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【彭博新闻20120318】朝鲜拒绝对发射火箭的批评 中国为此警告盟友

发表于 2012-3-27 22:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2012-3-28 09:19 编辑

【中文标题】        朝鲜拒绝对发射火箭的批评  中国为此警告盟友
【原文标题】    N. Korea Rejects Rocket Launch Criticism as China Cautions Ally
【彭博新闻0318】N. Korea Rejects Rocket Launch Criticism as China Cautions Allyhttp://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3365427&ac=324090
【译者】              ccsingtao
【翻译方式】    人工
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By Andy Sharp    Mar 18, 2012   
记者安迪·夏普 2012年3月18日

Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea. Source: KNS/AFP/Getty Images

朝鲜领导人金正恩    图片:盖提/日本共同社/法新社

North Korea rejected international criticism of its planned satellite launch next month as China cautioned its ally in the first sign of tension since Kim Jong Un succeeded his father as head of the totalitarian state.

自金正恩(Kim Jong Un)继承了他父亲的职位并成为朝鲜这一极权主义国家的首领以来,中朝之间第一次关系紧张的信号就是中国因朝鲜火箭发射计划而警告朝鲜同盟。一个月后,朝鲜拒绝了国际社会对其火箭发射计划的批评。

U.S., Japanese and South Korean condemnation is “a base move to deny the DPRK’s right to use space for peaceful purposes and encroach upon its sovereignty,” the official Korean Central News Agency said yesterday, referring to the country’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. North Korea has no intention of canceling its plans, KCNA said.


Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun expressed his“worry” over the March 16 announcement to North Korean ambassador Ji Jae Ryong, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The U.S. said the launch, which is to mark the 100th anniversary of state founder Kim Il Sung’s birth, would negate an agreement to provide food aid in exchange for a North Korean moratorium on nuclear and missile tests.

在中国外交部的一个声明中说,中国外交部副部长张志军在3月16日通告朝鲜大使池在龙(Ji Jae Ryong)时,表达了他的“遗憾”。美国声称为了纪念朝鲜国家的奠基人金日成诞辰100周年而进行的导弹试验,将会造成其提供粮食援助以换取朝鲜取消核计划以及导弹试验的协议被取消。

North Korea is dependent on energy and food assistance from China, which has sought to support its neighbor to avoid unrest that could hinder trade and prompt a wave of refugees across its border. Kim Jong Un took over after his father Kim Jong Il died in December and the launch is part of an effort by the regime to bolster his image ahead of his grandfather’s April 15 centennial.


China “doesn’t want to give the impression it’s supporting what North Korea is doing,” said Robert Dujarric, director of the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University in Tokyo. “It’s tough for Beijing. They have to criticize it,but they can’t do much more.”

天普大学东京分校的当代亚洲研究学院主任罗伯特·杜加里克(Robert Dujarric)说,中国“不想给人留下她正在支持朝鲜正在做的什么的印象”。“这对北京有点难,他们必须要批评朝鲜,但他们不能做太多。”

‘Sincerely Hope’


“We sincerely hope parties concerned stay calm and exercise restraint and avoid escalation of tension that may lead to a more complicated situation,” Zhang told Ji, according to the statement. China has noted the international reaction to North Korea’s announcement, Zhang said.


Japan is considering using its Aegis missile defense system to shoot the North Korean rocket down if it enters its territory,the Nikkei and Yomiuri newspapers said, without saying where they got the information. Japan made similar considerations in 2009, when North Korea fired a rocket it claimed was a satellite in defiance of the United Nations.


“You may want to hit it before it looks like it’s going to hit Japan,” Dujarric said. “You don’t want to fire at it if it clearly isn’t going to hit Japanese territory because no one wants an escalation with North Korea.”

“在它看起来要攻击日本前,你可能想要把它打下来,”杜加里克说。“如果它显然不会攻击日本领土的话你就不会朝它开火,因为没有人想要跟朝鲜 紧张升级。”

International experts and journalists will be invited to watch the launch, KCNA said on March 17.


‘Peaceful Purposes’


The Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite will be mounted on a Unha-3 rocket and sent from a station in North Phyongan province between April 12 and April 16, a spokesman for the North Korean Committee for Space Technology said in a statement reported by KCNA. The launch is for “peaceful purposes” and will“strictly abide by relevant international regulations,” the unidentified spokesman said.

一个朝鲜航天技术委员会的发言人在朝中社发布的一份声明中说,光明星3号(The Kwangmyongsong-3)卫星将要被装载进银河3号(Unha-3)火箭,并在4月12日至4月16日之间被送往平安北道的发射台。这次发射是为了“和平目的”,并将“严格遵守有关国际法规,”这位未透露姓名的发言人说。

The announcement is “highly provocative” and a launch would violate UN resolutions prohibiting North Korea’s use of ballistic missile technology, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said last week. The Obama administration has told North Korea going ahead with the mission would be a “deal breaker” for the food-aid agreement, she said.

这份公告是“高度挑衅的”,而且发射将违反联合国禁止朝鲜使用弹道导弹技术的决议,美国国务院发言人维多利亚·努兰(Victoria Nuland)上周说。她说,奥巴马政府已经告诉朝鲜继续推进发射将会成为粮食援助协议的“交易破坏者”。

Under the deal reached in February, the U.S. agreed to provide an initial 240,000 metric tons of food in monthly 20,000-ton increments. The accord opened the possibility for there sumption of six-party talks to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons development.


North Korea backed out of the talks, which include Russia,China, the U.S., Japan and South Korea, shortly after its April 2009 satellite test and has shown no sign that it’s willing to resume them.





发表于 2012-3-27 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-3-28 15:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2012-3-28 15:13 编辑


第 一 条   缔约双方将继续为维护亚洲和世界的和平和各国人民的安全而尽一切努力。  

第 二 条   缔约双方保证共同采取一切措施,防止任何国家对缔约双方的任何一方的侵略。一旦缔约一方受到任何一个国家的或者几个国家联合的武装进攻,因而处于战争状态时,缔约另一方应立即尽其全力给予军事及其他援助。

第 三 条   缔约双方均不缔结反对缔约双方的任何同盟,并且不参加反对缔约双方的任何集团和任何行动或措施。   

第 四 条   缔约双方将继续对两国共同利益有关的一切重大国际问题进行协商。   

第 五 条   缔约双方将继续本着互相尊重主权、互不干涉内政、平等互利的原则和友好合作的精神,在两国的社会主义建设事业中,彼此给予一切可能的经济和技术援助;继续巩固和发展两国的经济、文化和科学技术合作。   

第 六 条   缔约双方认为,朝鲜的统一必须在和平民主的基础上实现,而这种解决正符合朝鲜人民的民族利益和维护远东和平的目的。   

第 七 条   本条约须经批准,并自互换批准书之日起生效。批准书在平壤互换。   本条约在未经双方就修改或者终止问题达成协议以前,将一直有效。   

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