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发表于 2012-11-19 11:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
London (CNN) -- When I was driving through Poland last year, all the talk was about a Chinese company's failure to complete a major motorway project. The contract was wrestled away from the Chinese and the Poles finished it themselves.

The details, denials and counter-claims aren't important for this article; far more interesting is the impact of any China-led project in Europe. Any news on such projects -- good or bad -- makes headlines. But the splash is bigger when such projects fail or when people starting mumbling about Chinese influence.

What China does in Europe matters greatly, though rarely do I hear or read a positive story about China's influence.

When a Chinese company bought Volvo, it was the transfer of technology that made the headlines, along with the end of the era for a venerable European brand. When an Indian company bought Land Rover and Jaguar, Tata was hailed as the savior of two venerable European brands.

Why is that?


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

The answer appears clear. We are equally fascinated and frightened by the rise of China's economic and military prowess.

The Chinese government's recent trip to central Europe revealed that the hiccup in Poland has not slowed China's plan to invest heavily in the former communist states. A $10 billion credit line will be used for infrastructure projects in Poland, Hungary and other countries. It was reported that the leaders of 16 central European countries met with Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao while in Poland.


China's tech giant Huawei is a growing power in the telecoms world. But any attempt it makes to expand in Europe, United States or Africa is met with fears of technology transfer to a firm linked to the Chinese military through its founder. Rightly so, governments fret over a "foreign" firm controlling the hardware that is the backbone of modern society. In Huawei's case, as the Economist recently pointed out in a front cover story, the fear is China illegally tapping into western communications, both government and private.


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

Of course Huawei will say it's a private company with no state control and simply wants to compete on [#page#]with the likes of Nokia-Siemens, Cisco and Ericsson.

A change of leadership in Beijing will not have much impact in Europe. There is no reason to believe big changes will come from the top.


Instead, change appears to be coming from the bottom. Rising wages and increased worker benefits might raise the prices of goods exported to Europe.


It also helps to expand China's middle class which appears to love European and American products.


I recall growing up in America with worries about the rising power of Japan. All the products we desired were designed there or manufactured there, from video games players to VCRs and automobiles to the Walkman. With the wealth created, the Japanese were buying up property in California and buildings in New York.


It was feared the rise of Japan's economic prowess would never abate. But it did.


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

Europe can't assume the same will happen with China. But the economies now are so interlinked that stingy European consumers quickly translates into weaker manufacturing output in China. That slowdown is dissected by European economists and, on any given day, it can cause stocks to fall, leading to the similar stock tumbles a few hours later on Wall Street.

Recently Burberry noted a slowdown in sales in Asia, particularly in China -- its shares promptly fell 20%. Perhaps it was an overreaction, but it shows investors are quite happy to plow money into companies with "an Asian strategy" and then ignore it -- until there is a profit warning blamed on that same market.


That goes to show Europe has to get comfortable with the growing influence of China on its shores. It cannot expect its companies to grow in the Chinese market, then be surprised when enriched Chinese companies come shopping for European companies to buy.


China needs to understand that it will take time for Europe to get comfortable with China's investments. China has to make sure its investments and intentions are transparent. Oh, then there is that small matter of reciprocity.

-------------译者:神灵与巨人 审核者:tvenana-------------

EA Marco Polo
[The US: Sick psychology of declining Roman Empire?]
作者:ea 马可波罗

Does this article base on "Sick psychology of declining Roman Empire"? Does the US worry or fear to lose the top one position on the earth? Does the US military budget needs enemies? Thus illusionary articles are produced?


The Europe's trade with China (Mainland + ROC Taiwan + Hong Kong) is increasing on proportion in total Europe's trade. In October Mainland China's export to Europe reduces 3 % (in US dollar), in reality Europe pays more Euro to China, just because Euro decline 7%. (The exports from the US and Japan to Europe reduces more).


After great Emperor Han Wudi China had exported silk cloth to Europe for 1600 years. Europe copies lots of Chinese technology such as paper-making, compass and porcelain.

-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

Nobody likes China and Chinese, not even Europe.


