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【时代周刊 20120312】中国人不明白为何日本灾后重建的速度那么慢

发表于 2012-3-20 10:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 11:15 编辑

【原文标题】As Japan Marks 1 Year After the Tsunami, China Wonders Why Rebuilding Is So Slow
【原文作者】Hannah Beech










Marking the first anniversary of the March 11 Japanese tsunami tragedy, the Global Times, a Beijing-based daily with links to the Chinese Communist Party, published an editorial on Sino-Japanese relations. The thrust was this: China, which has long viewed Japan with suspicion, does “not need to react too emotionally” to a historic enemy that invaded more than half a century ago. Why? Because China has eclipsed Japan economically. “While Japan is advanced in some specific areas, it is not beyond reach anymore,” said the editorial. “China now has the confidence to review Japan objectively.”

The slow pace of recovery in Japan after its natural disaster mystifies some Chinese, who are used to the speed — a massive factory built in little more than two months, a 30-story tower erected in 15 days — with which development occurs in China. The rebuilding after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake was astonishingly fast, especially given the amount of devastation in and poverty of the affected region. An entire new city, for instance, was built within two years to replace the rubble of Beichuan. It does help, of course, when a nation is ruled by an authoritarian government — orders from above tend to carry weight in such places. But the Japanese are famous for their attention to detail and to-the-second precision.

There are reasons for the Japanese lassitude. Some mounds of detritus cannot be burned, for instance, because of fears that they may contain trace amounts of radiation from the nuclear-power-plant disaster. It’s unlikely that Chinese planning czars would have delayed waste incineration because of a small risk of low levels of radiation. Still, the paralytic cautiousness of posttsunami Japan is real — and it has dashed hopes that the natural disaster might catalyze the political reform the country so desperately needs. For China, whose economy eclipsed Japan’s in 2010, it’s just another sign of how the mighty have fallen. “Japan’s economic situation is also not optimistic,” said an op-ed in the China Daily, the government’s English-language mouthpiece. “Japan needs an extended period of self-restraint and patience if it wants to overcome its structural contradictions.”

Relations between Japan and China have frayed over the past couple weeks, after Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura told visiting Chinese Communist Party officials that he doubted the Nanjing Massacre occurred. In 1937, Japanese soldiers marauded through the then Chinese capital, killing some 300,000 people, according to official Chinese estimates. But nationalist Japanese have refused to acknowledge the atrocity.

Conservative Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara sadly and predictably echoed his Nagoya colleague’s claim that Japanese troops would not have killed such numbers of Chinese civilians. Nanjing, which was a sister city to Nagoya, promptly suspended any fraternal relationship. Several official exchanges between the two countries were canceled by the Chinese. During the National People’s Congress annual session, which is currently underway in Beijing, one legislator from Nanjing proposed criminalizing any denial of the Nanjing Massacre.

Anti-Japanese resentment has been stoked by a Chinese Communist Party leadership eager to highlight Japan’s dismal wartime record, even as it obscures its own historic failings. Statements by nationalist Japanese politicians that underplay Japan’s wartime record in China do their corrosive part too. But as the countries mark four decades since normalizing diplomatic ties, there’s also no question that East Asia’s two powers are increasingly economically interdependent. Indeed, the Global Times noted that power dynamic has switched between the two countries and that China should try to defuse any tensions:

“The more powerful side should act first. Japan used to hold that role in the region, but didn’t act maturely. The role will now be taken by China, and we should perform accordingly. The Chinese wholeheartedly feel for the Japanese and hope their neighbor can pull itself out of its 20-year-long recession. We want to share development opportunities with them and don’t envy their advantages over us. Only when we start to wish our neighboring countries the best, can our nation embrace its own prosperity.”


感谢翻译,文章发布地址。http://fm.m4.cn/1157468.shtml  发表于 2012-3-20 11:39




发表于 2012-3-20 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-20 11:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-20 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
Koi Blade

It is most dismal that Japan today still do not own up to its wartime transgressions in Asia. Japan should emulate the Germans in this sense and stop, i repeat stop advocating blind patriotism for the nation. It is after this blind patriotism to a supposed divine Emperor, albeit used by the wartime leaders, that caused so much suffering to the Japanese people. It is time that the powers of Asia including China, Japan, India, S. Korea, Taiwan, S'pore and Saudi Arabia rise up to form an Asian economic and military block.


    6 days ago


The thought of China, Japan, India, S. Korea, Taiwan, S'pore and Saudi Arabia forming any military block is amusing.  I would like to see that day.  One must be completely oblivious to historical and current events to even suggest such thing.


