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【时代周刊 20110320】好莱坞史上十大票房惨剧

发表于 2012-3-31 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 满仓 于 2012-3-31 11:08 编辑

【原文标题】The Top Ten Biggest Money-Losing Movies of All Time
【原文作者】Christopher Matthews






但是在2005年,没人对此感兴趣。尽管影片的导演是曾经执导过《速度与激情》和《极限特工》等重磅作品的的Rob Cohen,依然改变不了《绝密飞行》的废柴命运——如果考虑到通货膨胀的因素,影片亏损了111,700,123美元。



在1978年的《猎鹿人》取得巨大的艺术成就和商业成功之后,导演Michael Cimino被给予决定一切的权力拍摄下一步影片《天堂之门》。Cimino立即开始埋头苦干,把大笔现金投入他对细节的偏执追求,和150万英尺的胶片中。众所周知,Cimino与联美公司在影片拍摄问题上公开发生冲突,据说这位导演在编辑室门口安排武装警卫,以防止公司高层的唠叨影响他的思绪。一切尘埃落定之后,评论人士嘘声一片,观众根本不屑于走进影院观看。就像Vincent Canby在《纽约时报》上的评论所说,影片“是如此的失败,以至于你会怀疑Cimino先生是不是在拍摄《猎鹿人》时把灵魂卖给了魔鬼才取得成功,而现在魔鬼来索债了。”这部影片亏损了114,281,677美元。



这部影片用大量特技效果翻拍60年代日本的动画片,为了拍摄和推广这部影片,华纳兄弟公司共花费了2亿美元。尽管它并不像榜单中其它影片那样遭遇到评论界和影迷的批评,但过分夸张的成本难以收回。影片的特技效果征服了昆汀•塔伦蒂诺和《时代周刊》的Richard Corliss,但对于影片的目标观众群——孩子——有些过分了。一位父亲在接受《综艺》采访时说,预告片对他12岁和7岁的孩子来说,“感官过于刺激了”。由于未能准确定位观影人群,华纳兄弟公司损失了114,479,584美元。



好莱坞曾经有一部非常阳光的喜剧,讲述十来岁的孩子追求性满足的过程。《城市与乡村》秉承了这样的情节,却让几个中年男人去追求性满足(还试图不让他们的妻子发现)。尽管有Warren Beatty、Goldie Hawn、Diane Keaton和Gary Shandling等大牌明星加盟,这部影片却不被影迷接受。影片的投资为1.05亿美元,而全球票房收入只有1000万美元。《城市与乡村》共亏损了124,202,203美元。



Michael Crichton的小说曾经被改编为很多成功的大制作影片(《侏罗纪公园》、《刚果惊魂》),因此,当试金石影业公司决定用一个新名字来拍摄《食尸者》,并邀请John McTiernan(曾执导《铁血战士》、《虎胆龙威》)做导演时,他们抱着必赚无疑的信心。但是,在邀请观众试看影片之后,公司又有了另外的想法。他们花费大笔资金重新翻拍了影片,结果却一无所获。最终作品如此糟糕,以至于在影片中扮演一个小角色的Omar Sharif拒绝继续出演,因为他觉得这部片子不能再糟了。Sharif说:“看到我在《终极奇兵》之中的角色之后,我对自己说:‘别在这里浪费时间了,难道我只是为了挣这点钱吗?’坏片子令人蒙羞,让我恶心。剧本中的对话我简直读不下去,还要面对一个不知道自己在干什么的导演。这部影片根本不值得投入。”












这部史诗战争剧原本的目标是要角逐奥斯卡奖项,Ron Howard任导演,演员包括Russell Crowe、Ethan Hawke和Billy Bob Thornton。但迪斯尼对Howard的2亿美元预算有些畏缩不前,导致Howard只愿做一个联合制片人,Crowe也退出影片Hawke。尽管总制作成本和营销成本降低了1.45亿美元,但这部影片还是亏损了146,644,313美元。



《割喉岛》的上映时机是否有些过于超前了?在迪斯尼的吸金大作《加勒比海盗》诞生8年之前,这部虚张声势的影片就像炮灰一样不为人知。当然,影片没有邀请到约翰尼•德普来扮演Keith Richards。这的确很糟糕。迈克尔•道格拉斯本来答应出演反派Geena Davis,但他后来离开,让一群小明星扛起1995年令人瞠目结舌的1.15亿美元预算。这部影片是有史以来最大的票房滑铁卢,亏损达147,157,681美元。


Walt Disney Studios announced Monday that it would be taking a $200 million, second quarter write-down related to the science-fiction flop John Carter. If the film continues to be such an epic dud at the box office, it will force the studio to record an operating loss between $80 million and $120 million for the quarter. John Carter provides a stark reminder that profiting from art is not an exact science. If the $200 million figure comes to fruition, this box-office debacle will win the dubious distinction of biggest box office loser of all time. Here are the ten movies that have lost the most money so far, but watch out guys, John Carter is catching up fast.

10) Stealth

In the year 2016, the Navy develops a super-intelligent unmanned aircraft called “Edi.” When Edi gets struck by lightning, he stops taking orders and almost starts World War III.

In the year 2005, nobody cared. Despite being helmed by Rob Cohen, director of the blockbusters The Fast and The Furious and xXx, Stealth was a dud — losing $111,700,123 in inflation-adjusted dollars.