What China can bring to Europe? Only money. We desperately need that, for now.
Besides that, China brings industrial espionage, huge amount of fake products, poor or miserable quality, thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants. China and Chinese company don't hire almost any worker or employee in the projects they are awarded. They load planes and ships with their own people and send them wherever necessary.
When the revolution started in Libya, military ships were sent to evacuate 25,000 Chinese which were working in the country at several projects. 25,000 people!!!
We don't need them. We have our own people's jobs to generate and protect.
China: stay away from Europe. Just ship your poor (possibly, avoid sending out counterfeits) products and let's keep it that way.


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

umair usman
suree.. like the Europeans hve never ever done anything ba


EA Marco Polo
[Reality: Harmony between Europe and China is increasing!]


Huawei's investment (2 billion) in India is very popular by local. Europe also likes China's investment, such as Foxconn in Czech. Europe does not worry the rising of China's economy or military, at least huge Russia between them; and now Russia and Mainland China are good friends.


(West Europe had the tradition of evil invasion (Europe made 25 million African black slaves, tortured 8 million to die); but China has the tradition of peace.)


Now China has more and more tourists (and students) in Europe. Europe has more and more students are studying Mandarin. Carrefour (51% Taiwanese, 49% French Carrefour) and many European brands are growing steadily in Mainland China and Taiwan. Now the economic cooperation between Europe and China is more and more, they are comfortable, and it is just the beginning; is the US media jealous?


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

mandarin is a culturally isolated language that does not integrate well with others


umair usman
soon all of you would be learning it


This guy's an idi0t from the people's ministry of misinformation


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------
EA Marco Polo, you never forget to tell how much europeans have a bloody history arent you? ^^ No point going over and over on such subjects, showing that there is no good vs evil, or going throught slavery in china, or wars (look at the biggest wars in casualty... youll find 30 millions deaths in ming dynasty transition, 20 millions during taiping rebellion, 25 millions during manchu conquest and around 20 millions during an luchan rebellion, and I could continue... speak about a bloodbath to lead to the frontiers china has nowadays.... but maybe you prefer thinking that China has magically appeared with the frontiers it has now ?
How can you write such title "harmony between europe and china is incrasing", while you clearly seem to use one sided arguments to bash europe?
As a sidepoint, you write carrefour (49% french, 51% taiwnese), you could be more specific? I am probably not understanding very well but you seem to imply that carrefour is owned at 51% by taiwan interrests... if that so, I would be delighted to see a link about this very interresting news..........

回复EA Marco Polo:你永远不会忘记告诉人们欧洲有着多少血腥历史,是吧?没必要在这些话题上翻来覆去,那些问题上没有善与恶之分。或回顾下中国的奴隶制社会,或回顾下中国发生的战争(看看最大几场战争的伤亡。。。。你会发现,明代更迭时死了3000万人、太平天国起义死了2000万人,满族入侵时死了2500万人以及庐山起义时死了大约2000万人。。我能接着往下说。。。说说成就当今中国边疆的大屠杀。。。但是也许你更愿意相信中国魔法般地就有了它现在的疆域?)


-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

Raymond Chan
Does any European business man concern about "30 millions deaths in ming dynasty transition, 20 millions during taiping rebellion, 25 millions during manchu conquest and around 20 millions during an luchan rebellion", when investments come from China?


China would collapse if we stopped trade with it. Let's stop the politically correct hand holding. They would collapse, we would go through *maybe* a recession. But they would just utterly fail. Is this mean? No, **** them

如果我们终止与中国的贸易,中国将会崩溃。让我们停止政治上的接洽吧,他们将崩溃,我们有可能会经历衰退,但是他们将完全崩溃。是这个意思么? 不,该死的中国人。

-------------译者:猫记 审核者:tvenana-------------

umair usman
sure.. go ahead wise guy


Make in China sucks. No one needed China as little as 5 years ago. There is no need to give them compliments for stealing jobs with trade cheats. Move the factories out and let them pursue their own natural development of communism or whatever they call it where they don't let people have any rights.


umair usman
you freak, china has been making most of your stuff for at least the past 20 years



发表于 2012-11-19 13:03 | 显示全部楼层
其实,蜂巢蚁穴以及粪坑里面的关系都很错中复杂的了,so ,这其实不是问题。。。
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