    6 days ago
    in reply to Koi Blade

Koi Blade

Oh it is now? Nobody and I mean nobody would have ever in their wildest imagination ever thought the Great Britain, France and Germany would ever form a military block back in WWII. And yet we have NATO today. Who would have thought that Japan who so hated the Americans in WWII will be a key ally in the East Asian region? It was simply illusory back in the days of the China's red guards that America incorporated would so deeply entrench itself in China and yet today America is the largest consumer of Chinese products. I could go...
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    4 days ago
    in reply to omegafrontier


China may or may not overtake Japan in terms of size but if quality if a factor then China is light years behind Japan & South Korea.

The proof of this is the fact that while China exports its low quality products to the rest of the world,Chinese themselves do not use any of that crap & instead import quality stuff from Japan & N.America.



    6 days ago


Weren't Japanese and S. Korean products once considered cheap and unreliable not too long ago? Does it not occur to you that China is exporting cheap and low quality products because the other countries are buying them, and it is profitable for them to do so? If Japan or N. America can produce cheap and be profitable, I bet they would probably be doing that by now.

(Edited by author 6 days ago)


    6 days ago
    in reply to hem_sphere

Jürgen Hubert

For that matter, the "Made in Germany" label was introduced by the British to distinguish their own products from shoddy German imitations...


    5 days ago
    in reply to tri3cities


I would agree to both. China is far behind Japan and South Korea, but just as South Korea has been catching up with Japan, China is catching up with both.

The differences in perceived speed between China and Japan can highlight the current strengths and weaknesses of both countries. The speed of change in China is exhilarating, but sometimes China would have benefited from going slower.

Though the path to development they have taken is similar, China and Japan are different. I like both, as it seems do many Chinese and Japanese, the nationalists may bang their...
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    5 days ago
    in reply to tri3cities





    6 days ago
    in reply to tri3cities


I would have given you the benefit of the doubt if not for the fact that Korea & Japan, even during their worst phase,were never caught manufacturing & exporting cancer inducing products.Even children's toys were pulled off the shelf due to high lead content.

Now,the second part of your question."Other" countries are buying these products solely because the purchasing power of the consumer has gone down due to the meltdown.And there is no way that the workers in Europe and N.America will work for as little as a price as the poor Chinese laborer who is exploited by...
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    6 days ago
    in reply to tri3cities

Jürgen Hubert

Oh, give it a rest. Yes, China has its problems. Yes, safety standards are often too low, or badly enforced. But they are getting better and wages are rising. And nobody _forced_ the USA to go so heavily into debt - you did that all on your own.

Frankly, if China runs into any problems in the coming decades it will be for domestic reasons, not because of anything the USA does or doesn't do. The real estate bubble will probably burst at some point. There is a looming demographic crisis thanks to the One Child policy. And...
show more


    5 days ago
    in reply to hem_sphere


"The first thing the west is gonna do once it comes out of a recession is to show China its place in the real world."

So China is basically not  in the real world at least by now unless the west getting rid of recession.

You know what, Chinese had already seen what reality you westerners have shown to China some decades ago when China was in recession ,so did Japanese.

What real world are you talking about this time? God may probabaly ask you.


    6 days ago
    in reply to hem_sphere

Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi

Slow? The rebuilding is slow?!

Has anyone in "The Global Times" read about post-Katrina New Orleans?
Seriously, anyone who thinks that the rebuilding efforts in Japan were
slow obviously never read about New Orleans or Haiti.

Someone give members of the CCP copies of Treme Season One, please?


    6 days ago

Jürgen Hubert

Well, there is a reason the USA isn't taken as seriously as it used to be...


    5 days ago
    in reply to Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi


Chinese become so cocky recently, because I am chinese student who study at United States, frankly, I think, Chinese are still far behind Japan in term of techonology and economic quality, please believe that people's daily or global times' opinion does not represent majority's opinion, in fact, nobody reads them for people of my generation.


    6 days ago


Chinese like to think they are way superior to other Asians.
"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall"


    5 days ago

Yuan Chou Collapse

Good article ,but i always want to see the news about louboutin shoes for men ,in http://louboutinmensshoes.com you can also find some guy that you want!

Read more: http://globalspin.blogs.time.com/2012/03/12/as-japan-marks-one-year-after-the-tsunami-china-wonders-why-rebuilding-is-so-slow/#disqus_thread#ixzz1pcsgPdJQ
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发表于 2012-3-20 12:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-21 03:11 | 显示全部楼层
日本也好 美国也罢 欧盟也一样  它们正用自己的行动告诉中国  其实中国远比它们更好
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发表于 2012-3-21 09:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-21 09:27 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2012-3-21 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-23 09:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-26 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-26 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-26 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
zhiyi 发表于 2012-3-21 09:27
单从写作角度来看,这是一片糟糕的文章,原因很简单:那就是不知所云,刚开始看还以为要讲日本面对垃圾的重复再 ...

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发表于 2012-3-27 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
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