9) Heaven’s Gate

After the critical and commercial success of 1978’s The Deer Hunter, director Michael Cimino was given carte blanche for his next film, Heaven’s Gate. Cimino took the studio’s money and ran with it, funneling cash into his compulsive attention to detail and more than 1.5 million feet of film. Cimino and United Artists famously and publicly clashed over the production of the film, and the director reportedly kept armed guards outside the editing room to keep execs from fussing with his vision. When all was said and done, critics despised the film, and the fans didn’t come out to see it either. As Vincent Canby of The New York Times put it, the film, “fails so completely that you might suspect Mr. Cimino sold his soul to the Devil to obtain the success of  ’The Deer Hunter,’ and the Devil has just come around to collect.” Inflation-adjusted, the film lost a whopping $114,281,677.

8) Speed RACer

This special effects-laden remake of a 1960’s Japanese anime series cost its studio,Warner Bros., a staggering $200 million to make and promote. Though the film didn’t fare as badly with critics or fans as some of the other movies on the list, those costs were just far too high to overcome. The special effects, which won over fans from Quentin Tarantino to TIME’s Richard Corliss, may have just been too much for the real target audience of the film: little kids. As one father  told Variety, the trailer was “sensory overload” for his 12 and 7-year-old sons. Failing to bring out that key demographic lost Warner Bros. $114,479,584 in 2012 dollars.

7) Town & Country

Seemingly every summer, Hollywood turns out another farce centered around teenagers and their quest for sexual fulfillment. Town and Country turned that trope on its head, instead making a movie about middle-aged men and their quest for sexual fulfillment (and trying to prevent their wives from finding out). Though it featured such megastars as Warren Beatty, Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton and Gary Shandling, the film meandered and failed to bring in movie fans. With a total budget of $105 million, the film grossed just over $10 million worldwide. Inflation adjusted, Town and Country’s losses come in at $124,202,203.

6) The 13th Warrior

Michael Crichton’s novels (Jurassic Park, Congo) were transformed into many a blockbuster hit, so when Touchstone Pictures decided to produce a renamed film version of The Eaters of the Dead with John McTiernan (Predator, Die Hard) at the helm, they were certain they had banked a hit. Once test audiences were brought in to view the film, however, the studio had second thoughts. They spent big bucks to rework the film, to no avail. The final product was so bad that Omar Sharif, who had a small part in the film, actually retired briefly from acting because of his poor opinion of it. Said Sharif, “After my small role in The 13th Warrior, I said to myself, ‘Let us stop this nonsense, these meal tickets that we do because it pays well’ . . . bad pictures are very humiliating, I was really sick. It is terrifying to have to do the dialogue from bad scripts, to face a director who does not know what he is doing, in a film so bad that it is not even worth exploring.”

5) Mars Needs Moms

One of the reasons the John Carter debacle doesn’t look as bad for Walt Disney is that just one year ago the studio was mourning the epic bomb Mars Needs Moms. Inflation adjusted, this motion-capture animated film lost $140,513,991, making the John Carter loss appear better from a quarter-over-quarter revenue growth perspective. Mars likely spells the end of big studios underwriting this particular variety of 3-D animation. While the acting in the film was praised, fans and critics were put off by the movie’s appearance.

4) Sahara

This buried-treasure adventure flick grossed nearly $120 million worldwide – a healthy haul by most standards. But Sahara’s production and marketing costs came in over $240 million, the lurid details of which were outlined in a 2007 Los Angeles Times expose. Some of the more colorful examples of exotic expenses include hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes passed out to local officials in Morocco, where the film was made, and $2 million to produce a plane crash that didn’t even make it into the final cut. Too bad the film wasn’t as entertaining as court records detailing its producer’s spendthrift ways. Inflation adjusted, the film lost $144,857,030.

3) The Adventures of Pluto Nash

Once upon a time, a star didn’t get much more bankable than Eddie Murphy. His run of box office successes culminated with the 1996 smash hit The Nutty Professor. The decade following The Professor, however, was filled with more flops than not, and there was no bigger dud than The Adventures of Pluto Nash. The producers of this ill-conceived sci-fi comedy adventure poured a lot of money into effects, but audiences didn’t respond. Adjusted for inflation, the film lost $145,877,124.

2) The Alamo

This epic war drama was originally conceived of as Oscar bait, with Ron Howard in the director’s chair and Russell Crowe and Ethan Hawke starring next to Billy Bob Thornton. Disney balked, however, at Howard’s $200 million budget, causing Howard to sign on only as a co-producer and Crowe and Hawke to jump ship. Even with a much-reduced total production and marketing cost of $145 million, the film bombed, loosing $146,644,313 in 2012 dollars.

1) Cutthroat Island

Was Cutthroat Island ahead of its time? Eight years before Disney made franchise gold with their Pirates of the Caribbean, this swashbuckling flick sank to the bottom like so much cannon fodder. Then again, the movie didn’t have Johnny Depp doing his best Keith Richards. Oh yeah, and it was terrible. Michael Douglas had originally signed on to play opposite Geena Davis, but Douglas dropped out, leaving the film with little star power to shoulder its bloated-by-1995-standards $115 million budget. The film is the all-time biggest inflation-adjusted box-office bomb, loosing a cool $147,157,681.




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