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【外交政策 20121203】正邪争霸2012-民主领袖和独裁者的对决

发表于 2012-3-23 09:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 woikuraki 于 2012-3-31 11:30 编辑

【中文标题】正邪争霸2012 - 民主人士对阵独裁者(第一天)
【原文标题】Democrats vs. Dictators: 2012

(续【外交政策 12/03】正邪争霸2012 - 民主人士对阵独裁者(前言)































Game 1

Barack Obama (United States) vs. Nicolas Sarkozy (France)

Despite dysfunction in the Republican field of challengers, Obama's got a tough road ahead of him. Between rising gas prices and increasing chaos in Afghanistan, the president faces a tough reelection battle. On the bright side, employment numbers are starting to pick up and so are the president's approval ratings. (Not to mention the demolition derby on the GOP side.) Sarkozy, meanwhile, is slightly trailing in the polls heading into next month's election and spending his days scrapping with the far right about halal beef labeling and fending off allegations that his campaign was funded by the Qaddafis. The two incumbents may both be facing some tough moments, but how do they stack up on the court? Even with Sarkozy's lifts, the petit prince can't stop Obama's hook shot.The defending champ cruises through this one. OBAMA WINS.

Game 2

Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel) vs. Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Turkey)

Neither of these guys has been getting great press lately. Erdogan has faced increasing scrutiny abroad for his crackdowns on the free press and civil society. Netanyahu has received criticism at home for what some see as cavalier use of Holocaust imagery when discussing the threat from Iran. But in terms of diplomatic power, it's not even close. Erdogan's efforts to play mediator in the Middle East have mostly come to naught of late, while the speeches at last week's AIPAC conference demonstrated that Israeli security -- in particular, Netanyahu's hawkish vision of it -- still dominates in Washington. Let's put it this way: Erdogan might be a silky point guard, but Bibi's version of the power forward is all elbows -- and he's already looking down the road to a matchup with his old pal, Barack.  NETANYAHU WINS.

Game 3

Julia Gillard (Australia) vs. Felipe Calderon (Mexico)

An intriguing match-up of two dark horse contenders. It's not even really close though. With a general election coming in July, Calderon is something of a lame duck and his PAN party is struggling in the polls. As the game begins, Calderon comes out guns ablaze -- but we all know how well that strategy has worked in his unpopular and highly deadly multi-year campaign against Mexico's drug cartels. Gillard, meanwhile, stays cool as a kookaburra having recently demolished former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's attempt to return to power. Aussie, Aussie Aussie, Oi, Oi Oi! GILLARD WINS.

Game 4

Lucas Papademos (Greece) vs. Angela Merkel (Germany)

Oof. Given that a German-dominated EU essentially installed Papademos in his current office, this one wasn't much of a contest. FP's game scouts report that Papademos appeared to just let Merkel score at will, though German commentators attributed his lack of defense to Greek laziness. Merkel, meanwhile, dug in her heels, literally, drawing blood from the Greek PM with nearly every shot. It won't help Merkel's reputation in Greece, where anti-German sentiment is at an all-time high, but it was a blowout. There might have been a sidebet going on -- or Merkel didn't cover the spread -- because at the end she was seen to be grudgingly slipping some cash to Papedemos as he was helped off the floor. MERKEL WINS.   

Game 5

The SCAF (Egypt) vs. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran)

Going into the game, Egypt's tough-as-nails transitional military junta appeared to have the advantage in this one. A year after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the military's grip on power seems pretty secure -- although the upcoming election could change that. The military even cracked down on foreign-funded NGOs without seriously damaging its international relationships. Ahmadinejad, meanwhile, limped into this first round, dinged by enemies at home and abroad. Beset by sanctions and international pressure, he recently became the first president in Iranian history to be hauled before parliament to face accusations that he has mismanaged the country's economy and defied the Supreme Leader. So, as they took the floor...

[Announcer]: The SCAF has taken the court. And here comes Ahmadinejad in his trademark baggy shorts, button-down shirt, and zippered Members Only jacket.

[Announcer 2]: Hey, wait, what's happening?

[Announcer]: He's being called back to the bench!

[Announcer 2]: Who's that talking to him?

[Announcer]: It looks like Iran's Guardian Council! Is there going to be a last minute substitution here?

[Announcer 2]: Is that who I think it is?

[Announcer]: Yes, it's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei! He's lacing up his old-school Jordans and telling Mahmoud to take a seat!

[Announcer 2]: Looks like it's clear who's running the show, folks. And there's fire in that wily old veteran's eyes...

With Ahmadinejad riding the pine, Khamenei squeaks by the upstart Egyptians in a nail biter. KHAMENEI WINS. (Scoring note: If you picked Ahmadinejad, you still get points for the Ayatollah advancing.)

Game 6

Mohammed VI (Morocco) vs. Thein Sein (Myanmar)

It's a battle of the reformist autocrats. With longtime regimes imploding all around him last year, Morocco's Western-friendly king undertook a program of modest reforms, including a constitutional referendum and parliamentary elections. They may just have been wallpaper, but did enough to quell the worst of the Arab Spring-style protests. Myanmar's turnaround, though, seems the real deal. A country once frequently mentioned in the same breath as North Korea is now allowing its most famous dissident to run for office and playing host to the likes of Hillary Clinton. It's certainly too early to describe Myanmar as a democracy yet, but Thein Sein gets points for degree of difficulty and SLORCs his way through to the next round. THEIN SEIN WINS.

Game 7

The Castro Brothers (Cuba) vs. Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)

It's recreation hour at the dictator senior center. Mugabe (age 88) has been severely hampered for the last three years by an internationally imposed coalition government. He's hoping to jettison his pesky opposition partners by holding elections this year, but it's possible the government may not have enough money to hold the vote. Perhaps he was able to raise a bit of money from the Trump's recent hunting excursion in Zimbabwe, but it doesn't look good. The Castros (combined age 167) aren't as formidable as they once were, but other than death, it's hard to imagine anything that could remove them from power at the moment. Plus, an upcoming papal visit may bring good luck. The double-team Castro Bros. defense manages to hold off the diminutive African dictator. CASTROS WIN.

Game 8

Kim Jong Un (North Korea) vs. Hugo Chavez (Venezuela)

The final matchup of the day features unknown newcomer Kim Jong Un looking to make a name for himself on the big stage against veteran contender Chavez. But can the younger Kim go deeper in the tournament this year than his father, who was summarily dumped by Putin in round two of last year's March Madness? El Presidente can still trash talk with the best of them -- "mendacious gay Nazi Zionist" is nothing compared to the torrent of verbal abuse he unleashed on the pudgy 28 (or maybe 29) year-old rookie. But hampered by illness and an emboldened Venezuelan opposition, Chavez was looking a bit tired as he made his way to the locker room at halftime. And as the "brilliant comrade" took to the floor for second-half action, Chavez was nowhere to be seen. As we later learned from a pre-recorded message, he jetted off to Cuba at the last minute for some unspecified medical treatment ... giving Kim the win by forfeit. KIM WINS.

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