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1990 vs 2010 两张不同时期的上海浦东照片

发表于 2012-11-12 16:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1990 vs 2010 两张不同时期的上海浦东照片


1990 vs. 2010

420trader (URL) on Jun 7, 9:56 PMsaid:Wow! Absolutely stunning. Thank you for the post.


think again on Jul 13, 2:53 PMsaid:
@420trader: Wouldn't yikes! be more appropriate than wow!? I thought we got over the "bigger is better" thing awhile ago. These tall buildings are just warehouses in the sky with sealed environs and cubicles galore. I guess it takes a lot of paperwork to track all the crappy consumer goods spewing forth from Chinese workshops.

‘恶..’应该比‘哇哦’更合适吧?!我觉得我们已经不再觉得‘大的就是好的’了。这些大楼不过是深入天空的大仓库 -- 密封的环境和大量的小隔间。我猜中国工厂把那些垃圾消费品吐到其它地方需要做很多文件工作吧。

Henry Blodget on Jun 7, 10:01 PMsaid:
Wow. I ate sushi on the ~80th floor of the Jinmao tower five years ago. That's the one with the lighted spike on top toward the right. The building to the right of it didn't exist then. It now dwarfs it.

哇哦。我五年前曾经在金茂大厦第八十层吃过寿司。就是右边顶上发光的那栋建筑。它右边那栋楼(开瓶器 -- 译者注)那时还不存在呢。现在金茂大厦成小矮子了。

Coffeygrinds on Jun 7, 10:18 PMsaid:
@Henry Blodget: First trip in 1994 been back a few times.Shit gets done in China /HK/Asia yes Ground Zero is a joke

第一次去上海是1994年之后也去过几次。中国/香港/亚洲太TM牛X了,Ground Zero (纽约世贸大厦遗址新楼)就是个笑话。

AB on Jun 7, 10:27 PMsaid:
@Henry Blodget: The taller building (the one with the square hole at the top) next to the Jinmao Building is the Mori Building, the Shanghai World Financial Center.

金茂大厦旁边那栋更高的楼(译注:顶上带个洞的那个)是森大楼(日本公司‘森’ 投资建造的 -- 译者注),叫上海环球金融中心。

Ken G on Jun 8, 12:49 AMsaid:
@Henry Blodget: That tower to the right will be dwarfed by yet another tower that is currently under construction.
Just got back from my second trip to Shanghai last month. My first trip was a year earlier. In just that one year, there have been new elevated freeways completed, and entire subway lines finished, all in time for the World. Expo, which itself is a massive display of architectural wonders. Along with the Beijing Olympic ceremonies, China is showing that IT is the "can-do" country of the 21st century, not the USA, bubble or no bubble. They get things done, especially when they are on the world stage.


Scott Wolfgang (URL) on Jun 7, 10:05 PMsaid:
Even more shocking when you think about the lack of progress at ground zero these last 9 years. We just can't do anything exceptional even more in this country.

更加让人震惊的是当你发现Ground Zero九年了进展却依然缓慢。我们不再是能做别的国家不能做的事情的国家了。

Amused moderate on Jun 7, 11:06 PMsaid:
The 2010 picture literally looks like the Jetson's future is actually here.


Unsalted on Jun 7, 11:30 PMsaid:
It's all a huge bubble, remember. Pah.
China is changing and the Chinese people are smart, pragmatic and hard working.


Preston (URL) on Jun 8, 5:35 AMsaid:
Check out the smog difference too. And all of that construction, going on all the time, makes living in the city like walking through a masonry factory every day, in the open air.


Elise on Jun 8, 7:14 PMsaid:Wow! I have never been to China but Wow!

我从没去过中国,但是 哇哦!

Mike Wood Photography (URL) on Jun 8, 10:36 PMsaid:staggering development. Thanks for posting that,


Un-Dah on Jun 9, 1:12 AMsaid:that tallest building on the right appears to have a chink in it, I'm afraid.


Andrea on Jun 9, 4:33 AMsaid:@Un-Dah: I just got it now. so clever, well in a totally inappropriate way. haha


Criggie (URL) on Jun 9, 3:00 AMsaid:
It takes 20 years to go from daylight to nighttime there? Wow!


Paulie123 on Jun 10, 5:34 AMsaid:
Unbelievable development, this would take absolutely decades upon decades to achieve in a western country...



92BuickLeSabr 08 Jun 2010 4:44 PM
...and the city has gotten so much darker too.
I can't believe they can live with that much pollution, it's like it's blotted out the sun.


klick73 [color=rgb(170, 170, 170) !important]@92BuickLeSabre
@92BuickLeSabre: The difference is like night and day... *cough*


Pzychotix [color=rgb(170, 170, 170) !important]@92BuickLeSabre
It's not "like" it's blotted out the sun.
It HAS blotted out the sun. I lived in Shanghai for 3-4 years, and I only got to see the actual sun a couple times a year. I never got to see the stars once. It's a really bleak place.
Also, you can't really tell from the pictures, but that river is completely grey. It's really nasty.


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