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发表于 2012-11-9 14:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中国对俄罗斯的看法非常平衡和积极,有48%的中国人对俄罗斯持积极观点,另有38%的人态度消极.相比之下,对美国和联合国的看法大致上是相同的,43%的中国人对它们持有正面观点,只有大约三分之一(33%)的中国人对欧盟持积极态度,而对巴基斯坦持积极态度的只有31%. 自去年以来中国对外国和其他国际机构的看法总体上保持稳定.

The Chinese express even dimmer views toward their neighbor to the south, India. Roughly a quarter (23%) have a favorable opinion of India, while 62% offer a negative opinion.


Similarly, Iran receives largely negative ratings, with only 21% expressing a favorable view of the Islamic Republic, a decline of eight percentage points since 2011.


China and India
There is further evidence that Sino-Indian relations have cooled in recent years – increasingly, the Chinese public is wary of India’s economic growth. Currently, only 44% of Chinese say that their southern neighbor’s expanding economy is positive for China, down from six-in-ten in 2010. Meanwhile, those saying India’s growing economy is a bad thing has almost doubled over the same period.


Indian views towards China are even more negative. Only 23% of Indians describe their country’s relationship with China as one of cooperation and only 24% think China’s growing economy is a good thing for India. (For more on Indian views toward China and other nations see “Deepening Economic Doubts in India,” released on September 10, 2012).

显然印度对中国的看法更加消极.只有23%的印度人认为印度和中国是合作关系,24%的印度人认为中国经济的增长是对印度有益的.(想要了解更多印度对中国和其他国家的观点,请阅读:“Deepening Economic Doubts in India”2012年9月10号发行.)

10-31-2012 03:57 PM PlanetWarrior 地区Botswana (博茨瓦纳)
Strange. Here in Africa there is a lot of inter-marriage between Chinese and Indians or people of Indian descent. Almost a fab here these days.


10-31-2012 03:58 PM Korean 地区:New York(纽约)
Originally Posted by PlanetWarrior
Strange. Here in Africa there is a lot of inter-marriage between Chinese and Indians or people of Indian descent. Almost a fab here these days.
Those are pre-communist overseas Chinese.
Pre-communist overseas Chinese are pretty nice. Think Hong Kongese, Taiwanese, Chinese in Malaysia, Singaporean, old time Chinese in the US(Not the new mainland immigrants), etc.

回复 PlanetWarrior :

10-31-2012 04:00 PM xuxu1457 地区: Dalian(中国,大连)
welcome "Korean", you are back alive and go on work now, I can see the whole first new posts page are from you,
if you really work hard, you can swallow up the storm of New York by your big mouth;
I don't understand why you are so care about China, when you declared your are a Korean at New York


10-31-2012 04:07 PM somebozo 地区: Fort of Sunnah
Over all they have a negative view of everyone. this is a dangerous tendency and hints towards over nationalism!


10-31-2012 04:09 PM Korean 地区:New York(纽约)
Originally Posted by somebozo
Over all they have a negative view of everyone. this is a dangerous tendency and hints towards over nationalism!
And that's supposed to be Pakistan's best friend.


10-31-2012 04:16 PM Jade 地区: London(伦敦)
Why do 52% of Chinese view Pakistan unfavorably?


10-31-2012 04:18 PM Battle of Bach Dang River 地区:Spratlys(斯普拉特利,即中国南沙)
Originally Posted by Jade
Why do 52% of Chinese view Pakistan unfavorably?
Oh, I'm also wondering the same...


10-31-2012 05:39 PM skyknight 地区:Sichuan China(中国,四川)
If someone wants to know how Chinese view the other countries, then he'd better refer to a survey made by Chinese。


10-31-2012 05:59 PM Wright 地区: canada(加拿大)
Originally Posted by Jade
Why do 52% of Chinese view Pakistan unfavorably?
Chinese are not too big on going there for tourism.


10-31-2012 06:03 PM prototype 地区: Bhopal/Cochin(印度 博帕尔/科钦)
I highly doubt this survey, according to this even the views on Pakistan and Iran are unfavorable, so either Chinese dont know what's happening on the international side or they are high end nationalist or they dont visit defence.pk.


10-31-2012 06:12 PM Viet 地区:Munich(慕尼黑.)
Really? unbelievable!
That promotes the Sino-India friendship.


10-31-2012 06:16 PM Syama Ayas 地区:Nearby(附近)
Chinese see India and Iran more unfavorably than USA? and Russia more favorable than Pakistan?


10-31-2012 06:17 PM LOVETOALL 地区:india(印度)
Pakistan is seeing more unfavaourable than US...
I think the list will be (unfavarable)
1. Japan
2. South Korean
3. Other countries in South China sea


10-31-2012 06:48 PM Andromache 地区: Pakistan (巴基斯坦)
I believe Chinese think more about China than others thats why China is growing


10-31-2012 06:58 PM SamranAli 地区: Pakistan(巴基斯坦)
why we are discussing the westren survey again and again with zero credibility.


10-31-2012 07:00 PM skyknight 地区:Sichuan China(中国,四川)
Originally Posted by RoYaL~GuJJaR
I wonder the same......
There is no answer,
because this data is totally sh*t to me and most Chinese,
It is almost like you are asking why 1+1=3
Generally, Japan, South Korea,Vietnam are always on the unfavorable list,
Pakistan, Germany are always on the favorable list.

回复RoYaL~GuJJaR :

10-31-2012 07:00 PM OrionHunter 地区: India(印度)
And only about a third see the European Union (33%) and Pakistan (31%) positively.
I can't believe this! Pakistan claims the Sino-Pak friendship is higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans, sweeter than honey and stronger than steel!! But just 31% Chinese feel the same way? In other words the vast majority of Chinese care two hoots for this relationship!


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