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发表于 2012-3-14 13:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 10:42 编辑

【原文标题】Cotton exports to China underscanner
【登载媒体】TheHindu 印度
【译  者】新工人
【翻译方式】 人工
【声  明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。
【译  文】
TheHindu A farmer grades cotton at Baswapuram in Khammam District. The governmenthas decided to lift the ban on cotton exports, that was imposed last week. Filephoto
印度 一位棉农在坎曼区的Baswapuram给棉花分类。政府已决定解除上一周颁布的棉花出口禁令。文件照片
Evenas the Director-General of Foreign Trade issued a fresh notification liftingthe ban on cotton exports, the government is set to launch a probe into the“self consignments,” mostly to China, and scrutinise the export receiptcertificates (ERCs) to get to the root of the sudden spurt that caught it unawares.
Thoughthe government had registered 130 lakh bales for exports, it was only last weekthat the alarm bells started ringing. This sudden spurt had the governmentworried, as nearly 85 per cent of the exports went to China. “We are going tohave a close look at the self consignments which have been shipped byindividuals or companies in the recent past to verify the authenticity ofexports. In addition to this, the ERCs already issued are also likely to fACereconciliation,” a senior official of the Commerce Ministry said.
Followingstrong protests by Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and the Congress units ofMaharashtra and Gujarat, the government announced the revocation of the ban.
在农业部长Sharad PawarMaharashtra Gujarat国会的强烈抗议下,政府宣布取消禁令。
Thegovernment feels that high price volatility and the sudden surge in exports hadforced it to impose the ban. Around 84 lakh bales were termed exportablesurplus; however, against it, 95 lakh bales have already been exported. Whileexports are booming, there is a slowdown in the domestic industry. Thestock-in-use position stood at 29 lakh bales against the requirement of 62 lakhbales. “China itself is a big grower of cotton. However, it is a net importer,and does not export even a single bale. We need to look into the consignmentswherein there is suspicion that traders have siphoned the cotton off to somefront company in China and hoard it for a month or two before selling it onceagain to make a killing,” another official said.
Officialsargued that as the rupee depreciated, Indian cotton turned out to be one of thecheapest. Out of the 340 lakh bales of crop size, 260 lakh bales are alreadyunderstood to have been consumed. The government is expecting around 40 lakhbales in March and another 30 lakh bales in April. “Nearly 75 per cent of thecotton crop has already been sold. Whatever left is coarse cotton, or brown incolour, which does not command good price. The Cotton Corporation of India hasa corpus of Rs. 4,000 crore for the market interventions scheme in case of anyeventuality. There was no need for a ban in the first place at all. It was anill-thought out move,” without any consultations with the stakeholders, anofficial said.
官员解释由于卢比贬值,印度棉花价格跌到谷底。产值3400万卢比的作物,相当于其中的2600万已经化为乌有。政府预期三月出口400万货物,四月份另外出口价值300万货物。“几乎已经卖了75%的棉花作物。但剩下的粗棉、褐色棉,都卖不上价。印度棉花公司斥资400亿卢比作为市场干预计划以防任何不测。刚开始一点都不需要禁令,一切都是考虑不周造成的。” 一位没有利害关系的官员说到。
CommerceSecretary Rahul Khullar told journalists here the ban stood lifted as of Mondaymorning. “There are huge bunches of registrations; those would be scrutinisedand revalidated. But no new export registrations would be done until theexisting entitlements are revalidated,” he said.
商务部长Rahul Khullar告诉记者,周一早上禁令在此解除。“现有的大量已登记部分将核实并重新生效,但是直到现有权限重新生效以后才会进行新的出口认证。”他说。
Ofthe total of 13 million bales registered before the ban was announced, 3.5million bales are yet to be shipped, and these will be scrutinised.
Mr.Khullar pointed out that there was a mad rush to export cotton, evident as itwas from the fact that the ERCs for export of 72 lakh bales were issued inJanuary and February. “Scrutiny and revalidation is to make sure that there isno fictitious transaction.”
why the Textile Ministry is acting likea jumping frog once the decision made they should prepare to face any situationin deploying the ban on exporting the cotton if it really works in the INTRESTSOF THE COMMON MAN BUT NOT INTRESTS RESTS WITH SOME OTHERS
from: deepthi
Posted on: Mar 12, 2012 at 13:42IST   What is going on? One day ban andsecond day withdrawal.How silly it is.People who take such wrong decisionsshould be sacked to avoid future recurrances of such situations.
from: dsnmurty
上传于:201231213:42   这是怎么了?前脚颁布禁令,后脚就取消。太蠢了!为了避免今后出现类似情况,该把做出这么错误决定的人给辞了。
Posted on: Mar 12, 2012 at 21:02IST  
Forgive my aging memory, but didn't weonce have a Gujarati gentleman lead the nation to boycott and protest theexport of cotton and import of clothing from Manchester? Six of every sevenbales exported are going to a country that is increasingly putting astrangle-hold on the nation's economy. To boot, there was another article a fewdays ago on how the Tiruppur mills are faring poorly in the garment industry ina globalized world.
This has much to do with the entiremanufacturing space for India. Nehruvian planning over six decades has put theentire sector at a competitive disadvantage. Every other developing economy ismaking course corrections, while we have no way of employing an explodingpopulation in the increasingly important sector of manufacturing. Coupled witha nonchalance for quality in goods it manufactures, India will soon neither beable to produce what its own populace will increasingly desire nor positionitself to cater to nations that demand quality.
from: Kumar
Posted on: Mar 13, 2012 at 05:33IST  
DGFT and the government needs to set itshouse in order quickly and start working seriously to plan proper use andexport of cotton to benefit all. It is pity that our cotton as raw material isunder utilised providing ample chance to China to increase their market forfinished cotton readymades. Our political leaders and officials once againproved that are incompetant and belated in decision making.
From the market survey, I analysed thatChinese businessnmen are taking the best of items from India as samples andexporting to India the same, similar or even better looking products at lowerprice, eventually killing our market goods in long run. I hope someone islistening and making note of it.
from: baiju kodungallur
来自:baiju kodungallur
Posted on: Mar 13, 2012 at 07:32IST  
When will our government ever open theeyes?! Can't they at least learn from it's Chinese counter part and allow onlyvalue added products for exports? Invest in India and generate employment,ensure quality & cost competitiveness and export value added products. Thatmust be the Mantra...! Our PM (not withstanding his PhD, character andcredentials) acts like an ostrich with head in sand some times. Sir, can you plclose down Cotton Corpn of India and start Vaule Addition Authority of Indiaand give it the muscle to set norms for value addition for export.... foranything under the sun!
from: Uday Kumar
来自:乌代 库马尔

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发表于 2012-3-14 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
三哥能卖棉花就不错了,还想提高附加值? 农业国还想做工业国的梦,没意思,真的没意思。
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发表于 2012-3-16 19:20 | 显示全部楼层
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