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发表于 2012-3-28 12:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2012-3-28 13:52 编辑

【原文及翻译链接】:我们为什么一再忽视中国的崛起? 傲慢
•    birdincedar
25 March 2012 12:53AM
In N.America we celebrate individualism, narcissism and consumerism unlike anywhere else, The China story cuts deep into all three of these characteristics so rather than address it we ignore or deny it or distract ourselves with political, media or sports entertainment. When the earth revolves around "You" in various senses of the word why pay attention to "Them"
Fast forward 25 years, when this shift has occurred we (N.Americans) will be the last to honestly acknowledge it - rather our patriotic songs will louder than ever, our commercials for get rich quick schemes, newfangled gadgets and the latest hip sitcoms will convince us everything is just fine. Eventually even this will cease to work and the new worldview will be plain to see, even here.
•    MichaelLinLA
25 March 2012 12:39AM
In the 1980s Japan was buying everything not bolted down and look what happened.
My money's on Brazil.
•    jivemi
25 March 2012 2:07AM
Arrogance? Perhaps frivolity is a better word...
•    hongkongobserver
25 March 2012 2:25AM
I believe that Napoleon suggested that when China Wakes the World Will Tremble. Almost every Chinese child will learn about the Opium wars but I suspect that few British young people are aware of the opium wars and about Britain's and other European countries' dealings with China.
The progress and changes in China over the recent past have been little short of amazing. The Chinese gains in manufacturing, finance, construction and education have been amazing. There are many things that go wrong on the way - high speed trains that crash and shoddy construction but China will learn. British and Western leaders appear to know nothing about history and involve themselves in stupid and counter-productive wars in places like Afghanistan, involving huge cost. Britain too seems have to have given up on manufacturing and selling all its manufacturing companies to concentrate only on banking and then the bankers bring ruin on Britain.
Britain and the West should learn of its history with China, India and other parts of the East. Britain has done many good things in China and the East. It should teach in its history of good things that have been done in places like China such as its bringing of Western medicine to China, of its fighting side by side with China in the war, of the training of Sun Yat Sen at school and university in Hong Kong. In that way British businessmen could engage in productive discussion with Chinese businessmen or professionals while discussing business.
The West should learn Chinese languages and deal with China on the basis of friendship and understanding. Maybe Britain and the West can learn a lot from China and the Chinese.
Was just typing this myself. Totally agree. The arrogance is the output; the input is fear.
•    ipswichtown78
25 March 2012 2:28AM
It's also due to a limited perspective....
In our lives we often look at short-medium term economic cycles......4-6 years with the big guns always coming good.....USA for example.....but historically there are much bigger economic cycles....typically a century of domination at a time.....the Dutch had their century, the Spanish theirs....Britain had it's century in the sun, followed by the States for the last century.......but there comes a point where these major economies no longer maintained their dominance and a quantum shift occured......this is occuring now......a new century of dominance is just beginning......and this will be China....and quite likely India's turn.....
•    MeeFraSonS
25 March 2012 2:35AM
China's rise to global domination is a future far from being set in stone. Many structural, cultural and geographic impediments stand in their way. If the world insisted that China operate on a level economic playing field their growth would slow dramatically overnight.
•    dadsarmy
25 March 2012 2:43AM
Response to hongkongobserver, 25 March 2012 2:25AM
It should teach in its history of good things that have been done in places like China such as ... its fighting side by side with China in the war
You'd be hard put finding that in books here. There seems to have been a lot of censorship post-war in the UK, whether official or not I don't know, in the UK's "fight" against communism. Russia's part in WWII was minimized but not so much, impossible basically since the UK was a contributor in the Berlin Airlift. But in spite of having read hundreds, thousands even of books about WWII, it was only recently that I realized that China was on "our side". I don't think I knew before.
•    Torman
25 March 2012 3:07AM
As I have lived in China for 17 years, could I beg to be excused from the "we" who is ignoring them?
•    Lantana
25 March 2012 6:14AM
Jacques is right of course; but the dominance of China will not be in 20 years, it is on the doorstep now hammering away at the West's letterbox. I've lived in China for 20 years and the determined around-the-clock work ethic of the mainland Chinese, Hong Kongers and Taiwanese is a sight to behold. The UK in particular had its heyday more than a century ago and has not adjusted with the times, in terms of research and development, technology, keeping abreast of languages and spawning a top-heavy population weakened by a slack immigration policy, a workforce that has an in-built safety net of benefits (however flawed) and a dumbed down education system (for those without the money to pay for higher standards). If a Chinese worker does not work they do not eat; motivation and ambition are key. Education is revered as a way to professional or entrepreneurial employment. While the UK has grown into a bloated Chav nation, China is leaner, increasingly educated and more determined to get out of the poverty trap (without State help). While no government or country has attained a perfect balance or a perfect ruling system, at this point in time the West instead of feeling threatened by China, should stop sneering at Johnny Foreigner, get smart and pick up a few tips (as China leant from the West and its history of occupiers). Watch and learn and adjust instead of standing of the sidelines and moaning.




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发表于 2012-3-30 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
I believe that Napoleon suggested that when China Wakes the World Will Tremble. Almost every Chinese child will learn about the Opium wars but I suspect that few British young people are aware of the opium wars and about Britain's and other European countries' dealings with China.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-30 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
wangyf315 发表于 2012-3-30 09:38
I believe that Napoleon suggested that when China Wakes the World Will Tremble. Almost every Chinese ...

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