeping anticrime crackdown three years ago, which led to thousands of arrests and destroyed some of the city’s wealthiest business executives.
The campaign propelled Mr. Bo’s thinly veiled crusade to win a seat on the Standing Committee of the Politburo, the nine-member committee that effectively runs China. Seven of the nine members will be replaced at a party conference this fall.
The public concession of error by the party official, Bo Xilai, nevertheless bolstered speculation that his chances were slim to join the top ranks of the Chinese leadership during a change of power this year.
Speaking at a news conference during the annual meeting of China’s handpicked legislature, the National People’s Congress, Mr. Bo said he had “neglected my oversight duties” in the case of his aide, Wang Lijun. As Chongqing’s police chief, Mr. Wang ran a sweeping anticrime crackdown three years ago, which led to thousands of arrests and destroyed some of the city’s wealthiest business executives.
The campaign propelled Mr. Bo’s thinly veiled crusade to win a seat on the Standing Committee of the Politburo, the nine-member committee that effectively runs China. Seven of the nine members will be replaced at a party conference this fall.

But Mr. Wang rocked that transition, and dealt a blow to Mr. Bo’s ambitions, by seeking refuge last month in the United States Consulate in Chengdu, about 210 miles from Chongqing, after coming under scrutiny in a corruption inquiry. He left the consulate after spending one night there and was taken by security officials to Beijing, where he remains under investigation.
The scandal has emboldened Mr. Bo’s many critics, some of whom are calling the crackdown an out-of-control assault on criminals and political enemies alike.
Mr. Bo’s admission on Friday reinforces accounts by government insiders who say he had earlier delivered a similar apology to the Politburo and offered to resign, although Mr. Bo on Friday called reports of that offer “totally imaginary.”
The controversy over his future has added a measure of drama to the normally bland annual meetings of the Congress. But Mr. Bo asserted — perhaps unconvincingly — that climbing to the top of China’s leadership ladder had rarely crossed his mind.
Speaking from the heart, I’ve never associated myself with anything specific about the 18th Congress,” he said, referring to the Communist Party meeting this fall that will ratify the changes in leadership.
Inside a packed room at the Great Hall of the People, Mr. Bo mounted a risky defense of his anticrime campaign, saying that Chongqing was a city run according to the law and that the crackdown was necessary both to protect citizens and create a better business environment.
On this issue, shall we pretend to be deaf, or shall we be responsible to the people?” the state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Mr. Bo as saying. “We chose the latter.”
He also displayed a bit of the flashy populism that has won the loyalty of many Chongqing citizens but has annoyed other leaders, proclaiming that China’s Gini coefficient — a yardstick for the gap between the rich and poor — had reached 0.46, a level some social scientists would call alarming. On the Gini scale, zero represents complete equality, while 1 indicates a society in which one person controls all the wealth.
Reducing the wealth disparity is a major task for Chongqing’s government, he said, adding: “If only a few people are rich, then we are capitalists. We’ve failed.”
But in discussing Mr. Wang, the normally effusive and self-confident Mr. Bo chose his words with care, relying on a sheet of paper in his hand for talking points.
Mr. Bo called the inquiry into Mr. Wang an isolated incident and said the results of an investigation “by the relevant central agencies” would be made public, Reuters reported. He added that Mr. Wang’s flight to the American Consulate in Chengdu took him by surprise.
I truly never expected this to happen,” Mr. Bo was quoted as saying. “I felt it was extremely sudden.”

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-11 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
A version of this article appeared in print on March 10, 2012, on page A6 of the New York edition with the headline: An Ambitious Chinese Party Chief Admits His Failure to Oversee an Aide.
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